Teen Titans x Fem Reader

By bcaceres25

218K 5.1K 1.4K

It has been bothering me of seeing barley Teen Titans fan-fiction and some that are not have updated for year... More

please read!!!
Divide and Conquer
Final Exam
Forces of Nature
The Sum of His Parts
Deep Six
Mad Mod
Car Trouble
Apprentice Part 1
Apprentice Part 2
How Long Is Forever?
Every Dog Has His Day
Only Human
Date with Destiny
Titan Rising
Winner Take All
Aftershock (Part 1)
Aftershock (Part 2)
The Beast Within
Can I Keep Him?
Bunny Raven... or... How to Make A Titananimal Disappear
Titans East Part 1
Titans East Part 2
Episode 257-494(Don't Touch That Dial)
Cyborg the Barbarian
The Quest
Employee of the Month
The Prophecy
Mother Mae-Eye
The End (Part 1)
The End (Part 2)
The End (Part 3)
Homecoming, pt. 1
Homecoming, pt. 2

Fear Itself

3.1K 80 10
By bcaceres25

 It passes a couple weeks and your leg finally healed so the titans let you finally come fight with them, Control freak was causing trouble at the video shop he had a huge TV chasing people the teen titans arrive Cyborg blast the TV  "Well, well, well isn't it my old arch nemesis's the teen titans." Control freak says "Um yeah who is this guy?" Beast boy asked "I am the masters of monsters, I am your darkest nightmare come to life I am control freak." he then pressed his remote that made selves, cash registers, and card board cut out come alive Robin fought a samurai board cut out while Starfire dealt with the cash register you and Cyborg fought the selves he slams it on the ground while you cut it in half 

but Control freak came toward you guys and made the candy come to life, the candy started chasing you and Cyborg "Bad candy, bad candy!" Cyborg repeats "Hey Hey! get off my leg ow who bit me!?" you yelled "Dude (Y/n) wicked scary is out on video." When you heard that you quickly teleported next to Beast boy to see the cut out of the horror character "Traitor!" Cyborg yelled "I didn't know! Oh my gosh I've been waiting for this one." You said "I know directors cut digitally remastered altered ending its great." Control freak said excited "Cool." Beast boy says, but then Beast boy and you realized "Not cool." you said 

Control freak made it come to life "AHHH!" You and Beast boy screamed, you both started running passing raven who was just fighting mix tapes "Run it'll eat your brains!" Beast boy yelled "Alright if y'all biting Cyborg, Cyborg going to bite back." Cyborg started eating the candy but only in second Cyborg felt sick and ran outside, that distracted you, you felt something wrapped around you "At least it's not the monster!" Beast boy yelled you look to see it was the big TV from before its electrocute you "This is worse!" you yelled at Beast boy, Robin cut the wire that wrapped around you he then hit the TV with his staff then run up up and caught you 

Robin sends his gadget to the fire sprinklers that went off causing all the objects to stop "Ugh my remote I can't live without my remote." Robin grabbed Control freak by his shirt "Don't you think you watch too much TV." He says "This isn't over you hear me this isn't over."Control freak says, Cyborg walked in but quickly walked out of sickness "Guys check it out Movie night." Beast boy says while grabbing the wicked scary movie you guys go back to the tower Robin goes to secures Control Freak's remote in the evidence room

While the other teen titans were in the living room "Robin emergency get up here now!" Beast boy yells Robin quickly came into the room "Report what is the problem." "The problem is that it's show time and your not in your seat." Beast boy tells him "Cyborg are you sure you don't desire the unhealthily candy."  Starfire asked "Uh make it go away." Cyborg says sick, Robin jumped on the couch in between you and Starfire, Raven was next to Starfire on the left side while you sat next to Cyborg, Beast boy was standing up 

"Ladies and gentlemen get ready for the scariest night of your life, maybe control freaks monster didn't scare you but this movie is going to freak you out, this movie is supposed to be cursed when people watch it strange things happen evil things." "Just start the movie." Raven tells Beast boy, he played the movie and while watching it you all were shock and scared it was also a stormy night so that made it worst

"Is it over?" Beast boy asked hiding behind the couch "I dare not to open my eyes to find out." Starfire says, while covering her eyes with her hands "Now I'm really sick to my stomach." "Me too." you said agreeing with Cyborg "I have fought psychotic villains, Robots commandos and giant oozing monsters but that is the scariest thing I've ever seen."  there was a moment of silence before you guys started laughing "Come on Raven admit it you were scared." Beast boy says "I don't do fear." Raven tells him, the night goes on with everyone goes to there room you were about to go to sleep but you hear a huge scream 

you quickly got up and went to the living room seeing all the other titans there too "Who screamed?" Asked Raven "It sounded like something from the movie, did we leave the TV on?" Robin asked "We did not and the movie is right here." Starfire says showing him the movie, the light went out you screamed which made you teleport next to Cyborg "Okay that's creepy." Cyborg says he turned on a flashlight that was attach to him "The storm, it probably tripped a  circuit breaker."  a tentacle then went on Robin shoulder "Okay Beast boy you got us good one."

