The Resident

By gopaperbackwriter

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Janel survived abuse and neglect as a child at the hands of her adoptive parents. When they died, she lived i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Read this too!! Lol.

Chapter 28

301 6 6
By gopaperbackwriter


Today had been the GREATEST day with Ian, we've ever had. I know, I say that every time we have a wonderful day together. But somehow, those greatest, perfect days keep getting topped.
And I can't picture how any other day could possibly top this one. There's no way. This had GOT to be the top day, ever. I'm telling you.
From waking up in his bed he slept in as a kid, in his room in his parent's house, to his mom's wonderful family breakfast, to the nice ride through his town and into the countryside to his very own house that he bought with his music money. To exploring this awesome house, and many acres of property, to taking a leisurely walk and having a picnic in the horse field, to hanging his first decoration of his new house...the horseshoe, to the romantic dinner and dance on the kitchen floor, watching the sun set in the loft of the barn.....
This beat ANY romantic movie I'd EVER seen. And to think, I was convinced I'd never ever experience anything like this in life. To think that someday I had planned to give up on life, when I couldn't take the loneliness anymore.
Everything was absolutely perfect about this day. NOTHING was wrong. NOTHING.
And all day, I had in the back of my mind, that at some point tonight, I would NOT be a virgin anymore.
And I was scared as HELL!!!! I won't dare tell Ian that, because he'll stop the whole thing. I know him.
But I'm just scared that it will hurt. I don't know why, because everytime he goes near there, or even a tiny bit inside, it feels SOOOOO good. But still.....I'm nervous.
And, I think I've realized why Ian insisted I wait, now. I think I know what he meant all along.
I don't think I was ready, like I thought I was. I wasn't sure exactly what sex really was. I just wanted to do it. And now, that I know....I'm kind of scared. Like....I've managed to keep my cherry all this time! Through all that had happened to me, even a few months ago, in LA....I've somehow kept it in tact!
And now, tonight, after the perfect day, it will be gone. And it makes me kind of sad!
Like...I'll finally "become a woman" in the last way possible.
He's going to take my cherry. My last little bit of innocence.
And I'm glad he made me wait, now. I understand what he meant. He's a fucking genius. He's the most thoughtful guy on the entire PLANET.
He's gone without sex for an entire year, just to wait for me.
Sometimes I can't believe that. I have a hard time believing it. I mean...he's a rock star! He's famous! Girls LOVE him. They're ALL ready to have sex with him, if he'd just let them. He could have 10 girls at once if he wanted.
But he waited all this time, after being sexually active for over 9 years....he took an entire year off, just to give me the chance to catch up on growing up and learning what a relationship is. Learning that he WON'T leave me. Learning what it is to touch someone, and that there's sooo much more in a touch, than just heat and physical contact. Learning how to love. Learning how to please a man. Learning how a man pleases a woman. Learning to trust. Learning to please mySELF, even!
What a year it's been! I've done ALL my living in this ONE, single year. My life STARTED when I met Ian. And I love him. And I can't wait for him to take my virginity. I can't wait to give it to him. I realize now, it's not just something you give away, because you feel like it. It's something special. And it should be given to the right person, and in the right circumstance.
When I almost lost it to a terrible person, in a horrible circumstance in L.A, I hid from Ian, just how upset I was after. He was upset enough, so I acted like I was ok with it all. I acted like "it happened, I'm still a virgin, get over it".
But I was soooooooo upset inside. I had finally taken Ian's word for it, and stopped bugging him about having sex, and I had finally started realizing what virginity meant, and someone came along and almost took it from me, when it was supposed to be my gift to Ian. I knew he wanted my virginity for himself. He wanted to be the one to break it. Be the one I trusted and loved enough to let take it away from me. And I wanted him to be the one to do it. It became special to me, just as Ian told me it was.
I cried several times, when Ian wasn't around, thinking of that close call at that party. A few times, he asked me if I had cried that day, because my eyes didn't recover fast enough from being red and puffy. But I had weasled my way out of it, with some stupid excuse. But I'm over it now. It DID happen, and I still WAS a virgin, and I'm over it.
And now, soon, Ian and I will make love for the first time.
I love him. I truly love him so much.

"That's nothing compared to what YOU'RE gonna get, woman!' Ian joked to me, in revenge for me squeezing his penis, in revenge for him leaving me stuck in my shirt and hoodie. Lol. A string of revenges. I heart us.
I realized what he meant, and I realized that it will be soon. And I sort of felt shakey. But I have to be brave and not let Ian see my nervousness, or he won't do it.

