Berzerk Love (Hekapoo x Male...

By Victor_TheRiper

55.3K 1.2K 390

Mewni has always been kept safe out of danger, and yet thanks to Star and Marco alongside with the High Commi... More

Chp.1 Enter The New Royal Mewni Guard Pt.1
Chp.2 Enter The New Royal Mewni Guard Pt.2
Chp.5 Unleashed Swordsman
Chp.7 The Origin Of "Guts"
Chp.8 TimeSkip
Chp.9 Enter The Monster Boss Toffee
Chp.10 Nosferatu Zodd
Chp.11 Battle With The Immortal Monster
Chp.17 Murder Until Its Done
Chp.20 Farewell Pt.1
Chp.21 Farewell Pt.2
Chp.23 The Skull Knight
Chp.24 The Return Of Guts
Chp.26 Lemon Chapter
Chp.29 The Awakening Of Behelit
Chp.30 The Despair Of Deaths
Chp.32 The End Of Toffee
Chp.33 The Sad Epilogue
Final Chapter: The Final Epilogue

Chp.3 Enter The New Royal Mewni Guard Pt.3

2K 57 23
By Victor_TheRiper



At the hills near Mewni castle, Queen Moon and (YN) arrived at the top of the hill with grass, Queen Moon raised her arms up, stretching as she can feel the relaxing air of nature...

Queen Moon: Ah, quite the view isn't it?

(YN) then appeared with Queen Moon as he was still quiet and never said anything to Queen Moon while walking to arrive here at the hill...

Queen Moon: Whats wrong (YN)? You're not yourself. And haven't even said a word when we got here.

(YN): ...Out with it.

Queen Moon: Pardon?

(YN): Out with it Damn it. Tell me why?! Two days ago, you could've have stabbed me through my heart back there. It would've been easy for you, but you didn't and just took me to your village and kept me there. So tell me, why didn't you kill me? After I tried killing your guards and allies.

At the near by tree, Hekapoo was hiding as she heard everything...she stood there still and started to hear the conversation between him and Queen Moon...

(YN): So?! Are you gonna tell me!?! Or do I have to make you!

Queen Moon was looking at the view of the village, as she then turns around with a smile, looks at (YN) and says to him...

Queen Moon: Because I want you to join me, (YN).

(YN): Wh-What??!

Hekapoo Mind: What?! She-She can't be serious!

Queen Moon: 3 months ago, I've seen your battle and fighting against the other men at the battle ground. I've watched you over the castle, and you were magnificent. Your fight was quiet impressive to watch.

(YN): Probably.

Queen Moon: Heh, at least you're honest. Listen, judging by the way you fight, it seems you value victory, more than your own life.

(YN): ...

Queen Moon: You've never yield an inch. Even when facing 100 of couple of men, and facing off one of my high commissioners. On the contrary, you would rather recklessly engage battle to your enemy opponent that crosses your path. You're certainly brave, but I believe you purposely put your life in danger and seek the meaning of the existence, battling to preserve it. And that's what I see from you (YN), you are fascinating, I find you much on my liking. I want you to join me, (YN). Become my new royal head leader guard of Mewni.

(YN) was quite speechless and yet a bit shocked too, he has never thought Queen Moon will still treat him good even though he tried killing her and her high commissioners, and yet she still wants him to work for her, be her royal leader guard of Mewni...and yet as for Hekapoo, still hiding behind the tree, she's heard everything too, and she was quiet shocked as well...after hearing Queen Moon's proposition, (YN) clenched his hands and says...

(YN): *What..What is this!? Why is she telling me all this!?* Tch. Well then, what if I say no?!

Queen Moon: Oh? You don't want to??

(YN): Of course not! I refuse-AGH!!

(YN) then felt the pain of the wound he still has, knowing it still hurts from the stab he got from Queen Moon as he backed up a little...

