The Confession || George Weas...

By racoonqueen1

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Sometimes it Needs time to find the path you Need to go- but when you found it, you shouldn't let go of it, n... More

Act 1
Scene 01- 'new' faces and blonde projects
Scene 02- Curiousity kills the cat
Scene 03- Inquisitor of Hogwarts
Scene 04 - The Hog's Head
Scene 05- Weasley is our king
Scene 06- Seven minutes in heaven
Scene 07-How to be mean
Scene 08- Too many sorrys
Scene 09- Oh my Dad
Scene 10- Thank you
Scene 11- moving on, kinda
Scene 12- The push in the 'right' Direction
Scene 13- Get out!
Scene 14- Astronomy Homework
Scene 15-Detention
Scene 16- The Coin
Scene 17- The Astronomy Tower
Scene 18- Regret
Scene 19-The Feeling Of Uncertainty
Scene 20- The Talk
Scene 21- Room of Requirement
Scene 22- A Bloody Genius
Scene 23- Not Ready Yet
Scene 24-Love Does Weird Things
Scene 25- Drink Up
Scene 26- Too Many Feelings And None At All
Scene 27- You Are Enough
Scene 28- A Black One
Scene 29- It's All Too Much, I Need You
Scene 30- Priori Incantatem
Scene 31- Pranks and Magpies
Scene 32- About Rockets and Disapearing
Scene 33- Pulling A Weasley
Scene 34- Revealing New Things
Scene 35- Changing The Perspective
Act 2
Scene 36- Friends and Alcohol
Scene 37-Things Get Heated
Scene 38- An Offer
Scene 39- A little bit reliving
Scene 40- The Boggart
Scene 41- I'm Done
Scene 42- A Bit Sick
Scene 43- Ice Cream
Scene 44- It's Nothing
Scene 45- A Wonderful Christmas
Scene 47- Like Your Mother
Scene 48- The Warning
Scene 49- Angst Always Has A Reason
Scene 50- Just A Reference
Scene 51- You Learn To Be Good, You Don't Have To Be Good To Learn
Scene 52- Down The Memory Lane
Scene 53- A Visitor
Scene 54- The Healing Part Of Crying
Scene 55- I Trust You
Scene 56- Manipulation at it's best
Scene 57- Being Mature
Scene 58- Meetings&Scheming
Scene 59- Oh Dear
Scene 60- The Plan
Act 3
Scene 61- The Seven Potters
Scene 62- Dumbledore's Note
Scene 63- Wedding Crasher
Scene 64- It Starts
Scene 65- Making Decisions
Scene 66- The Book
Scene 67- Answers and Coins
Scene 68- The Start
Scene 69- The Fight
Scene 70-The End
Act Zero- A Word From The Author
Additional Scene

Scene 46- Alone

96 4 0
By racoonqueen1

*Anne's Prov*

Mrs. Weasley gave me the receipt and clear instructions what I need to do. I can do this. No big deal, right?

My enthusiasm vanished with each passing minute of working on that dish, bringing me to the point where I feel like giving up and throwing everything away. I'm in distress. This looks nothing like the picture Mrs. Weasley showed me.

All I wanted was to surprise George. Guess I can forget that.

The door opens and a read head comes in. I instantly panic, I need to cover this mess up.

I reach for my flour smeared wand and charm the big dishcloth over it, giving that particular read head a smile.

He looks irritated: "Stop smiling at me, I'm not George," the boy grumbles.

I let go a breath: "Thank Merlin."

"What are you even doing? It looks like a mess in here"," Fred grabs the dishcloth and lifts it up a bit.

"That looks like a mess, yes, but it hopefully tastes good," even I can hear how fake that enthusiasm sounds.

"Where you trying to bake mum's special cake?," he pulls the cloth away completely.

I make my hair into a knot and use my wand for stability: "Yes. Does it look anything –"

"No. That thing looks like you bombarded it with crème," Fred says: "it rolled down a pretty big hill, crashing into many stones on its way and then someone sat on it. That's how it looks."

"Thank you for lifting my spirits."

"Anytime," he winks.

I groan and run a hand over my face, covering it a bit in flour.