Ian played with my breasts, and licked and sucked them all over, on the staircase.
I love having his head in my hands, so of course, my fingers were tangled in his fiery red hair.
What he was doing felt good, as it always does...but there was my nervousness in the back of my mind. Actually, no. In the FRONT of my mind now. So I was a little distracted.
Ian kissed a trail off and under my breasts, and down my stomach, licking inside my belly button, then kissing further down to the top of my jeans.
He unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans with two quick moves, like a pro, and grabbed them at my hips, and pulled them down, along with my panties.
He moved to the side of me, and pulled them off of each foot, then got back on top of me.
Was I gonna lose my virginity right here on the stairs? Ehh...I wouldn't mind. Anywhere. As long as it's with Ian. It could be in a junkyard, and it would be perfect.

Ian went back to kissing my stomach, and then down my hip, and down to my thigh.
He was fully dressed, and I was fully naked. I felt vulnerable, but I liked it, because I was vulnerable to HIM. There was something sexy and exciting whenever he told me "trust me", or when I didn't know what he was doing, but I let him do it, to see what happened, knowing it would be something wonderful. I'd let Ian do anything to me. Because I know he would never hurt me. I trust him with every inch of my body.

He kissed back up my other thigh, and then across to where it felt good. He lightly kissed over my clitoris, pressing down with his lips on top of it, then kissed his way down. It felt really really nice, how gentle he was doing it. The lighter he touched, the more it made me want it. It was like sweet torture.
My hands grabbed the banister posts on either side of the stairs, while he worked his magic, and my hips kept lifting up to press into his mouth as much as they could.
I could barely see him. The only light was from a few windows in the living room, kitchen and from the candles in the kitchen that were still burning on the floor. But what little light there was, beheld an erotic sight for me when I looked down. I could still see the firey redness of Ian's hair, which was now messy from my hands before. I could see my naked body glowing in the dim light, and his dressed dark shadow overtop of me, creeping back up towards me leaving a trail of tingly kisses, with his arms surrounding me on the stairs. God, I wanted him so badly.

When he got up past my breasts, after giving them more attention with only his mouth and tongue, his arms scooped my back and head up so I was sitting on the steps. "My knees are killing me babe" he laughed.
"Now THAT was romantic! That's exactly what I always dreamed it would be like!" I joked.
"I told you...nothing but the best with me!" he laughed again.
"Actually, my back and neck are uncomfy, so I'll let you stop devouring my body, so we can move." I told him.

He stood up and took off his hoodie and tossed it at his feet at the bottom of the steps.
Then he scooped me up in his arms with one swoop. It shocked me! I didn't expect it. I let out a quick yelp. Safely in his arms now, I put my own arms around his neck and we smiled to eachother.
He carried me up the steps, and into the bedroom. It was dark, so he carried me into the bathroom and bent down so I could grab the candle from the side of the tub. He carried me back into the bedroom and put me on the bed. I put the candle on the windowsill that was a few feet from the bed.
The room looked so pretty, and so warm and cozy with just a candle for light. Outside the windows was totally black. There were no houselights to be seen anywhere.
I knealt on the bed, and reached for Ian's tee shirt. I pulled it over his head and threw it on the floor. Then I unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his jeans and unzipped the zipper. He did the rest, stepping out of them and leaving everything on the floor. Now he was finally totally naked. Since he was standing there beside the bed, I let my hands slide down from his shoulders, to his penis, and I cupped his balls and held him, then bent down for my mouth to meet it, which was already sticking straight out. I took it far inside my throat, and gave it a good suck or two while I worked on his balls.
Then I knealt back up and planted kisses all the way up from his groin to his mouth. He let out several little breathy throaty groans as I worked my way up. He held me tightly and we kissed so softly and slowly. Sometimes he would stop to look me in the eyes. I'm telling you, I could see the love coming out of them like beams, hitting me in the heart. I could feel it, anyway.
"Ian, I wanted to tell you that I'm glad now, that you wanted me to wait for this. I've realized lately how important my virginity actually is. And how much I really did need to learn and mature first. It IS something special, and I didn't know that before. And you waited all this time...this entire year, just for me, and that is just a part of what a wonderful, loving, caring, thoughtful person you are. And I want to tell you that I'm happy to give my virginity to you. I love you more than anything, and I'm glad I chose you to trust, and I'm glad you knew how special this should be. And it's already special. This whole day has been the best day of my life so far. And this whole year has been the first and best year of my life. And thank you so much for coming to talk to me that day on the street. And thank you for coming back to see me when you said you would. And for being so patient and understanding and selfless with me all this time. Without you, I couldn't have finished my goal, which was to be normal. I feel totally, 100% normal now. And it's because of you. Even when I get a little crazy once in a while...I know that it's still normal, thanks to you. You make me laugh. You are so smart. You are handsome and sexy. You're so talented, it's unbelievable sometimes. And even though you're rich and famous, you don't act like it, and I love that about you. I love you Ian. More than I can even tell you. And I'm not gonna lie....I'm a little nervous right now. But I know I don't have to worry, because I can trust you and you'd never hurt me.
I want you, Ian. I want you so badly." And I teared up and gave a sniffle as I finished my speech, and buried my face in his neck as he slid his loving arms around me.

