Trust (A SPM Story)


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Luigi finds the worst has happened. He's lost the most important thing in his life, and will do anything to g... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 "Familiar"
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 "Trust"
Part 2, Chapter 1
Part 2, Chapter 2
Part 2, Chapter 3
Part 2, Chapter 4
Part 2, Chapter 5 "Dreams"
Part 2, Chapter 6 "Dreams Pt. 2"
Part 2, Chapter 7
Part 2, Chapter 8
Part 2, Chapter 9 "Auld Lang Syne"
Part 2, Chapter 10
Part 2, Chapter 11
Part 2, Chapter 12
Part 2, Chapter 13
Part 2, Chapter 14
Part 2, Chapter 15
Part 2, Chapter 16
Part 2, Chapter 17 "Broken"
Part 2, Chapter 18 "Fixed"
Part 2, Chapter 19 "Epilogue Pt. 1"
Part 2, Chapter 19 "Epilogue Final"
End Credits

Chapter 4

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Dimentio's POV

I sat in my cell. Waiting. I knew Luigi probably would chicken out. No way he'd be able to pull something like this. I waited, and waited, and waited. Until two D-men approached my cell.

They opened my cell and tied my hands together. I smiled. "Oooh, are we going on a field trip?" The D-men remained silent, and led me along.

This was exciting. Had Luigi really come through? 

Third Person POV

Luigi watched as two D men brought Dimentio out. They  undid his wrists and shoved him towards Luigi. Luigi nervously looked down at him. Dimentio was smiling an evil little smile. Luigi shuttered. No turning back now. Dimentio grabbed his shoulders, floated up behind him, and chuckled, "Well, it's been fun. I'd say I'm going to miss you all, but I don't particularly enjoy lying. Ciao~!" He snapped his fingers, and they both teleported away.

Peach looked over at Queen Jades in disbelief. "Did Luigi just-" Queen Jades turned around. "You need to warn the land above of the two criminals on the loose. We have no idea what they're going to do."


I heard that Nastasia was able to get the Man in Green. Good, I counted on it. I debated teleporting him away and saving him just like I did with Bowser and the Princess, but something stopped me. Maybe it would be smarter to keep him with us for a while, then return him to the heroes later. Perhaps I could fake his death, that way the count would never see it coming and I could still have their trust. I had everything planned out. No one would suspect me. I would not fail. My perfect world depended on it. Everything was on my shoulders. Without me, all worlds would be left in ruin.

"Dimentio! I need you to help get our new Minion in training settled, K?" Nastasia asked me. I groaned. I didn't want to waste my precious time on this. I knew he would never stand a chance against the heroes anyway. Why should I waste my time on him if I was going to eventually just dispose of him? Nastasia gave me a glare, so I agreed, and showed the guy to his room.

"Greetings. I am Dimentio, Count Bleck's Master of Dimensions and Pleaser of Crowds," I told him. He smirked. "You look like a clown." I rolled my eyes and ignored his little remark. I'd argue, but I really didn't care what he thought of me. He'd die anyway. Plus, who uses 'clown' as an insult? "This is where you'll be staying during your time at Castle Bleck. When we meet you will go down the hall and into that big room." I looked back at him. 

"Nastasia didn't tell me your name." He looked around his new room, before answering. "I was told it's Mr. L." I laughed. "Mr. L?  What does L stand for, loser?" He glared back. "Hey! It stands for...." He stopped to think about it. I smiled and floated to the door. "My room is down to the right of yours. Please don't disturb me. Ciao, Mr. L~!"

I knew what the L stood for. It stood for Luigi, and I think he knew that. He just didn't want to say it. I asked Nastasia about him later. She said that with the brainwashing, he would still know who Luigi was, but he wouldn't be Luigi. She said it was like they were two different people. An alter ego, if you will. He would be almost fearless, unlike Luigi, who was scared of everything. He was composed of all of the thoughts and feelings Luigi pushed to the back of his mind. But that didn't mean he was only those thoughts. He was still a human, capable of growing and experiencing emotions.

Time went on. Mr. L had just got back from his first weak attempt at confronting the heroes.  I looked into L's room and saw him fixing up his big, dumb robot. "Ah ha ha, did the heroes mess up your mechanical brother?'' Mr. L seemed slightly shocked to see me, but then just rolled his eyes and got back to his machine. "No! I was simply scouting them. I let them win!" I nodded. "Sure, sure." He scoffed back at me. "With the new updates I'm making to this baby, I'll be sure to stop them!" I rolled my eyes. 