"Can you please try it and tell me if it at least tastes like it? You are the one to know how the cake of your Mum should actually taste."

"Will I die?," he eyes it suspiciously.

"Hopefully," I say.

"I hate you," he mumbles, pushing his finger towards the cake.

"No wait, take a fork-," it is already too late, with a big teasing grin he runs is finger over the cream, pushing the finger into his mouth.

I wait for, no I hope for a positive reaction. I just don't get one.

"What exactly did you do when you tried to make it?," he looks at me with a slight grimace.

"Like the receipt said," I stutter out:" Is it that bad? Oh merlin's beard. I can't do this."

"Just try again. Not everything gets done on the first try, not everyone can be as awesome as me."

"Can you help me please?," I look at him pleading.

"Why should I help you? What is in for me?," he raises an eyebrow.

"Good cake?," I try.

"Oh no, I need something better."

"What do you want?," I ask annoyed.

"Now we are talking. Those wonderful chocolate bars with exotic flavour our brother Charlie owled you from Romania look really delicious I have to admit."

I close my eyes, I really do need help with this cake.

"Okay fine, you can have one."

"All of them."

"You've got to be kidding me."

"Okay then good luck with that cake of yours," he turns around already on his way towards the door.

"Fine, you can have all of them. Now please help me. "

"Gladly," he teases, rolling his sleeves up: "Now throw that disgusting thing away and no for once I'm not talking about you."

"Haha, very funny," I roll my eyes grabbing my 'cake'.

"First we have to-," and that was the beginning of a wonderful baking lesson with Fred Weasley.

Emphasis on wonderful please.


*George's Prov*

Bill and I are currently trying our new sweets, bringing him the whole Weasley Wizards Wheezes experience.

"They taste nasty," he grimaces: "Give me some for Fleur, she needs to eat them."

He laughs and drinks some water afterwards to clear out his mouth.

It is a bit weird having him here after such a long time and finally being somehow on the same eye level as him.

I grab a whole box and hand it to him: "Here, there are others in there you still need to try. Keep it."

"Thanks," he takes them: "So this is my last evening here today. Care to go out again?"

"Even though the last times were fun, I think I have to pass. Fred will be up to it for sure," I say putting the last items away.

"Since we are talking about Fred, were is that bloke?"

"Didn't he want to get something to drink for us?"

"That was an hour ago," Bill stands up.

"I have the feeling he tried to dodge responsibilities again."

"We don't talk about people behind their backs," Fred says, having flour smeared clothes.

"What did you do? Did you fall into a bag of flour?," Bill asks.

"Do you like it?," Fred poses.

"Doesn't go well with your tan," he states.

I eye him suspiciously. What did he do to Anne now? I'm not fond of going upstairs and finding her with the strangest mixtures smeared because Fred decided she was a good target again.

"Don't look at me like I did something wrong," he snaps at me playfully: "She is still alive don't worry."

"You never know with the two of you. I always have to worry one of you will lie dead somewhere in a corner when I leave the two of you alone."

"That's not my fault she has to be a bitch," Fred puts his hands up in surrender.

I message my temples with my thumps and groan: "Give me a break please."

"This is my cue then," Bill says hitting Fred onto the shoulder making flour fall from his clothes: "Wanna go catch some drinks with me tonight? George decided to be no fun, but you-"

"But I am fun all along. Crazy right? Of course I'll come. I'm not going to miss such an opportunity," he grins.

"Have fun with that hangover tomorrow," I laugh.

"Will be worth it."

"Just go for the right potion tomorrow, not that you go for hormones again," Bill grins.

"That was one time," Fred exclaims: "Let that go already!"


Bill and Fred both said their goodbyes some time ago and I still find myself working over our newest sketches.

I stretch myself a bit and feel my back hurting from this bad posture I have while sitting over the plans. With a flick of my wand I levitate my water over.

The constant ticking of the clock that currently shows 9pm is the only company I have down here. I rub my hands over my eyes and drink a sip.

Only after I hear my stomach grumble I realize how hungry I even am. Deciding it won't be of any use to continue working on those sketches, I switch off the lights and make my way upstairs.

