Court Of Night

By the_rebellionxx

1.2M 47.5K 11K

The pack on the verge of collapse, Fie Wright watches as her Alpha falls into a downward spiral due to his dy... More

Love Drunk
Tick Tock
Kit Kat


7.6K 371 72
By the_rebellionxx

Fie Wright's P. O. V

"Mate or not, that shit is toxic as hell!" I say with spite in my voice, a loud clamour echoing around the otherwise silent hall as I lean forward in my chair, vigour coursing through me. I barely notice the kitten's mew of disdain as she tries to snuggle herself deeper into my lap so that she can go to sleep once more.

"I can't wait to beat some sense into him." I mutter to myself although my voice travels quite far in the echoey room, patting the top of the cat's head in order to soothe her back to her never ending nap time.

Asha weaves her way to plop down on the steps below me, the fabric of her cloak and dress alike pooling at her feet and all around her like a mass of water. "I think Rui will beat you to the punch. Pun intended." A short laugh falls from her lips while I nod along with the woman.

She has a point.

Glancing wearily at the pacing warrior, I momentarily think of the chances of my having to actually pry the fiery woman off of my cousin. What he did was wrong but was it enough to excuse cold bloody murder?

"I cannot believe he did that." Even Rui's voice is filled with disbelief, contrasting the furious expression she's currently supporting as she paces a hole into the stone covered floor of the large hall. I might even have to get the floor rebuffed with all the scuffling going on. The woman's hands ball up next to her, clenching and unclenching and just showing how she's ready to rip someone apart.

"I think Ezra had a good reason for doing so-," I cut her off immediately as Asha straightens herself up, shaking her head in a cross manner at the former woman's words.

"Putting you to sleep so that you stay here and going off on the mission in your place has no 'good reason.' That piece of shit probably drugged you." I say vehemently, not liking this type of behaviour from anyone.

"If Malleus did that to me he wouldn't be allowed a step foot inside this castle. Although this is his castle so I can't really stop him from entering. However, I am Queen now technically-,"

"Focus, Fie." Asha says with a snap of her fingers, knocking me out of my rambling reverie. I smile bashfully in thanks before clearing my throat and refocusing on what the important matter is.

"As I was saying," I continue once more, "You should tell him off in case Ezra decides to pull this shit again. I mean I'm not saying kill him or shred to pieces but just maybe like a chewing out?" I advice hesitantly.

Rui stops her pacing midway and turns to the two of us with a baffled look on her face while her hands unclench besides her, "Why do you think I'll kill my own mate?" She asks curiously, head tilting to the side while Asha and I share a brief look.

"I'm not one to be dramatic but I can practically see steam rising up from off of you. Just thought I'd let you remember that although he is dumb, that dumb man is your mate whether you like it or not so you can't really kill him."

"I know, I know." Rui confirms after letting out a sudden breath, trudging away at us till she finally reaches the stairs and plops down next to Asha.

"How long till they come back?" Asha mumbles, trying her best not to show it but you'd be pretty dumb not to see how much the woman misses her giant of a mate.

I shrug my shoulders in answer, no one really knowing how long it'll take. Maybe they'll be back later today or maybe even tomorrow. We don't know much considering a huge factor is out of place.

The fight.

Is happening? Isn't it happening?

I really hope they wrap this all up quickly.

Time ticks on as the three of us continue to stay seated in the large hall, none of us having any motivation to do the jobs we are supposed to be currently doing.

I shift in my seat, the throne causing a dull ache to begin in my backside after sitting in the chair for hours. Throwing my legs on the armrest, I practically lay down on the fancy seat and play with my fingers. More minutes pass like that with me wondering how I'll survive the next time my mate leaves me for so long.

I would have thought I'm just being clingy since this is my first run while being separated from my mate but considering Asha is in much the same state as I am, I'll take that as a sign that all mate's are just weirdly codependent on one another and it doesn't really get any better with time. No wonder my parents are so disgustingly affectionate with one another after my dad comes home from long trips away.

I'd like to pretend to be mature and not gag at the sight of my parents making out after being separated but it's a good thing I've never prided myself for being mature because it's not happening any time soon.

It's as if a jolt of lightening courses throughout the entirety of my being as I sit up right in a matter of seconds, ignoring the startled looks that are thrown at me from Rui and Asha.

"What's wrong?" Rui asks quickly while I stand up, Miss Whiskers scooped up in my arms while my is head tilted up and nose inhaling deeply so I can taste the air.

"They're here." I say with certainty, the mark on my neck erupting into a frenzy of fireworks and static as if it senses its owner nearby.

I wonder if Malleus' mark is erupting the same way as is mine.

It better be.

