Dandelions - House of Anubis1...

By PevensieDreams

9.5K 135 7

"What's up with Mick? What did you do?" "Nothing! what makes you think I did something?" "Because it's you... More

EPIGRAPH(edited x2)
♡︎ONE ♡︎ - House of secrets
♡︎T W O ︎♡︎ - house of attiude
♡︎THREE ♡︎ - House of the blackbird
♡︎FOUR ♡︎- house of dares
♡︎FIVE♡︎ - house of locks/ house of eyes
꧁SIX -SEVEN ꧂- house of agendas / house of keys
꧁EIGHT꧂- House of discovery
꧁NINE ꧂ - House of hyper
꧁TEN ꧂ - House of cheats
꧁ELEVEN ꧂- House of intruders
꧁TWELVE꧂ -house of proof
꧁THIRTEEN ꧂- House of Confrontation
꧂FOURTEEN ꧂- house of Alarms
꧁FIVETEEN ꧂- House of flames
꧁SIXTEEN ꧂ - House of passages
꧁SEVENTEEN꧂ - house of kidnap
꧁EIGHTEEN ꧂- House of catnap
꧂NINTEEN꧂- house of cameras
꧁TWENTY ꧂ - house of numbers
꧁TWENTY-ONE ꧂ - house of scares
꧁TWENTY-TWO ꧁- house of fakers
꧁T W E N T Y- T H R EE ꧂- house of identity
꧂T W E N T Y- F O U R꧂House of emergency
♡︎TWENTY-FIVE♡︎ - house of Reunion
♡︎TWENTY-SIX♡︎ - house of Memories
♡︎TWENTY-SEVEN ♡︎- House of drama/ house of codes part 1
♡︎TWENTY-EIGHT- ♡︎ -House of codes part 2/ house of risk
♡︎THIRTY ♡︎ - House of rendezvous
☾THIRTY-ONE ☽- house of arrest
☾THIRTY-TWO☾ - House of time
☾THIRTY-THREE ☽- house of masks
☾THIRTY-FOUR ☽- House of pursuit
☾THIRTY-FIVE☽ - house of yesterday/ house of Victory
☾THIRTY-SIX ☽- house of Bribes/ venom
☆Thirty-seven☆- House of the stars/House of Harsh
☆THIRTY-EIGHT☆ - house of lights
☆THIRTY-NINE☆ - house of Allegiance
☆FORTY☆ -House of pests
☆FORTY-ONE☆ house of revalation/Heavy
☆𝙁𝙊𝙍𝙏𝙔-𝙏𝙒𝙊 ☆- "House of Finale" part 1 (Hush/ Spies)
☆𝙁𝙊𝙍𝙏𝙔-𝙏𝙃𝙍𝙀𝙀 -☆ "House of Finale" part 2 (Sting/Never/Forever)

♡︎TWENTY NINE ♡︎ - House of Hazard/ house of Charades

87 1 0
By PevensieDreams

The four teens have been trapped inside a barn for 24 hours. The sun was already shining outside but there was no sign of this mystery man just yet, funny thing.. Benjamin and Carmela had disappeared sometime around 2 or 3 in the morning even though they were literally in the middle of nowhere .. surely wherever this place is can't be far from school grounds if didn't take a long car drive there last night.

Patricia and Rhianna had stayed close to one another the whole evening, both were super terrified about what might happen next. how could she have been so stupid? she thought this complete stranger would've helped them into getting Joy back yet it only created more problems. They were on the old sofa keeping themselves warm and safe, they couldn't help but wonder'has someone noticed we've gone?' surely by now everyone would be waking up having breakfast before their first few morning lessons.. let's just hope at least one person has realised something's off at home. The barn door opened and there stood Rene or whatever his name is, all they know is that he's a literal kidnaper. "Good morning you two" he coldly greeted them like nothing happened.


Over in the house, a few of them were downstairs having breakfast. "Have any of you seen Patricia ?" Mara asked her housemates she knew that are quit close with the redhead.

Now this question is what got them confused."Didn't she come home last night?" Nina questioned the girl standing opposite side of the table.

"No. Trudy said she went out with her aunt and uncle after the play but I thought she'd be back by now" Informed Mara though sounded like she were about to cry. "Are you alright Mara?" Fabian kindly asked since she did seem a bit upset about something."No, I need to talk to Patricia" she says despite no one knowing where their favourite goth was.

"Hey, you can talk to us if you like" Nina suggested although they weren't exactly quit close with her.

Just then Amber had showed up after sorting out a bowl of cereal in the kitchen. She stood beside Mara who took a glance at her before saying"No, I can't" and afterwards she left those four alone while Millington waited until her ex best friend had gone so she could speak. "Trouble in paradise" she says while sitting down in her chair.

