Berzerk Love (Hekapoo x Male...

By Victor_TheRiper

54.1K 1.2K 384

Mewni has always been kept safe out of danger, and yet thanks to Star and Marco alongside with the High Commi... More

Chp.2 Enter The New Royal Mewni Guard Pt.2
Chp.3 Enter The New Royal Mewni Guard Pt.3
Chp.5 Unleashed Swordsman
Chp.7 The Origin Of "Guts"
Chp.8 TimeSkip
Chp.9 Enter The Monster Boss Toffee
Chp.10 Nosferatu Zodd
Chp.11 Battle With The Immortal Monster
Chp.17 Murder Until Its Done
Chp.20 Farewell Pt.1
Chp.21 Farewell Pt.2
Chp.23 The Skull Knight
Chp.24 The Return Of Guts
Chp.26 Lemon Chapter
Chp.29 The Awakening Of Behelit
Chp.30 The Despair Of Deaths
Chp.32 The End Of Toffee
Chp.33 The Sad Epilogue
Final Chapter: The Final Epilogue

Chp.1 Enter The New Royal Mewni Guard Pt.1

5.1K 75 51
By Victor_TheRiper



It happened 4 years ago, it was a day after a week we have gained another victory win against Toffee's monster guards. Toffee is a lizard monster, ruler of his dimension, filled with his monster guards men. He has been raiding Mewni for years just to take over, and not just that, he wants to take Queen Moon's magic power and keep it for himself...just like he did to her mother, Comet Butterfly. But yet, he's failed several times trying to rule Mewni and steal Moon's magic, thanks to Hekapoo, and some of allies of Queen Moon. But as for Hekapoo, She'll do anything for Queen Moon, She've always been her side, protecting her and keeping her safe from danger, She will do anything to keep her safe. She's the only high commissioner that she tells on, and always have her hopes on for her...but all that changed until one day, Queen Moon and King River has notices that they need a head leader for their royal guards, someone who can be trust, someone who can handle the job and someone that can take the lead as a true leader, but that was just a waste as Hekapoo would say, knowing that she only can be the one who can do all that... Queen Moon understand, but she needed a leader guard for Mewni. So, Queen Moon and King River announced the whole village of Mewni and the whole location of the dimension that they'll have a contract for 3 months of whoever can last stand in a battle, head to head, and win some gold and become the head leader of the Mewni guards. And what does Hekapoo think of it? She says, it was just a waste, knowing she has Hekapoo, the other High commissioners, Mina, Star and Marco...but Hekapoo really don't care, cause no man can ever last stand and win to become one... but she was wrong. At the very beginning of the battle to take the spot of become one, something has caught Hekapoo's attention....what caught her attention was a teenager. He wasn't a adult as well...She notice he was 18 years old as well...and She heard about his name...(YN) (LN)...and yet he came to take a spot to become Queen Moon's leader guard of Mewni? For Hekapoo, he won't even last a day to fight and win...


...Okay, she was wrong. It has been passed 3 months, and (YN) has been winning the fights for the past 3 months, and yet he's barely gotten wounded from the other men. And yet he has won! Hekapoo couldn't believe it, and yet he had skills of using a sword he had on his back on the day he came to Mewni. He had his own sword, a thick, huge black sword, and it seem heavy, and yet he carries it around on his back and doesn't even bother saying it's heavy. Just who is he?? Me, Queen Moon and the rest saw everything, yet all of them were surprised about his skills in fighting, Queen Moon especially...but Hekapoo wasn't...something about him makes her feel ...that she don't want him here. Anyways...after the 3 months and him earning the spot...the other men have lost to him, but still get paid. After A Mewni Guard walked by each men paying them for coming and trying, he then came to (YN) at last as he then hands him over the bag of gold as he was promised to get if he won, and he did....(YN) started counting the gold as he said...

Mewni Guard: I gotta say, you impressed us lad. Even if it was a fluke, a young man like you defeated several men in the fight. Truly unbelievable. Say young...uh...

(YN): (YN)...

Mewni Guard: Ah. Say young (YN), since you're the one last standing, will you consider being the leader of the royal guards of Mewni? Your salary will be one day triple. My wife and I will also even promote you to a rank warrior if you like. Sounds like a good deal isn't it lad?

(YN) finished counting his gold money, as he then places it in his pocket as he suddenly turns around and started walking away...

(YN): ...No. I'm sorry. But I only came here to win and earn gold for myself. Don't take it the wrong way. I'll gladly accept it, but...I'm not interested.

King River: W-Wait a minute young (YN). I will secure your position at income as well. That way, you won't put yourself in danger during the war-

As soon The guard reaches to (YN)'s arm, (YN) suddenly reacted aggressively as he yells at him

(YN): Don't touch me!!

The guard backed up a little as all the men that were in the battle heard him yelling...(YN) stare down at the guard with a anger look on his face and said to him...

(YN): Don't you ever dare touch me again! Ever! And stop following me!

The guard was confused on why he yelled at him...(YN) afterwards walked away and left. Soon, Queen Moon and King River saw everything...and yet the looked at each other and walked away.


