Stay For Me

By phoeberosewrites

294K 8.5K 6.5K

All Thea ever wanted was for Rio to wait for her, but will she finally realise that she just needs him to sta... More

stay for me
aesthetics & playlist
01 | memories
02 | different places
03 | grey
04 | manners
05 | ti amo
06 | dear diary
07 | sweetheart
08 | versace on the floor
09 | my dea
10 | freaky
11 | gorgeous
12 | always have, always will
13 | the right reasons
14 | selfless
15 | welcome to the family
16 | babysitter
17 | adore you
18 | this is self control
20 | blue glow
21 | wingman
22 | wherefore art thou romeo?
23 | initials
24 | reckless
25 | good listener
26 | balance
27 | sunny
28 | career choices
29 | the wedding
30 | commitment
31 | matchmaker
32 | adventure
33 | silva and sky
34 | boy racer
35 | explanation
36 | forgive me
37 | better than this
38 | moonlight
39 | just a dream
40 | needy
41 | gifts
42 | resolutions
43 | good practise
44 | anniversary
45 | valentine
46 | cupcakes
47 | mio familia
48 | distractions
49 | forever
bonus chapter 1 | the wedding
bonus chapter 2 | the honeymoon
Spin Off's

19 | peter panda

5.6K 165 160
By phoeberosewrites

❝ 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒔 𝒇𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒌𝒚
𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔 𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒅 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒐𝒄𝒆𝒂𝒏
𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝑰'𝒎 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒂 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝒘𝒉𝒚
𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒔𝒆𝒕 𝒎𝒚 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 ❞

𝑺𝒂𝒎 𝑺𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒐

* * * * * * *


I sit on the end of Rio's bed, watching him change into some clean clothes. Waking up with him in my own bed this morning was an experience to say the least.

Being lucky enough to wake up in the morning with Rio is a blessing in itself, but to do it in my own house, my own room, my own bed.. was a completely different feeling.

"When I said we could spend the day together, I did actually just mean the two of us, you know." He groans and I chuckle at him, watching as he puts his black airforce's on.

"What did you want me to say? No?" I ask and he looks up at me, his eyes narrowing.

"Yeah. That's exactly what I wanted you to say." He replies as he ties his laces up.

We initially did plan on spending the day together but Jacey called and asked if we wanted to get breakfast with him and Myla. I could hardly turn him down. He sounded so happy and optimistic.

A few minutes go past with complete silence between us. I shift uncomfortably on the bed and notice Rio watching me from my peripheral vision, while still sat on the chair opposite me.

"What's on your mind?" He asks and I raise my brows, looking over at him. "You go quiet when you're overthinking, Thea."

With a long sigh, I shrug my shoulders lazily. "It's just.. do you.. still speak to Navy?" I ask hesitantly and he straightens his back, adjusting his posture at my question.

"No." He simply replies. "I haven't heard from her since she left for Boston's few months ago." He adds and I nod my head slowly, playing with my fingers awkwardly.

"She moved to Boston?" I ask in surprise. I mean, I knew she left New Orleans but I didn't know why and I didn't know where she went to either. 

"Yeah. Her dad lives there and she went back to live with him I guess." He replies calmly. "She hasn't tried to contact you, has she?"

I shake my head quickly. "No, no." I assure him. "I was just curious, that's all." I mumble.

He stands up from the chair and walks towards me, running his hand down the back of my head before tilting my chin up with his finger.

"Thea, please speak to me. Don't bottle anything up." He says quietly. "What are you thinking about?"

Looking up at him through my dark lashes, I watch as he waits patiently for me to speak. "Are you going to go back to the tracks?" I ask anxiously.

"The tracks?" He repeats with an arched brow. "I don't know. Would you be okay if I did?" He asks and I shrug my shoulders awkwardly.

"You don't need my permission to do things, Rio. I don't want to control you." I mumble distantly and he shakes his head, kneeling down in front of me so that we're now eye level.

"Hey, listen to me." He says as he places both hands on my thighs. "You are my girlfriend, Thea. Your feelings matter to me and although this whole relationship thing is new to me, I do know that this won't work unless we communicate with each other."

His hands are warm on my thighs, his touch sending chills through my body. "I know," I say quietly, knowing deep down that what he's saying is right.

"I know the tracks are a difficult place for you. They haven't exactly been a fun experience and I would never ever expect you to want to go to another race again. You mean more to me than any race, or any car, or any win. So if you're not comfortable with me going back, then I won't."

I take a deep breath, listening to everything he's saying. Although the tracks haven't exactly been the nicest places, they brought me something I could never express my gratitude for. They brought me Rio. And honestly, that overrides everything that's ever happened to me.

