Aurora | ✓

By itslina2356

1.2M 26.8K 13.4K

Cover made by: @_navyblueee_ I'm living in a house made of glass. I'm scared to move, to breathe, to think. I... More

✨ Characters ✨
The island
1| Darkness
2| Done
3| Hope
4| Reunited
5| Sorellina
6| Revelations
7| Safe
8| Nightmares
9| Truth
10| Heartbroken
11| I love you
12| Pregnancy
13| Danger
14| Time for the show
15| Clever
16| Heartbeat
17| Grandfather?
18| The devil herself
19| Janine
20| A visit from the past..again
21| Surprise
22| I know you
23| No longer afraid
24| Comfort
25| Sister
26| Screams
27| They came for us
28| Rescued
29| Finally home
30| Unexpected
31| Joy
32| The calm before the storm
34| Family
35| Epilogue
Bonus I: Aurora
Bonus II: Quinn
Bonus III: Matheo
Bonus IV: Atlas

33| The eye of the storm

17.4K 370 197
By itslina2356

Hey guys! I wanted to say that sadly this story is coming to an end, there's gonna be two chapters and an epilogue left. I'll do some bonus chapters later on about Phoenix and Rora [smut 😉] and maybe about the brother's future lives 🤍
|important note at the end|


The sound of heavy machines and...cows? Mooing is the first thing I hear as I open my eyes. I look around as a sharp pain slices through my head. A fucking headache. Great.

The room is cold and grey. Grime on the pealing walls and a huge window in front of me, like the once detectives have in the interrogation rooms. I'm pretty sure our kidnappers are watching us but we can't see them.

I'm tied up to the chair, I look over to my brothers. They're tied just as me, some in chairs and some on the dirty ground. Dad is sitting on the floor, shackles binding his hands to the pipe next to him.

Phoenix isn't here. He's with Carter, Sam, Zach and Eli. They managed to hide to protect the babies and that's all I can be grateful for.

There's a huge cabinet against one of the walls, I'm pretty sure it's full of guns and torture weapons.

"Well well well, seems like I finally have the bitch and her dogs" he says as he claps, coming into the room. He came in from the door beside the window...

Sergei. He did warn us about this earlier this morning but...I didn't think something would happen so damn soon.

"Who am I gonna torture first?" He says with a sadist smile. My brothers all glare at him with stares that promise death. Slow, painful death.

Can I get a break please? I gave birth like a couple of nights ago and my lady bits are pretty damn sore to be sitting in an uncomfortable chair about to be fucking dead.

Sergei looks over at me with a grin and my dad and brothers instantly start to pull on the shackles and ropes.

"I'm sad I couldn't get your bastard son here with us. I would've killed him already but I'm gonna have to settle with all of you. Then I'll go for him and who knows maybe I'll kill him and maybe I'll raise him to be a bigger monster than I am" he says getting closer to me

"Don't you dare fucking touch her you bastard piece of rotting teeth I hope you die tasting horse shit on your mouth" comes from — you guessed it..Matheo.

"Get. Away. From. Her. Useless coglione!" Atlas growls angrier than I've ever seen him

"You fucking coward come to someone your size" Alessandro says with clenched teeth

"Get near her and I'll make sure to stick a knife up your ass and choke you with your balls" Quinn snaps

"I'll make sure to skin you before I kill you and that's a promise" dad threatens

Sergei pulls a gun out of his waistband and points it at dad. "How exactly...will you do that if you're dead Maximus?" He says

We all keep blank stares but I want to scream and cry begging him to get away from him. I can't lose dad. Please don't let him die. I beg silently.

An explosion shakes the whole building outside the basement we're in. My world stops when a gunshot rings. I scream as I see dad tumble to the floor....

3 hours earlier...

I can hear my heart beating rapidly, harsh breaths coming out of my nose. Samuel is next. No. How does he know his name? Why does he want to come for us? Why the fuck haven't we found Sergei!?

Someone pulls me and sleeping Sam out of the room, I'm seated on the couch as I swallow the lump in my throat and stare at my little red baby. He's so small and already facing the dangers of our world.

This is my fault...I should've killed Sergei or done something to protect my son. What if something happens to him?