Later on that day, all the men has left home after their lose. Queen Moon and King River decided to go out on the hills and decided to catch some air, then again, Hekapoo wanted to join as well, alongside the other high commissioners, Mina, Star and Marco. And so, they all left Mewni as they arrive in the hills, near the castle to catch some fresh air...until Rhombulus then spotted someone walking away, and yet it was (YN)...

Rhombulus: Hey guys! Look!

Some of them walked up to see (YN) walking...

Glossaryck: Say, isn't that the young man who refuse to be the royal leader guard? What's he doing around here?

Rhombulus: Should we go get him? I mean, he did disrespected some of the guards, and was our opponent.

Omnitraxus: *In a crystal ball* It doesn't matter now. Job is done.

Mina: Well as for me, I say we should get him. Besides, he has some of our money after winning and yet doesn't even wanna be Queen Moon's royal guard leader. Say your majesty, mind if we get him?

Queen Moon was sitting down on the floor, with her husband, King River relaxing and enjoying the fresh air as she then replies...

Queen Moon: Do as you please Mina.

Mina: Hehe alright! Rhombulus, come with me!

Rhombulus: O-Okay!

As soon Mina and Rhombulus get ready to go capture (YN), Hekapoo suddenly chuckles as she was sitting on a rock...

Mina: Hey what's so funny Hekapoo??!

Hekapoo: ...You don't really think you'll beat him?

Mina: Ha! That's what you say but, I'm the one who was suppose to win that battle and become Queen Moon's Royal leader guard. I won't b satisfied until I kill the one who came in between me and my glory.

Hekapoo: Well will die.

Mina: Huh?!? ...tch. You'll see what will happen to him!

And so, Mina and Rhombulus started walking down sneaking up to (YN) behind as Glossaryck and Rhombulus wanted to see how it will go down, as for Star and Marco, those two were worried about it...

Star: Uh mom?? You sure you wanna let Mina do what she says? I mean, you've seen what that (YN) can do.

Marco: Yeah, no kidding. He meant business when he was fighting the other men.

Queen Moon: I'm sure. Don't you worry you two.

And so, (YN) kept walking until he suddenly felt like he's been followed and yet he feels like someone is gonna jump on him any he quickly turns around and yet sees both Mina and Rhombulus charging at him...

(YN): Tch. Give me a break.

Mina: Alright Rhombulus! Just like we talked in our plan earlier!

Rhombulus: R-Right!

Both Mina and Rhombulus charge at (YN) as he then stood still, Rhombulus goes charging at him as he the uses his magic to try to crystallize (YN), but (YN) suddenly jumped to the air as ducked out from Rhombulus's magic as he then goes flying straight down to him as the then grabs his face and then slams him straight to the ground hard. Mina stopped as she suddenly saw what (YN) did to Rhombulus...

Rhombulus: O-Ow...M-Mina...

Mina: Wh-What?! H-He was so quick and powerful! Just what he did to Rhombulus!?!

On top of the hill...

Omnitraxus Prime: Damn it Mina! I told you this would happen. Your both going to end up getting killed!

Hekapoo: Told you.

Star: Woah. I feel bad for Rhombulus.

Marco: Yup, same.

Suddenly, Queen Moon calls Hekapoo...

Queen Moon: Hekapoo?

Hekapoo: Yes, Queen Moon?

Queen Moon: If I were you, you should go and help Rhombulus and Mina.

Hekapoo: Wh-What?!? Hey now! You're kidding me your majesty?! It's all Mina's fault and-

Queen Moon then gave her a look as Hekapoo then stood quiet and says...

Hekapoo: Tch. Fine. I'll do it.

Back at the fight, Mina was somehow shaking in fear of what (YN) did to Rhombulus...she then yells at the top of the hill..

Mina: H-Hey Glossaryck! I think you should help me out here!

Glossaryck: Huh?? I wasn't part of this you know-

Omnitraxus Prime: Mina look out!

Mina quickly notices (YN) charging her as he then reaches to his black sword and gets ready to kill Mina, Mina didn't knew what to do but to stand still, as soon (YN) got in close range to Mina and then took his sword out and was ready to slice Mina, suddenly a pair of scissors came flying to (YN)'s arm and stabbed straight towards his arm, blood coming out from it...

(YN): Sh-Shit! What the-

Suddenly, Hekapoo came flying down from the top of the hill as she landed on the ground....

Mina: H-Hekapoo! You came to back me up??!

Hekapoo: Tch. Of course not. I'm here on Queen Moon's order.

Hekapoo then stares down at (YN) as she then says to him...

Hekapoo: Now, (YN), is that your name, step back or else.

(YN) stood quiet as he then take off the scissors from his arm and tosses them away, knowing blood was still coming out from his arm, but doesn't bother him at all, and yet goes charging at her...

Hekapoo: Suit yourself!

Hekapoo as well goes charging at (YN) as well, she then got a pair of blades on her hands to fight (YN). She soon swings them at (YN) as she got near him, but (YN) blocked her swing attack with his sword, he and Hekapoo started fighting each other, colliding their weapons towards each other's, as they kept throwing their weapons onto each other, dueling, Hekapoo started creating clones of herself, surrounding (YN), but (YN) suddenly started swinging his sword around and around, trying to get the real Hekapoo, until he got the real one, knowing Hekapoo blocked (YN)'s sword with her blades, Mina and the others stared watching their fight as they notices that Hekapoo was having a hard time dealing with (YN)...

