You are my miracle - charlie...

By BellaAngels09

5.1K 191 85

Naomi Anderson, a girl with a lot of talents but too afraid to show them to the world. Singing has always bee... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13

Chapter 12

254 12 10
By BellaAngels09

(don't forget to vote pls 🥺)


I check the time on my phone as I step out of the house. When I look up I see a very familiar car approaching me. Ofcourse, I have some beautiful memories with Charlie's car now. I am still wondering how that car didn't get pulled yesterday. Canada is really THE PLACE in this evil world.

The car stops right in front of me with a loud and continuous honk to break me out of my day dreams.
"Oh my God Char, I see you! I see both of you STOP HONKING YOU ARE DISTURBING THE NEIGHBORS!" I yell while pulling the car door furiously to stop him.

What a good start.

I throw my bag back in the seat but my eyes haven't moved anywhere from Charlie who is laughing like an idiot because he seems to be really proud of what he has just done. I give him a death stare but he looks back at me with a cute smile, totally ignoring my death stare. He really does look so cute.

No he doesn't.

Oh, but he does though.

N- okay Naomi snap out of it, come on.

"You are putting the nice Canadians to shame, " I scuff while hopping in the back seat.

"Oh hey Selina" I say when I notice her just looking at both of us awkwardly.

"Did you just really call him Char?" She raises an eyebrow. My eyes widened, literally just now realizing I did that as well. she really doesn't like it when her friends get along with her brother huh?

Then why would she ask me to come with them though? I'm obviously going to talk to him. Anyways.

I give her an awkward smile, "ahh I uh, I used to have a friend with the same name as Charlie, I guess it just came out of my mouth." I'm not lying, but it's not exactly the truth either. My ex best friends name was Charlie, I never called him Char though.

"Close the door before you fly out of it, Melody" I frown at his words, He called me that again. Well, Selina must not be enjoying this right now.

I close the door and get comfortable, this car is literally so comfy, I think I'll have to try not to fall asleep.

"You guys want to listen to some music?" Charlie asks while opening his Spotify playlist.

"I guess we don't have a choice now do we?" Selina mumbles while looking out of the window as he scrolls through his list.

Okay what is wrong with her today?

"What about NEEDTOBREATHE?" Charlie asks with a big smile on his face, his thumb hovering over one of their songs.

"NO!" Selina immediately screams at the exact same time I scream, "YES!" She turns her head to me and sighs.

Is she really mad at me for this?

Charlie smirks and looks at me, "I see someone, unlike that Muppet over there, has incredible taste!"

I laugh and nod, "I do indeed. NEEDTOBREATHE is my favorite band, they are really good." I say as he taps on the song, Washed by the water.

"You're wrong there lady. Your favorite band is Sunset curve," he states. I grin and shake my head, this guy is something else.

This whole time I felt Selina's stare on us. I'm not flirting with him, I'm really just getting to know him. But while doing that, we both don't really realize Selina just sitting there, eating out of her nose.

20 minutes later, we arrived at the beach. Charlie and I had been vibing to music, we both realized we really have the same taste in music and couldn't stop talking about all the bands and artists we love. Selina eventually loosened up as well and joined our conversation.

Thank God.

We step out of the car and wait for the others to arrive. To say I am nervous is an understatement, I am terrified to meet everyone. What if I embarrass myself? I know I will.

"Oh there they are!" Selina excitingly says while pointing at a car full of people that I don't know. I look down and take a moment for myself to take a deep breathe and tell myself I will be okay.

I will be okay.

When I look back up I notice Charlie staring at me with a thoughtful expression. He did not see me do all of that right? I don't want him to know that I have issues and I'm nervous. I think no one should be ashamed of their feelings, but I am feeling so embarrassed right now.

When Charlie noticed me looking at him as well, he turns his head away from me and greets all the people that are walking in our direction. I recognize two of them. Jeremy and Owen, from his band and the awkward toilet meeting.

Selina and Charlie give everyone a tight hug and then turn to me, "this is Naomi!" Selina introduces me to everyone. I shyly wave awkwardly and mumble a soft hi. Owen immediately smiles and walks over to me, bringing me in a tight hug.

Okay? That is nice, really nice. People like him always help my anxiety. I know it's not the same with everyone though, some people would freak out. Not everyone knows how to deal with it, but he seems to really know.

