One Last Beginning: Something...

By shewayward-

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Little do they know it, Jensen and Gale are both on independent paths, discovering world-shattering truths al... More

Chapter 1: Fading Memories
Chapter 2: Bleeding Eventide
Chapter 3: The Waiting Game
Chapter 5: Forever and Always
Chapter 6: Away
Chapter 7: Be Mine
Chapter 8: Union
Chapter 9: Paving a Yellow Brick Road
Chapter 10: A Trip Down Memory Lane
Chapter 11: Shattered Secrets
Chapter 12: Burning Passion
Chapter 13: Fighters
Chapter 14: A Merciless Dawn
Chapter 15: Better Than Me
Chapter 16: A Dawning Reality
Chapter 17: A Foreboding Permeate
Chapter 18: Piecing The Puzzle
Chapter 19: I Dare You
Chapter 20: A Deafening Sin

Chapter 4: Life after Life

102 8 9
By shewayward-

2 hours later:

Rubbing her hands together nervously, Gale waited anxiously outiside the operation room, every so often peeking at her watch.

"His operation should be done now," Jared said quietly, staring through the operation window, wishing he could see through the curtains.

"H-He going to be okay.. He's going to be okay," Gale whispered to herself, in attempt of reassurance. Pacing up and down the hall, pitying looks were thrown her way, frowns making their way onto their faces.

"Jared, why don-" Gen was interrupted by the door that flung open, the doctor appearing in the way. Gale's heart stopped at the doctors expression: Her mouth was set in a hard line, which was supporting a clenched jaw. Her eyes were clouded with worry: Gale's heart sped up, fear once again striking her. "The surgery was successful, but.." She trailed off, unable to speak.

"But?" Jared said, alarm bells ringing in his mind. He stood up, folding his arms as came to stand near Gale.

"He isn't seeming to be fighting the increasing problem of falling into a coma, and the drug that was injected into him was very strong, therefore it's all up to Jensen to keep himself from succumbing." Her voice was soft, looking between them calmly.

"Is he going to fall into a coma?" Gale's voice was barely above a whisper: the invisible noose around her neck had tightened irrevocably, her face turning white.

"I can't say anything for certain yet," She looked at the clipboard that lay in her arms, her calculating eyes darting over the sheet. "Time will tell."

"Why isn't he fighting? Why isn't he awake?" Gale murmured, her gaze falling to the floor, a confused expression playingon her face. Putting his arm around her, Jared, squeezed her tightly.

"We will keep him in a normal ward as he is unconscious for now, however if there is any difference, we will immediately inform you." Bowing her head, before she made her way, Jared stopped her.

"Thank you, doctor." He said softly, smiling gently.

"Your welcome. And Gale," She placed a hand on her shoulder, "I have full trust that Jensen will wake up." Smiling, she inclined her head before she left, leaving a speechless Gale behind. Turning towards the closed door before her, a fierce fire started burning in her. Love fueled her heart, giving her the trust that he will wake up. Seeing the door open, Gale moved forward to see a male nurse step out of the door.

"Sorry if I'm disturbing you, but can I see him?" Seeing her troubled expression, the blond haired man smiled at her.

"Of course you can. But may I say only for a short while," He stepped aside, smiling at Jared and Gale who slipped past him.

"Thank you so much." Gale briefly touched his arm, her soft expression enough of a thanks. Bowing his head, he disappeared. Turning towards the bed, she nearly collapsed: Jensen's complexion was alarmingly pale, cuts and bruises caking his face. But what caught her attention was the tracks of-

No, Jensen didn't cry..

Her insides turned inwards at the thought, disbelief crushing her underneath its enormous weight. Mostly hidden beneath white bedsheets, he was clad in a hospital gown, his arms by his side. Heart thundering against her ribcage, she walked slowly up to him, falling into the chair near the bed. Grasping his hand desperately, she kissed it.

