Sound Wave - Hawks x Reader

By frogz__0

316K 6.6K 14.1K

⚠️This story contains smut, violence and panic attacks⚠️ You had just graduated from UA highschool, and were... More

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𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 7➴

11.6K 265 531
By frogz__0

(there's no smut in this chapter just a makeout sesh :p)

You woke up in a fairly odd position. Your legs were thrown all around your covers, your arms were practically strangling you.

You untangled yourself from your bed, and got up, yawning.

Grabbing your phone, you checked the time. It read:


You groaned with how early in the morning it was, but you needed to get ready for the mission, so you were lucky you woke up early anyways without having to set an alarm.

There were a few footsteps outside your door, and then you heard Hawks. "Nah, I'm sure she'll wake herself up." He muttered to himself as he walked away, then went downstairs. You sighed with relief, not having to engage in a conversation with him.

You felt really awkward around him, especially because of what happened last night. Maybe he felt the same way as you?

You walked over to the mirror and looked at yourself.

You plodded out of your room half asleep, and entered the bathroom.

You stripped, then got into the shower and then brushed your teeth.

You were about to get dressed, until you noticed a few red marks on your inner thigh.

No. fucking. way.

Did Hawks give you hickeys? You looked at them a bit closer, and realised they were infact hickeys, but you never noticed him giving you them since you were a bit... preoccupied.

Hawks, that cheeky bastard.

You slapped your hand over your mouth, and couldn't help but have a huge grin across your face.

Oh, today was going to be awkward as fuck.

You pulled your hero outfit on and walked back into your room. You put on some mascara, and were about to attempt to do some eyeliner, but realised you really couldn't be asked. 

You sighed, and left your room.

Then, you went downstairs to see Hawks making himself some toast. You cleared your throat, and walked into the kitchen.

"Morning." You said awkwardly. Hawks flinched when he heard your voice, and turned around. "O-Oh, good morning Y/N." He smiled uneasily.

So, he was uncomfortable about last night too. You sighed, and walked over to him. He instantly moved away, and you just rolled your eyes. You picked up a piece of bread, and placed it into the toaster. Then, you grabbed and apple and began eating it.

When the toast had toasted (lmao idk what to say here) you covered it with butter. You moved a piece of hair behind your ear, and finished your apple. "Thank you for the food." You muttered and then ate your toast.

Hawks watched you, and then sat down at the table. You didn't sit with him though since you still felt embarrassed. "Thank you for the food." Hawks mumbled, then began eating his toast.

You grabbed another apple and placed it infront of him. "You can't survive pretty much the whole day on just a piece of toast." You crossed your arms.

"Oh, thanks." He smiled. You nodded and then walked upstairs. You went into your room and grabbed your phone, then walked back downstairs.

You sat on the couch, and saw an unread text from Kaminari.

Pikachu ⚡

uhh idk let me ask kiri ₂:₅₆ₚₘ

kiri says in 2 days at 7 ₃:₀₄ₚₘ

that work for you? ₃:₀₄ₚₘ



                                                               sorry for not replying I was busy aha ₈:₀₄ₐₘ

                                                                                     that should work though ₈:₀₄ₐₘ


Kaminari didn't reply since it was too early in the morning, but you didn't mind. He probably would've left you on read anyways. "Kid, are you ready to go?" Hawks shouted from downstairs. "Yeah!" You replied, and stood up. You looked in the mirror, and then left.

To be completely honest, you were dreading this mission. You didn't exactly want to go because you had to fight new villains, but also because you had to spend the whole time with Hawks.

You walked down the stairs, and Hawks was waiting for you in his hero outfit by the door. "Come on then, let's go." He gestured for you to come downstairs. You ran down the stairs and pulled on your shoes as you got to the door.

"We're gonna fly there, just follow me, okay?" Hawks crossed his arms whilst you were tying up your shoe laces. "Alright." You mumbled, then tucked the laces inside of your shoes.

"Let's go." He said, and you nodded your head.

The both of you then headed out the door. Hawks began flying, and waited for you in the air.

You took a deep breath, then pointed your hands towards the floor with your palms flat. You listened to the sound in the area and used it to lift yourself into the air, and flew with Hawks.

Hawks and you flew to a building in the middle of town, and landed on it. You both sat on the roof, and watched the street for a while.

"Oh right, I almost forgot." Hawks gasped, and reached into his pocket, pulling out two ear pieces. He handed one to you, and then put the other in his ear. You put it in your ear. There was a static sound, and then someone talking. "Hello? Hawks, Blast, can you hear me?" A high-pitch voice whispered through the line.

"Yes, we hear you." Hawks answered.

"I thought you forgot to put in the earpiece, good thing you didn't. I don't have a visual on anyone with the scar that we're looking for, but I'll let you know if I do." The person on the other line mumbled. "Um, sorry, who is this?" You raised an eyebrow.

"Ah, Blast. You can just call me Sakura. I'll meet with you later and we can be introduced properly. I'm going to go now so I don't seem suspicious, make sure you mute your mics so I don't have to hear you yapping in my ear. Sakura, out." She whispered, then the line crackled as she put herself on mute. You and Hawks also put your mics on mute.

"Sakura? I've never heard of her before." You whispered to yourself. Hawks heard you. "Oh, she's one of our spies in the hero agency. Her actual name is Haruka Matsui. She's been with us for quite a while." He answered, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh, um thanks." You smiled uneasily.