I knew he couldn't stop them, but it was fun to watch him try. Cute even.

I made sure to keep an eye on him. The heroes were progressing quickly, with my help, of course. They would have gotten stumped numerous times without my help. But anyway, I needed to keep an eye on him to find a good time to secretly dispose of him without making myself look suspicious.

Later that day, Mimi, the jerk, snuck in my room. She was always sticking her nose in my business. I was quietly sitting, plotting my next move, when she peeked her head inside. "Dimentiooooo?" She asked. I answered without looking up. "What do you want?" She stepped inside.

"You know, I've never seen you without your mask." I laughed. "And you never will, what's your point?" She smiled. "Come onnnn, show me!" I frowned. "No."

Man, that woman was persistent. She kept bugging me for almost an hour. "No. Mimi, get lost," I said. She frowned. "Alright..."

I let my guard down, and went back to plotting, when she sprinted up and grabbed it off my face. I immediately turned away from her and covered up my face with my hands. "MIMI, GIVE IT!" He took it and twirled it around her evil little fingers. "You want it? Come and get it!" She laughed as she ran out of my room. Still covering my face, I made my way to the doorway. "MIMI, GET BACK HERE!" 

I couldn't chase after her. Not without my mask. No way. I went back to my room and threw my face into my pillow. "UGHHHHH" I would just have to wait until everyone fell asleep, then sneak in and grab it. But we had a meeting today, I can't miss this meeting. Ugh, STUPID MIMI! 

I slid onto the floor, and kept groaning, when I heard a knock. "MIMI, THAT BETTER BE YOU!" I called. The door opened. 

Ugh, it was just Mr. L.

I groaned even louder, making sure my face was still covered. "Whoa, what happened to you?" He asked. I snapped my fingers, making locks appear on my door. "Remind me never to let anyone in this room. Ever." Mr. L rolled his eyes. "The meeting is in 30 minutes. I was told to remind you." I groaned even more. "I don't think I'm going. That stupid little girl took my mask." Mr. L chuckled.

"OH, WHAT, YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY??" I asked. He stepped back. "Yes. Yes I do. You're all upset over a mask?" I nodded, still covering my face and looking away from him. He sighed. "Hold on a minute."

He left my room and I locked my door. About twenty minutes later, there was a knock  on my door. 

"Dim?" Mr. L's voice called. 

Did he just call me Dim?

 I didn't answer. I was not letting him in. There was silence for another minute, before I heard a sigh, then a sliding sound. I looked over, and saw that my mask was slid under the door. I slowly got up, walked over and grabbed it, then looked up. "Did he...." I shook my head. "Doesn't matter." I put my mask back on.

From there on, Mr. L seemed to actually want to hang out with me. He kept calling me 'Dim,' which was weird since no one else did. It was like he just randomly decided to give me a nickname. When I asked him about it, he just shrugged.

"Dim is just faster to say."

I laughed. "Well, can't really argue with that." He smiled. "You can call me L if you'd like. That way we'd both have nicknames." I actually smiled a real smile. For a moment I forgot about what would I would need to do to him in order for my plan to succeed. 

"Alright, L."

 He didn't take a likening to any of the other minions. It was weird, it was like he only wanted to talk to me. He enjoyed explaining his robots and his blueprints. I actually rather enjoyed listening, but I couldn't get too attached. He was just a pawn in my plan to create a perfect world. Eventually, I watched him leave to go stop the heroes once again, In fact, I'm the one who convinced him to go, using reverse psychology. I needed to get him somewhere I could dispose of him without raising any suspicions. He went to his room, and got his new and improved Brobot L-type, and headed out to stop the heroes. I sighed. I knew he was going to be defeated once again, and when he was, I was going to end his game, sending him to the Underwhere, before sending the heroes there as well and reuniting them.

A part of me wanted to tell him not to go, because I knew what I would have to do to him. But I didn't. I had to do this. All the worlds depended on it.

I watched from afar as the heroes beat him yet again. Once they left, I approached him.

"I don't know what it is about those guys, but I just can't seem to beat them." He said. "Aha ha ha. Did they wound your fragile pride, Mr. L? Demolish your robot again?" I tried my best to sound cold. I had to do this. And besides, I didn't care about him. I mean, sure, it was fun hanging out and talking with the guy, but he was just a pawn. A somewhat shocked look spread over his face as I appeared, but then his face relaxed when he saw it was me.

Oh, the poor man. He had no idea what I was going to do to him. I wanted to tell him to run. Tell him not to trust me.