Of course, being Ian, he sniffled too. And swallowed hard. And he lifted his hand to his face, and when he put his hand down around my back, I could feel the cool wetness. He was crying.

"Janel, you don't know how happy you just made me. Everything you said means so much to me. When I first met you, even though there was something different about you, I couldn't help but come back again and again. And you were so honest with everything from the first second. Admitting to me where you lived, and what your life had been like, telling me your stories, and letting me help you get over your fears. The way you are just.....YOU. You don't play games. You don't try to be someone you're not. YOU make ME laugh all the time. And you are sooo smart, sometimes I feel like I can't keep up with you. I'm so happy I could watch you learn how to love, and how to trust. And I'm glad am the one you love and trust. You're beautiful, you're sexy, you're sooooo brave all the time. You literally amaze me all the time, when I least expect it. I love the way you love, too. And considering you didn't even know what love was, you are so good at loving me. You make me feel like no one else exsists in this world when I'm with you. That's why I didn't want to see the delivery guy tonight! I didn't want there to be anyone else in this world today. Just you and me.
And baby, I'm nervous too! I want everything to be perfect for you because you deserve it. You deserve everything great in life. And I want to be your everything great. I want you so badly, it drives me crazy sometimes. But waiting this long for you has been easy! Mostly. It's not easy in the heat of the moment, but in every day life, it's no problem. I know how you always say you feel bad for me giving up an entire year without sex, but that's nothing when I think of how many years you lost in life in general. But they weren't wasted years. Remember that. You were learning. You were preparing for something you didn't even know was coming for you. ME. And when I found you, you were ready for me. So your first 22 years were not a waste. They made you into who you are now. And I love who you are. I wouldn't and I never wanted to change a thing about you. I loved you just as you were that very first day I met you.

I'm glad you trust me and you see why I wanted you to wait for intercourse, baby. I hoped you would start to understand it. I don't even feel any guilt now, and it's awesome.
Today was the best day for me, too. You're my soulmate, Janel. And I love you beyond words. Beyond galaxies. I love you more than there are stars in the sky, baby."

