Self love

By jazzyfizzisbubbly

26.8K 879 116

Love is something we all dream about, something we feel we need or want ONLY from our "dream guy/girl" somet... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
chapter 24
Chapter 25 (THE END)

chapter 10

547 32 3
By jazzyfizzisbubbly

“Girl I am tired of this now!” Abby complained

“Oh I’m sorry that going out and partying isn’t the first thing I have on my to do list. It’s not like I have stuff to do or anything like that” I shot back

“No you don’t that’s the point!”

“I do to” I said getting a little defensive

“Oh really like what? Curling up in bed and crying?”

“Doesn’t matter what I have to do I’m busy”

“Kayli come on” she pleaded softening her voice “Its almost been a month since you and David broke up”

“Don’t say his name!“ I hissed

“Fine! It’s been almost a month since you and the douche broke up. Don’t you think it’s time you move on? He has already. Maybe a lot faster than expected but you got to do the same.”

“I’ve moved on”

“Then why are you still depressed”

“I am not depressed”

“Then why are you still dressing like that”

“I look perfectly fine” I retorted

“Oh wait I’m sorry” she said dramatically holding up her finger then pretended to take  a call, “the bride of Frankenstein called, she wants her hair back”

“Not funny Abby”

“Seriously Kayli you literally woke up like this” she said gesturing to my face and outfit”

“I’ll take that as a compliment”

“If I were you I wouldn’t. Seriously you look like you’ve been robbed and the only clothes you have left are your gym clothes. Meanwhile Mrs.Igotyourman is over there looking like she fell out of a magazine, you gotta step up your game”

“I don’t want to step up my game. Has it occurred to you that maybe I like dressing like this”

“Well obviously you like it because you’ve worn that shirt every day for the past week and that’s what worries me.”

“So what? who cares. It’s not like I have anyone to dress up for or impress” I mumbled

“Dress up for yourself!”

“That’s what I’m doing right now but obviously I’m doing it wrong.” I mumbled

“then dress up for me…… your best friend”

“I do dress up for you, I dress up for you every day. If I wasn’t dressing up I’d be naked“ she rolled her eyes at my comment

“Look at least try to look decent tonight and comb your hair tonight for God’s sake. Your hair looks like you’ve been fighting with a raccoon and the raccoon won.” I threw my fry at her offensive yet funny comment “hey! It’s the truth”

“Whatever, and I haven’t changed my mind about the party. I’m not going”

“Yes you are as a matter of fact I’ll be over at 6 to dress you, I don’t trust you to dress yourself”

“I’m not going”

“Yes you are if it even means that Andrew and I are gonna drag you to that party”

“Andrew?” I asked confused “how does he fit in to this?”

“We’ve been talking about you and we all agree that this party will be good for you”

“We all?”

“Yea” she said scratching the back of her neck awkwardly “Andrew and your parents and of course myself”


“Yea they think it will be great for you to go out and act like a normal teenager again”

“Those f***ing hypocrites. They were against me having a boyfriend but they have no problem sending me to a party with drunken teenagers”

“Don’t look at it like that please”

“Whatever you know I hate parties “

“Just because you didn’t get a personal invite doesn’t mean-“

“That’s not why“ I said cutting her off “Like I’ve said a million times they’re dumb I’d rather be in my bed watching netflix”

“But this isn’t like any ordinary dumb house party. You know that club downtown? This senior got her parents to book it out for a senior party. You know, celebrating us leaving this hell hole soon. Your never gonna get another opportunity like this. They don’t let teenagers into clubs everyday!”

“Actually they do if you’ve got a fake idea”

“Kayli please we gotta make a few more memories before we go”

“no thanks, not the kind of memories I want”

“Kayli please. You’re my best friend and I want you there I don’t have any other friends“ that was all it took to win me over. How could I say no when she pulled the ‘you’re my only friend’ card.

So at 8pm that night I found myself being pampered by mom and Abby. Andrew had taken it upon himself to situate his unwanted ass in the room and make smart ass comments about every little thing.

Like how weird I looked with setters in my hair and how all the make up in the world wouldn’t make me look any better so they were wasting their time.

Finally when my mom had had enough she threatened to slap him with the hot curling iron and he reluctantly retreated from the room.

