He's all yours.

By aurorasmiles

56.8K 2.8K 500

First book : He'll always be mine. Second book. He's all yours Dean Kaiser, Beta of the Lotus pack has fin... More

FML (Part One)
He's a beauty (P2)
Asshole (P3)
Jinx. (P4)
Yome (P5)
Cousin knows (P6)
Marked (P7)
Not your fault (P8)
Taken (P9)
Framed (P10)
Mate. (11)
El Cell De brujas. (P12)
Blood Moon (P13)
Anxiously waiting (P14)
His Beta. (P15)
Going to mate. (P16)
Disrespect (P17)
Explaining the situation (P18)
Waking up to him (P19)
I want to drink your blood (P20)
Rumble (P21)
Fuck! (P22)
The Supreme Snake (p23)
Behind the black doors (25)
The next day (26)
His love for the other (27)
Why is he bad?(P28)
That explains it (P29)
The reason (P30)

The arena (24)

1K 49 7
By aurorasmiles

Isaiah's POV
After the phone call.

Yes" I pause. "It's.. I'm having trouble with my pack and was hoping for your help." I look up and see Elder Abran smirking.

"Alright we'll head over. Bye" he hangs up as so do I.

"Trouble with your pack?" Elder Abran chuckles. "Indulge me with your problems Isaiah" He takes a seat and signals me to sit down as well. "You know I was very close to your father." Yeah of course you were . "And I feel as I am close to you as well. As if you were my own son."

I curl my lips to a smile, feeling as plastic as ever "thank you Elder. That means a lot. Truly.." I bow my head and feel my smile drop as i look down. I raise my head and look him in the eye.

"When we arrived I noticed how empty it was in the pack house. Actually not a single wolf was seen as we drove here. What's the reasoning behind that zay?". My eye twitches to the nickname he decided to call me. The nickname My father would call me because it sounded like a girls name. And as the sissy I was in his eyes, it was the name I deserved.

I feel Frode try to surface. I struggle to push him back before answering the Elder. "Traitors. I found traitors in my pack so they are at the arena waiting for me to punish them."

"Oh. Alpha Wright.," Elder King gasps. "We didn't know we were interrupting ." Elder King is a gorgon, she's a kind one at that. She wears a headscarf wherever she goes. Many other Gorgons let their snakes run wild, it makes them feel superior when others avoid eye contact. Elder King is not like that at all, it could be because she was born as one and not turned into one . She is a very gentle woman, though I've heard she can be scary if you get on her bad side. Thankfully she is not corrupted.

I'm about to reply when Elder Abran interrupts again "well who says we're interrupting . Continue with your punishing. It'll be awhile before the Alpha and Luna from the Lotus pack arrive."

"Elder Abran is right." Elder Hideo adds. I turn to look at him. "Do not worry about us. You are allowed to leave and finish your task. You're not a criminal who we need to keep an eye on" he says before taking a sip of his tea. Now Elder Hideo is an Oni. He's hard to read..

"It's alright alpha Wright" elder King smiles. I smile back and stand up .

"Well excuse me. I'll try to be brief." I walk out close the doors behind me, letting out a breathe that I had been holding in.

"Damn that elder" Frode growls.

"Yes damn him. But I hate that I can't read Elder Hideo." I continue walking out the pack house and to the arena. "There are two outcomes of a person becoming an Oni ; one they enact violent punishment on other evil-doers and will literally eat anything...including humans, or two they try to redeem themselves from their past life.".

"Let's hope it's the latter " Frode sighs. Yes let's hope that.


"Lieser ." I call out and he turns to face me. I look around and watch as my pack members whisper to each other. I sigh before walking towards the traitors. In the front are Jim and his two children. Behind them are my brother's ex in-laws then Luna and her brother. Then finally the last two are...

"I'm disappointed" I tell them.

"Yeah. Yeah." Chance. Mutters. Syan says nothing and keeps his head down, I feel eyes on me , I look back at chance who is staring at me "You better kill us. You'll look weak if you don't "

"Why?" I ask. He shakes his head and looks back down. My heart aches with the deception. They were just like me. They were also considered weak in our pack. I can't exactly say we were friends because we never really hung around each other. I think we were scared of being a group of losers.

However we acknowledged each other. When we would walk by . The three of us would share a glance and nod. We understood each other.

I sigh and walk away. "I'm sorry" I hear a whisper from Syan. I stop and look back at him. His watery eyes meet mine. I know he's hurting more for betraying me . I nod and turn away again.

"Listen up!" I yell to the pack. "These traitors before you will receive their punishment. They have brought harm to their future Alpha and to my children." I pause and look back at Chance and Syan. I notice claw scars on Chances chest. As if.. oh. I see now. "I had planned to punish them myself , but as some of you May have heard, the elders are here." There are gasps heard.

"Are you doing what I think you're doing? And if you are , do you really think that's a great idea?" Frode asks , nervous about what I'll say next.

"I have too, I can't lose them. Not yet." I tell him . "Elder Abran would love to take them back with them." Which may seem like a threat to the pack but I know it won't be to Luna and her monkeys. I glance back and notice their smiles. They really think I'm going to send them with Elder Abran.

"Umm" I look to Lieser who has a complexed expression. "Alpha I don't think... well please excuse me but-"

"Thãts not where I'm really sending them" I assure him. "Take them to their vehicles" my warriors lift them up, I stop Andrew who has Jim "except for him and" I look at Levi who has Luna "and that one. I want to punish them myself." They are the ones in charge . Without them , their little minions can't function.

"Where do you really want them to go?" Lieser asks as he leads them out.

"Take them to the after life. I'm done with them." I pause "except for chance and Syan . I need to interrogate them more." I'll get more from them than the loyal dogs. "Oh make sure, you aren't seen".

"Jonathan" he is our grim, as we like to call him. He's been here all my life. He's a scary guy but he minds his own business as long as he's able to live the life he loves most, by being a sadist. "Do what you do best" i say causing him to smile. I begin to walk away but stop in my tracks to say "forget the two hour limit, go as long as your heart desires." A horrifying grin appears on his face causing chills to run through my body.

"Oh hell no. Let's get the fuck away from here." Frode shudders . I wish I could just run the fuck away from here but that would totally ruin my cool line i just said.

I walk back to the pack house. "I brought them to my cabin" Lieser let's me know. .

"Good. I'll head over when this is all over." I stop right in front of the door of the pack house. "Rogelio?"

"Yes Alpha?"

"How are they doing? " I ask as I look up to my window.

"Fine. The boys are asleep. Is the meeting almost over?"

"It hasn't even begone. We are waiting for alpha Arrio and his Luna. I just came back from the arena. " I took my time walking back and forth. It's a far walk. So an hour has already passed. They should be here soon.

"Alpha. Did ...". he stops. "What were their punishments."

I walk into the house and head to the meeting room. "Jonathan is in charge of Jim and luna. Lieser is in charge of Jim's children and lunas family..."

"... and the other two?" Rogelio asks ,

"I'm not done with them. I believe they were threatened. What do you think?" He knows them better than I do.

"Yes I believe that could be it. I can't see them betraying you especially Syan"

"Yeah that's what I thought. When the elders leave we'll head back to Lieser's cabin."

"Yes alpha."

I reach the black doors once again. Ok here we go.


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