The fuck (Hiatus)

By Mads0the0bitch

7.1K 300 11

deku-squad isn't hiding anythin, that's what evveryone thinks, but what if they hid something that could cha... More

We are our own heros!
What ?
Oh wait
bitch what?
Moving into the dorms
Oh nooo
USJ (2)
search and you may find
Fucking Monday
Heroic lesson
Heroics lesson (2)
Suprise shawwty
Wait a damn minute
live is a bitch
Wakie wakie
dark day
Watch your steps
Aftermath (2)
Where are they?
Training Camp
Training camp (2)
Training camp (3)
Training camp (4)
Training camp(5)
Training camp(6)
Training camp (7)
Training camp (8)
Training camp (9)
Training camp (10)
Training camp (11)
To be remebered
dark suprise

New member

251 11 0
By Mads0the0bitch

Hawks and the 3 were still unconsious, it has been 2 days. The 4 were laying in the same room and were watched by the rest of the leader. "When should they wake up again?" asked Shinso. "They should wake up today." responded Ochaco. True to her words, after some time the four woke up one after another.

"Ooff.. How long were we out?" asked Izuku only Hawks was unconious at the moment. "2 days, You guys, sure are dumb sometimes." replied Ochaco. "Hey! You would have doone the same!" exclaimed Todoroki. "Anyways, How is Hawks?" asked Iida. "He should, nope he is wake again." said Shinso looking at Hawks, who was awake but still was laying down. "Hi?" responded Hawks unsure of what to do. "Hey, how are you feeling?" asked Ochaco going over to him to check up on him. "Good, i guess." answered Hawks, then his eyes narrowed and then widden. "You guys don't happened to be the 6 childeren that were presumed dead a few months back?" asked Hawks. "Yeah, that was us, Takami." answered Izuku. "I- You know what i don't even question how you know my name. What makes me curious is, why are you here with me?" asked Hawks. "Oh, right. you didn't see us without our disguises, we are the ones you talked to from the lost ones." answered Shinso scratiching the back of his head. "I- WHAT!?" exclaimed Hawks. "Suprise?" said Izuku. "But that would mean, you were free for 5 years and instead of going back to your families, you stayed hidden. Why did you not go back?" asked Hawks getting is compouser back together. "We all had shitty lifes before, we got kidnaped. But because we got kidnaped we found our new family." responded  Izuku. "Aren't two of you having a hero in their family? How could it be that your have a shitty lifes?"  asked Hawks. "Endeavore stole my childhood. He abused me and called it training, never let me be with my siblings. He made the oldes run away and my mother is in a mental hospital, after she poured boiling water over my left side." said Todoroki. "Woah, I knew he was an ass, but this is." commented Hawks. "I got negelected by my parents after i turned 4. They only cared for my older brother and left me to myself. My brother ignored me most of the times, always saying that he had work to do or just  not the time. I needed to raise myself." said Iida. Hawks looked at him shocked. "I am sorry. What about the others and could you say your names, i know the names but not who is who." said Hawks. "My family is broke and my parents blamed me for it. My father hit me sometimes and i was negelected too. I am Ochaco, the day i was kidnaped my parents disowned me." said Ochaco. "My father left me when he found out i was quirkless. My mother negelected and if she was drunk, she would beat me. In school i was bullied and my ex-childhoodfriend used his quirk on me. My name is Izuku, like Ochaco i was disowned by my parents." said Izuku. "I- What the fuck?!" exclaimed Hawks. "My parents put a muzzel on me, when they found out that my quirk is brainwashing. They beaten me and locked me into my room. I could ony come out to go to school. In school i was bullied, too. I'm Shinso Hitoshi." said Shinso. Hawks looked horrofied. "I was lefft to myself, after my siblings were born. My parents always said i am old enough to handle things on my own. When something happened to my siblings, i was blamed for it and got punished, even if i couldn't have done anything to change something . I was forced to give my things to my siblins, if they wanted to have them. My siblings told my parents lies to get me into trouble. My name is Asui Tsuyu, but call me Tsu." said Tsu. "I can't belive it, how aren't you out for revenge or something? And how came no hero helped you? Man we fucked up, big time..." said Hawks. "Takami, we know about the hero child program you were in and we know that you know Touya, Sho's oldest brother. We knnow about it everything." stated Izuku. "I didn't think you would... No one beside the hero comission and me know about it." muttered Hawks.

"The sad stuff to the side. Can i become a member?" asked Hawks. "Sure, but it could be dangerous for you. Keep in mind you are a well known hero." answered Izuku. "Yeaah, the whole reason, why we talked to you from the beginning, was to make sure you are alright." added Ochaco. "Wait really? You couldn't have know that i wouldn't arrest you, but you still did it, just make sure i was alright?" questioned Hawks disbelieving. The 6 nodded their heads and smiled at him. "If you don't mind, you could be like our spy inside the hero comunity." stated Izuku. "So, i would rat out heros to you?" asked Hawks. "No no. Nothing like that, more like help to keep our people save from being in the system and maybe if one is catched help them to get out. The rest of the time you would just do hero work and help, like yu alway done." explained Izuku. "That does sound logical, i'm in." responded Hawks. "There is only a little thing you should be aware of. The pager will alert you if your are the nearest person to one that is injured and needs help. It is a given in our organisation to go and help, no matter what, only exeption would be, that if you go that other people would be in danger. If that is the case, there is a button that you get shown, which would then alarm the next one to go. We can change the beeping to vibration for when we are around people, so they don't get notice of the padger. It is a simple button on tthe padgers side that is used for it." explained Shinso. "How do you have this kind of hihg tech?" asked Hawks. Tsu, Ohaco and Todoroki pointed to Iida, Izuku and Shinso. "Well, Hito and i may have a neck to build things and are a bit crazy. Tenya normally keeps us in check, so we don't go overboard and work on a project non stop. He does give us good ideas tho." said Izuku. "Okay... So how long would it be till i can return to my hero work?" asked Hawks a bit creeped out by the smiles from Shinso and Izuku. "Oh that would be in about 3 days, till then Hito and Izu, should be have been able to redesign your padger so it looks not like ours and be sus." replied Ochaco and the eyes of the named dou lit up. "You think, what i think?" Shinso asked Izuku. "You bet i do!" exclaimed  Izuku. The two went out the room giggling. "What the..? Isnt Izuku hurt? How come he can move around like nothing happened?" asked Hawks kind of scared after the giggling of the two. "He has a high pain tolerance, but he knows not to strain his body to much. We will just need to make them sleep after sometime and tell them to eat something at some point. That is pretty normal." explained Tsu shrugging. "Ähmm... okay. How did you manage to find me anyways?" asked Hawks. "We found one of your feathers on a other rescue mission, you sent a sos signal with it. after that we contacted the heros to asked them if they saw you in the last 2 days. When they said no. We alarmed everyone that was near Musutafa and they all searched for you in diffrent ways. One of them then found you by Hades and everyone regrouped near the location. The heros came too after Hito, Tenya and Izu explained that we may need their help and who it is we are up against. Nezu help us and ordered the heros to follow them. They protecte the hostages the Squad Alpha and Omega brought outside. We went to find you and well after that you know what happend." explained Tsu. Hawks nodded and closed his eyes needing a bit sleep after all that.

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