Hawks sighed, and looked back to where Sakura (Haruka) was. He watched her on the road.

You also watched, but kept glancing over to Hawks. The two of you were really quiet, and didn't say a word to eachother because of the awkward atmosphere. You rested your head on your hand, as you began getting bored.

"I wont let you die." He mumbled. You heard him, but decided to ignore it.

The two of you hadn't even been there for half an hour, and you already wanted to leave. You let out a loud sigh, and Hawks looked over to you. "What's up, Blast?" He crossed his arms.

"This is boring." You groaned. Hawks let out a laugh. "I know, right? I have a little game to make it better though."

You raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"Ahh, well, you look at the people on the street and guess whether or not they are virgins." He smirked. You rolled your eyes. "That sounds dumb."

"But it's fun, and it makes time pass by faster." Hawks smiled. You felt a small blush creep on your cheeks, and scoffed. "Whatever, I'll play."

"Great! Okay, let's start with that guy down there. Bald janitor with the mustache, covered in dirt." Hawks pointed. You looked at him, and squinted your eyes. Then, both of you said simultaneously "Not a virgin."

"He looks married. I feel bad for his wife." You mumbled. Hawks laughed at your remark. "Yeah, that one was too easy. Okay, how about that really muscular black haired guy, looks a bit like a college student."

"Hm, I'd say a virgin." You grinned.

"Oh, how come? He looks like he gets loads of girls." Hawks tilted his head. "Well, if you look closely you can see he has a rainbow flag on his bag. Now, I know what you're thinking, that could mean anything, right? Wrong! That's a pride flag. And any non-virgin males would never do that. They'd say it looks 'unmanly'. And, any non-virgin gay males would also never do that because they wouldn't have it so small, they'd probably have it more clearer! I say that man is a closeted gay virgin!" You raised your fist in the air and laughed.

"Where's the rainbow?" Hawks asked, getting closer to you and squinting his eyes. You remembered last night, and groaned.

"Hawks." You mumbled. Hawks sat up straight and looked back at you. "What's up?"

"Are you really a fuck boy?" You asked bluntly. Hawks froze, and clasped his hand over his mouth. "W-Where did that come from?" He replied, trying to hold in his laugh. "It's just because last night, when we did... that, you were really good at it! I always thought you were a fuck boy since I met you, but I never expected you actually would be one!" You shouted.

Hawks couldn't hold it in anymore, and bursted into a fit of laughter. "It's not funny! I'm being serious!" You cried out. "Right. Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but no I'm not. This may seem a bit personal, but I haven't actually done anything with a girl in around six months. Maybe longer, I haven't counted how long it's been." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Wait, seriously? Hold up, so you're telling me you aren't a virgin, and you haven't done anything with a girl in around six months?" You raised an eyebrow. "Of course I'm not a virgin, I'm 25, Blast!" He shouted. You both looked at eachother, and started laughing.

After you had stopped laughing, you and Hawks played the game for a bit longer. There was still no spotting of the suspect. "Want to take a picture? I wont post it until after we're done with the mission." You asked.

"Sure, I don't mind." Hawks smiled, and you pulled out your phone. You got close to Hawks, and he wrapped his arm around your shoulders. You smiled, and did he aswell. Hawks stuck up his fingers into a peace sign. You took the picture. "Looking good." You let out a laugh, and looked over to Hawks.

Your faces were close to eachother. You moved away, and turned around to look at him again. His cheeks were red, and he cleared his throat.

Something inside of you was urging you to kiss him. It was this odd feeling of longing, and you listened to it.

You crawled onto his lap, and he looked at you. "Blast?" He mumbled, as you placed your hand on his cheek and kissed him. Hawks instantly slipped his tongue inside of your mouth, and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him.

You followed his rythm, your tonuges moving together.

His hands rubbed the sides of your waist, and you let out moans into his mouth. Hawks grabbed you by your hips and began grinding you against his area. You moved your arms behind his head and started to run your fingers through his hair.

Hawks let out a small grunt as you went into direct contact with his dick.

He let go of your waist and his hands traveled to your thighs, as he slipped his hand into your shorts of the bodysuit you were wearing. You let out a gasp as you felt his fingers slither into your underwear and-

"Guys, I have a visual on the suspect." Sakura whispered through the earpiece.

Your eyes widened and you quickly pulled away from the kiss, panting. Hawks slipped his hands out of your shorts and cleared his throat. You unmuted your mic. "Oh, um, is he still in the street or is he on the move?" You answered, your voice shaking.

"Uh, he's still on the street. Is everything okay over there? Blast, you seem a little out of breath." Sakura asked through the mic. Hawks got a sadistic smirk on his face and you flipped him off. "Yep, everything is fine. Me and Hawks were just laughing a bit but everything is fine." You replied.

Hawks ran his hands up and down on your waist slowly. You felt a shiver run down your spine. "Okay, I'll let you know when he's on the move. Love you, Sakura, out."

Hawks froze and raised an eyebrow. You turned off your mic. "Did she just say she loves you?" He asked, confused.

"Obviously, all the ladies love me." You winked, and got off his lap, facing away from him.

Hawks looked down at his lap. "Hey, kid, we have a slight problem."

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