"Oh, it's you again Dimentio. I'm stumped. You'd think a giant robot would be enough to crush these heroes."  He turned, looking somewhat defeated. "I'm a disgrace. There's no way I could show my face to Count Bleck after this." I started feeling...a little sorry for him. However, I pushed these thoughts away. "Perhaps that is for the best," I said. A slightly hurt, shocked expression spread across his face. I waved my arms, making a minor explosion go off right next to him. His eyes went wide as he jumped back. "Whoa, Now! Hey! What are you doing?!" I fought the urge to just stop what I was doing and comfort him. After all, he did return my mask. Why did he do that? No no, I had to stay focused. "You said it yourself! You can't go back to the count now. So get lost."

He glared back. "Not a funny joke, Dimentio. If I wanted to laugh, your face is inspiration enough!" I giggled. "Such temper. Your nostrils, they flare out like the hood of a hissing cobra." He rolled his eyes at my simile. I continued, "I can't have you around the count. If I am rid of you here, I won't be found out." His eyes went wider. "And the others will never find you. Yes, this is my moment to grasp. It's time for you to take your final bow, Mr. L." I waved my arms, trapping him inside a transparent yellow box.  He jumped and looked around frantically. "Hey, now! Whoa! What's this? You've lost your mind, Dimentio!" He said, as he started banging his fists on the wall. I smiled. "Ah ha ha ha ha, Shhhhh. Don't worry. It won't be so bad, I promise. I'll send those heroes your way soon, just so you'll have someone to play with."

He looked into my eyes, fear filling them. I don't think I've ever seen him look afraid. It wasn't a good look on him. He quietly mouthed something. 

"Dim, Please." 

I couldn't take it, why was I feeling this way? I quickly snapped my fingers to get it over with, and set of a series of explosions inside the box. "Ciao...Mr. L" I said, before teleporting away. When I was gone, I looked down and sighed. 

"I'm sorry it had to come to this, L."

Later, I informed my teammates of L's death. They pushed forward. For them it was but a minor inconvenience. 

I don't think anyone took it as hard as I did. And I'm the one that did it.

Eventually the heroes arrived. L, I mean Luigi, with them. He wasn't Mr. L anymore, and he had no memory of me. 

I asked the heroes to join me in taking down the count, since I have been helping them all this time, but they refused. So naturally, I decided to switch to Plan B.

Get ahold of the Man in Green. He's the important one. He's all I really need to pull this off. The other heroes don't hold any importance compared to him.

I took Luigi, and faked our deaths. I have never been able to pull an illusion as complicated as this, but it would work! First, I fought the man. Turns out that even as Luigi, he was quite powerful. Far more powerful than the Man in Red. I wonder why people always call Mario the hero? I mean, Luigi seems like the far better choice between the two. Once he beat me, as I predicted he would, I trapped us both in another one of my execution boxes.

The same way I ended L's game. Only this time, he wouldn't be alone.

I was there with him. He would think we're going out together.

That same look of fear flashed in his eyes. I almost stopped, but I didn't. He'd be okay. He'd be okay. It was just an illusion. I snapped my fingers, and he screamed out in fear and pain.

He was knocked unconscious, but not killed. I made sure that he wasn't truly harmed. I quickly planted a seed in the fertile soil of his subconscious.

I had set everything up prior to this moment. The pieces would fall perfectly into place. No errors would be made. Now, all I had to do was sit back and wait for my cue.

I knew it wasn't the real Mr. L, but that didn't matter. I had come so far for this plan, I couldn't stop now. Using the sprout, I was able to control him, almost robotically. The Dark Prognosticus suggested he was the ideal host for the chaos heart, and with my power as well, nothing would be able to stop us. Especially with the pure hearts gone.

But....I still managed to screw it up. I had a fool proof plan. How did this fail??

When Super Dimentio started going down in flames, I looked around. Inside, there was me, Luigi/Mr. L, and the chaos heart. The heroes managed to bring back the pure hearts and defeat me, and I had to think fast. There wasn't time to safe everyone. I had to safe the chaos heart, otherwise all my work will have been for nothing. I made sure the heart would be released. I was about to abandon ship as well, when I looked over at him.

He was lying there, trapped inside this monstrous creation with me. I began to feel something. "I'm sorry, L." I said, about to make my escape, when I stopped. 

Why did I stop?

I immediately ran over, grabbed him, and threw him out. I watched as the world began to explode around me. I looked at my hands. 

"Why did I do that...?"  

Suddenly, everything went black, and I was sent to the Underwhere.

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