"How can you tell they're here? I can't even smell anything?" Asha pipes up as she shifts in her seat, glancing at me and back to the doors where Malleus said they'd come from instead of using the back door in the garden like they usually do.

Tilting my head to the side, I frown in confusion since I can't exactly figure out where they are. Hmm. That's weird.

Depositing the disdained kitten back into her seat, I stay rooted in position while I try to contact my mate.

'We're just on the edge of the forest. We'll be there in an hour, little wolf.' Malleus' soothing voice filters through without even me having to contact him first. The smile on my face is automatic but my eyes narrow in suspicion.

Not only because he called me little wolf in a certain tone that has my alarm bells ringing off inside my head but also the fact that he just mentioned he's on the outskirts of the forest.

"Holy hell, I did not know my hearing had gotten so advanced." I puff out in surprise while Asha and Rui give me weird looks. "Malleus just contacted me. They're exiting the woods right now." I clarify just as Rui's eyebrow raises exponentially on her forehead, practically blending in with her hairline.

"You smelt them from that far ahead? Impressive." She comments while I try not to feel pride at her words. Can't have my head getting any bigger now can I?

We lapse into silence once more, bored out of our minds as we wait for our mates to come back. I feel like one of those wives in old movies where they wait for their men to come back from more. For some reason this just makes me angry at Ezra even more and my right hand is itching to smack him just once.

Although I'll probably have to do that when his warrior mate isn't hanging around us.

Benedict Cumbercat gets tired of sleeping in the slow minutes that pass by, finding intrigue, instead, with my wiggling fingers and the folds of Asha's dress that she nearly tears to pieces before the woman shoo's her away with a gentle smile.

"What are you going to name this feisty little thing." Coo's Rui as she watches the small kitten flip over in the air as it pounces around like it's snorted catnip.

"Cinpurrella? Cindy Clawford? Puddy Tat? Frosch?" My never ending list of names continues to go on, still not coming to a decision on what I should name the fur ball. It has to be cute but also fitting.

"Did you just say Puddy Tat?"

"Do you even know what Frosch means?"

Both very different questions from the women around me, my immediate answer being a single 'No' of denial for both of the answers as I eye the two of them out of the corner of my eyes.

"It's German for frog. Why would you name your cat after a frog?" Asha points out while I do my best to change the topic, somewhat.

"How about Henry Catvill? I mean I know kitty here is a she but who wouldn't want to be named after him?" I say with a wistful sigh in my voice, both of the women nodding their heads after hearing my words.

"He's very good looking for a human. You can tell he's just all man." Asha says in a breathy voice while I raise my brow at her.

"You're literally mated to someone twice his size." I point out, the image of her giant burly wolf of a mate coming to my mind's eye.

"We don't even go for more than two days and our mate's are already lusting after some mortal human. Disgusting." A very familiar voice echoes throughout the hall followed by the sound of a heavy set pair of doors creaking open with immense momentum.

"Malleus!" I exclaim, shooting up straight while an expression of pure innocence takes place on my face. Full with the works of wide puppy dog eyes, parted mouth and hands in front of me. I'd clasp my hands together in front of me but I think that'll be taking it a step too far.

"I mean I'm as straight as they come but you've got to admit, Henry Cavill is very good looking." My cousin speaks up, not even realising those could very well be his final words as Rui stands up from her long held bow as soon as the men enter into the room.

I take a few steps forward, not only to put myself in front of the young warrior woman but also to easily run to my mate as soon as I see he isn't bloody and beat up. However Rui's blazing eyes have me quickly rushing towards my unharmed mate, not giving a crap about formalities as I launch myself at him.

Sparks ignite over every inch of my skin as soon as he embraces me, my legs wounding around his waist as his arms wrap around my own, keeping me in place. My once tensed up muscles, relaxing with each and every breath I inhale, his scent calming me down entirely as mine does to him. Malleus cups my face and gives me a promising look just before he smiles at me and pecks me tenderly on the forehead.

I go blank for a few seconds before I slide down off of him. I wanted to eat his face off senselessly but I guess the man has other plans. That's his loss not mine.

"What happened? Did you talk to them? Come to a settlement? It's too soon to come back if you were locked in a fight." Asha shoots one question after the other before coming to a pause just as a look of realisation passes into her face as she peers through all of the people.

"Tell me Apollo is coming through the back way and you didn't actually leave him behind." I've never heard Asha's voice reach such a high octave.

Malleus throws his arm around my waist, pushing me into him as he motions with his other hand to some place off to the corner of the room. Everyone accept Ezra and I get what he's on about but stare in the same direction nonetheless. If my heightened hearing weren't with me, I would have missed the fast paced steps and quickened breathing. It's almost indiscernable but it's like I can tell which set of footsteps is Apollo's and which ones aren't.

