Jazz Up

By Trintrinas

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Life is life, you never know what's going to happen nexts or what's to expect. See how Huey and Jazmine's une... More

The Drive
Sleep Over
Triple Date
The Hill
First Date
Love Sick
Lie Detector
Christmas Eve
Happy New Year
New Beginnings
Valentine's Day
Black History Celebration
Game Night
Dull Day
Unforgettable Night
Parting Ways
The Fallen Mind

Spring Festival

470 15 9
By Trintrinas

Today was the Spring Festival and the whole gang was coming. We all agreed to come at night so we could see the pretty lights and fun activities they had. Plus I heard they were going to have a parade at midnight. 

Ming said that's the most exciting part of the festival. I was glad my parents agreed to let me stay out late so that way I could see the parade. Usually, they tell me to be home before the streetlights came on. When they aren't there I sometimes would stay a bit past my curfew. Luckily they haven't found out about that. 

I was in the car with Cindy because she wanted to drive the both of us. She tried to invite Ming but she wanted to ride with Hiro. So it was just me and her in the car together.

"Are we supposed to turn left or right at this next stop?" Cindy cluelessly asked me. "I don't know why don't we just use Siri?" I asked, downloading a new app to find our location. "Bitch I don't trust Siri clueless ass. She is giving me the long way on how to get to places, I need the quick way without any traffic or cops near me," she complained. 

"Well, Cindy you can't control when traffic happens or not, and you wouldn't have to worry about cops being near you if you were driving legally," I said lecturing her. "Uh, Jazz that's what you have fake IDs for. Plus I got pulled over one time by some dyke trying to flirt and shit," she cursed. 

"Cindy the correct term is lesbian or homosexual. I think females who are cross-dressers find it very offensive to be called dykes," I said as she rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah, speaking of lesbian, ever since Riley heard about me also having a liking for the other side, his gay ass keeps asking for a threesome. I'm this close to slapping the black out of him," she said pinching her fingers close together. 

"He's still on that?" I asked a bit taken back. "YES...I know I'm a freak and everything, but there's just some things I'm not straight with and one of those things is sharing my nigga with some other bitch," she emphasized. "How about you just ask Riley to have a guy instead of a girl in the threesome?" I asked her as she looked at me like I was stupid. 

Now that I think of it, Riley would be uncomfortable with having a guy in the mix. "You know to make him back out of having a threesome, because if a guy touches Riley then he immediately gets uncomfortable," I said as she thought about it for a second. 

"You know that could work out. Reezy always bitch out when another guy gets involved," she said smirking at the thought of it. "Okay then request for another guy then," I said as she nodded. 

"Okay, I got this so, how are you and your mysterious man doing?" she cheekily asked me. "What do you mean?" I asked trying to hold a smile. "C'mon Jazz you know what I mean. You had that little glow up a couple of months ago and it was obvious you was getting some dick," she snugged. 

I tried to contain my laugh, but then it came out. "I'm not gonna say a name but I will tell you about him," I simply said. "Ok so how is the guy?" she asked interested. 

"He's smart, he's nice in his own way, fearless, and a gentleman," I said thinking about Huey. "Okay, that seems like the type of badass nerd you need," she said making me frown at her. 

"What I want to know is how is he in bed?" she asked more interested in that question. I didn't know if I should tell Cindy about that. "It's okay Jazmine you can tell me, I won't tell anybody," she simply said. It was like she was reading my mind. 

"Okay...he's amazing in bed Cindy! We had sex a couple of times since we officially started dating, but he makes me feel so good. I was surprised to find out that he was a freak because he likes to tie me down and tease me. I love how dominant he is in bed because it gets me more aroused. And Cindy the size is unbelievable, I never knew a penis could be that big and wide at the same time, it's like an eggplant," I exclaimed. 