All the fights, the drama, the disgusting men who think they can take advantage of young girls, the risks and the danger. 

I also can't forget the amazing people that I met there too. Kayin, Sienna, Brody.. even Jacey and his strange ways. Four people who have genuinely changed my life for the better. Four people who make me smile and laugh. Four people who are beautiful on the inside just as much as the outside.

"I think you should do what you want to do." I eventually tell him. "Whatever you decide, I will support you all the way. If you want to race, then I'll be there. If you don't, I'll still be here."

"Well we have time to decide. The tracks aren't going anywhere, so whatever happens, happens. Okay?" He says and I nod, smiling slightly at him. "Now come on, the quicker we meet Jacey, the quicker we can leave." He chuckles.

I follow Rio as we leave his house and get into his Jaguar, ready for when we collect his siblings later.

We take the short drive to Jacey's house where he is already waiting for us with Myla. He watches us pull onto his driveway with a huge smile which I just laugh at.

He walks over to Rio's car and opens the door for me, impatiently waiting for me to unfasten my seatbelt so he can give me a typical Jacey hug. By that, I mean squeezing me so hard that I practically suffocate.

"T!" He exclaims as he literally pulls me out of the car and into his chest.

I chuckle at his enthusiasm and return his hug. "Hi Jacey." I mumble against his rock hard chest as he playfully messes up my hair with his hand.

"Alright, let her breathe Jace." Rio says humorously as he pulls me back from him.

I look up to see him still smiling as Myla walks towards us. "We ready or what? I'm starving." She groans as she walks over to Jacey's car.

"When did you get this?" I ask as I glance over to the modified matte black four-by-four Bentley and he wiggles his eyebrows at me with a small smirk.

"The other day. She's beautiful, right?" He says as he taps on the roof, admiring the large vehicle.

I furrow my brows, trying not to laugh at him. "She?" I repeat and he nods proudly.

"Yep. This is Clover." He says, almost as though he's introducing me.. to the car.

"Clover.." I mumble as I stare at the car. He really named his car, huh.

"Come on Thea, you can sit in the back with me while the two babies sit in the front." Myla grins as she opens the door and gets in.

Jacey gasps as though his feelings have actually been hurt by her comment and Rio just smirks as he sends me a small wink, watching as I too, get into the car.

Eventually the two boys get in and we begin driving to the new diner that's just recently opened in town. The interior of Jacey's Bentley is completely custom made. The seats are a leathered charcoal grey and the windows are tinted, the ceiling covered in speckles of shiny lights.

Myla taps on her phone beside me, scrolling through Instagram as she likes a couple of pictures. "Who's your celebrity crush?" She asks and I shrug my shoulders.

"I don't really know, who's yours?" I reply and she glances over at me again with a small smirk.

"Paul Klein from LANY."

Jacey scoffs from the drivers seat and Myla glances at me, grinning as he stares at her through the rear view mirror. "I don't know who he is but I bet he can't race cars and win every single time." He sneers, scrunching his nose up in annoyance.

"Oh of course not J." Myla replies sarcastically and blows him a kiss, leaning forward and messing his hair up playfully from behind.

"Thea you must have a celebrity crush." Myla says and I chuckle a little, shaking my head as I purse my lips.

"I honestly don't." I reply truthfully.

"See, she only has eyes for one man." Jacey mutters as glances over his shoulder while we pull up at a red light.

Myla rolls her eyes, scoffing at him. "Oh Jacey shut up, you big baby." She groans playfully and I snicker to myself, watching Rio as he does the same.

"So, you two are officially official now, huh?" Jacey asks, changing the topic of conversation.

Rio looks over his shoulder at me and I I find myself blushing a little. "Yeah," he replies casually and Myla squeals beside me, nudging my leg repeatedly with her hand.

"Now we can go on an official double date!" She exclaims and I chuckle, nodding. "Well, we're technically going for breakfast.. so it's like a double breakfast date." She rambles to herself and I smile at her excitement, looking out of the window.

Eventually we pull up to the diner and make our way inside. I sit beside Myla and Jacey sits opposite her while Rio is opposite me.

The interior of the new diner is bright and fresh, the walls white and the flooring the same. Music plays in the background from an old fashioned jukebox, giving it that extra American diner feel.

A waitress approaches and I instantly notice her eyes gravitating towards the boys. Why.. why do some waitresses do that? Can she not see me and Myla sat here or something?

I look at her in disbelief as she still completely disregards our presence and rolls her bright red lips together, wetting them a little with her tongue.


"Hey, what drinks can I get you?" She asks, still directing her question at the boys.

I notice Myla's eyes narrow beside me and I glance back towards the waitress, waiting for her to even look at us.. but still, we get nothing.

