My Moon Flower


18.9K 544 259

Ok so to put it simple this is a book in which 2 skeletons are fighting with each other for another skeleton... More

Chapter: Two
Chapter: Three
Chapter: Four
S1- Chapter: Five
S1- Chapter: Six
S1- Chapter: Seven
S2- Chapter: Eight
S2- Chapter: Nine
S2- Chapter: Ten
S2- Chapter: Eleven
S2- Chapter: twelve
S2-Chapter: Thirteen
S2- Chapter Fourteen 🎉
S2-Chapter: Fifteen
Chapter: Sixteen
Chapter: Seventeen
Chapter: Nineteen
Chapter: twenty

Chapter: One

3.2K 67 45

Well here is chapter one. I hope you enjoy it.
Narrator's pov:

Classic was in the forest of his Au and like always taking a 'small' nap. After some minutes a portal opens up and out of it comes the king of negativity. Or also known as Nightmare.

Nightmare walked closer to classic and at that moment classic woke up. He then proceeded to surround Nightmare with bones in self defense.

"What are you doing here!?" Asked classic with a serious voive."oh. Nothing just wanted to pay a visit." Answer Nightmare with a smirk."Just get to the point what are you actually doing here." Said classic with his voice getting louder.

"You got me. I actually came here for you." Responded Nightmare still with a smirk on his face."W-what. What do mean you came here for me!?" Classic said surprise at what Nightmare said.

While classic was processing what just had happened. He let his guard down and his bone disappeared. Nightmare then proceeded to walk closer to classic until their 'lips' were like an inch away from kissing.

"W-what are yo-" classic was about to finish his question. When Nightmare kissed him and made classic swallow some pill. Classic accidentally swallowed the pill and started to fell really tired like hadn't slept in hours. He then fell down to the grow asleep.

Nightmare's Pov:
After classic fell asleep I grabbed him and carried him bride style. I opened a portal to my room and lay him down on my bed. I then went downstairs to the living room because that's were those idiots are always at.

When I got downstairs I saw that they weren't there. 'I guess there still not back. Huh?" I thought. I then went back to my room got a book and started to reading it will waiting for the others to be back. Or for my queen to wake up so that I can talk with him some more.

A thousand years later:

(Just joking like an hour n'half later)

It had been almost two hours and the others were still not back. I know that those idiots go out for a long time when they get the chance. But not for this long, after a while I start to sense really strong negative emotions coming from all of them.

Even from error and ink and just after that I heard something downstairs. I got up and teleported to the livingroom to see killer, cross, horror, and dust injured really badly. Error was also injured but not as much as the others.

"What happened to you guys?" I asked."Oh i DoN't KnOw! InK aNd SoMe oThEr Au'S aTtAcKeD uS! AnD ThOugHt ThAt wE KiDnApPeD cLaSsIc!" Error yelled at me."Ok so what?" I said with my eye lights turning into a blood red color, with a smirk on my face.

Error just looked at me and before he said something to me. He teleported the other to another room so that cross and killer can heal them. Since they are the only ones who can use healing magic. Of course including me and error but that's not important right know.

Error then just turned around and looked at me with an angry expression. "So WhAt ThAt'S aLl yOu HaVe tO sAy! WhAt ThE FucK DiD yOu Do NiGhTmArE!?" Yelled error at me and I just stayed there quietly because I knew he still had more to say."LoOk NiGhT i KnOw YoU hAvE tHiS ObSeSsIoN oN cLAsSiC bUt dId YoU rEaLly HaVe tO kIdNap HiM!" Error kept yelling at me.

"Yes I did." I said with my eye lights still a blood red, but this time instead of being circles they were heart shaped.

"Nightmare! The others got injured so badly and they were lucky I was there with them because Ink would of killed them! You might not know this but you don't know what Ink would do just to get Classic back." Error once again yelled.

"Error I know that Classic and Ink are good friends but why would Ink almost kill the others. And I get it that he's the classic sans and all but why would Ink do all of that just to get Classic back." I said/asked.

"Ink would do that because he likes classic!" Error yelled and then said 'shit' under his breath."WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!" I yelled furious with my tentacles up high and sharp from the ends.

My eye lights turning to a even darker red. After error saw that he quickly teleported with the others.

I then teleported to my room and to try to calm down.'It's ok. My queen is here with me and he's mine and only mine.

That stupid squid won't take Classic away from me because he's will love me back and MOST DEFINITELY NOT INK!' I thought while looking at my beautiful moon flower.

I went to the bed and sat at the edge of it. Then I put my hand on his 'cheek' and rubbed his 'cheek' with my thumb. A minute later my moon flower woke up.

"Good afternoon my precious moon flower." I said with a smile on my face.


ell that's all for chaper one. Sorry that around the end were error was talking I didn't do it like the rest. I got lazy and were I am know It's 12:20 a.m and I'm tired.other than that I hope you enjoyed chapter one of the rewrite. Have A good morning,afternoon, or night. Bye!😑👋

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