Coming back to England (seque...

By prayersimeon

166 101 47

Book two of Queen of My Heart Life after all the trauma of experiencing separation, kidnapping, almost fakin... More

Queen of my heart
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29- The Proposal
Chapter 30
Wedding -part 1
Wedding part 2
Extra bonus chapter

Chapter 20

1 1 0
By prayersimeon

Cohen Point of view

This morning She have woken me up to her cooking up a storm in the kitchen, I even try to offer her some help in the kitchen yet she just told me to sit down or neither helps her out with the cake icing.

She have her back towards me facing the oven to take out her food that she have made for her friends leaving party because they are going back to America.
"How about you get dressed and I will do the rest of it?" I ask her.

I see her letting out a cute little yawn away from the food, now she deep into her thoughts thinking about if she could trust me to handle all the food without eating it.
"Alright but I am watching you"she observes me carefully for one more time.

I chuckles at her doing so before she peck me on the cheek in her way of saying thanks you when she is done fighting off her smile as she quickly dashes up the stairs.

I read through the list of instructions that she gave me to do for the food and how to rearrange the table in the garden.
"I finished every single instruction that is on the list" i informed her.

I just need to move the food outside of the house and then into the garden with her help to speed up the process of sorting everything out.
"You are such an godsend and I am so lucky to have you" She said lovingly to me.

We move everything out of the kitchen then into the garden for a small get together gathering for Sienna and Dani leaving party.
"No need to thank me when I have got the world amazing woman by my side" I complimented her.

The door bell ring sounded throughout the house which means that our guests are already here or it might be trouble knocking up on our doorstep again.
"Do you want me to go and get it?"she asked me looking questionably at me with one of her arch eyebrows raised.

I am just hoping it would not the latter one because I would much rather prefer the other one.
"I will prepare the rest for you"I volunteer to help her.

She places a trays of brownies in my hands on top of the drinks to go answer the door ball when she comes back with Carter, Sienna and Dani behind her.
"Do you need a hand with the rest of the stuff?"offer Carter.

"Your food looks amazing"compliment Sienna.

"It also smells delicious too"Dani marvelled to me.

"Well hello you too and it is not compare to my grandma Elisa foods"she said modestly to them.
The modesty of her is so attractive like she does not even have to do anything to get me to even love her more than I already do. I am completely utterly in love with her that she makes me so happier every single day.
"Reagan,You are too modest" I said honestly to her.
We all walks insides to relax on the couch in her living room with her in my arms
"When is Luke and Rhea going to get here?"ask Carter.

"I feel your pain"i mumbled to Carter.

"She will get here in five minutes with Mason"she informed us.

"I could have sworn that she literally live the closest to you guys out of the all of us"complained Carter.

"Why are you so late?"i questioned Rhea.

"It is called  being fashionably late"answer Rhea.

"What is even the different between the two anyway?"ask Carter looking very unamused at Rhea.

"Hun , let me explain there is a huge difference between two the two of them" said Sienna.

Sienna adds in"Fashionably late is when you leave your house late wanting to turn up to a party looking flawless and then late mean that you are basically late for a no reason or  with a reason"

"Yeah I am just as lost as you here mate"Mason said confusedly to Carter.

"Anyway moving on shortly , you can all eat now!" She announced to us.

"So how are you four going to work out this long distance relationship?"I ask bluntly to them.

"Why would you even bring that Cohen?" She asks me disapprovingly.

"No it is alright actually"defend Luke.

"We have decided to be friends again?"

"Aww I am sorry to hear that"Sienna said sadly to Dani.

"Hold up why don't you move in with her"suggested Rhea.

"Now that does make a lot of sense"she agrees with Rhea.
"What about you and Sienna" i ask Carter.

"We are going to visit each other until her parents allow her to move in me"explains Carter.

"Speaking of houses, I have been windows shopping for houses" i informed her.

"Do you manage to find one yet?" She asks me out of curiosity.

"No,because I have only narrowed it down to four houses and I want you to choose which ones are houses would be" I tell her.

She squealed with excitement from across the room with her friends Rhea, Sienna and Dani.
"Somebody please pinch so I know that I am not dreaming"

She yelped
I see a shade of red on the her skin from Luke pinching her. I am clearly running out of patients or the willpower I have left not to flick Luke on the back of his head.
"Why do you pinch her?"I calmly ask Luke.
I gently take her hand or arm when it is slightly reddish on her skin, therefore I bring my lips to kiss it better afterwards I smooth it over with my thumbs being carefully not to hurt her soft skin.
"She said she want somebody to pinch so I did"said Luke

I think if someone told Luke to jump out of the window would he actually do it ,but I hold back my sarcastic comments on the topic. I tried to sniff back my laughter at Luke.

"No you idiot was a figure of speech" i sigh tiredly to Luke shaking my head laughing at him.

I see Carter silently face palming himself trying to hide his laughter meanwhile the girls are giggling about it.
"You are a comedian"she laughs to Luke.
Luke is lucky enough that he did not seriously hurt her; she has a forgiving heart sending a warm smile his way when she knows Luke mean no harm done by it.
"Well I do try"said Luke light heartedly.
We all helped her tidy up her grandparents house, however  Sienna and Dani have to go to the airport early tomorrow morning because they have a flight catch travel back to America.
"I will miss you guys so much"she said sadly.
She pulls all into a group hug when we are done cleaning up a little to some rubbish in the house after, we all pull away walking towards the front door.
"We will miss you too"Sienna and Dani said at the same time.
I see her quickly go running off into the kitchen giving them a little CD of all of favourite song to listen too also she gives them the last slices of  her grandma Elisa jam  Rollie Pollie to take home with them.
"Tells your grandma that she has the most badass granddaughter"Carter replied.
I highl

"Oh thank you" I said thankfully to him.

"I guess we better get going then"Dani said to her.

"I will be back soon for another slice of your mouth watering apples pie"Rhea informed her.

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