"Uh, what do you want baby?" Rio asks and it takes a few seconds for me to process that he's actually talking to me. A small, smug grin works it's way onto my face as I stare down at my menu.

"I'll have a hot chocolate with marshmallows please." I say as I look back up at the waitress, noticing her expression fall a little as her blue eyes flick between mine and Myla's.

Her jaw visibly clenches and she presses her lips together, narrowing her eyes at me slightly to which I furrow my brows at.

"What are you getting babe?" Jacey asks Myla as she too, stares down at the menu with the exact same smile as I had.

Damn, are we petty or are we petty?

Myla gives her drink order before the boys give theirs, the waitress then walking off and collecting them for us.

"Oh damn, you two are so jealous." Jacey snickers as he places his elbows on the table, resting his chin in his palm.

"Can you blame us? She was practically stripping you with her eyes!" Myla whisper shouts and I can't help but chuckle at her, catching Rio smirk a little out of the corner of my eye.

His leg purposely brushes against mine, causing me to look over at him. He pokes his tongue out at me slightly and I grin in response, knowing that he's just trying to reassure me.

Jacey and Rio are both attractive guys, and I guess it's only natural for them to attract attention from other people. It's just not exactly pleasant when you're there to witness it.

"Let's get some fucking eggs in my stomach then." Jacey says as he signals for the waitress to come back over.

"Seriously J?" Myla grumbles and we all chuckle together.


"I already do enough work there as it is!" Knox exclaims and I chuckle as Rio arches a brow at his outburst. "What do they want from me? To pack a bag and freaking live there?!" He groans and I cover my mouth with my hand to refrain from laughing.

"Well, you didn't want to do the homework at Mae's so now you have to do it on a Saturday night." Rio tells him and I raise my brows at how firm he is acting. Damn, he really is just like a parent.

Knox groans again, running his hand through his hair as he rests his elbows on the table, Rio still sitting beside him.

"Open the book again and I'll help you work out the calculation." Rio tells him and my eyes widen.

"You can actually do math?" I ask in disbelief and Rio glances up at me, nodding with a small smile. "How? I can barely work out a basic addition."

Knox throws his hands in the air and looks up at the ceiling. "See! It's not just me!" He sighs.

"Math is easy, Thea." Rio says and I scoff, narrowing my eyes at him in disgust.

"Who are you?" I say dryly as Ellerie runs back into the room, tugging at my hand.

"Thea, Thea! I did the movie!" She exclaims and I look down at her, smiling happily. "I got popcorn and snacks and drinks!" She adds enthusiastically.

She pulls me out of the room before I have the chance to say anything else and I happily follow her to her room, my eyes widening when I admire the work she has put into our sleepover.

A small fluffy blanket is spread out on the floor at the end of her bed, in front of the large plasma television. A collection of snacks and candy scattered on it with a small basket of various drinks.

"I don't know what your favourite drink is so I just took lots," she explains and I glance around in awe at the amount of effort she actually put into this.

"Did you do this all by yourself?" I ask and she nods, looking up at me happily. "It's so cute." I add and she giggles, walking over to the blanket and sitting down, patting the spot beside her for me.

I do as she asks, sitting beside her and looking around at the various snacks. "Do you want a soda?" She asks and I chuckle, nodding my head as she passes me a small bottle of crush orange.

"Thank you," I reply and she smiles brightly, crossing her leg over the other as she stretches them out in front of her, picking up the remote and playing the movie.

"This movie is called The Pacifier," she explains. "Have you seen that before?" She asks and I raise my brows in surprise, nodding my head.

"You like The Pacifier?" I ask and she continues to smile at me, nodding her head as she opens a packet of Doritos.

"It's my favourite movie!" She replies as she eats the small snacks.

I chuckle beside her, watching as the movie begins to play. This girl never fails to amaze me.

This movie is one that I literally binged watched as a kid. It was one of my comfort movies and I know pretty much the entire script off by heart.

One thing I don't know however, is the Peter Panda dance. Not by memory anyway.

Half way through the movie, the classic part begins to play out and she squeals, tapping her legs repeatedly with her hands as she leans forward to watch it.

"Yay! Thea! We have to do it and show Rio!" Ellerie gasps and I glance over at her in horror.

She wants us to perform the Peter Panda dance, in front of Rio?

"Please! Please!" She pleads and I groan internally, preferring to just evaporate into thin air instead.

How can I say no to her? It's physically impossible.

"Okay," I agree hesitantly and she jumps up from the floor, clapping her hands toget her excitedly.

"So let's watch Shane do the dance and we can copy him!" She instructs and I nod, standing beside her as I prepare to learn a dance I used to copy when I was her age.