"I am Owen! It's so nice to meet you!" He let's go of me and smiles.

I nod shyly and smile at him, "it's nice to meet you too. I like your band!" I compliment him to which he smiled and cheered. I laugh and shake my head before turning to Jeremy who was waiting to give me a hug too. They are all so nice and welcoming, I have never felt so comfortable around new people.

"Hi, it's Jeremy!" He smiles and gives me a quick hug.

"hi," I chuckle. "it's Naomi," I let go of him and then turn to all the other people. How can someone have so many friends? Not everyone was interested in introducing themselves, which I am really happy about so I turn to Selina who just screams.

"LET'S GO!" Before running towards the beach like her life depends on it. Everyone quickly runs after her, not me, Owen, Jeremy, Charlie, and wait- that is Madison, the really nice girl who gave ma a flyer.

"Normally I'd hype them up but it's way to early for that shit." Madison scuffs.

"Madi, it's already 7pm?" Owen looks at her questionably as Charlie and Jeremy agree, both laughing.

"Exactly," She answers back confidently. I laugh and cover my mouth. I already love her.


The day went by so quickly. Everyone has been sharing their childhood memories of summer holidays while sitting by the camp fire, laughing their asses off at how good their childhood was. I also have some fun childhood memories, but after hearing all of their awesome memories, I decide to just stay quiet and not say anything. Mine are lame compared to theirs.

"And what about yours, Naomi?" Charlie asks curiously who is sitting across from me. Of course he had to ask me.

"Uh... I don't really have fun childhood memories to be honest," I mumble while looking at the ground. I hate talking in big crowds, it scares the living hell out of me. They're all really nice, I just don't really know everyone yet. That's a lie, Owen, Madison, Jeremy and I have been talking non-stop since we arrived. They are all so funny, Owen can literally just look at me and It'll make me laugh, and no not in a mean way.

Oh and this girl Olivia, a friend of Selina has been flirting with Charlie non-stop. It is annoying me so much, she looks so desperate it's embarrassing. Charlie is pretty much ignoring her, only nodding here and there, which made me laugh atleast twice already. They didn't notice though, which I am very happy about.

"I don't believe that!" Charlie says while shaking his head at my answer.

I just look at him and sigh, "we did a lot of hikes together." That's the only thing I'll say today. Don't get me wrong, me my brother and my parents did a lot of fun stuff, just nothing compared to the people sitting here.

"I got some drinks!!!" I hear Owen's voice who is currently holding a box with bottles of beer, tequila, red bull and vodka in it. Ah, exactly what I need right now, alcohol to loosen up. That boy wants us to get wasted. And looking at all the alcohol he brought, that won't be a problem at all.

I thank Owen as he hands me a glass of vodka with red bull and give him a sweet smile. I notice Charlie who is sitting right in front of me, looking at me. I shake my head as if asking 'what are you looking at?' to which he just looks away.

Well, that is rude dude.

Ha, rude, dude.

That just made me feel anxious. Why is he so weird sometimes. I gulp down the entire glass of vodka within a minute and demand Owen to give me another one.

He looks at me and laughs, "okay who broke your heart?" He jokes while nudging me softly.

I hiccup and laugh, "I did!" I look around and everyone looks at me but then quickly cheer their bottles as Owen hands me one more red bull vodka.

I don't wanna feel anxious so I might as well drink off my anxiety.

Is that weird?

Do they think I am an alcoholic?

Not even an hour later, I lose count and don't remember how many glasses of alcohol I had drank, Which is... Losing count.

I am confusing my own brain right now. I scuff to myself and shrug, taking another sip of my drink. I told myself that I should stop drinking, but I am not about to listen to a drunk that talks to herself.

Everyone is dancing around the fire like a jungle tribe and i am just sitting here in the sand, drinking and thinking.

Ha, I'm so Quirky.

When I look over to Charlie I see Olivia touching his shoulder while looking up at him, definitely trying to flirt. She is so pretty, if Charlie doesn't fall for her then there is something terribly wrong with him.

His eyes met mine, and my drunk ass doesn't look away but decides to keep the eye contact. And I'm not sure if it's the alcohol in my system that is seeing random stuff, but he is blushing. I smile a little and shake my head before turning to look at the sun which is setting and slowly disappearing into the sky.

But I soon get interrupted by Selina dancing around me, "Wooohoooo!" she yells while throwing her arms up in the air and dancing like a monkey with a broken leg.

