Pinky Promise

By Licutie269

17.5K 273 27

Not wanting to be just another dead girl Beth asks Daryl to teach her how to survive in this new world. Work... More

Pinky Promise Part 1
Pinky Promise Part 2
Pinky Promise Part 3
Pinky Promise Part 4
Pinky Promise Part 5
Pinky Promise Part 6
Pinky Promise Part 7
Pinky Promise Part 8
Pinky Promise Part 9
Pinky Promise Part 10
Pinky Promise Part 11
Pinky Promise Part 12
Pinky Promise Part 13
Pinky Promise Part 14
Pinky Promise Part 15
Pinky Promise Part 16
Pinky Promise Part 17
Pinky Promise Part 18
Pinky Promise Part 19
Pinky Promise Part 20
Pinky Promise Part 21
Pinky Promise Part 22
Pinky Promise Part 23
Pinky Promise Part 24
Pinky Promise Epilogue

Pinky Promise Part 25

466 6 2
By Licutie269

Tugging at the collar of his button down shirt Daryl looked out across the courtyard of the prison as the residents either took seats or stood waiting. "How'd I get talked into this?" he muttered.

"Cuz I needed a best man and you love me," Glenn responded from where they stood at the end of the wedding aisle that had been created. Hearing Rick snort from where he stood as officiant both men turned to look at him.

"I think it's more like he loves Beth and she asked him too," Rick stated.

"You know it's my wedding day, can I at least pretend it had something to do with me?" Glenn questioned with a slight pout.

Seeing Beth coming out of the prison wearing a pale blue sundress with a crown of wild flowers in her hair Daryl felt his heart stop, "Nah, pretty sure it has to do with her," he replied nodding at the blonde as she spoke to JD who was manning the CD player.

"Well I'm gonna pretend it has to do with me," Glenn grumbled as Rick laughed.

Hearing the music begin the three men turned their attention to the other end of the aisle where Beth stood waiting as Maggie and Hershel walked out of the prison to join her.

"God," Glenn breathed out as he caught sight of his wife to be. Glancing at Glenn Daryl snorted, "If you cry I swear to God," he muttered.

"Shut up," Glenn replied, "I'll remember that when you're down here waiting for Beth."

Feeling his chest tighten at the thought Daryl watched as she began to walk down the aisle. He didn't think marriage was something he was capable of, but as Beth caught his eye and gave him the most radiant smile Daryl decided for Beth he'd try.

As he thought it over he decided nothing much would have to change. They were already raising Judith together and living together in the prison. The only thing that would change would be her last name. At the thought of her taking his last name and being introduced as his wife he felt his pants tightening. Shifting uncomfortably he cleared his throat.

Glancing over at his best man Glenn smirked, "Guess it won't be long before we switch roles," he whispered as Beth was nearly at the end of the aisle.

Opening his mouth to retort Daryl was cut off by a very loud screech coming from Carol's lap where Judith sat. Seeing Beth the baby raised her arms and kicked her legs babbling her baby speak.

Laughing Beth swooped the baby up from Carol's arms and settled her on her hip before taking her place on the opposite side from Glenn and Daryl. Winking across the aisle at Daryl she blew him a kiss before turning her attention to her sister and daddy walking down the aisle next.

Daryl figured he should pay attention to whatever spiel Rick was giving about love and marriage, but he couldn't stop watching Beth from across the aisle. She was like an angel. A flame that burned through his darkness.

Truth be told today wasn't the first time he'd thought of giving her his last name. Since that moment he'd walked into the infirmary two weeks ago and seen her hurt it had been on his mind. She'd scared the shit out of him that day.

Catching her eye he winked as she smiled at him before turning back to the wedding ceremony.

Once the vows had been said and the I dos were repeated and Glenn had planted a very R rated kiss on his new wife Rick made the announcement of the new Mr. and Mrs. Rhee and the two turned to head back down the aisle.