I can't help but laugh as we copy Vin Diesel, Ellerie giggling to herself as she mimics his every move, the pair of us singing along to the words.

Watching her smile and laugh makes me smile. A child's laughter is so pure and one of the best things to hear, in my opinion. In this exact moment, she's so free and so happy.

"Let's go let's go!" She beams once the song is finished and I follow her out of her bedroom, watching as she races down the stairs.

I cringe at the thoughts of having to actually do this in front of Rio but if it will make Ellerie happy, then I suppose I have no choice.

When we enter the living room, Knox is no longer here, meaning he must have gone up to his room. Rio sits on one of the sofa's watching the tv, his attention quickly switching towards us as we walk in and stand in front of him.

This is so embarrassing.

His dark brows furrow slightly, his eyes flicking between us both curiously as he tries to figure out what's going on.

"Rio! We want to show you something." Ellerie tells him and his cheeks lift into a small, confused smile.

"Oh yeah? What's that?" He asks, his eyes flicking to mine as he smirks subtly.

I feel like curling up into a ball and literally rolling away from this entire house, this street.. just this whole universe really.

"It's a surprise!" She tells him and he chuckles, nodding his head slowly as he rests one of his arms across his chest, his other hand resting underneath his chin as he watches the two of us.

Ellerie leans over to her iPad and clicks on the song, looking at me and squinting really hard. I guess that was supposed to be a wink?

The song begins to play and Ellerie smiles up at me, nodding her head as a gesture for us to dance.

Someone please help me.

"When your down and low, lower than the floor.. and you feel like you ain't got a chance." The words flow out of her iPad and Ellerie giggles as she sings along.

Rio looks at us both and I can see him clearly chewing on the inside of his mouth, trying not to laugh.

"Don't make a move till your in the groove, and do the Peter Panda dance." Ellerie sings and I roll my eyes before regretfully joining in with her.

"Just hop three times like a kangeroo." We sing as we do the actions. "Side step twice just like the crabs do." We both step to the side, holding our hands out like a crab.

"Three steps forward one step back. Quick like a turtle lie on your back!" Ellerie exclaims as we both lay down on the floor, holding our hands close to our chest as we begin to laugh.

"Roll like a log till you can't roll no more." Rolling over on the floor proves to be more fun than I expected and I look up to see Rio watching us with a huge smile on his face.

"Better jump quick like there ain't no floor. Hold your breath, jump to the left.." We continue to sing as we hold out nods with our fingers, jumping to the left just like the song says.

"And that's the Peter, I swear that's the Peter. That's the Peter Panda Dance!" We finish, Ellerie doing jazz hands while smiling so brightly, it almost makes me want to cry.

I watch as Rio looks at the pair of us, raising his hands and clapping. "Bravo, bravo." He says with a grin. "If I had a bra, I'd throw it at you." He adds as he sends me a wink.

"A bra?!" Ellerie shouts and myself and Rio begin to laugh. "That's gross, Rio!" She grimaces as she dives onto him, messing up his hair with her tiny hands.

He manages to pick her up and hold her above his head as she tries to reach out and grab his hair again, repeated high pitched giggles leaving her lips.

I can't help but laugh as I watch them both. Rio is such a good big brother. Ellerie and Knox are lucky to have him.

"Ouch, ouch! Rio!" She gasps as he tickles her sides, causing her to gasp for breath as she continues to laugh.

He puts her down and she bends forward, holding her stomach as she tries to catch her breath before announcing that she needs to pee and running out of the room.

Rio's eyes catch mine and he wets his lips, leaning forward and wrapping his arms around my thighs, pulling me down onto him. "You, Miss Walker, have quite the talent." He murmurs as he peppers kisses along my jaw, making me laugh.

"It was just a dance," I say through laugher.

"A dance that you willingly did with my little sister, who by the way.. is obsessed with it." He mumbles and I roll my lips together, laughing as he kisses the corner of my mouth, then my chin and my nose.

I hear a soft click, as though someone has just taken a picture and I turn my head to the side, my eyes landing on Ellerie as she stands with her iPad in her hands and a grin on her face.

"You're pretty Thea," she compliments and I feel myself blushing at her kind words. "I can airdrop this to your phone." She says, gesturing to the picture she just took and I almost scoff at her comment.

Airdrop? How on earth does this child even know what that is?

"Ell, take a few more." Rio says and I look at him with wide eyes before he smothers me in even more kisses, Ellerie giggling as she takes photo after photo.

"You guys, just say cheese already!" She whines but Rio appears to be too preoccupied to listen to her request.


AN: hi guys.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

The Pacifier is legit one of my all time fave movies and if you haven't seen it, I recommend it 10000%

See you all on Wednesday for the next update 💛


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