Wannabe // NCT College AU

By Svnwoo

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"You're a wannabe me." Nct college AU! Warning: college life, kinda nsfw at times, alcohol, weed, etc :) More



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By Svnwoo

"Jae! Wake up!" Yeri pounded on her door.

She groaned waking up from her dream, It was an oddly realistic one at that. She had moved away and went into hiding for some reason. It felt a little too real for her if she was being honest. She hadn't had a dream this realistic and vivid since she was back in highschool. It freaked her out nonetheless, But thankfully it was just a dream, now all she wanted to know was why Yeri was banging on her door so fucking early. Oh shit what if the dorms were on fire?

"I'm up! What's wrong?"' She panicked sitting up on her bed.

She opened the door to see Yeri smiling innocently.

"Taeyong is bringing food."

Hyunjae looked at yeri with a sigh.

"Bitch you scared the hell out of me I thought the dorm was on fire or something," Hyunjae said putting a hand over her heart.

Hyunjae headed to the bathroom to clean up a bit before heading to the kitchen for breakfast. To her surprise the whole group was there. Taeyong had bought donuts for everyone to eat. They all gathered around the table to begin eating and chatting amongst themselves. It was nice to see everyone in their pajamas instead of all dressed up. Hyunjae was extra happy because she was wearing her favorite pair of fuzzy socks which Yeri complimented.

"Are you guys excited for today?" Taeyong asked happily.

"It's like any other party," Kunhang said with a laugh.

Taeyong shook his head, "No way! We're all finally meeting Jaehyun's friends."

Hyunjae chuckled teasingly, "You make it sound like we're meeting the family."

Irene agreed chuckling, "You must be serious about him Yong."

Taeyong looked down nervously, "Yeah i think so. I'm excited for it. I don't know why."

"Your honor he's in love," Yeri laughed pointing a finger, well more like her donut, at Taeyong.

"You know he had his outfit ready since like yesterday," Johnny added, "It's hanging in our closet separate from all the other clothes."

They all chuckled, but they were all very happy for Taeyong. He seemed happy and excited whenever he was with Jaehyun. Hopefully this would end well for him.

"You don't have to expose me like that!" He said raising his hands in defeat.

They all looked at each other thinking the same thing. In perfect unison they shouted at him.


After cleaning up and saying their goodbyes everyone went back to doing their own things Hyunjae spent the rest of her afternoon trying to decide on what to wear for the party tonight. As per usual she couldn't come up with anything. What if it looked like she was trying too hard? Or not enough? Was she more nervous cause Yuta was gonna be there? Definitely. She decided to try her best and not drink too much, the last thing she needed was her drunken self to say something she might regret. It happened more than she would like to admit. After going back and forth she chose an outfit but she needed advice.

Jae z
Is this too much???

Personally I don't think so
It's your style
Plus you usually wear stuff like this to the club
So no it's not too much :D

Jae z
Can you tell I'm freaking out???

Just a little bit

Jae z
Why else do you think I'm freaking out???
Hello??? YUTA!???

Yeah I can see why you'd be freaking out

Jae z
I'm gonna need you at my side
Twenty four seven

Yes ma'am
I'll do my best
But you do tend to run off
Especially when you get drunk

Jae z
I know 😞
I'm really gonna try to not drink so much
But you know me

Unfortunately yes I do know you
I'll do my best to keep you in check
Just be you don't overthink it

Jae z
I know but I can't help it
What if his friends don't like me
Or Vice versa

Im sure they'll like you
Sicheng did
And I hear he's a tough crowd

Jae z

You'll be fine jae
You always are

Jae z
I sure hope so 😞
Hahah I'm freaking out

Do you want me to smack some sense into you??
Not literally tho

Jae z
I'll be okay I think

I'll text when I'm omw to your place later

Jae z


Well for starters don't stare at Hyunjae
You do that A LOT

I do????

Second don't be so obvious
Casually talk like acquaintances would
Third and I cannot stress this enough
Don't flirt with her

Why not :(

Because you technically just met the girl

Ok but I actually flirted w her right when we first met
In a way

That's true
I forget you have no shame

Look where it got me tho
I have a pretty girlfriend

You haven't even asked her to be your girlfriend
Clown 🤡

.... I'm working on it ok
I cant just ask
It has to be special

Anyway aside from that
You should be fine

Thanks I guess

You'll be fine yu
Worst case scenario they find out lol

Yeah ig you're right
But maybe after this I'll be able to freely hang out with her

Oh that's true huh
Maybe then you'll follow her on ig

Maybe we shall see

Anyway do you know what you're wearing??