Who could Apollo have brought with him?

The wall on the far side of the hall shudders slightly in place as a small portion lifts up and slides to the side, allowing light to spill in from the hall lights on the other side of the corridor.

My mouth drops in shock as Apollo steps into the room with someone else behind him, I can't see the person much since the giant man's frame covers up the entirety of the person, no, woman, behind him.


Scenting the air, the hair on my body stands on end as my wolf practically snarls out one word to me.


Witch? Why did they bring a witch with them?

I take a hesitant step forward but get yanked back the next second as Malleus pulls me back next to him.

'I don't trust her entirely. Maintain caution.' Malleus mind links to me and the other two women in the room, all of us stare at the slowly emerging figure. Even though Malleus warns us of her possible intentions, her mannerisms contradict his warning entirely as the woman pops her head out behind Apollo, a chirpy smile on her face as she raises her hand to wave at me.

Stunned, I blink a few times before waving back, unsure but curious as to the nature of the witch.

The witch in particular glances wide eyed and lips parted as Apollo moves forward, leaving her exposed to our prying eyes. The woman stands in front of all of us, grey eyes taking all of us in one by one as we do much the same. Wavy dark brain hair an almost black frames most of her face and softening her otherwise sharp features. I can tell from here that this woman is taller than I am and I like to consider myself not so short. She smiles at me once more after completing her own once over of me. I smile back and try to welcome her but get caught off guard as a hue around her pops up, not visible to others.

"Holy shit." I whisper in a very audible manner to which Malleus simply nods besides me, already catching on to what has just clicked in my mind.

'Yup. They don't know it yet though.' Malleus informs me mentally, letting me know I shouldn't say anything because it'll set off something that isn't meant to happen as of yet. I lean forward and glance discreetly to the side, confirming my suspicions once more.

Who would've thought mysterious Kier would be mated to a witch?

The witch in question practically skips into the hall, a prep in her step and kindness practically oozing out of her pores. I would have thought it was an entire show she's putting on but considering the hue around her aura, I can't accept she's lying in any sort of way.

"My name is Althea. It is nice to finally meet you, my Queen." Her words are accompanied by a strong accent that I've never heard before but that's normal considering the fact I have never met a witch before in my life.

Althea doesn't bother dropping down onto one knee but rather clasps her hands in front of her and bows her head. I actually prefer that much more. It's less awkward than the usual solemn bow that I'm greeted with on a nearly daily basis.

"Likewise, Althea but please call me Fie." I say in a nonchalant manner till I motion for Asha and Rui to introduce themselves. The two women step closer to the witch, Rui dropping her glare momentarily. Just as they get closer to her, Althea's friendly smile drops and she takes several steps back, almost placing her back into the corridor where she came from.

Althea starts mumbling rapid words that none of us can get, all of us staring back at her in confusion as she shakes her head multiple times. Something in my peripheral vision has me glancing to the side. Momentarily catching my attention is Kier who shifts underneath his blacked out hood, body subconsciously turning in Althea's direction. Snapping back to the woman in question, I only begin to understand when I focus completely on her. Althea's rambles finally making sense to me.


As soon as I realise what Althea means, I wish to the kitten that's already making its way in the witches direction, enjoying the swaying of her long cape that entices Meowth to play with it.

"I'm so sorry. I completely forgot but don't worry, she's harmless. Just a kitten." I try to assure the woman as I scoop the kitten up in my arms, protecting the two from one another.

Moving back to a safe distance, I smile in encouragement and watch as Althea comes forward albeit not as close as she was previously.

"How about all of you get settled into your rooms and we can discuss everything after you're all freshened up?" I put forward the idea, watching as nearly everyone nods with eagerness to the thought of resting for a little while before we delve back into politics and thoughts of potential war. One person doesn't buy the ploy and he's smart not to. As everyone leaves the hall, Asha leading Althea to a room while assuring her she'll be safe away from the cat, I pin my eyes to the side of my mate's face.

"I'll tell you everything as soon as we get to the room." He promises.

I go to answer but stop myself as a certain voice reaches me, my intrigue rising as I realise what couple is left behind in the hall.

"Hey babe." How on earth is he trying to sound suave after what he did not even that long ago?

Moments pass by before a yelp is heard and apology after apology leaves Ezra, deadly silence coming from his partner.

"Did something happen while I was away?" Malleus asks me to which I nod.

"We both have a lot to talk about."


AN: Writers block really isn't going away and I feel like I've just hit a slump if I'm being honest.

Question: If yew had a chance to yer fate, would ya? (This has been stuck in my head for so long and I don't know why😭).

Actual question: What movie made you really emotional?

Please remember to:


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