Wicked Game | Miya Atsumu

By sug4rplms

217K 6.9K 6.1K

How would you feel when you're stuck with the campus' playboy that happened to be the best friend of your ex... More

sixty. (final)
special chapter (part one.)
special chapter (part two.)
wall of fame.
special chapter (miya atsumu.)


1.7K 55 66
By sug4rplms

I looked up at Atsumu with a frown. My heart ached, that's for sure. He sounded like he's throwing me away; not directly. It seemed like he's passing me to someone else, making me feel like I'm a toy with no feelings. After all this time that I've waited for him, he's now making it obvious that he no longer wants me, and that pained me. I had to admit that it's painful.

Yes, he's hurting and so am I. We are both hurting and he can't just be selfish about it. He should have think about how I felt as well and instead of making up, instead of reconciling, he chose to stay with his childish acts and kept dragging this argument. I was mentally bothered about it. I was sleep-deprived because of overthinking about things too much. My whole body felt numb and drained out of energy. What happened to all of his sweet promises? Just because of one mistake, he pushed me away this far. I'd be fine if he breaks it off with me, I'd rather go through that honestly. But he chose to keep me hanging, with no clear answers about the end of our story. I'm tired, I'm really tired.

Atsumu locked his gaze on me and the gaze he was giving me, it meant nothing but emptiness to me. I no longer can see the sparkles in his eyes just like how he used to look at me before. I stared up at him for a few minutes and swallowed myself. "Rin..." I murmured. "I'm coming with you" I said. I can see the changes in Atsumu's eyes as if he doesn't want me to go and to stay with him but I was insisted with my own choice. Deep down inside of my heart, I knew that he'd completely ignore me if I choose to stay. "You're sure?" Suna asked while glancing back to Atsumu. "Yeah" I replied, breaking the eye contact and turned my head facing Suna.

"Alright, if you insist. We better get going. Osamu's waiting" he pulled out his car key from his pocket. "Hm, let's go" I glanced at Atsumu before walking away.

Suna and Atsumu watched me walking away alone, "Drive carefully" Atsumu uttered, bowing his head after. Suna looked at him, offering his key. "You can go with her" he said. Atsumu looked up at the black-haired guy and shook his head. "Nah, it's fine. It'll make things worse. Just make sure she's fine and happy throughout the night. I'm counting on you" Atsumu patted Suna's shoulder and walked away.



I sat on the barstool, ordering myself a new drink. The ache coming from my heart, it's almost to unbearable. I knew that she's hurting as well yet I couldn't find myself to bring peace for both of us. I just can't let the picture of her kissing Suna out of my mind. Every time I looked at her, the picture of them kissing will come into my mind and I hate it. And it pained me seeing her chose to go with Suna instead of staying. What is it that I wanted from her? I don't even know.

I still love her. I love her more than everything but I can't deny that I'm still lowkey mad at her for betraying me. I showed her my true feelings, changed myself to become a better boyfriend for her but when I was away for a training camp, she chose to kiss her ex-boyfriend. I was speechless at the moment she told me. I felt like I'm a fool for trying hard.

The barista placed down my glass on the countertop. I was about to get my glass but it was snatched by a hand of a lady. "Here" she handed me another drink instead. I looked up at the woman who's now sitting on the empty barstool next to me. Akari.

I quirked an eyebrow, "What do you want?" I asked. This girl irritates me as well. I can say she's one of the reasons why y/n and I are on bad terms and she doesn't look guilty about it at all. "Here, have my drink" her hand was still offering the red wine to me. "It's fine. Just give me my drink back" I said, attempted to reach for my glass from her but she pulled back. "It's my treat because I messed up the other day" she placed down the red wine on the countertop and took a sip of the drink that I ordered myself. Fucking hell.

I let out a sigh and tilted my head to look at her in annoyance. "I meant it" she quirked an eyebrow, sipping the drink again while looking at me. "I didn't know your girlfriend was there. I thought she was Inarizaki's manager, turned out she's your personal manager" she chuckled. Holy God, her attitude pissed me off. "I know both you and your girlfriend are still mad at me so that's why I'm here. I wanted to clear the beef between us. What happened in the past stays there I guess?" she shrugged, her hand moving the glass she was holding in a circular motion. "I guess you're now a changed man" she laughed.

"Just tell me the things that you wanted to say. I have no time to play around with your shits" I groaned. The way she acted and talked, it gave nothing but annoyance. Her apology doesn't sound sincere though, as if she was forced to. "Relax, Miya. I'm being serious" she placed down her glass.

"Look, I meant it. I was seriously innocent about you having a girlfriend that time. It's been a while since we hang out and I thought you were still the Miya I once knew. I was wrong for being too bold with my action but you knew it yourself that it's just the natural side of me. I caused chaos to your relationship, even Osamu confronted me that night. That's why I came here to clear things up. I'm sorry for the chaos I've done to you and your girlfriend" she explained while her hand pushing the red wine closer to me slowly. "This is my treat, and I'm truly sincere about it. This symbolizes my apology and this is also will be the last time we'll talk. I respect the relationship you're having with your girlfriend, and I will never bring chaos to your relationship ever again. That's my promise. So please, accept my treat if you really forgive me" she hummed. I stared at her for a few seconds before heaving out again. Despite sounded playful and joking about it, her words kinda hit me home. She explained her side and I can't just let it slide.

