Twisted - A Paisleywood Story

By sugarmeltsintherain_

21.8K 781 192

You'll have to read to know what the story is about, bae More

Wait, WHAT?!
Friendly Date Night?
Can't Do It No More.
Miranda Finds Out
He Cannot Wait.
A Bit Shocked
The Truth Exposed.
A Day Without Brad?
The Reality
The Reality Part II
Isn't It Surprising?
Starts With Goodbye
Starts With Goodbye Part II
Get Out Of This Town
I Know You Won't
The Next Day
Remind Me
A New Friend
Just Another Day
The Ellen show
This is it.
what now?
This is Just A Dream
Next step?
The Call ☎
Home Sweet Home :)
Thank God For Hometowns
I Love You
Back For You
Fun Fun Fun!
It Is A Lovely Night Σ>―(〃°ω°〃)♡→
Stay With Me
Don't Keep Your Hopes Up
There's Good In Goodbye
Untwist It

The Future.

193 11 2
By sugarmeltsintherain_

"Carrie!" I heard someone call. A familiar voice actually, though maybe I was only imagining it so I continued on picking up chips for Toby and Charlie. "Carrie!" I heard again and this time, I turned around to see who it was.

Brad was pushing his cart over my way. "Carrie, hi!" He says out of breath. Just then I felt my heart pounding. I never thought that after 20 years it'd still be like this.

"Brad! How are you?" We exchanged, short awkward hugs. "It's been so long!"

"Well being on mid-fifties doesn't suck that bad." He laughed. I missed hearing his laugh, the laughs we will share with a circle of friends everytime we hang out. "How about you?

"Well being 45 doesn't suck that bad either, though Toby is almost about to go to college and Charlie is growing up too fast." I replied.

"Trust me, I think Kim was worst when Chloe went off to college." Brad laughed. "So are you alone?"

"No, Mike is in the meat section." I made a disgusting sound and we both burst out into a laughing fit. "What about you?"

"Kim's in the rest room." He smiled. "Do you wanna grab a coffee at Starbucks? You know us four? Like a double date or something though just drinking coffee."

"Sure! Maybe after this?"

"Good. Meet you both at Starbucks." Brad smiled.

"Okay. I'll text you." I answered, before tunring on my back and continued where I left off.

"Hey, baby." I heard Mike's voice. "You almost done?

"Hey, yeah. You?"

"All done." He smiled. I swear, nothing beats seeing him smile.

"By the way I ran into Brad just a couple of minutes ago and he asked if we wanted to go for a coffee after this and I said yes, is that okay?"

"Of course!" Mike answered placing one hand on the cart and the other on my waist.

"Great." I replied shortly. "We'll just meet up at Starbucks."

After paying and leaving the groceries at the claim and deposit section, I texted Brad, saying we're on our way to Starbucks.

As we were walking through the mall, I spotted a guitar. "Hey, baby. You think Toby will like that?" I asked, stopping in front of the store.

"I think so." Mike answered. "But didn't you just buy him a Ukelele last week?"

"I did, but that's a guitar, it's different from a Ukelele."

"I know, all I'm saying is that maybe you are quite a bit spoiling him?" Mike draped his arm on my shoulder.

"But, I mean, he does good at school, I just. I don't know." I looked down. "Am I?"

Mike nodded. "But you know what, if you really want to buy him that, you can." He smiled. "But promise me this is going to be the last time."

"Promise." I gave him a peck on the lips before sprinting towards the store.

When I came out, Mike is grinning like an idiot. "What?" I asked.

Mike just shook his head, taking the guitar from my hands and kissed my temple.

"Obviously, I bought a case and aslo a band, a capo and a pick." I smiled. "Because as far as I remember, I still have my tuner at home." I laughed.

"No wonder why Toby's such a Mama's boy." He laughed.

By the time we reached Starbucks, Kim and Brad are already inside, waving at us. "Hi!" Kim greeted. Giving me and Mike a hug and so did Brad.