"I'm just going to ask, not to be stereotypical, but is the guy black?" she asked making my face heat up. "He's African American," I told her as she just snickered. "Um is it Ceasar?" she asked trying to take a wild guess. 

"No, why would you think it's Ceasar?" I asked her playing with my hair. "Well because his ass hasn't been fucking with no hoe, he said something about just call him up when you had a sex position on your screen, so I just assumed Ceasar was getting you loose," she explained but I had shaken my head. 

"It's someone else," I told her as she cocked her eyebrow up. "Well I know it ain't Reezy because Riley ain't yo' type because his ass act gangsta," she said not being wrong. I wouldn't want a boyfriend that always gets himself into trouble on purpose. 

"Then Huey's old hating ass seem like he already fucking a girl. I for once actually wonder who she is. It's odd for a girl to like Huey himself as a person. I remember you liked him at one point but then you stopped liking him because he had no interest in you and you stopped wasting your time on him.  And by the way, how did you even manage a crush on that nigga? Like how is he so attractive to you? I get he's hot because he and Riley look exactly alike but just different hairstyles and personalities. Honestly, I thought he would be getting pussy at the age of 40 maybe even 50 with a dude. I swear if he fucking that girl Aaliyah, who acts exactly like him Imma be pissed we have two haters. But with him getting fucked is way better because he's a little loose now," she said as we made it to the place.

 It was cars packed everywhere in the parking lot and with Cindy being Cindy, she didn't park with the rest of the cars. She drove all the way up to the front where the handy cap spots were at. When she did park in one of the spots she took out a blue card that had a person in a wheelchair. 

She put it on her mirror and turned off her engine. "Cindy you know you can get a ticket or your car towed for this right?" I asked her as she 'psh'. "Jazmine they don't even be check-in," she said getting out of the car. "What if someone actually needs the spot?" I asked getting out of the car. 

"Then they asses should have gotten here earlier. Their legs don't work and so do mines because I am fucking sore, so I am in assistance of the handicap space," she said as we were walking into the entrance. 

I just sighed and let it go. "Okay whatever you say Cindy, but do you know where the others are at?" I asked her. "Ming said they are near the entrance," she said as I started to look around for them. 

"I don't see the others anywhere near," all I saw were people walking around. I didn't know what they were wearing. My guess would be something related to anime. There's nothing wrong with that because it's fashionable. 

I had a red tight-fitted outfit on. It was sleeveless, long, it was cut on both sides showing my legs, and it was leather. I know my usual color is pink, but since this is cultural I decided to go with the traditional colors. I don't look too good in red though. That's more of Ming's color. 

"Jazmine they're over there sitting on top of the hill," she said pointing up at a group of diverse kids. We started to head up the hill towards where they were sitting at. The others surprisingly had something traditional to the theme. 

Ming had on a red tight dress like the other females. Hiro had on some dark grey loose pants and a navy blue to cover up the top. Ceasar looked like he had improvised on his set of clothing. He had on some black pants like Hiro's and a redshirt. Riley had something similar but more stylish. Huey had something similar to what Hiro was wearing, but he had a katana on his back. 

I just hope he won't have to pull it out on anybody. Knowing him if somebody shows any sign of a threat he won't hesitate to take it out. "Finally you guys arrived," Ming said getting up off the ground with the others. 

"Sorry we had trouble finding the place," I emphasized looking at Cindy. "How so, I sent all of you the location?" she asked crossing her arms. "I didn't want to use Siri's slow ass, but we got here faster than what her time was," Cindy exclaimed.

"Whatever, but since we're all here, do you guys want to go together as a group or walk around in pairs?" Ming asked all of us. "I'm going with pairs, a nigga is hungry," Riley said already voting. "I told you to eat before we left, but I'll go in pairs," Huey simply said as Riley glared at him.

"Okay that's two votes," Ming said now looking at Hiro, Cindy, Ceasar, and me. I wasn't too sure about which one I wanted to do. It seemed like everybody wanted to do their own thing. If we go in a group then there is going to be arguing because one of us might take too long. 