"Fine" I sighed. Akari's lips curved into a smile and she heaved in relief. "Thank God. Please, I just don't want to have beef with anyone here. I'm glad that we're good now" she lifted her glass. "Let's celebrate it with a one-shot" she grinned. I looked at the red wine, slowly lifting the glass. "You're so old-fashioned" I chuckled. "That's a tradition, shut up" she rolled her eyes. "To Atsumu-Akari friendship" she cheered and clinked our glasses before we both drink our drinks in one shot.

"This is such a strong wine" I coughed and placed down the now-empty glass. "It's one of the best wines. Trust me" she smirked.


"You're okay?" Suna broke the silence. His hand held the steering wheel while his head kept shifting to the road and back at me. "Yeah" I replied. Actually, I was still annoyed. "Yeah, you're not" Suna laughed. "Shut up" I scoffed, rolling my eyes playfully.

"Can you do me a favor?" he asked all of a sudden. I turned my head to look up at the driving man. "What is it?" I asked, raising up an eyebrow in curiosity. "Can you stop thinking about him just for tonight?" his voice was low but I can still hear it. "It's just, every time you're thinking about him, you'll be stressed out and feel sad and I've told you that I don't want to see you crying or feel sad for the whole night. So if you don't mind, I want you to forget about him just for tonight" he explained. "I know things are still not going well for both of you but I also want you to know that I don't want to see you're hurting. You've been crying a lot and that actually breaks me. I care about you because you're my friend, y/n" he continued.

"I know you love him. I know he's your home, he's your comfort person and I can't deny that you looked the happiest when you're with him but seeing you breaking like this pains me as well. You deserve nothing but happiness, y/n. Becoming a boyfriend to you doesn't give any man an excuse to hurt you. I'm also talking about myself. I've hurt you once, I saw you crying and all, and I don't want you to go through the same phase any longer. What's worse is, your current boyfriend is my best friend. I, myself am clueless about what should I do. I don't want to risk anything, I don't want to lose the friendship I have with you and Atsumu. You got what I'm trying to say, right?" he looked at me again.

I couldn't find the right words to respond to him so I hummed. "I understand. Thank you, really. You've been with me when I'm at my worst, Rin and I appreciate you for that. I don't know what would I do if you're not here with me. You've helped me a lot" I murmured. "It's not a big deal, y/n. Really. I just did my part as a friend. It's really nothing" he ruffled my hair.

"Can you do that?" he reminded me back to his question earlier. I clenched on my dress and hummed. "Alright" I smiled. "And as a return, I'll bring you to him tomorrow morning. We'll end things there. Either you both will reconcile or end it, we'll at least put an end to your argument. Okay?" he tilted his head. I hummed again. "Thank you so much, Rintarou"



"Took you long enough" I snorted as soon as I saw Suna getting off his car. "Patience is virtue, young man" he smirked. "Where's your car?" he asked, sitting on his car's bonnet and light up a cigarette. Suna offered me his cigarettes and so I took one and light it up. "The tow truck got it. It'll be fine by tomorrow hopefully" I sat next to him and exhaled the smoke. "Atsumu told me about you being the prom king" I scoffed. "So much look for a king huh?" it was a tease indeed. "That was beyond my expectation though. It is somehow funny to me" he laughed, clicking his cig. "She's inside, am I right?" I looked at him.

Suna replied to me with a soft hum. "Yeah, still in bad terms with your twin brother" he responded. "I don't know when will this come to an end" he snorted. "Same" I chuckled. "They both are just hurting themselves" he shrugged. "You know how stubborn Atsumu could be. That's the major problem here" I blew the smoke again. "Yeah. That's the thing" he flicked his cig to the ground and straightened his back. "We should get back to the prom" he stretched his arms, yawning after. I flicked mine as well and gets up to get into the car.

"Hi Osamu!" y/n greeted me as soon as I get into the car. "Hey" I chuckled; well I found it pretty awkward when she greeted me that cheerfully. It's not like I hate it though. "What happened to your car?" she turned herself to look at me. Suna gets in and quickly fastened up his seatbelt before driving away. "It was overheated. But all is fine. It's at the workshop now" I responded with a smile. "Thank Goodness you're fine" she murmured. That kinda got me. Well, I didn't know she actually cares for me. Suna looked at me through the rear-view mirror with a smirk. I quirked an eyebrow and rolled my eyes as a sign of are you serious?