Omnitraxus Prime: M-My god! Hekapoo is starting to lose against him! And that (YN) fellow has got her cornered!

Glossaryck: Interesting. None of us have ever beaten Hekapoo, expect the Queen.

Queen Moon: Whats goin on?

Mina: Your majesty! That (YN) kid is gonna end up killing (YN)!

Queen Moond: No worries. I got this.

King River: Careful my love.

Queen Moon goes running down the hill to go help Hekapoo...

Star: H-Hey dad! You think mom can stop him??

King River: No worries pumpkin, I know your mother very well.

Back at the fight, Hekapoo was still having trouble dealing with (YN) as she started to lose the fight...

Hekapoo Mind: D-Damn it! His skills...and the strength of his blows...their amazing!

Then, (YN) then swings his sword with such strength towards Hekapoo's blades, it caused her blades to fly away and her to trip over and fall to the ground as (YN) raised his sword...

Hekapoo Mind: Sh-Shit! I'm gonna die!

As soon (YN) was gonna swing his sword to Hekapoo, suddenly a magical spear was shot between (YN) and Hekapoo, stopping (YN) from trying to kill Hekapoo...that magical spear came from Queen Moon...

Hekapoo: Q-Queen Moon!

(YN): Moon?

Hekapoo: B-Be careful your majesty! He's very strong!

Queen Moon: Understand. Please step back Hekapoo.

Hekapoo: O-Okay.

Hekapoo then stood up and backed away quickly as (YN) then has his focus on Queen Moon...

Queen Moon: Now, (YN), will you put up your sword?

(YN) then adjusted his sword, ready to duel Queen Moon...

Queen Moon: I see. Very well.

Queen Moon uses her magic to create a sword for herself as she then gets into a battle stance to get ready to fight (YN)...


(YN) then charges at Queen moon and swings his sword at her, Queen Moon uses her magic sword to block (YN)'s sword attack with an ease...

(YN): H-Huh??!

Queen Moon caused (YN) to lose balance by letting his sword go with here, as she then quickly stabs (YN) on to e side of the gut...

(YN) Mind: N-Nrrrgh!!!

(YN) suddenly collapses to the floor as Mina and the others cheered for her...

Star: Alright mom!

Marco: Way the go Queen Moon!

Glossaryck: Excellent work your majesty!

Hekapoo walks up to Queen Moon..

Hekapoo: Amazing Queen Moon! You beat him with one stroke.

Mina: Ha! What an idiot. He knows better that he doesn't have a chance to go up against Queen Moon on a one on one fight-

Hekapoo: Shut it Mina! Your responsible for this Mina. If I were you, I keep your mouth shut.

Mina: Alright sorry, Geez.

Hekapoo: Hey Rhombulus, you okay??

Rhombulus: Y-Yeah, I'm fine-

Mina: H-Hey look!

Suddenly, Hekapoo notices (YN) getting up on his feet with the help of his sword to get up, knowing he's wounded from the stab he got from Queen Moon and the stab from his arm with the scissors from Hekapoo...

Hekapoo: N-No way!! How is he-

Queen Moon: Step aside Hekapoo.

Hekapoo: Huh??

Queen Moon started walking up to (YN) as (YN) was using his strength to keep his meld standing still, he started to growl and stare menacingly at Queen Moon as he then try to take a step and go charging at her...but as he did...he suddenly felt weak...knwing the wounds he he then collapses to the floor he did again...he looks at Queen Moon again..Queen Moon looks at him, knowing that (YN) now was knocked out unconscious...

Mina: Alright! You got him Queen Moon! Now let's take back our money and-

Queen Moon: No.

Mina: Wha?!? But-

Queen Moon: He's hurt. We should take him back to the village and treat his wounds.

Hekapoo: What?!? Your majesty, you can't be serious! Even though this was Mina's fault for what she did. He almost tried killing us! We should just leave him out here!!

Queen Moon: Yes I know, but I can't let him out here like this. River, Marco! Would you come down and give me a hand here?!

River: On our way honey!

Queen Moon: And Hekapoo?

Hekapoo: Yes, Queen Moon?

Queen Moon: Once we take him back to Mewni, I want you to treat his wounds.

Hekapoo: Huh?!? Me!?! Why?!

Queen Moon: Please, Hekapoo.

Hekapoo: ...Tch. Alright fine!

Queen Moon: Thank you. But, can you first check on him to see he's still breathing.

Hekapoo: *Sighs* alright.

Hekapoo walks over to (YN), gets on her knees and checks his pulse...

Hekapoo Mind: He's alive...great...hope he's okay...wait, why the hell should I even care about him?! And why is the Queen wanting him to come to Mewni and get his wounds treated, he deserves to be left here and die after what he tried to do...*sighs* But it's queens orders. Looks like he's gonna be around with us...this is just great.


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