Ian didn't wait another second. He pulled my face up out of his neck and kissed me with so much tender passion, but yet so much need, I got chills and goosebumps all over. I'd have to let my tears from his little speech dry on my face, because I didn't want to move in his tight embrace.
His body pressed against mine tighter and tighter and he actually sighed into my mouth.
Slowly, I started falling backward, and him frontward, until he was lying on top of me on the bed.
His entire hand ran over my skin down the side of my breast, and down onto my belly, and back out to my hip, and down my thigh and back up to my groin, where it cupped over top of and pressed on my mound. I groaned a little bit, from the aching desire. I wanted him inside me now. Already.
His finger slithered along until it broke through my folds, down towards the bottom. It went straight towards my hole, and pushed in just enough to make me squirm with pleasure. Then I felt another finger along side of it. And a third, all pressing into me gently, deeper than he'd ever gone before, but not deep enough to satisfy the aching desire that had taken over my whole body.
Up top, he had starting working on my boobs with his mouth again. I was so horny, I couldn't even think of what to do for him. I threw my arms up above my head, with my fingers touching the headboard. This was better for a second, because I discovered I could push my fingers into the headboard, pushing my entire body down, making Ian's fingers go in a little bit deeper. But he noticed what I was doing, and pulled them back out, up and over my slit, full of wetness. He stopped over my clit and circled around a few times. My groin lurched up to meet his fingers harder.
He stopped touching me, and it was torture. He lifted himself onto me from the side that he was leaning on, and brought his hands up to meet mine, far above my head. He held my wrists, and let his fingers stretch into my palms, while he kissed me and ground his hips into my body.
I wrapped my legs up and around his as he circled his hips around until his dick fell into the line of my pussy again, pressing its length up and down over my clit, as it pointed to our belly buttons.
"Please, Ian." I whispered in between my deep breaths.
"Please what, baby?" he teased me.
"Please.......I want you right now. Right NOW" I begged in his ear, then remembered to drive him extra crazy, by licking his earlobe. Maybe THAT would get him inside of me faster. Yes.....never forget the earlobes!
He shivered and groaned lowly in his throat, and went for my neck. Kissing, licking, teasing, and sometimes biting me from my ear down to my shoulder, still not letting my hands move anywhere.
I liked being trapped by him. Like, he could do whatever he wanted to me, and I'd be helpless. I loved the feeling of being vulnerable with him. Because I trusted him so much. I knew anything he did to me could only feel good.
At this point, I WANTED him to do whatever he wanted to me. God, I just wanted him inside of me!!!
I was really starting to grind my hips around under his dick as it slid up and down between my lower lips.
"Right now?" he asked me after kissing and biting his way back up to look into my eyes and kiss my lips.
"Pleeeeeeeeeeease!!!! Yesssss!!!!! I want you inside me. Please, Ian. Go in. God, PLEASE!!!" I begged more desperately now. Every inch of my skin wanted his penis inside of my vagina. I had goosebumps everywhere. My stomach had butterflies. My pussy had.....NEED......God, why was he doing this to me!!!!?
I felt his penis slide down further. Then back up. NOOOOO!!!!!
Then down again....even further. Then back up a little bit, just reaching my clit, making my hips push up to try and find somewhere to rub each time he came back near it.
Now, his dick fell when he moved his hips down. It wouldn't slide back on top of me, unless he would reach down and lift it back up.
He just left it right there. Aimed perfectly at my pussy. Not moving.
I opened my eyes to see what he was doing.
He was staring at me.
He pulled my hands down so they were at my ear level, and lifted his palms up further in my palms, and wrapped his fingers in mine.
He started moving his hips slightly so his dick pushed in a little bit.
I moved my legs up further wrapped over his legs, locking each of his legs into that spot.
He gave me a slight smile, then crashed his lips down onto mine.
His dick pushed in slightly, then back out slightly. Then in a little further this time, and back out a little less. Then inside more.....I could feel the resistance now. But I didn't care. My pussy walls were throbbing so fast and so hard with anxious desire, I just wanted to suck his whole cock in, and never let it out. The torture was killing me!!! I NEEDED him inside me. RIGHT. NOW.
He kept on the pushing in a little more, then back out a little less. Slowly. I was sooo wet. And it felt soooo good, feeling his dick pressing on the walls of my hole.
He stopped kissing me and opened his eyes. We looked at eachother.
I was so scared, yet so turned on, I was shaking a little bit, I noticed just then. Even my lip was quivering as I stared into his eyes. This was it. The last moments of my virginity. I felt a tear sneak out the side of my eye. I cursed myself, because that one tear could stop the whole thing, knowing how sensitive Ian was!
He lowered his face down and kissed the tear, then lifted up to look at me again.
"Don't be scared. I love you Janel." he said, and his fingers tightened around mine, and I felt him push a little more again. There was a lot of resistance now, but it felt GOOD. SOOOO good. "I love you Ian." I breathed out.
He backed out a tiny bit, then back in again further.....and out, then further....and suddenly I felt his dick sort of break through the resistance, and I felt the walls of my pussy surround him. It felt really tight. But really wet. And really good. He pushed in really far this time, and didn't back out.
He went still, and watched my face as my eyes fluttered back in my head, and I sucked in a deep, jagged breath of shock and pleasure.
My eyes opened again, to see his closed, with a peaceful, dreamy look on his face and a low growl coming up through his throat. But then his mouth closed, tight lipped, and I noticed a tear just about to spill over the edge of his closed eye, under his lash. And his lip quivered a few times, and he sucked in his own jagged breath now, as he lay still, deep inside of me. And then I noticed his body shaking, like shivering. I think he was overcome with emotion, but trying to keep it all in. He'd mentioned before, that he was afraid of the intense emotions he'd feel when he finally made love to me. He was right to be. It was happening now. I could see his struggle to keep himself calm. I know he wouldn't want to ruin it for me. I knew him and how he thought. But I loved this part of him. I loved his intense emotions. And if he broke down right now, overcome with feeling and love for me, I'd cherish every second of it. But I decided not to respond to any of it, because I knew how important it was for hard he was trying to keep it all inside, for me and my moment. If I responded in any way, I was sure he'd lose it on me. My loving Ian. He loved soooo deeply, it was almost...cosmic.
I watched as he collected himself, and opened his eyes and stared at me as I stared at him. That tear under his lash finally escaped now. Along with its twin, that emerged from his other eye. His lips quivered a few more times and he took a long, deep breath and gave me the best smile he could manage during his internal weeping, and squeezed my hands again. I smiled a big, appreciative, knowing, loving smile and lifted my head to kiss his lips. His head lowered down with mine to kiss me some more.