I leaned forward, sitting in the middle of the backseats. "Why? Were you worried of me?" head tilted slightly, I playfully teased her with a question. "Of course!" she turned her face in my direction. Our faces were just inches apart and that got us surprised for a moment. Suna was just glancing at us from the corner of his eyes. I pulled myself, clearing my throat. "Why though?" I leaned my back on the seat and crossed my arms over the chest. Y/N adjusted herself comfortably in her seat, holding tight on the seatbelt. "Because you've been so nice to me. You were there when I was sick, bought me food and drove me everywhere. We've been so close lately and I can't help but to feel worried if there's something happened to you" she looked out of the window.

I was speechless at her response. How can she say that so casually? Her words did give me this stupid butterfly feeling in my stomach. Did she really mean that? Well, of course, it's just a friendly act though. What am I expecting?

Suna and I exchanged looks through the rear-view mirror. Lips pursed, I scoffed. "That's gay. I hate cringe shit" I mumbled.


"Oh hey, Osamu. Welcome!" Saeko greeted us when we get back to the venue. "Hey thanks" he replied. "I heard about your car and I hope everything's fine by now" she smiled. Osamu nodded his head with a hum, "It is all settled. Thanks for asking, Saeko" he bowed his head. "Hm. Just, I hope you'll enjoy yourself here. There are still food at the buffet section. Go get some good drinks to freshen up yourself" she wiggled her eyebrows teasingly, patting his shoulder. "I will, thanks again" he smiled.

Saeko then turned her gaze towards me and Suna. "And for the both of you, you need to lead the waltz dance after this since you're the prom king and queen. It's the last part of the event just like how we discussed" she said, reminding us about the flow of the event.

Yeah, I forgot about that part. We have come to an agreement where the pair of the night will lead the waltz dance before the event ends. Funny how it's on me and Suna. "Alright, noted" Suna replied. It took me a while to ask this question but I was really curious.

"Is Atsumu still here?" I pursed my lips. Saeko hummed, "I think he went back home already" she answered. Yeah, I can see that. "Hm, I see" I faked a smile. "Alright kiddos, I'm just going to mingle around with the guests. Catch you later" she waved and walked away. "I'm just going to get some drinks" Osamu excused himself, leaving me and Suna.

"I'm here" Suna nudged my side, snapping me out of my own thoughts. We looked at each other before I burst into a soft laugh. "I know. I was just asking" I said.

"Before we end the night, we would like to call our prom king and prom queen to lead the waltz dance. Please give a round of applause to the pair of the night, Suna Rintarou and L/N Y/N!"

Speaking about impatience.

The spotlight of the hall focused on me and Suna, resulting the guy to lend out a hand. "Would you like to join me for a dance, my queen?" he bent, eyes locked on mine. Everyone was looking at us, anticipating for my answer. I swallowed nervously and slowly reaching for his hand. "Yes, I would love to" I replied with my lips curved into a crescent. Suna slowly lead me towards the centre of the hall, standing under the big crystal chandelier. He gently placed his left hand on my waist, his right hand held my left's with our fingers locked.

My heart started to race and we definitely caught everyone's attention. People were watching us, waiting for the music to start. I could feel the adrenaline rush in me. Why do I feel so nervous being this close to Suna. Despite being under the AC, I could feel myself started to sweat. "Just calm down and follow my steps" he smiled, trying to comfort me.

The music played. Suna slowly pulled me closer to him and started to sway our bodies following the rhythm of the slow music. I could feel him holding my hand firmly as if he was scared of something and I could feel his heat from this distance. He leaned closer to my ear.

"This is my first dance and will probably be my last one. I'm glad that it's you whom I danced with" he whispered. My eyes moved to look at him, and he gave me a wide smile. "This is the best part of my life, y/n" he murmured softly. My heart raced and beat faster. I couldn't respond to him, more like I didn't know how to. I looked around at people who started to follow us dancing, some of them were standing at the side of the hall, talking and drinking. I could also see Osamu being dragged away by a girl.

"Eyes on me" Suna cupped my chin gently, pulling my face to look at him. "Just for tonight" he smiled and rested his forehead against mine. His hand found my waist back and he held me close. Our bodies swayed here and there, dancing to the slow and calm music. Suna gave me this weird butterfly feeling again.

Slow music. Waltz dance. A heart to heart session.

Kisses. Moans. Sexual desire.

It was a long night filled with all kinds of emotions. True love or just a pure lust. Who knows which one it is.

That night, was the night where I felt secured and loved and that feeling came from him. The king of the night. Suna Rintarou. And I somehow don't want the night to end fast. I kinda wanted it to stay like that. It gave me nothing but the comfort I've been longing for.


### author's note ###
hi! it's been a while since i leave a message here. how are you? sorry for being away too long. i've been so busy with my works lately :(

i'm so happy that we reached 7k reads AAAA thank you so muchhhh 🥺 and can't believe we're like 20% away to the end of Wicked Game 😔

so, what are your thoughts about this story so far? i hope you love it. who do you think y/n will end up with? tell me your answer and feedback!! don't forget to share this book to your friends <3

xoxo, sya.

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