Fabian quizzed as he didn't understand what she meant by that. "Her and Mick were Boyfriend and Girlfriend for one hour and then they broke up" Amber tells them without having a simple care in the world about their relationship status.

Nina asked one of her roommate. "Who knows " Replied Amber though they eventually changed subject, this topic was based on their two missing housemates. "Where do you think Patricia is? and I noticed this morning Rhianna wasn't in her bed, it was still made like she hadn't slept in it last night.. do you think they went somewhere together?"

"Hopefully with Joy and not Rufus" Responded Fabian about the first question. "really? yesterday, when the play finished I think Carmela tried getting Rhi to get some fresh air but she didn't want to go at first because her family was around, eventually she gave up and they left. I do find it strange how Sawyer seemed far too pleased that they were going outside.. mind you even Benjamin seemed a bit odd" he realised as he now remembered what happened during the whole chaotic scene.

"I thought they were one of the good guys?"
Amber quizzed although no one suspected their classmates could be bad people let alone some 'P.I'.. well.. Jerome might've guessed it a while back yet seemed to have forgotten. " Okay, it's impossible to keep track. we need a newsletter" she said whereas Fabian gave her an expression that read 'are you being serious'.

"I hope they're okay"
Nina spoke with a concerned facial expression, little did she know those two were far from okay.



"Did you sleep well?"
The man slyly asked them both as he entered his secret hideout, in his hand was a single clear water bottle, not two. one for themselves to maybe share. "Come to take our breakfast order?" Patricia responded with a hint of sarcasm but he didn't reply just gave her the bottle before taking out one of her highlight clips."What are you doing?! get off me" she spoke whilst moving away.

"Lay another hand on her and I won't hesitate to hurt you"
Rhianna snarled when seeing he was taking whatever belonged to them, next thing Rene/Rufus did is look inside her cardigan that she'd placed on the arm of the sofa at night then took her phone & an important tracker she normally uses for her daily medication."I need those! if I feel ill or low on energy that's your fault mate"she tried taking them back but he'd already stuffed the inside his coat pocket "someone will know we've gone missing" she declared as she went back to the position she had been sitting in.

"Hey! that's vintage!"
Cried out Patricia when he took a bracelet from her left wrist. "What do you want with us?" she softly asked since she didn't get why he even kidnapped them in the first place. "Nothing at all, just sit tight and enjoy a little 'me' time" Rene tells her like this situation wasn't a problem to him. "The police will be swooning the country side by now, they'll put you away for years" she carried on  speaking whilst he walked towards the large door.

Rhianna agreed with her the minute she wore her cardigan. " You'll get a huge record and have this whole Judge thing- I've seen them do it on tv, you'll get charged as guilty" she said although one more mystery popped into her brain. "... What did you do with the others? they somehow left last night, I heard movement" she questioned him (Despite the fact she hated his guts right now).

"Right here!"
Carmela's voice loudly echoed from another side of the barn, the two of them turned round then saw she didn't look extremely tired like they did. "Do we get our money or not? you literally went off track" she complained as she jumped down off a stuck of hay.

"Stop going on about the reward already!" Benjamin heavily sighed whilst walking around. "I can't believe you're both so stupid- who trusts a complete stranger to help? yeah I'm talking about you Patricia" he said then stopped moving soon as he was now standing in front of her. " And you. I knew you didn't practically want my friendship the first day we met, I could sense how uncomfortable you were but we ended up being friends anyway ; step one : do research on all our classmates..we started with you Anna"

"It's been so easy. another thing, I already read most of your 'relationship tips' inside your notebook. surprised you haven't told her yet" Carmela says with a smirk. "If you're leaving us with these idiots can we like I dunno, have some food? it's hard sleeping on an empty stomach"she asked the man who stopped walking yet let out a deep sigh almost like he was annoyed by her talking. "What? I'm just saying".

"Fine. I don't want to hear you talking anymore" Rene strongly lectured which Carmela frowned at yet kept quiet."Don't lock us in again! and get the both of us something to eat" Patricia yelled after him around the same time when he started closing the door whilst waving. "Did you hear me? a full English breakfast will be nice!" she yelled out , however he had already shut it from outside and locked it anyway leaving the four inside.

*** *** ***

Rhianna uttered whilst she tried to not make any eye contact with Benjamin, the boy hadn't moved away yet. "All those times... I thought 'I finally have more friends who aren't from my house or other classes'.. you used me" she croaked but made a promise in her head she wouldn't dare cry ; not now anyway.