but Beast boy was right next to you, you clearly see that its a big scary monster "Nope." is all you said before teleporting to you room but you were alone, you teleported back to the titans "On second thought maybe I can stay for a little bit." you said "Azarath metrion zintho- my powers." Raven powers weren't working the monster knocked raven back but the monster disappeared "There was a monster here right." Cyborg asked "But where did it go?" Robin questioned "Hello isn't it obvious the movie is curse it open a portal to another dimension now it's going to hunt us down and eat us." Beast boy says "I agree with Beast boy I vote we leave and never come back." you said

"Or Control freak must've escaped and come to the tower to get his remote and take his revenge." Robin says "But that doesn't explain on why my powers aren't working." "If that remote could turn candy evil who knows what else it can do." Cyborg said to Raven "Whatever is going on we need to get to the bottom of it split up and search the tower." Robin says "What the hell are we the scooby-doo gang we are not splitting up." you said "Did you not see the movie the monster will hunt us down one at a time starting with the good looking comedy relief guy me." Beast boy says "I mean the dork somewhat has a better chance of surviving." "Your not helping (Y/n)." Beast boy says

you guys go down the hall way "Help me.." is all you guys here down the stairs "Hmm good to know now lets go." you said about to walk away but Robin stopped you "This way." Robin says while holding your hand, you guys open Beast boy door "Help me.." was heard again in his closet, Robin walked up to the closet door but you were still with him so you teleport yourself next to Beast boy "You must be crazy if I want to open that door." you whispered loud enough for them to hear, Robin opens the door then quickly clothes started to pile on each of you

It was Beast boy monkey toy you guys walk out of the room "OOO look out guys big scary monkey." Cyborg joked around "Yeah Raven you should have seen the look on your face." "I already told you I don't get scared." Raven told Beast boy, you guys then see the monster down the hallway "Titans go." Robin said you quickly started flying passing Beast boy and Raven Cyborg goes through a door and started falling since you guys were following him you all fell except you and Star and Beast boy she grabbed Cyborg you go down and grabbed Robin who grabbed Raven you guys go back up "The creature is gone we are safe for the moment." Starfire says "Okay don't even try to tell me that didn't scare you- wah!" The monster got Beast boy "What did I tell you the funny guy go first!" Was the last words he said before going into the darkness

Robin open the door "Beast boy he's gone." Starfire says "Give me some light." Robin said "The evidence room what are we looking for?" Cyborg asked "Something that shouldn't be here." Robin answered "Control freak remote It's right where I left it." Robin says "Maybe he had an extra I mean we got like nine." Cyborg said "Fear that's it the movie the monster Raven powers the answer is right in front of us if control freak isn't behind this it has to be-." He couldn't finish his sentence because the monster got him through the wall

"Robin!" Cyborg got mad to the point he punched the wall "I don't supposes either you knew what he was about to say." Cyborg asked you all nodded your head no, you guys go look in the living room "There not here we already looked here." "But we already looked everywhere." Cyborg tells raven "Not everywhere." Raven says mostly hinting to the basement "Yeah this was fun guys but I'll just see myself out." You said before walking away "Oh no you don't lets go." Cyborg says while pulling your coat you guys go down to the basement

"Oh well our friends aren't presence lets go back."Star says but Cyborg also grabbed her "Not yet we got to get the bottom of this." Cyborg says, you guys started walking but Starfire blast something "There is nothing to be afraid of alright it's probably just a few rats." Raven tells her "Those are not rats." Star points behind you guys, you turn to see a group of tiny monster "Run,run!" Cyborg says you already teleport yourself to the stairs you turn to see the monsters got Starfire she disappeared 

"No we should go back maybe there could be a way to save her." Raven said while you and Cyborg get her out the basement "We have to get out of here and come back with help." Cyborg tells her "That's what I said in the beginning." you tell them you guys walk in the hallway "We'll get through this alright don't be scared." Cyborg says "For the last time I am not afraid." Raven tells him she started walking ahead of you guy but a tentacle wrapped around you and Cyborg mouth and brought you in the ground

"Cyborg I could use a little more light." Raven says before turning to see no one "(Y/n)?" but then the monster started to chase raven she quickly got into the elevator but the elevator started getting filled with a black ooze in every direction she looked there was a monster "Get back you don't scare me I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid I-I am afraid but that doesn't mean I can't fight back Azarath Metrion Zinthos." By just saying that the monsters went away, you appeared in your room "I just wanted to sleep perhaps I can now." but then Cyborg open your door "Nope something weird happen lets go see what it is." he grabbed you by the coat and pulled you out you meet the rest of the titans in the living room but you see a unconscious Raven on the floor

"Your all okay?" Raven asked, Cyborg helped her up "We were never in any danger." Robin says "Did you not see the monsters." Beast boy tells him "We saw them but they were never really there Raven was afraid but when she wouldn't talk about it the fear found another way out once you excepted your fear you gained control over it." Robin explained "Uh sorry." raven says embarrassed you all turn to see the sun rising "Sunrise time for bed." You said going to your room to sleep  

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