"Nothing is going to happen to our son baby, he has a huge, loving family and we'll make sure to protect him" Phoenix says guessing what I'm thinking as he kneels in front of me cradling my cheek.

I nod and hand Sammy to him, they earn a small smile from me as Nix kisses his tiny fingers and he opens his eyes and starts moving his feet.

My brothers are taking away the body to bury, dad is calling her family and I'm freaking out inside.

I leave Sam with Phoenix as I go over to the other maids, sitting on a table in horror and drinking some hot coffee.

They all look at me teary eyed as I hug each of them and tell them they can go home for the next couple of days. The cooks too. They gladly agree so I finish cleaning up the kitchen.

I look out the window a I dry some cups, movement behind the trees in the woods catches my eye. I shake my head to get rid of the paranoia.

Something moves again and I'm not stupid enough to go check but I slowly retreat from the window as a red dot appears on my chest. Fucking fuck. I scream as I throw myself to the floor as a bunch of gun shots rattle the kitchen.

Glass breaks and the sound pierces my eardrums as I cover my head with my arms waiting for it to pass, I can only pray my son is safe.


"Fucking hell she was heavy" I grunt because of my now aching arms as I finish wiping my hands on my jeans. Dad just texted me that he called the maid's — Fernanda's parents.

Sadly they said they didn't want anything to do with her so I'm glad we buried her ourselves.

"You're out of shape dude. Fucking and surfing isn't as effective as boxing to keep your muscles" Quinn says grinning. He's really gotten into fighting.

"But fucking is way more fun" Atlas answers for me and we laugh

"Only because you're no longer a virgin little brother" Quinn teases and Atlas smacks his head

"Shut up" he grumbles laughing

"Poor Rora, couldn't you have locked the door at least?" I laugh as I recall her horrified gaze as she came into the living room last week. She had accidentally walked in on Atlas and Zach fucking in the indoors pool.

She was looking for Artie so Alessandro — who definitely knew what they were doing — sent her there. She got back at Alec by dumping a bowl of ice cream into his chicken nuggets.

Alessandro loves chicken nuggets and hates pineapple ice cream so of course he was angry he couldn't eat his chicken.

One of us would've gotten back at him in way nastier ways but Aurora is too sweet to be mean with us.

"How did I go so long without fucking? You guys failed as older brothers for not pushing me into it sooner" Atlas says

"You're right I should've gotten you to a whore house but we didn't know you were gay so you probably would've been pretty turned off by the pussies" Quinn says and Atlas laughs nodding

"First to get there can hold Samuel first" I spontaneously say and launch into a full sprint towards the house, careful not to fall face first on the ground. I laugh as Quinn does just that but gets up fast and almost trips Atlas.

We get home panting and laughing and find Phoenix talking to Zach and Eli is sitting on the couch holding Sam.

He looks fucking adorable, Nix is next to him making sure he doesn't drop him or something.

Atlas goes over to Zach and they kiss. Hard. As if they didn't see each other like thirty minutes ago.

"Get a fucking room" I grunt as they stop and glare at me. The others just laugh. I take my dirty shirt off and change it for a new one as do Quinny and Atlas.

Someone left clean clothes out here for us since we'd sure come home covered in dirt and I'm betting it was Rora.

After washing my hands and face I pick up Samuel and rock him slowly as he coos, always kicking with his feet. His little hands gripping my shirt.

"Damn buddy you got some strong little fingers" I say

Just then a small, red dot appears on Phoenix's forehead. Another in Atlas's back. My eyes widen and they notice them too.

Thank the heavens were all trained and have quick reflexes. "DOWN!" I yell and Atlas grabs Eli and runs behind the counter shielding him with his body on the floor.

Zach is with them and Phoenix, Quinn and I are behind the couches shielding a crying Samuel. The windows break and smoke starts clogging our airways.

Phoenix grabs Sam and covers him with a blanket, the gunshots are deafening but they're stopping now. Zach comes with Eli as Carter crawls into the room.

"Where were you?" I yell over the sound of the bullets.

"Hacking into the cameras to see if I could recover this morning's footage" he says coughing

"I'm getting them out" Phoenix says referring to Sam and Eli as he starts scanning all the exits.