"Aww poor sweet naive girl"
Benjamin chuckled while tapping the top of her head only for his hand to get slapped away. "Not my fault you trusted us so easily, it it Cam?" he questions when getting up and began pacing around the barn again.

Carmela responded but stayed by a window, she still had her phone on her and she tried getting signal but there wasn't any bars. "Oh!  I know! let'a play a game I love games. it's called 'question the best friend if she knows' so Williamson-" she moved to another spot though this time kept her hands folded in front of her while she walked towards the sofa where they sat "Did you know that your oh so ever caring bestie here has a cru-

"Shut up"
Rhianna instantly cut off Carmela from speaking through her gritted teeth, there's no way she's letting this chick spill her deepest secret. she's not ready yet." Why are you doing this?" she truthfully asked, no really there must be something wrong with these two.

"That's for us to know- "
The Sawyer girl begun to say.

"And you two to find out" 
Finished off Benjamin.

"You're not gonna get away with this y'know"
Patricia said in a threading way whilst keeping her arm around Rhianna's shoulder, comforting her. "someone will find us" she added whereas they both let out a wicked laugh."We already have" Benjamin and Carmela replied in unison which is what crept them out the most .. it's like everything they knew about these two turned out to be one fat lie.

******       *******        *******

The place was filled with silence. the five teens were doing whatever to keep themselves sane, sooner or later the Williamson and Clarence duo quietly came up with an idea when they had a hushed conversation together. Plan is : 'to try and escape without either strangers knowing'which is exactly what they're doing now. Making sure no on kept an eye on them Patricia slowly began to get up from the old sofa along with Rhianna-  they had overheard that Mr sweet would probably be arriving soon in an exchange for them both which should be a good thing because neither can stay another night without any proper safety or sleep or food it could just get worse if they do. they next hide behind a wheel and some other stuff around it, this whole thing is indeed one hundred percent nerve wrecking.

"Where did-"
Carmela realised the  girls were no longer in that exact spot her and Benny had left them in for 24 hours. " You've got to kidding me! wanna play another game? okay! let's play hide and seek, this is gonna be fun"she shrieked with her best crazy voice, it didn't take her long to find the duo though she kept quiet so that she couldn't get any credit for it.

"This way"
Rhianna spoke in a hushed voice when deciding they should both crawl somewhere else she hoped nothing loud could make another distraction."come out, come out wherever you are" she heard those two practically sing as she and Patricia had found a new hiding spot but unfortunately this one made a echoing sound making her close her eyes due to fear, she sealed her lips once hearing sudden movement ; she felt like they were in one of those horror movies she dislikes yet always ends up watching them anyway.. oh how she misses her usual free time with the boys.  "Yes!"she quietly cheered soon as a few boxes fell knocking out Rene. They tried making a run for it but she'd forgotten about his minions, someone's hand had went around her which she clearly knew this palm belonged to Benny. "let go off me!"

"You are so stupid. did you really think you guys would get away so easily?"
Benjamin angrily spoke directly into her right ear while she tried escaping from his arms, on another hand his not so best friend recorded everything that's happening only for their collection they had stored on a laptop somewhere back in Isis house. "Quit squirming around! other wise things will go downhill for you both"

"Mr sweet will expel you from school. you'll go into jail too" Rhianna threatened before using her right elbow  'attack' him which luckily it worked, although she got near the door where Carmela stood with her head tilted like she expected her to fall into this trap. "Hi! see, unlike benny I'm pretty smart". Miss Sawyer softly spoke and waited until a perfect moment to just lunge at her." what's the score you ask? hmm us twelve  you two zero nice try" she hummed before getting up from the dusty ground and had both of her arms locked around the brunette.

"Keep an eye on them. make sure they don't try to escape again"

*** Back on school grounds***

Nina tried getting ahold of the now not found duo, their phones just went straight into voicemail. " Something's wrong. really wrong" she informed her two friends as she sat on the couch "they would've called by now" she finished her sentence and then Trudy had walked in.

"Uh! are you setting this table or wrecking it?"
Trudy lightly scolded Alfie and Jerome who've been messing around with cutlery pretending they were knights, it had struck six o'clock now they were all waiting until dinner got prepared. "Trudy"  Nina called out hoping this might get an adult's attention "yes sweetie?"

"Patricia and Rhianna have been gone for a while now.. "

"And we haven't heard from them"
Remarked Amber which only caused Trudy to get extremely worried "You mean they haven't come back yet?" she asked them with a gasp. "I just thought  they'd gone into school this morning!" she then heard footsteps outside in the corridor belonging to the other adult "Victor!" she called out.