(YN): Listen, don't talk as if you know me so much damn it! What do you even know about me?! You don't even talk to me like that and how the hell can you possibly know about me!?

Queen Moon: You're right, I don't. I just had a feeling about it.

(YN): Nrrrgh!! You lousy hag! Treating me as some kind of friend, after stabbing me! Besides, you and your allies started the fight! I'm not gonna forget about what you all did to me! Especially you of course!

Queen Moon: Then, what do you want?

(YN): What I want?! *chuckles* oh you know what I want.

(YN) reaches for his sword behind, takes it out and gets in battle position, as he then says..

(YN): To settle this with swords!

Hekapoo Mind: Wh-What?!? No!!

(YN): I'll make a whole on your chest as big as this one when I win.

Queen Moon: I see, and what if I win?

(YN): ...Do whatever you want with me!

Queen Moon: I see...Well, as you wish.

Queen Moon then raises her hand up as she then summons her magical sword.

Queen Moon: I rather enjoy settling things, by force.

Hekapoo came out from the tree and yells..

Hekapoo: Queen Moon!! Don't do this!!

(YN) Mind: Her again.

Queen Moon: Leave us alone Hekapoo.

Hekapoo: Wh-Wha?!? But-

Queen Moon: Please Hekapoo. I've got this.

Hekapoo stood quite, as she then backs up away a little...

Queen Moon: No matter what (YN), I will have what I want.

(YN): Tch. I have enough with this bullshit! You make me sick!!!

(YN) goes charging to Queen Moon as he swings his black sword to her, Queen Moon quickly blocks his sword attack with her as their swords clashed each other's...the two started clashing, dueling, as (YN) swinging his sword like a mad man to Queen Moon, as Queen Moon can evade and block his sword attack with an ease, after that, Queen Moon quickly swings her magic sword and was able to cut (YN)'s left arm, which cause it to bleed out and made (YN) trip backwards...

(YN): A-AARGH!!! Shit!! *Damn it, she's something else. I know I can easily cut through steal with this sword, but she easily evades and blocks every blows I swing at her...and uses one arm to handle this! She is...good.

(YN) recovers as he gets up and gets into battle position again...

Queen Moon: You know, we can always suspend this duel, until you recover completely. If you rather.

(YN): Nrgh! Shut up!!

(YN) rushes at Queen Moon agains, swinging his sword at her like a mad man again and yet Queen Moon still evades them like nothing...

(YN) Mind: I have to win! I have to defeat her! I need to! Faster! Stronger!

As Hekapoo was watching at a distance, she is more surprised that Queen Moon by herself can handle (YN) alone...u til she then hears Mina's voice, she turns around and sees her, Glossaryck and with other guards coming right up towards the duel...

Mina: That brat! He's at it again! Kill him Queen Moon!

Hekapoo: Mina, all of you wait!

Hekapoo then stopped them from getting in to help Out Queen Moon as she says...

Hekapoo: Don't interfere.

Mina: What?!? What are you-

Hekapoo: That's the Queen's order! Do not interfere!

Mina: Foolish! It's either Queen Moon or me to take him out-

As Mina tried to ignore Hekapoo and walk over to help Queen Moon, Hekapoo quickly takes out her blade, pints at it to Mina...

Mina: H-Hey! What are you-

Hekapoo: Since when you became the leader, Mina?! Queen Moon's orders are absolute, so settle down.

Glossaryck: If I were you Mina, I would listen to Hekapoo.

Hekapoo gave Mina this menace looo on her face, which made her sweat a bit nervous, back at the duel, Queen Moon was taking advantage as she started cutting up wounds on (YN)'s shoulder, arm, and leg, and making it bleed out...(YN) was bleeding too much, but he is still able to stand up tall still as he then sues his sword to pick up the dirt and throw it to Queen Moon's eyes, for her to lose sight..

Hekapoo: O-Oh no!!

(YN): You're mine!!