“I brought a dress for Kayli to wear ” Abby announced when they were finally done with my hair and make up “I wasn’t sure that she’d have anything appropriate to wear since she hasn’t been to a real party before”

Abby went over to her bag then pulled out a leather body con dress with sheer sleeves  and a deep V-cut back. The dress looked pretty short and my mom was looking at it with clear disapproval in her eyes.

“I don’t think that is appropriate for a 17 year old to wear” she finally announced. This is why teenagers don’t let their parents help them get ready for parties!

“But this dress is so cute Mrs. Parker and I know it looks short but it isn’t that short. I spent like $35 buying it for Kayli to wear.” Abby pleaded

“You bought a dress for her to wear? I thought it was one of your dresses”

“No I just wanted my best friend to look good so I used my savings to get her something nice” she sighed dramatically then dropped it on her bag.

“I just hope my mom hasn’t thrown away the receipt or my month’s allowance would have been wasted“ she said loud enough for my mom to hear. I was fully familiar with Abby tactics.

More than likely she didn’t buy the dress for me, she probably still had the receipt, and her allowance was still sitting quite fine in her bank account.

My mom had however fallen for Abby’s trick and was starting feel bad.

“I guess just for tonight but Kayli has to wear tights under it and a jacket” she announced still looking unsure

“Thank you so much Mrs. Parker!” Abby squealed running over to hug my mom.

“Don’t make me regret this Abigail. I guess I better go downstairs and see what your father is doing” my mom said making an excuse to leave the room. As soon as we heard her footsteps descend down the stairs we both burst out laughing.

“Oh my gosh I can’t believe that worked on your mom” she gasped clutching her stomach “My mom would have never bought it!”

“That’s because your mom is fully aware of all your lies and strategies”

“it wasn’t all a lie” I raised my eyebrow at that urging her to continue “ Well I did buy the dress with my weekly allowance but then when it arrived it couldn’t fit me and I was too lazy to send it back but it will fit you perfect so technically I bought it for you without knowing at the time”

“yea but isn’t your weekly allowance like $50?”

“yea but I had to pay for shipping and all of that”

“Whatever you might have gotten my Mom to agree but I’m not wearing that it’s so not me and it’s way too short and exposes too much of my skin!” and 5 minutes later I was wearing the dress. Abby had a way of getting you to do whatever she wanted you to do.

I finally slipped on my black toms despite Abby’s disapproving glares and comments, I had to stand my grown on this. She got the dress so I got the shoes. There was no way I was going to a club wearing heels. 

I didn’t feel like looking in the mirror tonight. I just had a small feeling that if I looked, I wouldn’t like what I saw and then I’d lose whatever confidence I’d gain from the million compliments Abby had given me in the last 5 minutes. So if she said I looked good I’d believe her and go with it.

Abby was already dressed in a floral print bralette, black skater skirt and low pink pumps. Her blonde hair fell in loose curls similar to mine over her shoulders and down her back with a bow at the top to complete it all.

She looked beautiful as I always; I on the other had probably not so much.

“selfie time!” she squealed before pulling out her phone. I decided not to protest and save my energy for tonight since it would most likely be a long night. After taking at least 30 different selfies she was finally satisfied and so we rushed downstairs and into her car.

I wasn’t wearing any tights like my mom had requested because Abby said they would throw off the outfit especially with the fact that I had already started ruining it by not wearing heels.

So when my mom yelled from the dining room that she wanted to see us before we left Abby and I made a run for it yelling back that there was no time and that if we didn’t leave now we would be late.

The party was supposed to start at 6:30 but here we were pulling into the parking lot at 9. Bad asses as Abby would say are never on time.

The parking lot was full but we managed to find one parking spot after driving around for a full 5 minutes when another driver left. I could already hear the vibration of the music and feel the headache I knew I would I receive when I stepped inside the club with the loud music.

I got out the car then glanced at the long line of teenagers at the door. Well thank God I didn’t wear heels tonight.

“Hurry up!” I urged Abby as she checked her make up in her mirror.

“Look at that. Now you’re the one eager to get in the club!”

“No I’m not I just want to get this done and over with already and I don’t quite fancy standing in lines so hurry it up will you!”

“Fine I’m coming, I’m coming” she got out of the car then closed the door and we made our way over to the entrance. The lines were moving surprisingly fast.