"You bought a guitar?" Brad asked as we sat across them.

"Oh no, that's drum set, dumdum." I rolled my eyes.

"You're so mean." Brad laughed. "Whose is it for?"

"Carrie bought it for Toby. Last week she bought him a Ukelele and I don't wonder if next week she buys him his own studio." Mike laughed.

"You still spoil children?" Kim asked laughing.

"I don't spoil children." I laughed.

Kim rolled her eyes. "Oh please, remember when you bought Huck and Jasper those PSPs when I left them with you?"

"That's not spoiling!" I kept denying though in the end, I know i'd be ganged up by these three. "That's just giving them something that will make them happy." I defended myself. "Right, baby?" I turned to Mike sticking my bottom lip so he'd back me up. "Oh come on. Can we just drop this, please?" I said when he just shook his head.

"Yeah, let's just order." Brad suggested laughing. "What do you want?" Brad asked Kim.

"Toffeenut, venti." Kim smiled.

Mike stood up. "What about you?" He asked.

"I'd have Mocha Frap, please." I smiled before Mike followed Brad. "So how have things been?" I asked Kim.

"It's been great before Chloe went to college, considering Huck and Jasper went to get their own houses leaving just me and Brad again alone on the house. What about you?"

"It's been fun having two teenagers at home. Those kids won't stop teasing each other. Sometimes they get into a fight over the stupidest things but at the end of the day, Charlie still wants her brother's company."

"I miss little kids running around the house, to be honest." Kim smirked.

"Listen, why don't you guys have dinner with us later tonight, bring Huck and Jasper and if Chloe can come." I suggested, hoping to lihhten up her mood.

"That sounds like fun!" She answered. "I'd ask the kids."

"We can have a cook-out or something at the backyard."

Just then the boys came back. "So we were thinking, why don't we hang out another time?" Brad asked.

"Kim and I were just talking about having a cook-out later at our house. You could bring your children."

"That sounds like fun! And i'm pretty sure Huck would be more than glad to come."

"Brad!" We heard the barista called. "Mike!"

"That's us." Brad laughed standing up along with Mike.

Kim smiled at me as if she wants to say something. "What?" I asked.

"I just, I haven't thanked you enough for doing what you did before." Kim smiled.

I returned the smile, though feeling a bit awkward. "Oh come on, that is like forever ago." I replied.

Brad and Mike came back, each of them carrying a tray.

"How's Catherine, by the way?" Brad asked referring to me. "I was so bummed when I couldn't make it to their wedding."

"Trust me she was more than pissed at you until now." I laughed. "Their doing great though, after like what, 9 years of marriage? They have two sons." I smiled.

"Ahh, time flies by so fast." He commented.

We had chatted until we ran out of anything to drink and that's when we decided to leave and prepare for our cook-out later. Good thing it's summer, it wouldn't be as cold swimming at night.

"Brad knows Catherine too?" Mike asked as we started placing the groceries on the fridge.

Yes, I didn't tell him about what happened with me and Brad. I mean, what do I say? Plus it would've been really awkward if I did, right? "Yeah, why?"

"Nohing." He shrugged. Just then the kids came from the front door, Toby chasing Charlie.

"Daddy!" Charlie squealed, kissing her Dad on the cheek before running again and doing the same to me. "Mommy, Toby wouldn't stop chasing me!" She whined hiding behind me, as if Toby wouldn't be able to see her.

Toby kissed my cheek, quickly snatching something from Charlotte's hand. That just had Charlotte running for him.
"You kids, what is that about?" I laughed, standing beside Mike, side-hugging him.

"Toby stole the paper from me where the name of his girlfriend was written on."

"First, the paper is mine and second, you were the one who stole it!" Toby retorted.

Mike laughed at how silly our kids are. "You two." He shook his head. "I'm gonna go prepare outside." He kissed my temple.

I smiled in return. "Be there in a minute." I replied. "You... come here." I said to Toby, holding out my arms. "I never knew you have a girlfriend." I kissed the top of his head, which is harder to do now considering his height, as he hugged me.