"I'll do pair," Ceasar simply said. "But it's an odd number of us, who are you going to pair up with?" I asked now just thinking about it. Hiro and Ming, Cindy and Riley, and most likely Huey and I will pair up leaving Ceasar all alone. 

"I'm meeting up with someone, so I'll be fine," he simply said patting me on the shoulder. Well, at least he won't be all alone. "It seems that we all are agreeing on pairing up since we already know what we want to do," Hiro said. 

"Yeah it's best to just pair up and meet back here when the parade starts," she said while everybody didn't have a problem with it. "Sounds like a plan, Imma go with Reezy," Cindy said walking over to Riley and grabbing his hand so they could go enjoy their time. 

Ceasar had already headed in a direction. It seemed like he knew where he was going. "Hiro and I will go together. Jazmine are you and Huey okay with pairing up with each other?" Ming asked with concern in her tone. 

"I don't mind we'll still have fun," I said smiling at her as she looked at Huey who wasn't showing any sign of emotion. "It's cool with me!" he said as she grabbed Hiro's hand and they both started to walk around. 

I looked at Huey and perked up. "So what do you want to do first partner?" I asked as he playfully shook his head. "I don't care what we do, just as long as we don't ride rides I'm good?" he said. "Okay Freeman, that is something I can work with," I gently grabbed his hand and led us in the crowd. 

"What do you want to do first?" I excitedly asked him. He was in deep thought about what he wanted to do. "I don't know, there's not much we can do around here. Are you hungry?" he asked unsurely. My stomach had growled a little which caused him to look down.

"That answers my question," he simply said walking us over to the stand that has a bunch of fruity sweets. "How did you know what I was craving?" I asked as we got in line. I already knew what I wanted from the stand. 

"You always like anything that is healthy and sweet at the same time," he simply said.  "Okay, makes sense," I told him. Huey's phone had beeped, and he took it from his pocket. He had received a message from somebody, it turned out. "Shit!" exclaimed Huey. He was cursing under his breath, which I overheard.

"What's the matter, Huey?" I asked, concerned. When I asked him the question, he hesitated. As I cocked my brow up, he said, "Nothing's wrong."

"Are you serious?" with my tone shifting? When he said nothing, he sensed that I didn't believe him. "Did you get a text?" I questioned, my arms crossed. I had a feeling I knew who it was, and all I wanted was for him to admit it. "Yes, Jazmine. Someone texted me, and I was surprised " he spoke the truth.

It was quiet between the two of us before I sighed. "It's Aaliyah, isn't it?" I said as he nodded his head. "Yes it's Aaliyah," he answered. It has silenced both of us once more. "Are you envious of the fact that I'm talking to a girl?" he inquired. "I'm not angry," I clarified, "I'm upset that you won't tell me the truth about her." "The truth about what?" he inquired, perplexed.

"Come on, Huey, stop playing dumb, I saw you guys have lunch together," I said as I stepped out of line. I didn't want anybody in the area to hear us. I entered an area with a large number of trees. That seemed to be the only place where no one was walking around. I came to a halt in front of one of the trees and just stood there.

I heard Huey approaching from behind, but I didn't want to turn around and face him right now. "Do you mind if I go out to lunch with Aaliyah, Jazmine?" He asked, a little irritated. "No, because I didn't care at first because I was certain that nothing bad would happen, but Riley persuaded me to go check it out. It obvious the girl likes you but you don't seem to notice that except everybody else. Then when I asked you did anything else happen, you said no, but you left out the part where she kissed you at the end," I exclaimed.

"How was I supposed to know she was going to kiss me, Jazmine? That had taken me by surprise because I hadn't expected it. Before I could say something, her ride had driven away " he said while losing his cool.