"Jensen, wake up please.." Tears streamed down her face, some turning inwards turning her blood cold. Leaning over him, her voice reached his ear: "I love you, so please use the love between us to give you the strength to come back to me baby.." She whispered, her hair falling around her face, her head dipped in low, kissing him tenderly. Moving back and defeatedly slumping in her seat, she kept hold of Jensen's hand. Jared silently grabbed a chair and brought it next to Gale, slipping into it quietly, all the while staring at the man that lay in the bed opposite him. Gale closed her eyes remembering the scene upon when they had discovered Jensen: He was hanging from chains that were strapped above his head, his arms limp like rag dolls. The mess she had seen him in nearly gave her a heart attack. But all of them were shocked into silence when he looked around them, confusion etched in his features. The bolt cutters that were displayed on the tray nearby were very suspicious, but they nonetheless used them to cut the chains open. Gale always thought Jensen would be able to take care of himself, didn't even dream of what had happened: He was nothing like the man that Misha and Jared were hauling through the door.


Coma state:

"Gale needs me.." He murmured, back in the same dark, dank place as before. Jensen heard her say something in his ear and it sent shivering jolts through him. "Use the love between us to come back to me.." He whispered, suddenly snapping out of his reverie and looking up.

"What's wrong with me?.." He looked at his hands, then at his stomach only to see the same sickening wounds from before. The days that he had 'lived' with his family, he had forgotten everything: where he was, whether it was reality.. Wishing that it was real, he shouted out for his family.

"Mom! Dad!" With no response, he looked frantically around the room.

"Where am I?!" He shouted, to no avail, only hearing his voice echoing around him. His eyes widening, he looked at his chest again.

Realising this was all a dream, he became frantic. "WAKE UP DAMMIT!" He roared, throwing his head back as jolts of pain surging through him.


She was stirred awake when she thought she felt some kind of movement beneath her fingers. Snapping her head up, she watched carefully again, to see if he was moving. Jared was scrutinizing him too: there was rising hope in their gazes. So when his finger slightly twitched again, Jared was suddenly at the wall, pushing the button again and again. Gale was already outside: her eyes searched the hallway for the doctor and when she found her, she shouted: "Doctor! Get in here!" Rushing back in, slowly Jensen started moving, his eyes still not open. Before she knew it, the doctor arrived with a barrel of nurses, flooding into the room. "I'm afraid you will have to step out, please." Walking out of the room, Gale felt elated: The first emotion she'd felt in months. A wide smile lit up her once grief ridden face, clean air filling her lungs after ages of trying to breathe in dank, dirty air.

"He's going to be okay.." She whispered, her voice shakily rising. "He's going to be okay!" She shouted, throwing her arms around Gen who took her by her hands and chuckled softly. "See? I told you so." Pulling back, she smiled happily, whilst looking back into the room. Before she knew it, the doctor appeared again, a relieved expression on her face.

"He's out of the woods," Thankful that they're prayers had been answered, they all exhaled with ease, smiles playing on their faces.

Unable to control herself, Gale threw herself around the doctor, strangling her. Laughing, she patted Gale's back, entirely caught unaware.

"Thank you!"

"Wel- re- It's my job." She stuttered, pulling back and adjusted her coat.

"Can I see him?" She said with rising hope in her glittering eyes.

"He is concious for now, so you may, but only 1 person for now, please." Looking back at all of them, she didn't need any incentive; they all smiled softly at her, nodding at the door slightly. "Thank you guys," She chirped as she swept through the door. Upon entering the room, she could feel an entirely different atmosphere- it seemed somewhat lighter and cleaner. But she hardly noticed: she rushed towards Jensen's who's eyes suddenly fluttered open, his smile instantly widening upon seeing Gale.

"Jensen!" She ran towards him, Jensen's arm outstretched towards her. His glittering emerald eyes locked with hers, his perfect smile stretching.

Taking her by the waist, he held her near him, simply ecstatic that he back with her.. She was his soul, his heart and his love. Pulling back, Gale crushed her lips to his, relishing in his touch, thanking and thanking that he was finally back with her.

"I love you," He whispered against her lips, smiling at the groan that escaped her.

"I love you too."

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