The fuck (Hiatus)

By Mads0the0bitch

7.1K 300 11

deku-squad isn't hiding anythin, that's what evveryone thinks, but what if they hid something that could cha... More

We are our own heros!
What ?
bitch what?
New member
Moving into the dorms
Oh nooo
USJ (2)
search and you may find
Fucking Monday
Heroic lesson
Heroics lesson (2)
Suprise shawwty
Wait a damn minute
live is a bitch
Wakie wakie
dark day
Watch your steps
Aftermath (2)
Where are they?
Training Camp
Training camp (2)
Training camp (3)
Training camp (4)
Training camp(5)
Training camp(6)
Training camp (7)
Training camp (8)
Training camp (9)
Training camp (10)
Training camp (11)
To be remebered
dark suprise

Oh wait

264 11 0
By Mads0the0bitch

It had been a few days after Hawks had snapped, he still did his hero work, but left the group tasked to  catch the vigilants. He didn't replied to anything that had to do with the lost ones. 

"Any luck with Hawks?" asked Tsukauchi. "No, the moment someone metentions the lost ones, he leaves or completly ignores everyone." answered Aizawa. They had another meeting about thhe vigilant group Lost ones. Attending were Aizawa, Yamada, Ms. Joke, Kamui Woods, Midnight, Nezu and Tsukauchi alonge with some officers. "Why though? Did something happen?" asked Kamui woods. "The last meeting we had, we found out that Hawks has contact to the group. They apperently talk to eachother if they cross path and help each other out. Hawks accidently slipped up and we asked him about it. It ended in a fight between us." explained Aizawa. "He completly lost it. He was mad, i never saw him like this. He yelled at us that we treat the wrong and that they are active for about 5 years. He wasn't sure about that tho." added Tsukauchi. "He did say that the group exist, because the members were faild by us. Tha we couldn't save them or that we didn't even know about them being in danger. The funders have expierence it and made this group to help those, who are overlook or are lost. They kidnapped kids or teenagers that live in abusives houshold, we look into it and it is true. Every damn kid they took, showed signs of abusing. The groups name actually refers to all of that. At least that is what Hawks yelled at us." said Yamada. The heros sat ther thinking about it. "And we can't talk to Hawks anymore?" asked Ms. Joke.  "Nope, we tried." replied Tsukauchi. "How about we follow him and if the groups shows up than Midnight can knock them out." suggestef Woods. "Doesn't work, their maskes protect them from every poisionious gas, that includs Midnight's quirk and sleeping gas." responded Tsukauchi. "What about if we just ambush them instead?" asked Woods. "I know it would be logical, but we don't know how Hawks would react and we know that they are good fighters on their own." responded Aizawa. "We would need to somehow seperat them, and then try to catch them." stated Nezu. 

Just then Aizawas phone went off. "What the? I did silence it." said Aizawa and pulled his phone out. He answered it and only seconds later looked paniced. He put the call on speaker. "This is an emergency! Has anyone seen Hawks in the last 2 days?!" asked the caller. "No, why?" asked Nezu already not liking were this is going. "Shit! Get the others out and search for him!" said the voice but it was clear he was talking to others and not them. "What is happening?!" asked Aizawa. "Hawks vanished and we found evidents just now that he is held captive!" said the voice. "Who are you and why do you know this?" asked Nezu. "I believe you already know it, Nezu. i am from the lost ones. We had a rescue mission just now and found one of Hawks feders, but not him. He still controled it, till a few moments ago. He managed to give us an SOS signal with it. If we have the right information about the ones behind it, he is in extrem danger!" explained the voice. "Why are you informing us?" asked Nezu. "Gad damit! We just recive the confirmation, it is Hades who got Hawks. We need you to get him out befor it is to late! We are willing to help, no we are helping." the voice said. "Why and who is Hades?" asked Aizawa. "We are coming to you and explain it as fast as we can! What you now need to know is that Hawks had save some of us or helped us to save others after our first meeting. Nezu i want you to get every damn hero that is now aviable and that you would trust with your life!" said the voice and ened the call. 

"You heard them! Get me the rest of the UA teachers, Garn Torino, Igenium and Thirteen!" ordered Nezu. "Tsukauchi inform the rest of the officer not to act against the people from Lost ones." Nezu added. Everyone did as they were told. After around 10 min the doors of the police station flew open. There standing were 3 of the 6 group members. "Where is Nezu?" aske the one in very dark green jacket. On their back was a symbole, it looked like a triskele with dots between the spirals. "Here! Follow me, so we can plan" called Nezu out. The 3 run to him and before Nezu could do anything he was swept of the gground and carried by the one in dark lilac and the same symbol. The 3 bursted through the meeting room doors and set Nezu down again. "Sorry about that, but we need every second we have." apologized the green one. 

"Shado, Mindis and Reap, if i am right?" asked Aizawa. "Yeah, I am Shado, the one in dark lilac is Mindis, and the one in dark blue is Reap, we already know, who you are all are, so we can skip the greetings." said Shado. "Right, so first off who is Hades?" asked Nezu. "They are an organsition, that is manly known for human trafficing. What not many know is that they torture and sometimes even make their prisoners fight.. to death. It is also known that they use their prisioners to expierment to find new drugs, they can sell or make them self stronger. Not many survive the expiements. We only know of 4 that managed to survive. They have fun to break the people meantaly and doo the horrofing things to them." Shado explained. "How do you know about this and not us?" asked Vlad King. "Well some of us were once held captive by them. The video, that Eraserhead had found of the 6 kids, was from them. You don't know about them, because they are good at erasing their trace and have people that help them to stay out of your view. You have a traitor in the police force." replied Mindis. "How did they managed to escaped and how do you know it was those 6 kids?" asked Aizawa. "We saw them, we were held captive with them. We saw what had happened to them, but that isn't important right now. We need to make a plan how to get Hawks out of there, before they do anything to him!" said Reap. "They escaped because they worked together and had luck." answered Shado. "Yeah very much luck." muttered Mindis. "Our people are currently looking for Hawks and any traces." said Shado and threw a wrist band to Nezu. "It is a padger like we have only more restricted, connect it to a computer and you can see the information we have at the moment. It connects you to the rest of the llost ones and yoou can communicat with us like this. You can't trace us back with it and the momennt we decided you don't need it anymore we can power it off." explained Shado. The heros were stunned. "What the-? Could it be that i can see your vitals over this too?" asked Nezu after connecting it. "Oh yeah that is a feature that can't be blocked, If someones vitals are dangerous low it automaticaly send out a sos signal to the ones near that person." said Mindis shrugging. They planned their next steps.

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