Giving Fate a Chance (Vikksta...

By plebstar123

20.4K 550 129

Elizabeth Webb finds herself falling head over heels for youtuber Vikkstar123. After meeting each other in th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
The End (kind of..)

Chapter 2

1K 27 12
By plebstar123

Vikk's POV


I wake up around my normal time, 4 pm. Yeah, my sleep schedule is pretty jacked up. I know I have so many videos I need to record and edit today so I gotta get started right away. First I clean up a bit and put on my gray jumpers and black tee that says "Today is A Good Day". For some reason I just feel like today will be a good day.

I make sure I have my list of all the videos I have to record today. I got a gta video with the sidemen. Then I have a lucky block video with the pack and an htm video. Today is a good day, mostly because I have a short schedule for once.

I grab my cans of Tango and set them on my desk. I swear I hope I don't spill my drink on my keyboard like the last time. Shit that would be unfortunate.

Once I finished filming and editing my videos I realized I finally had some free time. FINALLY. I spend some time tweeting and replying to all
my amazing fans. I watch some YouTube videos. Yeah even youtubers watch YouTube videos sometimes. After awhile Simon came in to my room asking if I was hungry and wanted to go out and eat.

Me and the boys decided to go out and eat at Nando's. Harry and JJ couldn't come because they said they were busy. What were they busy doing? I don't know. It's not like they post many videos. (hahahaah)

I was so starving. My schedule is always so busy I barely get time to eat. So when we were at Nando's I probably could've eaten everything. Me and the lads were having a good time. We even saw this waiter dump a container of water on a girl and it was really hilarious even though she looks really upset about it.

After we ate, we went back home and I started editing all my videos for the day. When I was done editing it was probably around 11 pm. Maybe I can actually go to sleep at a normal time today??!

I went downstairs to the kitchen to get something to eat. And of course, there was just about no food. I swear JJ comes over and eats all the food. I even ran out of my favorite cereal, shreddies. Wow we really need to go grocery shopping. I asked the other guys if there was anything they needed from
the store and headed off.

I got a lot of food knowing that realistically the food would only last for like a week. I loaded up on microwave food, snacks, and drinks. Right before I was about to check out I remembered that I needed to get my shreddies. I headed to the cereal section and grabbed a box. At that moment I realized I took the last box of shreddies and at the same time a girl was going to reach for the same box.

"Oh sorry, were you gonna get this?" I asked the girl.

"Yeah, but I mean you have it so it's fine. I'll just come back tomorrow," she replied politely.

Wow, she's really pretty I thought to myself. She had long, straight dark brown hair and a nice medium brown, almost hazel colored eyes. She was short, maybe like 5'5". She looked mesmerizing. I was probably staring at her for like 5 minutes. I barely even heard her talking when she said, "I'm sorry I'm like staring at you. I'm not a creep I swear."

I chuckled. Maybe she recognized me from my videos? Or maybe she was digging the icky vikky sticky? wink wink.

"Ha that's good to know. Well I gotta go now so bye," I told her. If I stayed any longer I'd never want to stop talking to her.

I checked out all my food and headed home. Once I was done putting all the food away I went upstairs and started getting ready for bed.

I really wish I had asked that girl for her name. Or stayed longer to talk to her. I can't get her off my mind. Did she say she was going back to the store tomorrow? How crazy would it be if I just so happened to show up there tomorrow and see her again. I want to see her again. I barely know her, but I want to know her.

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