Moving towards Beth he took her arm as they practiced and they followed the married couple down the aisle.

"You look beautiful," Daryl whispered into her ear as they walked. Smiling up at him she giggled, "You're looking pretty handsome yourself," she replied.

Once everyone had a chance to eat JD, who'd come from Woodbury along with Emma, Sasha, Tyreese, and Andrea, flipped on the CD player to allow for everyone to dance.

Beth sat next to him watching as several people began dancing to music that quickly made his head hurt. Laughing as Maggie crooked her finger towards her sister Beth kissed his cheek, "I'll be back," she told him before standing from the picnic table. Kissing Judith's head from where she sat in her high chair Beth promised to dance with her later before she went to join her sister.

He didn't know how long he sat there simultaneously watching Beth dance and tending to Judith. Daryl could tell she was having a good time. Her cheeks were flushed and she hadn't stopped once. First being whisked away by Hershel, then Rick, Glenn and JD. She'd even had a dance with Merle.

Currently she was twirling little Luke and Mika around the makeshift dance floor.

"You gonna nut up and ask your lady to dance?" Merle questioned as he sat down at the picnic table. "This music is shit," Daryl muttered. Snorting Merle rolled his eyes, "Ya gotta get out there for those slow ones."

"She's havin fun. Don't need me out there," he responded as Carol came walking up with a bowl of oatmeal for Judith. "I'm gonna take over little lady here so you get your ass out there with Beth," she told him sternly turning Judith's high chair towards her.

"Better listen to the lady," Merle laughed, "Unless you want wanna those gossiping fools askin ya to dance instead," he said motioning to the two women from Woodbury who were always giggling while he was around.

"Pretty sure they were daring each other to come ask," Carol interjected. Glancing at them giggling at the next table Daryl rolled his eyes, "Fuck that shit," he grumbled standing from the table. "Ya know I won't be surprised when her first word is a cuss word," Carol chastised as she covered the baby's ears.

Shrugging Daryl kissed Judith's head before making his way towards Beth. Noticing Daryl making his way to her Beth bent down to kiss the kids heads before sending them on their way.

"I've been ignoring you," she stated as he stopped in front of her. "You're having fun," he replied with a shrug, "Next slow one is mine though," he told her, running his fingers down her arm and over the scar from her bullet wound.

"It's aching," she admitted quietly. "Should put your sling back on," he told her.

Hearing the sounds of a new song Beth smiled, "I will but you owe me a dance first," she replied stepping closer and cuddling into him with her head on his chest.

Wrapping his arms around her Daryl swayed to the music as he listened to the lyrics.

Humming he let out a slight chuckle, "This song is pretty accurate," he told her as the singer spoke about not being the kind of guy who danced but for his girl he'd do anything.

"Yeah? I've got you in the palm of my hand?" she questioned raising her head slightly and kissing his jaw. "You know you do," he replied, tipping her chin up with his finger to kiss her mouth.

If Maggie and Glenn's kiss was rated R Beth and Daryl's was down right NC17. Using all of his willpower Daryl pulled away from her as she groaned. "Later," he promised in her ear.

Biting her lip Beth looked up at him with a wicked smile, "You ever have hot wedding sex in the bathroom?" she whispered. He'd done lost his mind as he took her hand and led her through the crowd towards the prison with her laughing behind him.

They made it as far as their cell block before Daryl pushed her against the wall and kissed her. "Are we alone?" she questioned making quick work of his belt and shoving his pants down.

"Don't fuckin care," he answered as he picked her up and shoved her underwear to the side before entering her swiftly. "Holy fucking shit," she breathed out. "Best hold on this is gonna be fast," he murmured, kissing her neck before pulling out and thrusting back into her warm center.

Within minutes they were both falling over the edge together. Coming down from her orgasm Beth giggled, "God, I love you," she told him stroking her hand through his hair.