Yes I think
I'm torn between two outfits

Send pics

Sicheng 😦

You know what I meant dipshit

😞 you wound me


Oh that's tough
I think the first one
It definitely suits you better

I was thinking the same thing
Thanks win <3
Is it normal for me to be nervous

We have to make a good impression with Jaehyun's boyfriend and his friends
And then to add more you have to pretend to not know the girl you've been dating for like three months?

Three and a half
Well three months
Seventeen days if we're being accurate

Nevermind I'm not even gonna ask
You're just fucking whipped

Yeah 😞
Btw wbu and Hendery ??

Oh we stopped dating a while ago
We're better off as friends tbh

Oh no hard feelings tho right

We're still cool
We stay gaming together

Love that for you
anyway get ready
Jaehyun wants us to leave on time

Yes sir 😞
See you in a few

Everyone started to get ready on their own. Before regrouping with their designated groups. Hyunjae was finishing straightening her hair when irene called her telling her it was time to leave.

"I'm almost done give me a second," She said turning off the hair straightener.

She took one last look in the mirror before grabbing her wallet and phone. The last thing she needed was accessories. She added the necklace Yuta gave her along with another necklace to make a layered look. Finally she added some silver rings of various styles. All done. She stepped out to the living room where the girls and Johnny were waiting.

"Whoa looking snazzy bitch," Yeri said.

"Thank you, you're looking even better yourself," Hyunjae chuckled.

"Im feeling slightly underdressed," Johnny said looking at his outfit.

Irene shook her head with a laugh, "Nah you look good. Ten will be happy."

"Yeah I think you're right," Johnny agreed.

"Where's yong?" Hyunjae asked, "Hendery said he'd be here in like five minutes."

"He's rethinking his outfits again," Johnny chuckled, "He's really taking this seriously."

"It's kinda cute," Hyunjae chuckled, "He's very whipped for him isn't he?"

"A little much," Yeri admitted with a chuckle.

A knock on the door stored the conversation. Kunhang had arrived and more they were just waiting on Taeyong.

"He must be nervous," Hyunjae said as they all scrolled through their phones while waiting.

"Probably cause he thinks we'll embarrass him," Kunhang chuckled checking his messages. He didn't have a message from him.

"Should someone go get him and knock some sense into him?" Irene asked unsure of what else to do.

"Ah no need he just sent a text that he'll be here in a sec," Johnny said as he got the pop up notification on his phone.

They all let out a breath of relief, thankful that he was on his way. It was funny that Taeyong didn't want them to be late but he was the last one to arrive. He finally made his presence a few minutes after Johnny got the text. The group cheered as they saw him, he immediately blushed and laughed at his friends reactions.

"Thanks but I changed my outfit like ten times. Anyway let's go!" He cheered.

They all followed in cheering and headed out the door. They took two cabs to head down to the club. It was a clear night, the lights from all the eateries, shops, and so on were brighter than usual. Hyunjae looked out the window enjoying the scene as they made their way to the club. The club was about a ten minute drive. Usually they could walk but they wanted to be on time for once. As usual they entered with ease and made their way to the table Taeyong reserved. It was the biggest table available so hopefully it would be able to fit them all. It was on the second floor of the club and overlooked the dj booth and some of the dance floor. It wasnt too packed yet, at least not on the second floor. There were over twenty tables and so far only six, including theirs, were taken. Of course there were people at the bar drinking on the first and second floor bar. Then there was tons of people dancing downstairs already, all of them having a good time. They arrived to their booth, it was like a half circle only a slightly bigger, it looked like it would be able to fit all of them. They all sat down and made themselves comfortable. Hyunjae sat at one edge, Kunhang next to her, then Yeri, Irene, Johnny, and then finally Taeyong. Yup they had plenty of space.

"Are you excited?" Yeri asked Taeyong over the music.

"Yes and no," Taeyong answered honestly.

The group laughed and all promised to do their best not to embarrass him.

"How bout we start off with a round of shots?" Johnny asked everyone, "Something to ease the tension?"

They all agreed although Hyunjae was skeptical. She knew that if she started now she wouldn't stop but at the same time maybe one would help ease her stress.

"I'll go, Kunhang can you help?" Hyunjae said volunteering since she was at the edge. It would be easier for her to go then to make Johnny go.

"Sounds good. Just shots? You guys want a drink or something?" He asked.