"Panic room" I say immediately and their confused gazes snap to me. Only dad and I know about it because we've worked on it for the past few weeks.

We didn't want to scare Rora by telling everyone that we needed a panic room because something like this was prone to happen

"What the hell?" Atlas says from the other side of the room I give them instructions to where it's hidden as the smoke invades my lungs. I don't even know where it's coming from.

The gunshots stop and we know we have to act fast before whoever is out there comes in here. I know we all want to look for Aurora but right now the kids are the priority. I'll raise hell if I can get to my baby sister soon.

"Carter, you'll need to go with them. The control panel isn't ready, you'll have to work on it while you get inside to be able to get out. If you can't then you won't be able to exit it once the door closes" I explain

"Go with them baby" Atlas says as he comes over to us and kisses Zach

"No way I'm staying with you" Zachariah protests

"Your son needs you, go with them and make sure nothing happens to Sam or Eli. Phoenix will be busy carrying them, Carter opening the doors and you'll need to watch their backs" Atlas instructs as he hands him a gun.

A sense of pride overwhelms me as I watch my little brother. He seems so mature and composed despite having to separate from his boyfriend and the kids.

"There's no way I'm getting in there without knowing if Aurora is safe. Zach you're gonna have to come to stay with Sammy and Eli while Carter works on the panel. I'll just help you get there" Phoenix says as he adjusts the grip on Eli and Sam. Both are crying.

"Phoenix if something happens to Aurora you need to be safe to care for Samuel" Carter says and we all flinch at the thought of her getting hurt

"I'll make sure nothing happens to her" he says angrily and starts walking towards the basement stairs. Zach and Atlas say goodbye but I stop Zach as he walks to join the others

"Push him in, knock him out I don't care but do whatever it takes to get Phoenix in there. We'll make sure Aurora is safe but she can't lose Nix. If something happened to him she'd never recover so make sure he's okay you understand?" I tell him and he nods and jogs over to them

I don't say I need Phoenix safe too, he's my best friend and I want him alive. Who will I vent to if he's dead? I'm not in the mood to be talking to graves any time soon.

They disappear in the dark of the stairs leading to the basement and I look at Quinn and Atlas.

"It's just us now" I say as we start strapping weapons into our bodies but just then a small flare drops to our feet. I kick it away but it's too late. Chloroform gas..

Four more drop and start smoking, we look at each other and we all know they are meant to make us unconscious.

I catch Quinn as he falls first, Atlas sits down before he drops and I try to do the same but my lights go out. Now it's just me and the darkness...

Max (dad)

"I'm sorry to hear that sir" I say to the maid's dad after he informs me that he doesn't care his daughter is dead. I hang up on him fuming and text Matheo about it.

"Fottuto spreco d'aria" I mumble as I take a sip of my coffee. (Fucking waste of air)

I lean my arms on the balcony and sigh. I'm fucking sick of watching my daughter hurt and not being able to do anything.

We've done everything to find Sergei but I don't know what else to do. We have thousands of spies everywhere looking for him and we can't find him.

Now Aurora is terrified for her son's life and so am I. I know how losing a child feels and I'd die before letting her go through it. I'd pull my own insides out if it meant she got to live happily.

Samuel is days old and he already has a target on his back. Just like my little Aurora did when she was born just for being a girl born in a Mafia family.

I make a silent promise that I'd give my life before letting anything happen to them. My boys and my little girl will be safe, I'll make sure of it...

Even if it's the last thing I do.

My phone starts ringing again and I frown, don't tell me these idiots couldn't bury the body properly and need help. It's happened before...

"Hello?" I answer and I'm met with silence

"Hello? Who's this?" I repeat

"Death" someone says but not on the phone...behind me.

I don't even have time to turn around before the back of a gun hits my temple. I fall to the floor and vaguely hear gunshots somewhere near as I slip into the darkness.


"Yep. To go please" I tell the lady behind the counter as I order our lunch. Do you know how fucking hard it is to order different plates for 9 people plus a baby meal for Eli?

Everyone always wants something different, Rora is the healthiest one with chicken fajitas and potatoes while the guys order things like greasy pizza, wraps, burgers, tacos...we're all lucky to be physically active.