With a sigh I open the door and make my way to the kitchen, already opening the fridge but stopping when I see Mum's cake. When did she come over?

I instantly cut out a piece for me and dug into it. It tastes so good. Letting go a slight moan I click of the crème from my fork, being completely in heaven.

When I look up I see Anne standing startled in front of me, holding an empty glass in her hand.

"Uhm-that's good," I defend myself, pointing at the cake.

She slowly starts to laugh: "I never believed you'd get an orgasm because of a cake before you get one from me."

I choke on my bite I just took and cough, putting my plate aside. Anne comes towards me and pats me on the back.

"Sorry," she laughs.

Getting my composure again, I take a deep breath before laughing as well:" Don't do that to me!"

She refills her glass with some juice and turning to me with a slight smirk.

"When was Mum here to bring over the cake? Did we all miss her? What? Why are you grinning like that?"

"Because your Mum wasn't even here. I made that cake. Well... made that cake with a bit of help."

That's why Fred was covered in flour. It makes sense now. It's weird but it makes sense.

"This cake was exactly what I just needed, thank you," I take another bite, careful to not choke on it.

She really did try to bake me one and went out of her way to ask someone for help. You better bet I'll eat all of this.

"Though day?," she sits down on the counter letting her feet tangle.

"I can't figure out the sketches. I tried to redraw them at least a dozens of times and just nothing makes sense yet," I groan, placing the empty plate down.

She stretches out her arms for me to get into, which offer I gladly accept. The girl rubs my back softly.

"Maybe you just need an inspirational break. Sometimes the groundbreaking ideas strike us while we rest."

"Maybe you are right, but first I take another piece," I move up to the cake and take myself another plate full.


Wrapped in my towel around my torso, I walk out of the bathroom towards the bedroom. Anne is currently reading the Astronomy books I have gotten her. She is so lost in thought that she doesn't even realized that I have sneaked up to her.

I have an idea. My smirk grows and I grab her unexpected by her torso and throw her over my shoulder. She squeals a bit.

"For fuck's sake, GEORGE!," she shouts.

I just chuckle: "A bit lower next time."

She stops to hit me against my back and grumbles: "Do you have any idea, how close I was to a goddamn heart attack?"

"I can make up for that," I laugh, going towards our bedroom.

"Let me down!," she demands.

"Nah, you look good on my shoulder. I don't think we need to change that," I smirk, opening the door with my foot.

"George," she whines.

"Anne," I whine.

"Just let me down."

"As the queen pleases," I throw her onto the bed, getting a surprised squeak from her.

She pushes her hair out of her face and throws me a glare.

"You were right by the way, the shower brought me onto really good ideas," I smirk down at her.

"Oh? What kind?," she tries to stand up but I just push her back down again, while crawling over her.

"Some ideas that involve you and me," I stare at her when my face is on the same level as hers.

She takes in a deep breath, liking her lips while one hand of mine gently strokes the outline of her shirt, gently caressing a part of her boob.

Anne's hands make their way to my cheek and my chest, when she suddenly pulls me down for a longing and deep kiss to which I respond quickly and gladly.

We are finally alone in this flat, no Fred around we need to worry about. Just us.

I kiss down her neck, careful not to leave a hickey there, towards her collar while gently pulling up her shirt. My hands take in the soft and warm skin of her belly, caressing it. As my hands make their way upwards, my mouth wanders up the other side of her neck again towards her lips.

Her lips feel sweet, addicting me to them even more. Her hands move south to the hem of her shirt, pulling of her shirt completely tossing it away carelessly. She pulls me down again by my neck and arcs her back up a bit. Giving me enough space to unhook her bra.

Her back feels warm when my hands lands on it and when I finally managed to unhook her bra, I'm suddenly rather quickly to get that off from her. Just the thought of seeing her naked in a matter of a few seconds gives me an erection.

She opens her eyes and looks at me questioningly. Am I ready for this step?

I smile and nod.

I am more than ready.

Anne flips us over and lets her hands wander down to my towel.

This is a night I will never forget for the rest of my life. It is an experience I am glad I shared with her. 

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