He moved "it" inside me again now. Out a little bit, then back in. Out and in. It felt like it was going deeper and deeper inside, until I could actually feel it hit a "wall".
Ian was all the way inside me. As far he could go. We were one, now. We were as close as two humans could possibly get now.
I squeezed his fingers and suddenly a bunch of tears fell out the sides of my eyes. I didn't even know they were waiting there. It suprised me.
I looked up at Ian, his eyes closed again, and suddenly his entire body gave a strong shudder, and I got one of my waves of overwhelming love. It spread from my face, where it heated my cheeks, down and through the rest of me.
I rocked my hips up to meet his next gentle thrust. His eyes flew open then and he stared at me and smiled. He blinked back wetness in his eyes.
His thrusts started going faster now, finally. My pussy wanted that, soooo badly, so when it hit the back of me inside, I grunted.
He sped up more. Each thrust of his pelvis, pushed my entire body up a few inches, then pulled it back down as his hips rose up in the air again.
The pace was faster now. Steady, and fast. I loved how full my pussy felt when he'd push in all the way. It was a wonderful feeling. To be entirely filled up with Ian. Him pushing into me. This was.....fucking awesome!
I panted and smiled and looked at Ian who kept going from eyes closed, to staring into mine as he groaned and grunted and growled with each thrust into me.
My hands wiggled out of his hands, because my arms felt a need to be around Ian. Wrap tightly around him and pull him tighter against me. Pull him in with each thrust.
His hands pushed under my neck and he pulled my chest into his chest and he let his body weight go, and I was trapped under his weight, as he slid in and out of me.
His head leaned down next to mine, and with every breath of pleasure he exhaled, I felt hotter all over. I had always loved to hear him breathe in pleasure, but this....his breaths were deeper, longer, stronger....I loved the feeling of him getting his pleasure from inside me.

Everything started to hit me. The feeling of his cock rubbing against my inner walls. The feeling of his balls hitting me underneath. His gaspy, jagged breaths in my ear. His weight pressing on my entire body. The fire inside my pussy.......
I could feel my build up start already. It felt different, though. It came from inSIDE of me. Deep in the walls that were pulling on his cock as he moved. It hadn't felt like this before. This was stronger. Slower to build up. I was almost scared of what it would feel like. He had told me a long time ago, about outside orgasms, and inside orgasms. I had never had an inside one. But I was pretty sure I was going to have one now. Ian had said a lot of girls couldn't have inside ones. They'd need something touching their clit to have one.
But nothing was touching my clit. Maybe Ian's stomach a little bit...but all my feeling was coming from inside of me now.
I discovered that I could clench down around Ian's dick with my pussy muscles. Now he felt even snugger inside of me.
He opened his eyes and looked at me, a smile forming on the corner of his mouth only. I guess he liked it. So I clenched more. And my hips rocked up and down, meeting each thrust.
My hands slid down his back, to his ass, and felt it going up and down. When he'd push in, I'd push his ass down in an attempt to get him even deeper inside me.
As I felt the build up start, I started pushing his ass cheeks faster, rocking my hips faster against him.
He noticed, and he started humping me faster and harder.
Holy FUCK that felt good.
The more I clenched, the better it felt. I started clenching in a rhythm. Squeezing his dick with my pussy, then letting up. Squeezing, then letting up....
He started fucking me faster now. His head rose from my ear level, and he threw his head back, with his eyes closed, panting, biting his lip.
"Oh my God, feel so good...." I panted. "Oh God...I feel it....I feel it Ian....whatever you do, don't stop........................go faster......harder...............yes........Oh GOD yes....Ian.........." I started breathing so heavy I almost felt dizzy. My legs finally let go of his thighs, and my feet pushed into the bed, which pushed my pussy further up onto Ian's dick. He groaned louder.
"Cum baby. I want you to cum on my dick....go ahead.....let go, baby..................fuuuuuck, you feel so're so tight.......I love you so much.......I've never felt this way love you......cum for me.....I wanna feel you cum....." he panted and grunted and somehow got the words out, as he sped up his hips, faster, he was ramming into the back wall of my pussy. It actually hurt, but it was a good pain. I didn't know why. It was just a good. fucking. pain. And I LOVED it.
My entire pussy was on fucking pussy was squeezing down on his dick all by itself now.
I started yelling. I couldn't even help it. And then I remembered that we were the only ones around for what seemed like miles, and I let my yells be as loud as they wanted to, as my pleasure came to a peak. "Aaaaa! Aaaahhhhh! Gaaaaahhhhh! IAN!!!!!!! Ian! OH GODDDDD, IAN!!!!!!!!!!!!" I just kept yelling out. My hands flew up and grabbed his hair. My feet were digging into the bed next to his legs.
His thrusts got even faster now. He dropped his head back next to mine. Cheek to cheek now, he started panting out sounds into my ear. ", I love youuuu......." he groaned in my ear, deep growls followed the words, and then he threw his head back like he had been stabbed in the back, and his face scrunched up like he was in severe pain. Only I knew...I knew he was experiencing the opposite. As my orgasm throbs slowed down, his dick pounded into me one final time, as deep as it would possibly go, and went still, as he groaned and grunted and panted and his body quivered on top of mine. I had never seen him cum this hard. I realized I could FEEL it coming out, inside of me!
I could feel the pressure of each squirt, up against the back wall of my pussy. I could feel his cock throbbing with each pulse of his orgasm. I could feel it all.
As fast as it went up, his head dropped down next to mine, and his arms collapsed, and his full upper body weight was now crushing me. But in a good way. I could feel his heart racing. His lungs struggling for breath. And I could feel my aftershocks, as well as his body quivering aftershocks.