Since I was now feeling dumb, I looked down at the ground. "However, would you like to talk about how Ceasar kisses you all the time right in front of me, or how he makes sexual jokes toward you or my favorite, how you guys snuck away to the bathroom together to bang each other?" he asked with his temper changing at the end. 

"Excuse me," I corrected him, "Ceasar and I never had coitus and I told him to stop kissing me and all because I had a boyfriend. "Really, so why did you two have to go to the bathroom at the same time? Then I heard you specifically say 'Ceasar you can't be telling people that you and I had coitus with each other. It's wrong and I can't have people hearing that. Plus my boyfriend is already suspecting something and he doesn't like you.'," he said mocking me. 

"First of all, if you were there from the beginning to the end you would have known that Ceasar was telling me about him and Austin," I exclaimed. "What about him and Austin?" he demanded until I was about to tell him, but I shut my mouth. 

"I can't tell you, I told him I wouldn't tell anybody," I said causing Huey to cock his eyebrow. "Okay, you and I both know you can't keep a secret, and I'm one of Ceasar's best friends so I won't tell anybody," he said without joking. 

"Okay...Ceasar is going through a sexuality phase of him figuring out if he likes boys or both boys and girls," I simply said. Huey had been taken aback and remained silent. "He didn't want to tell anybody but he trusted to tell me," I said tearing up because I broke me and Ceasar's trust. 

"I don't blame him because have you met everybody in the group? The others may support him, but Riley will just make fun of him for being confused, and I don't think Ceasar needs that type of pressure on him," I said now wiping my tears. 

Huey brought me into a hug and started comforting me. "Is that why you guys kept trying to play it off that he was with you?" he simply asked me as I nodded. "Okay, that explains why he kisses you and tells everybody that he's with you. I just got upset that he was doing a better job as a fake boyfriend than I was as a real boyfriend," he told me.

"You gotta understand Jazmine you're my first girlfriend and I'm new at trying to be a good boyfriend. You had others before me and they seemed like a great match for you until they had to leave to go somewhere else," he simply said as we departed from each other. 

"It was unexpected that you wanted to be with me, but I feel like you're doing a great job. I don't want you to always compare yourself to other men I was with or talked to. No one can match up to what you do for me. But I know there will be other females that you might find interest in, so instead of trying to keep secrets from me, can you just tell me. I rather you break it off from me than for you to go behind my back doing it. So please promise me you'll do that?" I asked looking up at him. 

All he did was look at me and I couldn't tell what he was thinking or feeling. "Sure Jazmine," he said sounding a bit sad. I gave him a peck on the lips and he leaned in to kiss me back. Kissing lead to french kissing, which led to us being a little too handsy, but I didn't want anyone to notice, so I stopped it.

"Huey we should do this when we're alone without a bunch of people around to see or hear us," I told him as he agreed. "We can do it when Riley leaves for his basketball game and when my grandad goes out of town," he told me as I smirked. 

"When will that be?" I asked interested in his request. "It'll be his last game of the season which will be at the end of the next month. My grandad might go out of town for the weekend which will give us alone time," he said thinking it through. 

"What about Riley, want he be home at a certain time?" I asked him. "No, he'll most likely be home the next day because he and the team always go celebrate," he said. "Okay, so that should give us time, I can't wait," I said all excited.

Huey and I once again kissed each other until we heard a firework pop in the background. We departed and he looked up in the sky for a second until he looked back down at me. "We should get back to our meet-up spot," he said as I nodded. 

The both of us started to head back to the hill where we met up at. While we were walking I couldn't help but be excited that Huey and I talked our problems through. We both had to overcome some things like other people taking a liking to us. 

It was good to talk about that subject specifically, but I felt like he was unsure when I told him that I rather he tell me if he wants to be with another girl other than going behind my back to cheat on me. 

I don't think Huey is the type to cheat, but I'm glad that he is keeping his promise to tell me if something were to happen. I rather have it that way than the other way!

Thank you for reading!

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