One of the workers helps me get all the bags into the car, I start the engine and head home. I'm like five minutes away but I need the car for the food of course.

I start parking in the driveway but when I'm backing up I hit something or...Shit! I hit a man!

I rush out of the car in fear it was one of my brothers or dad or Zach or someone I love. Shit shit shit! I turn the person onto their back and...who the fuck is this?

A man dressed in all black, knifes and guns strapped to him and...he's a sniper. A Russian sniper.

At least is not one of my brothers, it didn't go too well for me when I accidentally hit Quinn with the car. He only had a few scratches but he got back at me by putting all my stuff— including my bed — on the roof

I stay down on the floor kneeling as I scan the area for more. Everyone's in danger, if there's one there's more.

I relax and sigh as he's not someone I know. I kick him to see if he moves. Nope. I think he's dead. Well, too bad.

Right then my eardrums burst as gunshots fire from the back of the house. My eyes widen and sprint towards the palm trees hiding behind one. 1...8...12. There's at least twelve people in the southern woods shooting at my family. We have a protocol for this.

I go over to the water hose and change the the valve. Now it's a fire hose. I'm so damn smart to have invented this.

The intruders are far enough from the house so I won't burn it down. Maybe some trees though.

I'll make sure to plant some more later to make up for it.

They're all kneeling on the ground behind the trees, each professionally shooting through the windows. I grab the hose and turn the fire on. It's time to burn these motherfuckers down.

They don't even spot me as I melt the guns from their hands. They scream in pain. Some start running and others pass out. I grin wickedly as smoke spreads through the air.

You hear that? Silence. No more gunshots. I'm a fucking badass ma—

Ouch! What the hell? Is all I think before I pass out, recognizing the bat responsible from hitting my head on the ground. Fucking bastardos....


I stay sitting on the floor as I glare at my brother. He glares right back at me. I adjust Sam who's sleeping with his head on my shoulder and turn back to burning holes with my stare at my brother.

He pushed me into the room and handed Sam to Carter and as I put Eli on the floor he kicked my damn balls and forced me still while Carter closed the damn doors so I couldn't get out.

"Could you both stop? Phoenix, he did it for your own good" Carter says as he keeps trying to fix the panel so the door opens and we can finally get out of here.

It's been about an hour since the gunshots started. We can see from the cameras inside that...everyone is gone. The bastards took everyone. Including my Rora.

"My own good? how am I okay right now when my girl is out there kidnapped and who knows what else?! You should've let me fucking go to her!" I whisper-yell

"Oh yeah? And what would you have done Nix? Ran to her and gotten shot? Because that's exactly what would've happened if I didn't push you into the room!" Zach responds

"I could've done something! Brought her back down with us!" I say

"And the others would still have been taken. Aurora would be freaking out to get to them as Carter was minutes ago and as you and I are" My brothers says and I huff

Carter had a mental breakdown before he got to work. He started panicking at the thought of  something happening to his family.

I slapped him and told him that if he didn't calm down then they would die because he didn't get us out of here in time.

"I know what it is like brother. You're forgetting that my boyfriend is out there too, I stay back every damn time because of my son. I watch Atlas go and pray he comes back to us because I'm not trained. I know nothing about weapons and self defense and I know I'd be a liability if I go with him. So I stay back and let them do what they're best at" Zach says

I sigh and lean back into the wall. He's right, I couldn't have gotten to Rory in time..I would've probably been shot or killed and she'd be devastated.

My priority is my son right now and I'll make sure to bring his mother back as soon as Carter gets us out.

We're lucky the vault is well hidden. The chloroform smoke couldn't get in here and neither did the Russians. Our biggest problem right now besides having to rescue our family is Samuel.

Rora fed him right before handing him to me...about an hour ago. He eats every two so we have an hour to get out of here so I can give him milk from Rora's stash with a bottle.

"You're right. I'm sorry, they'll all be okay" I tell Zach and he nods

"Fuck!" Carter says as he gets a small electric shock. He shakes his hand and hisses.

"How much longer?" I ask him

"I swear if you ask one more time I'll fucking electrocute you"

"Damn chill" I say. He's right to be angry though, between Zach and me we've asked him about 15 times the last hour.