Placing her back down on the ground Daryl hiked his pants back up before slowly kissing her, "You know I love you too, right?" he asked as he held her face in his hands.

Blinking Beth smiled, "Yeah, but it's really nice to hear too."

"Should've told you sooner," he admitted. Shaking her head Beth turned her face to kiss the palm of his hand, "I didn't need the words, Daryl. You show me everyday."

"I'm gonna keep showing you as long as you'll have me."

"Well I don't plan on letting you go anytime soon," she told him, "I'm taking this to my grave."

"Don't fucking say that," he bit out harshly running a hand over her scar again, "You scared the shit out of me that day."

Swallowing Beth bit her lip, "We never really talked about it. It scared the shit out of me too," she admitted, "The thought of never seeing you and Judith again."

"You held your own," he acknowledged, "But it's gonna be a really long time before you go outside these walls without me," he declared. "I'm okay with that," she responded.


"Mama!" cried ten month old Judith as she wiggled in Carol's arms after catching sight of Beth coming into the cell block from outside. "Dada!" she greeted as Daryl walked in behind Beth.

Pulling her crossbow off her back Beth left it on one of the tables as she hurried to take Judith from Carol, "Hi, Sweet Girl. Were you good for Aunt Carol?" she questioned kissing Judith's little face as she giggled and grabbed at Beth's hair.

"She was an angel," Carol answered, "And Uncle Merle taught her something new."

"Oh that can't be good," Daryl muttered as he kissed Judith's forehead.

"Nothing bad, but we are gonna have to start baby proofing around here," Carol replied, "Set her down and she'll show you."

Glancing at Daryl Beth set Judith down on the floor on her bottom. "Alright Judith show mama and dada what you learned while they were away," Carol instructed as she squatted next to the baby.

Smiling Judith crawled across the floor to the nearest table and proceeded to use the bench to pull herself up to her feet. Holding onto the bench she turned and smiled at Beth and Daryl.

Squealing Beth clapped her hands, "Look at you big girl," she exclaimed. "Wait it gets better," Carol told her as Judith let go of the bench and stood on shaking legs. Taking one step away from the bench she lost balance and landed on her diapered butt.

"Oh my God! She took a step," Beth laughed as Daryl scooped Judith up off the floor and kissed her little face. "She'll be walking before we know it," Carol declared as Daryl praised the baby.

Later that night Beth sat in her and Daryl's cell writing in the baby book that Daryl had found on a run a few months back. Beth had written everything she could think of in the book about the baby's first couple months of life to give to the girl when she was older.

"She's down for the night," Daryl informed her as he walked into their cell after putting Judith to sleep. Raising her head Beth smiled, "Thank you for putting her to bed. I was able to write down her first step," she told him, holding up the baby book.

Taking the book Daryl set it on their table before kicking off his boots, "You got room for one more in that bed?" he questioned unbuckling his belt and dropping his pants.

Pulling the blanket back she scooted over, "You know it," she answered as he crawled into bed with her. Curling herself around him Beth sighed, "This is my favorite part of the day," she told him tracing random patterns on his chest.

Feeling his arm tighten around her and his lips in her hair Beth sighed in contentment.

"I'm thinkin the weather would be good in May," Daryl whispered as he slipped a ring onto her finger. Sitting up so quickly she swore she gave herself whiplash Beth turned wide eyes onto a smiling Daryl.

"What?" she breathed out looking from him to the ring on her finger.

"I want ya to marry me, Beth. Want ya to have my last name," he declared. Blinking Beth shook her head, "Really?"

"Yes really," he responded, "Less ya don't want to," he said unsure of himself now.

"Of course I want to," Beth exclaimed, throwing herself down on top of him and kissing him till they were both panting for breath.

"So that's a yes?"

"That's a hell fucking yes," Beth told him laughing as Daryl flipped her over onto her back. "Ya know that mouth of yours turns me on," he reminded her as he kissed her, running his hands up her shirt to palm one of her naked breasts. 

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