"No, no don't tell him we don't want to worry him" Rejected Nina when she noticed that their housekeeper stopped heading for the entrance and was now entering the living room. "don't be silly. Victor!" Trudy shouted his name once again.

"I heard you the first time"
Victor says in usual grumpy tone when entering."Victor, it's Patricia.. she went out with her aunt and uncle after the show last night, well, she hasn't returned" Trudy told him before facing the three teens "Do know where Rhianna went? it's not like her to miss an entire day of lessons including not having her morning water- it's still fresh" she said even though he came up with a somewhat lie."Calm down. her Aunt phones me this morning. the uncle was taken ill during the night and they are currently at the hospital" he spoke mainly for Williamson in the first half of his sentence "As for miss Clarence she stayed over at her cousins. should be back soon"

"Oh well, that's a relief"
Trudy breathed out within calmness  since she brought his lie and went on with making their dinner.

"Okay. now we know something's really wrong" Implied Nina after their housemother left.

Quizzed Amber."Because the aunt and uncle who called victor.. they don't exist. And I'm pretty sure Rhi went for fresh air yesterday even after she didn't want to go" Nina carried on with her point."Oh yeah! good point" the blonde  said realised, nodding her head meaning she understood what had been explained to her.

"Where were they supposed to be? we need to find that good luck card"Nina wondered but soon got an idea of that message which was shown to them last night.

"I'm going to go and find more research on these"
Fabian tells them whilst taking out two puzzle pieces they'd ever so casually found around the house, they didn't have their third piece yet main reason could be either Victor has it or they haven't looked really closely in different places .

"And I'm going to find that card in Patricia's room" Remarked Amber before lifting her left hand to do their signature move "Sibuna" she said then the other two copied her afterwards. They each separated into starting their tasks they've given themselves...

****** ******* *******

"Aw sweet! food"
Carmela cheered while reaching for her own box, guesses are he'd probably gone into town because how on earth would they be having burgers right now. "You actually listened to my request- here you go" she broke her burger in half as she gave it to Rhianna who by the way was still trapped in her arms. "Does that mean you'll give me some change you got? you haven't payed us anything" she continued speaking but scoffed when a hand got lifted towards her face."Okay okay calm down. I was being kind"

"Enough about the reward already!"
Rene/Rufus shouted as he was already annoyed by her as it is. "you'll get it soon, not now. you haven't completed the second half of this task- not sure what that will be but you'll get end of term" he told her which easily shut her up.

"Bit better than that mouldy old sandwich you brought me this morning"
Patricia brought up whilst she eat her burger all satisfied with it, she'd already broke off a piece she hadn't quit eaten and gave that half to the girl near her (it's been hours now and they were still locked inside). there was another discussion but this time it was about her ring she left outside earlier though he found it now gave it back."Why are you so interested in Joy?" she questioned suddenly. "None of your business" was what Rene replied with. "And what's your connection to Sarah Frobisher-Smythe and Victor?"

"The three of us go back a long way. that's all you need to know"
Rene says unaware that outside two students were lurking about looking for their friends, not knowing to him his van had a leak which left some sort of trail leading from the main road near their house. their voices echoed outside causing him to make a hushing signal so neither of those teens made any sudden noise brining attention towards whoever it is searching round , he quietly instructed his assistants to get up too then they softly began leaving their secret hideout spot just as familiar people wondered in.

"Someone's been here!"
Gasped Nina once seeing that there were two blankets which had been used. Amber went over towards where there was at least one open box with food, which had been their immediate clue for this search of their two friends. beside her Nina touched the burger checking it's temperature seeing if it's cold or not. "It's still warm- they've only just left"something else got their attention."This is Patricia's too! they've been here"

"But where are they now?"
Worryingly quizzed Amber not realising a group of five were right behind them until easily recognisable voices from outside caused them to turn around. "Amber! Nina!" Patricia yelled out but struggled slightly due to being held hostage by Rufus, they rushed towards the red doors however by the time they reached it he'd locked them inside taking the others with him again....



Last edited : TBA

Admin speaks :
annd it's another long chapter that I've worked on almost all day gahthis was such an exciting/slightly scary but not to scary episodes to do! I had so much fun creating those little plot holes, I can finally stop talking about it now aha ha ... their journey isn't finished yet. I left you guys on a cliffhanger last time thinking they were trapped too turns out they've been working for him this entire term.. woah.

can't believe I'm already halfway through s1 like that's crazy. (Also just a quick heads up I might have to put this book on hold for a while, my laptop seems to have a problem so I'm not sure when I'll be updating it from this moment on)

don't forget to vote/comment/ share if you liked it!
until next time


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