"I'm almost done" he says and the door opens a few minutes later. We get up and they sprint upstairs, I have to go slow for Sammy. Eli is being carried in Zach's back.

We've been tracking Aurora, she has a chip implanted in her arm. We checked that they're all in the same place and thankfully they are.

"What do we do with the kids? None of us can go alone" Carter says and I think it over wiping the sweat off my brow

"Zach is definitely staying here, Carter I think you should stay too" I say

"And how the fuck do you plan to get all 5 of them out? Alone?" Carter says as I take the bottle out of the heater and check the temperature.

I then feed Sam as I think everything over. He's right I need at least Carter to come with me.

"What about a bomb?" I say "we blow up the warehouse from outside and bring the rats out. You'll stay hidden from the trees controlling the explosion, we'll take our best trained people and come in from the back. We only have to untie them, they'll know what to do and it'll be more of us" I say as we examine the map of the warehouse Carter managed to get hacking their system.

"It's a plan" he says. We go over the details while we strap ourselves in weapons. I kiss my son goodbye and I promise to bring his mommy back home...


"DAD!" I yell as he tumbles to the floor. He was kneeling now he's on his side grunting. Blood is rushing out of his shoulder, I try to get my hands free but it's useless. My brothers struggle too.

"I'm okay, I'm okay. Just hurts like a bitch" he says panting

Sergei is too busy asking someone what all the commotion is. I hear the person on the other end of the walkie-talkie say there's been and explosion. I internally smile, that's my boy.

My brothers and I all share worried looks for dad. The bullet penetrated his shoulder but it still looks painful and it's bleeding.

I gotta say this is sort of the lamest kidnapping organized. We've been here like an hour and Sergei already lost control.

"You did this!" Sergei yells pointing a finger at me

"What do I have to do with it?" I say frowning

"Everything!" He screams, red and sweating in rage. A second later I feel the sting on my cheek as he slaps me.

My brothers and dad screaming and cussing at him so colorfully sailor would be put at shame.

I glare at the man in front of me, still not understanding why the fuck he thinks his kidnapping is going wrong because of me when he's the one who can do nothing right.

He's psychothic. Why did I take so long to realize it? No idea...

The lights go out and screams fill the air as guns fire. We can do nothing but hope we're not shot with our hands tied.

I hear Sergei grunt and I hear a thud. Familiar hands cup my face and a second later the lights turn on again.

"Took you long enough baby" I tell my boyfriend as he grins and kisses my lips.

"Let's get you out of this, I missed you so much. I love you" he says cutting the ropes and helping me stand up.

He then kisses my lips in a way that makes me want to rip both our clothes off.

"Can you drop the lovey-dovey stuff and untie us you idiots?" Matheo huffs and I laugh as we both get to work untying them all. I go to dad and check his wound.

"It's not that bad baby girl, it'll be fine in a few days" he says getting up and I sigh shaking my head. Stubborn bastards.

I look over at Sergei on the floor. He's crying like a baby because Phoenix shot his leg, I grin because we can torture the bastard until he dies.

(Btw, next chapter will be a short one just to wrap things up and then I'll write the epilogue)

Hey guys. Writing this chapter was hard for me, this week has been exhausting in every way. I started writing it at 6:30am in between classes and I'm writing this at 4pm. I decided to write the note before finishing the chapter.

So yeah I've cried three times today, one because one of my friends insulted my body in ways my ex used to do and it brought bad memories, second because of school and third because my books are not getting as many views as I hoped and someone added them to a list titled 'didn't like it' or something like that and it discouraged me so much.

As a writer I know not everyone will like what I write but it's so hard to find people who really do and who motivate you to keep going so whenever someone comments on how bad something is I just...feel bad you know? So please is you don't like it just archive it or whatever don't go telling authors that because every single chapter takes too much effort.

Anyways, if you need someone to talk to about anything you can come to me. I'm a good listener and I promise to be the friend you need, I know how it feels to need someone so I want to be it for whoever needs it. 💓💓💓

Thank you for reading my book
I love each and everyone of you
You are loved
You are worth it
You deserve happiness

If you read all of this A/N you're now one of my favorite people in the world lol 😂 you're one of a kind

Sending you love, Lina ❤️

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