They did however require for you to present your Id, you school Id that is, to ensure that you were a teenager. No adults were allowed in and if you weren’t a senior at high school you weren’t allowed in either.

When we finally got inside the club my mood lifted at the sight. I would be lying if I said it didn’t look freaking awesome. The club was pack with seniors not only from our school but the other schools in our county.

The club was dark but neon lights flashed all around illuminating the room a little. Fog swirled around the room and confetti slowly made its way from the ceiling to the students on the dance floor.

“Let’s dance!” Abby yelled over the music not wasting anytime.

“Wouldn’t you rather get a drink first?”

“what’s the point! You really think they’re gonna serve alcoholic beverages to a bunch of teenagers!” point taken

The only chance anyone had of getting drunk was bringing their own drinks or drinking before they got here. But I didn’t mind I was already getting high of the vibe in the room and the feel of the music.

I let loose for the first in a long time. I forgot about David and Josephine and just had fun. I placed my hands in the air while moving my hips to the beat of the music keeping my eyes close. With eyes close I felt like I was in surreal world. I could finally escape the problems I had, even if it was just for a little bit.

Abby turned around then started dancing on me. I laughed at her antics but pretended to grind on her like I saw the boys doing to girls in vines on Facebook.

Nobody seemed to care, everyone else was just dancing and enjoying themselves. For the next ten minutes we danced like this enjoying every minute of it before Abby yelled to me over the music that she had to use the bathroom.

I was enjoying myself way to much so I told her I was staying on the dance floor. Surprisingly my feet didn’t get tired and so I kept moving my body. I even started to twerk a little when Beyoncé’s 7/11 came on. This was Abby’s song and I knew she’d be pissed when she came back and found out that she missed it.  

I didn’t move away or even flinch when I felt a male’s body press up behind me while ‘Often’ by the weeknd blasted through the club. I continued to move my body on his.

At some point during us dancing  I had lifted my hands behind my head and held on to his neck while his hands had someway found their way to my waist. We danced together for at least 3 songs before Abby came back.

She seemed pleased that I had found somebody to dance with and I swear I even saw her smirking when he nuzzled his head in my neck. I could feel him getting hard from my dancing and pretty soon he turned me around and pulled me to him.

He tilted my chin up then stared into my eyes. I stared back into his intensely before wrapping my hands around his neck then pulled his head down towards my lips.

The kiss was heated and hungry. Much different from the kisses that I use to have with David, his lips didn’t taste like David’s and I didn’t feel the chemistry that I felt when I kissed David. I didn’t want to think about David or his kisses so I kissed ..….. shit I didn’t even know his name yet but here I was making out with him.

After a second of contemplating I decided that I didn’t care about his name. When his hands made their way to my ass I bit down on his bottom lip and he moaned into my mouth.

.It was sexy and it urged me to continue. I don’t know what got into me, if I was in my right mind I would have never done anything like this. Sadly I didn’t have alcohol to blame for my sudden brave yet slutty antics since I hadn’t been drinking.

But I could definitely blame the fact that I had completely forgotten about David thanks to the pleasure I was receiving from kissing this stranger and it was a damn good feeling to not think about that bastard.

I ran fingers through his hair then tugged on the strands earning myself another moan from him. We continued making out for what felt like hours before we were sadly interrupted by Abby who reminded me that we had to back home at 12 and it was now 12:15.

“I’ve got to go” I yelled over the music to him

“so soon?” he yelled back not letting go of me.

“yea” I pouted then batted my eyelashes. Who the hell was this girl that had possessed my body? He smirked then handed me his phone to put in my number. I added my name with a wink then gave him one last kiss. He groaned when I pulled away then reluctantly took his hands from around me.

“I’ll call you”

“You do that” I said before winking and turning to leave with Abby.

“OH MY GOSH KAYLI WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT” abby screamed as soon as we were outside the club. We both started giggling before I shrugged.

“I don’t know”

“I knew this party was a good idea” she seemed pleased and didn’t need to ask me if I had enjoyed myself because it was evident that I had.

We both remained quiet through the ride home, it was after mid night and we were both extremely tired. I leaned my head on the window and bit my lips while thinking about my night. It was during that point that I realized that

I still didn’t know the dude’s name.


Another fast update in the same week for all my loves. Please don't forget to vote and comment 

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