They shook their heads, it seemed shots were okay for now. Kunhang and Hyunjae made their way to the bar that was on the second floor. They ordered six shots and made their way back to the table. Everyone took their shot and they downed it at the same time. Hyunjae felt the burn as she finished the shot, but she wondered if it would help relieve her stress.

"Oh I feel the stress leaving my body," Taeyong chuckled setting the shot glass down.

"I think you spoke too soon," Johnny chuckled as he saw a group of guys approaching.

"I feel sick," Taeyong said.

"Chill play it cool," Irene encouraged him.

Taeyong wasn't the only one feeling sick though. Hyunjae's nerves shot through the roof as the words left Johnny's mouth. It honestly felt like that one episode of the office when Michael is telling everyone to stay calm but he's far from calm.

"Hope we're not too late," Jaehyun chuckled as a group of four guys approached.

Hyunjae blinked recognizing all of them. Wait a minute. Did she meet all of them by accident? Pause Kunhang's roommate was friends with Jaehyun? What a small world. Hyunjae looked at Kunhang and Kunhang looked back at her just as confused. It seemed he didn't know his roommate was friends with Jaehyun either. That made her chuckle a bit.

"No way," Taeyong chuckled, "Sit sit."

He scooted down a bit even though there was plenty of room. Jaehyun sat next to Taeyong then it was Kunhang's roommate, then Sicheng and finally Yuta. Hyunjae looked at all of them stopping at Yuta, he couldn't help but smile as their eyes met.

"Everyone Jaehyun," Taeyong said speaking up, "Jaehyun this is Hyunjae, Kunhang, Yeri, Irene, and Johnny."

Everyone said a small hi or gave a small wave. She wondered if Jaehyun expected to see a big group. Six wasn't that big but it was definitely more than the average friend group.

"Hey nice to meet you. I'm Jaehyun and this is Lucas, Sicheng, and Yuta."

"Dude," Lucas started with a laugh, "This is my roommate." He said referring to Kunhang.

"What a small world," Kunhang laughed.

"I also kinda know Yuta," Taeyong chuckled, "He's in like two of my classes."

Hyunjae immediately turned to Taeyong. Two classes? She thought he was just in one of his classes. Their shared English class.

Yuta nodded, "Yeah and you too. We had that one project together."

Hyunjae resisted letting out a laugh. It sounded so stupid.

"Yeah," she agreed.

"Man I feel out of the loop," Yeri commented with a sigh.

"Same," Johnny and Irene nodded.

They all laughed a bit before Taeyong offered drinks. Hyunjae and Kunhang seemed to be the designated drink people for the night. They went and bought another round of shots. Ten shots this time. Like last time they set the down as everyone grabbed one. They all clinked their glasses and downed the shot. Hyunjae groaned holding it in. She needed more. It was already bad that she couldn't talk to Yuta but he looked so good in his outfit she couldn't even compliment him. It was gonna be a long night. As they drank some more and chatted amongst themselves. They all asked the basic questions like age, major, favorite color and a bunch of other little facts. It was fun to say the least. She got to head a lot about Jaehyun though. His friends we're definitely teasing him the most. Of course they also had to join in by teasing Taeyong as well. It was really fun to see both boys turn red and blush. Hyunjae could tell that they liked each other a lot. Another interesting thing is that most of Jaehyun's friends were single, Unlike her friend group. Most of hyunjae's friend group were taken or talking to someone. Everyone except Kunhang and Irene. Although Irene was on and off with someone, but she didn't talk about it much so they could be together, who knows. After much chatting they started to leave the table one after another. First it was Johnny who had to play a set and find ten. Then Taeyong and Jaehyun went down as well. Finally Irene and Yeri headed down and Lucas offered to take them since he wanted to mingle a bit and drink some more.

"And then there were four," Sicheng laughed easing the tension.

"Dude this blows," Hyunjae groaned.

"It's so weird pretending this is the first time we've talked," He admitted with a laugh.

"It's weird even for me," Kunhang added.

Hyunjae gave him a glare to which he just laughed. As per usual.

"Our friends are probably gonna comeback soon. Might as well try to enjoy the night at least," Sicheng suggested.

They all agreed.

"Wait but before we go. You're outfit is fucking killer," Hyunjae chuckled before leaving with Kunhang right behind.

Yuta smiled feeling his confidence go up.

"Alright Romeo let's go. I want more drinks," Sicheng said.