(YN) lifts his sword up and then swings it, towards Queen Moon as he thought he got Queen Moon for good...but didn't as his sword hit towards the ground instead...and Queen Moon landing on top of (YN)'s sword...

(YN): Wh-What?!?

Queen Moon: I enjoy the way you fight (YN). But now you can no longer move your sword while I'm standing on it. Now would you mind post pone this dual?

(YN): know you talk too much. But let me tell you something, in battle you should also be able to use your mouth!

Queen Moon: What?!

(YN) suddenly places his mouth at the very top of Queen Moon's sword, and clenching his teeth on it, and soon suddenly, using his strength to bite off her sword, causing her teeth's to bleed out, and then suddenly...braking and crunching Queen Moon's sword with his teeth..

Hekapoo: Wh-What the!?! He destroyed her sword with his own teeth!?

(YN) quickly then charges at Moon, tackling her down to the hill as her and (YN) started rolling over to the ground...

Hekapoo: Queen Moon!!

Hekapoo, Mina and the guards rush to the edge of the hill to see Queen Moon and (YN) rolling over and landing on the ground, Queen Moon quickly gets up as she then turns around, and then got punched by (YN) straight to her face, as she collapse on the floor on her knees...

(YN): How do you like that?! Tasting your own blood! And yet I'm sorry for hitting you, knwing that your a woman, but you make me angry.

Queen Moon smudges off her blood off as she stood up and recovers...

Queen Moon: It's alright. I've taken punches like that in battle, and yet your punch was quite impressive as well. But this, I'm afraid is the end.


As (YN) charges at Queen Moon to strike another punch at her, Queen Moon quickly dodges it as she then grabs (YN)'s whole arm, pins him down and gets him in a submission holding his arm...

Mina: Alright your majesty!

Mina and the guards cheered for Queen Moon at the top of the hill...

Queen Moon: Now then (YN). You have a choice; you can either admit defeat and end this duel, or I'll be force to dislocate your shoulder. Either way, it makes no difference.

(YN) was grunting a bit, knowing he can't move at all, Queen Moon waited for (YN)'s response, (YN) suddenly gives a grin on his face as he then replies...

(YN): *chuckles* You bitch.

...after saying that to Queen Moon, she smiles all of the sudden, and she then dislocates (YN)'s shoulder...

(YN): A-AAAGH!! F-Fuck!!!

Mina: Haha!! Hell yeah! That'll do! Great work you majesty!

Mina, Glossaryck and the other guards came running down the hill, cheering for Queen Moon as they all run up to her, As for Hekapoo she just stood there, Mina and the others got to Queen Moon...

Mina: Haha! Good work your majesty!

Queen Moon: It was nothing.

(YN) was holding onto his shoulder that Queen Moon dislocated, as Mina walks up to him as says to him...

Mina: Ha! Well how about it champ?! How does it feel to lose two times against our Queen!!

(YN): Nrrrgh!!

Mina: Woah now! You don't wanna cause another trouble or we'll have Queen Moon to-

Queen Moon: That is enough Mina. Stand by.

Mina: Q-Queen Moon???

Queen Moon then walks up to (YN), gets on her knees as (YN) notices her looking at him, suddenly Queen Moon places both her hands onto (YN)'s cheeks as she tells him...

Queen Moon: And so, now you belong to me, (YN).

Queen Moon was smiling at him, still having her hands onto his checks as (YN) stood quiet for a moment...

Glossaryck: Come again my Queen??

Queen Moon: From now on, he is now our new royal guard leader.

Glossaryck: *chuckles* Very well.

Mina: What?!?

All the guards started to cheer as they were happy and grateful to hear that  they have now got themselves their new royal guard leader, who is (YN) the top of the hill, Hekapoo heard what Queen Moon said...

Hekapoo Mind: This is strange. Queen Moon has never been this interested or complimentary...not to anyone. But to him. ridiculous. Now I'm stuck with him now.


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