We lay like that, panting outloud, my fingers in his hair, his fingers squeezing my upper arms near my shoulders. A shiver ripped through his body, and he laughed once. I layed there, facing the ceiling, noticing the sweat between our chests that had built up, my eyes closed tight, coming down from the highest high I'd ever experienced in my entire life.....


I layed there, totally collapsed on top of her, holding tightly to the top of her arms, my head resting next to hers, in total. fucking. BLISS.
We did it. We had done it.
We had sex! We made love! Omg, we did it.
It was WORTH the wait, holy fucking SHIT, man.
I. Have. NEVER. felt like that. EVER.
I always knew that love always made sex feel soooo much better. But this? This was BEYOND that.
And to feel her pussy convulse against my dick....holy shit, that put me over the edge.
I didn't think she'd cum like that! I thought I was gonna have to play with her clit. But no! She came! And she came HARD. I felt it. I felt every contraction.
And I don't know HOW she turned me into a loud orgasmer....but she did. I can never keep quiet with her!
I was trying to be so gentle and tender and slow....but she just kept urging me faster, and harder....I didn't think she'd want it like that the first time. But hey....I was MORE than happy to oblige!
I wonder if it hurt her at all. It sure didn't seem like it. Even sliding into her fully the first didn't seem to hurt her. Must. Ask. Her....after I can breathe and MOVE.
My dick was STILL throbbing. And I could feel her pussy contract with aftershocks.

I finally gained enough strength to lift my head up to look at her.
She had her eyes shut tight, face to the ceiling, fingers still squeezing my hair.
My GOD, she was so fucking sexy. I could make love to her all over again, right now, I swear.
She opened her eyes, and looked right over at me.
She took a deep breath, and laughed it out at me.
I smiled and laughed a breath out, too.
"I made love to you, baby." I joked.
"You sure did." she smiled back, eyes half closing with every deep breath of recovery.
She looked like she was coming out of surgery and waking up in a daze of medicine. Lol.
"We made love." I said.
"It was sooo much better than I even TRIED to imagine!" she answered.
"I know. I really have never felt like that before. That wasn't just a "I'm in ecstacy, shouting random things" statement. It was for real. I've NEVER felt this good before." I told her, in all seriousness.
"I'm glad. Because neither have I. Ha haha ah ahaha!" she laughed until her body needed another deep breath.

I finally pulled my soft dick out of her slowly, and lifted myself off of her, and collapsed next to her, facing the ceiling now, like her.
We both turned our heads towards eachother, and started laughing.
Our hands both searched and found eachother's hands, too. Not even planned. We just needed to hold hands. We HAD to still be touching in some way.
That had been so emotionally exhausting, that we both drifted asleep in minutes.

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