"You got some moves my girl" I yell so she, but also everyone else can hear my through the music. While everyone is dancing around. Well, attempting to dance around. Charlie is taking pictures and videos of everyone with the biggest smile ever plastered on his face, probably not wanting to forget this beautiful moment.

What is happening to me?

bEaUtIFuL mOmEnT?

I feel the alcohol kick in like a ninja turtle and giggle to myself while laying down in the sand staring at the sky, it is slowly turning to grey. The music soon starts to disappear from my ears and for once, I feel numb and at peace. Funny how my drunk self is more at peace than my concious self.

Suddenly I notice an upside down face covering my beautiful view of sky. It takes me second to realize that it's Charlie.

"Hey Melody!" He smiles brightly as he looks into my eyes before taking a quick picture of me, smiling to himself as he looks at the picture like a creepy old man. Does he have a twin or am I seeing double? He probably has a twin, ha.

It takes me a good minute before I come back to my senses and get up, furiously trying to escape him but I end up hitting his face, and hell does my nose hurt now.

"Oh my god Melody, i just wanted to take you to the beach corner why would you hit my like that?" He yells in pain while covering his forehead.

"Shutup! I may need a rhinoplasty after how hard my nose hit your head." I grab my nose. "Is it bleeding?" I ask Charlie. He leans closer to me and grabs my face, first looking into my eyes, before looking at my nose

His hands are really big.

And I am so drunk. Why would I even think something like that?

Even though I am drunk, I feel my heartbeat getting faster. My trail of thoughts get broken as he pinches my nose to check, "No I think it's fine." He gives me a very innocent smile, which may or may not made me want to squeeze his cheeks together.

No, not his butt cheeks but his face cheeks. What? God, someone help me.

I quickly stand up after realizing we were both just looking at each other, but almost fall down, the alcohol really hitting my system now. Charlie reaches out to me, gently holding my arm and laughs, "no more alcohol for you, Angel." I frown and look up at him. Angel? Another nickname? Anyways, my brain isn't capable of processing anything right now, so I'll let it slide.

"Charlie where are you taking me to? king kong's home?" I ask him as we were walking to the 'beach corner' as Charlie would call it. I feel like I have been walking for ages now.

"No i am taking you to our home, Melody" he answers confidently, I don't think I am the only drunk on here.

"Our home?" I ask in confusion.

His steps came to a hault. "here, we could build us a home here. Look how beautiful this is?!" He exclaimes. I look around and very slowly came To the realization it is really beautiful here. It's the end of the beach, really far away from the other crazy drunk people. You can see the dark blue sea emerging into an endless ocean. The water is deeper and there are trees. In one corner there are giant stones.

"How do you always find such beautiful spots." I mumble in awe, turning my head back to him.

"I am a hunter my sand angel," he smirks while burying his hands in his deep pockets.

"Sand angel?! Did you just give me another new Nick name?" I frown.

"Yes i did" he laughs. "It's terrible what does sand angel even mean?" i roll my eyes and chuckle.

"It is because you, an angel. Are like sand. You can take any shape but you are extremely hard to hold in hand." He smiles at me. Wow i wasn't expecting such a good reference behind such an absurd nickname. He left me speechless.

"Now tell me sand Angel, do you wanna build a homeeee for us?" He sings to me in the tone of do you wanna build a snowman which made me laugh out loud. Can this man get even more cute?


"No Charlie why would i build a home with you?" I laugh as i walk towards him. He is literally dancing like a baby right now.

"Why not? I am such an adorable person!" He makes a puppy face. I smile and walk even closer to him.

Wow you are getting really brave Naomi. I hope you won't regret this later.

"Because i don't want to live in sand. It gets in your clothes!" I laugh. I am so close to him right now, I can smell his aftershave, which smells really nice. But he is not laughing, instead he is just looking at me, lost.

"Char? Don't be sad, I will build a home with you anywhere!" I say sadly. Is he sad that i said no?

"Really, I'd even-" He crashes his lips on mine, interrupting my sentence and I gasp for air. I can't make up my thoughts. But before i can think of anything, like Selina, i kiss him back. I kiss him like this is the end of the world. His cold, soft lips leave shiver down my body. This is a dream.

// took me a while again huh? I'm working full time now, so it is really hard to find time to write! I hope you guys like it <3

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