"We have just been together for a month." He reasoned out.
"Okay. So what's her name?" I asked.

"Her name's Ashley, she's also in my class." He replied. "Can we just drop this?"

"Okay." I replied. Dang, time really flies by fast! I let go of my son. "By the way I bought you something."

That had Toby beaming. "Really? What is it?"

"Up in your room, it's on your bed."

Toby sprinted up the stairs while my little descended down from it.

"There's my princess." I cooed as Charlie hugged me. "I bought you something, too." I giggled.

A huge smile crept on Charlie's face. "What is it? What is it?"

I dragged her by the couch where all the shopping bags were, handing her four.

Charlie looked at them one by one and squealed when she came across the pink Valentino stilletos and the black Christian Louboutin one. "Oh my gosh! Mommy, thank you!" She kissed my face a couple of times and I can't help but laugh. Charlie has always loved wearing heels, even when she was just little. It had always always been her guilty pleasure.

"Quick, try them on along with the dresses." I said. "I'll be up in a minute to see it.

Charlie jogged upstairs to her room while I go to the kitchen counter and bring out all the food we might be needing for later's cook-out and brought them all outside to Mike.

"Hey." He pecked my lips.

"Hey." I hugged him after placing the food at a table Mike had set up. He had already started grilling barbecues. "Revelation number one: Toby has a girlfriend. Revelation number two: they have been going out for a month now."

"Yeah, I know." Mike chuckled once, making me frown. "He told me about the girl before he asked her out, asking for advices and everything."

"And you didn't bother telling me?"

"Well he told me not to, he said he'll tell you when everything goes well." He replied, pressing his lips on mine.

I sighed. "Okay, well, I'll be back in a short while, i'm going to look at Charlie trying on those new dresses."

"Okay." Mike smiled.

I went back inside, up to Charlie's room. "Looking good." I complimented as Charlie check herself out on the mirror.
She turned her head to my direction and grinned. "Thanks, mommy." She replied sweetly.

"Anyway, hurry up." I started. "Brad and his family will be over for dinner, we're having a cook-out and your Dad is already starting with the grill outside."

Everyone was having a good time, I can tell. By the laughs on my children's face and the smiles on Brad's face, this was a night to remember.

"Hey Care," Brad called pulling me out of my trance. "Do you remember that time when you first met Huck and he was showing you his karate moves?"

"How could I forget? He brought me a note and flowers." I smiled, cherishing old moments like that. "He was wearing this cute batman shirt."

Huck was on the other end of the table, looking down as if it could hide his face from blushing from embarrassment.

"And that time he asked Kim if you have balls!" Brad burst out into a hysterical laugh, along with everyone else, as if they were all present during the time.

"Hey now." I glared at him. "I might have to hurt you for that one."

Mike put his arm around me as if to tell me it's all right. "Don't worry babe, I know you don't." He winked and I playfully hit him in the arm.

And once again erupted laughs from everyone. Including my son who was clutching to his stomach from laughing too much. Guess who'll be the laughing stock in thenhouse for a week?

《 ••• 》
{Brad Douglas Paisley}

We all went home with smiles plastered on our faces. It was indeed, a night to remember. I never thought, being in the same room with Carrie would be that... not awkward.

I watched as all my children went inside their respective rooms along with Kim who told me she'll be on the shower. I decided to send a message to Carrie thanking her for being so good to me and my family after all these years.

I went upstairs, after a few minutes, assuming Carrie was already asleep for she hasn't replied yet.

"Hey." I said, entering the bedroom to my wife, putting on clothes. Sliding my arm around her waist from behind.

"Hey." She said, turning her head towards, and almost immediately, I planted my lips on hers. "I love you." I whispered, leaning my forehead against hers. "I love you so so much."

I just wished that those kisses could make up for everything I have done for the past years. But in the end, all I could say is that I am one of the luckiest men alive.

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