Wheels Down in 30

By Dragon_T9

247K 5.3K 1.4K

" People hurt people all the time Aaron, and sometimes when your life is filled to the brim with hurt, you ca... More

~ epigraph ~
~ prologue ~
~ innocent card ~
~ camera man ~
~ just peachy ~
~ bed time story ~
~ thighs ~
~ assignment ~
~ germs ~
~ faye fairy ~
~ serial killer ~
~ childish ~
~ drug lord ~
~ you sound like rossi ~
~ he is adorable is he not ~
~ wine or tequila fucked up ~
~ i'm a genius ~
~ i'm not dense ~
~ accented voice ~
~ warm tears ~
~ diplomatic immunity ~
~ impulse ~
~ whole fucking world ~
~ gaslighter ~
~ phone call ~
~ cologne ~
~ everyone copes differently ~
~ becuase i could ~
~ shes the boss ~
~ you are hurting my feelings ~
~ consent is a thing ~
~ trachea ~
~ hannah ~
~ local bistro ~

~ he doesnt ~

3.5K 77 61
By Dragon_T9

~ life is a hell of a thing to happen to someone ~

It was quiet. So very quiet. I was zoned out but not on anything. Just starting at the wall. My hair was dripping wet soaking the comforter below me. A towel was wrapped snuggly around my bust but I didn't have it in me to change. I was staying with Rossi, Aaron took some convincing but I needed a break. I couldn't let Eve see me like this.

Eventually I stood, slipping into a black nighty even though it was 2pm. I wasn't leaving my room today. I barely did. Files were scattered all over the bed, untouched food that David brought littering the desk. My luggage was open and clothes thrown everywhere in the closet. I had shut the door to make myself feel better.

I was exhausted but I couldn't sleep. I kept reliving Samuels death. The confusion on his face. And then that face morphing into Aaron's. Rossi's. Morgan's. Everyone I cared about. And then I was holding the gun. Pulling the trigger. And then it was Eve. I hadn't slept since that one. That was 4 days ago.

David was worried, I knew. I survived on spiked coffee and a glass of water that I sat next to my gun I never let out of my sight. I even took that fucker to the loo. I didn't have it in me to ease the mans worry. I wanted to make him feel better but what was the point? We were all profilers here, there was no lying. Well there was, and I was quite good at it, but it took to much energy to control my micro expressions. Energy I currently did not possess.

I shuffle myself into the bed, shoving the files to the bottom and pulling the comforter up under my neck. I reach for the water but change my mind last second and grab the vodka next to it. It wasn't like I was going to sleep anytime soon.

"That's not a good idea." I glance up to the voice. Morgan.

I lick my dry lips and pull myself back up into a sitting position, "I personally think its a grand idea." I say bitterly, annoyed by his presence. Of course David would bring someone from the team. I was just expecting everyone else but Morgan.

"Rossi figured you probably had a whole speech planned out for everyone on the team but me. I'm unsure if I should feel offended or not."

"We haven't exactly been close since I've been in town."

Morgan nods, walking towards the bed. He picks up a couple files, studies them for a moment then throws them on the ground, taking a seat where they once laid.

"I do believe that I'm not at fault for that."

I shrug.

"One's belief can be deadly. I believed that everything was finally over and now one of the very few people I trusted in this world is dead because of me."

"You didn't pull the trigger."

"I might as well have." I argue dully, "I've done it multiple times. What's one more?"

Morgan sighs defectively, pulling himself into a criss cross applesauce position. "Look Faye Fiary, you're one of my best friends. You're like my little sister. I love you. But I will throw you out of your window-"

I snort, shaking my head with a smile on my face.

"That wasn't a joke. I've been working on these..." he flexes his muscles and kisses his left bicep, "I could do it."

I throw a pillow at him and he falls backwards onto the ground, catching himself before he hit his head on the dark wood. I let out a laugh.

"I'm glad you're super soldier strength helped you out there Captain America."

He glares at me, "Get your ass out of that bed and up next to me."

"I don't think Aaron would appreciate that statement."

"He doesn't." I glance up at the voice, suddenly self conscious of my outfit choice. His eyes were glued to my legs and then my chest before resting on my face.

"I've got her Morgan."

"No Morgan, he doesn't."

Derek looked between the two of us warily, the pillow I threw at him still clutched tightly in his hands, "Morgan, you can leave." Aaron insists.

I glare at him, "But you can also stay, the decision is up to you." I continue, not breaking eye contact with Aaron even though the sentence was directed at Morgan.

"Imma throw myself out the window.." he muttered to himself, making his was out of the guest bedroom.

Aaron and I didn't look away from one another. We didn't dare. His honey eyes pierced into mine with an intense look, "The kids miss you." He states, reaching down and tossing me a silk robe that was on the plush beige love seat by the door.

I shrug ever so slightly, slipping the black silk robe on, "I miss me." Aaron sighs heavily, finally entering the room. His chest was clad in a white button up shirt and I knew that he had come from work. Straight here. To me. His dress shoes clicked against the wood floors. He reaches down and picks up the files Derek threw onto the floor earlier and studied them.


I nod, "They wanted me to send in a profile, I noticed a connection to a previous case a couple years back, that's why there are so many files." I don't know why I felt I needed to explain myself to him, but I did. I loved Aaron against my better judgment and I didn't want him to be disappointed in me.

"Well I doubt–" he was cut off by two gunshots. We were to our feet in seconds, my hand grabbing the gun off my dresser, Aaron's shoes slamming against the stairs behind me as we ran towards the front door. Towards the sound.

We exited David's mansion in haste, Aaron going right as I went left. A black SUV barely made it out of the driveway by the time we made it but that didn't stop me from shooting at the back tire and then the gas tank. The car tumbled and rolled down the grassy hill to the roads left, catching on fire and finally exploding when it stopped moving.

I turn harshly at the sound of Aaron's worried voice. I fell to the ground beside him, already calling the paramedics, "Hey David, if I didn't know any better I'd say you're trying to die on me." I joke lightly, dialing Garcia.

"Never bambina, I actually like you. It barely grazed my shoulder." He states. Aaron and I exchange a look, both of our eyes dropping to the huge blood stain on his stomach.

I nod barely, "Right."


"Garcia, Rossi's been shot. I need you to contact the team and send them to the nearest hospital."

'Oh god. Oh god. Are the people there? The doctors? Is he okay. Oh god.'


'I'm doing it.'

I could here the sirens in the distance, "Why are you two freaking out? It's just a graze. I'm fine." Rossi insisted.

I shook my head, my voice strained, "No. You were shot twice David. You're bleeding pretty bad. I need you to keep talking. You're going into shock. Just keep talking to me." I begged, feeling useless as Aaron was already applying pressure to the wound.

David started talking about a case with him and Gideon, many years ago. His voice was light and raspy and he spoke. And I couldn't help but fear losing him too. I don't think I'd survive.

Despite us hearing the sirens, it was 10 minutes before the ambulance arrived. David stopped talking half way through waiting for them. And that was one of the few times I ever saw Aaron cry.

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