"Come on literally anyone but Romeo would have been a good choice," Yuta sighed standing up.

(Listen to heads will roll atrak remix. It fits the vibe soooo well)

The pair headed off to go get drinks and maybe find their friends in the process. Hyunjae and Kunhang made their way to the bar downstairs to watch Johnny's set while enjoying drinks. Hyunjae was on her third margarita by the time Jonny started. The club got hyped as per usual, she felt the energy from the dancers hit her.

"Damn I can feel the bass," She chuckled making Kunhang laugh.

"Yeah tell me about it. Did you see Taeyong and Jaehyun head back up to our table?"

She shook her head as she sipped her drink.

"Interesting. Wanna go dance?"

Somehow Hyunjae and Kunhang had found Yeri and Irene in the crowd of dancing bodies. Yeri immediately clung onto the girl with a smile. Yup she was more drunk than Hyunjae already.

"How much has she had?" Kunhang asked sighing.

"A lot," Irene commented, "Anyway who cares! Let's have fun!"

"Yeah I guess you're right. Just don't pass out," Kunhang commented with a laugh.

And they definitely had lots of fun. It was hard for Hyunjae to let loose at first though. That was before Yeri and her took shot after shot after shot. Things became a lot easier after about the seventh shot. She could feel the alcohol getting to her but it made everything way cooler. It made her let loose and not give a fuck. She was immersed in the music and lights along with the people around her. She jumped up and down along to the music and with Yeri at her side doing the same. Irene laughed taking a video of the two girls before joining them. Kunhang had gone to get himself a few more drinks letting them have their fun. The atmosphere had gotten a lot warmer due to everyone dancing and singing along. At one point everyone was basically pressed up against each other due to the how crazy it got. They were all definitely sweating but that didn't stop them. The sound of a confetti cannon firing caught them by surprise as it starting raining confetti and what seemed to be glitter. The crowd cheered as the confetti reached them. Many of them taking some and using it to throw at their significant others or friends. Irene got cheeky and grabbed a handful throwing it on Yeri's head before doing the same to Hyunjae. They laughed before they both did the same to Irene. 

Needless to say she wasn't expecting that. At one point everyone made a giant circle as people would go in the middle to show off their dances. The trio of girls watched from the sidelines cheering for everyone who had the courage to get into the center and dance. There was shouts of encouragement and Hyunjae's personal favorite "fuck it ups". Someone even began to do the worm which caused everyone to crack up. The night went on and Johnny's set continued to get better and better but the girls felt less adrenaline and more alcohol. Yeri and Irene headed towards the bathroom. Instead Hyunjae headed towards the bar to ask for an ice cold water. It felt hot as fuck in the club, but thankfully there was air conditioning near the bar. She wondered where Kunhang had gone. It didn't matter cause she could text him but she hoped he was having a good time. She also wondered where Yuta was. Sucks that she couldn't be with him today. She laid her head on the table to feel the nice cool granite top. Hyunjae knew she was drunk she felt it. How drunk though was another question. She didn't feel like throwing up but she did feel like taking a nap right then and there.

Yuta sighed leaning on the railing from the second floor. He was glad that Hyunjae was having fun with her friends, at least that's what it looked like from up there. He really wished he could have been there too.

"Hey looking for some eye candy or what?" Lucas asked approaching him.

"I guess you could say that," Yuta shrugged.

"Your crush is down there right. Why don't you try to make a move?"

Ah Yuta forgot that all his friends knew about his crush on Hyunjae. Honestly he had forgotten he told them about it.

Yuta chuckled, "I don't wanna look desperate."

Yukhei scoffed, "Wow you have morals now? Since when has that stopped you? She's pretty cool, seems a lot like your type too. Plus she was really funny back there."

Damn he did have a point. Man if only Lucas knew the truth.

"I'll think about it. What about you?" He asked intrigued.

"Just vibing and drinking. Not really looking if I'm being honest, but hey if the opportunity comes I won't say no," He said with a sly smile.

Lucas when he is single is a totally different person than when he's in a relationship.

"Don't drink too much. You get clingy," Yuta laughed patting his shoulder before heading out to the balcony for a smoke.

He thought about how Hyunjae mentioned that she was almost ready to tell her friends but she just didn't know how. She also told him why she's been holding off on telling them for so long. Apparently everytime she would introduce her boyfriend to her friends not even a month later they would break up. Yuta didn't blame her for not wanting to tell them if that's how it always ended for her. Though he did reassure her that he wasn't gonna leave anytime soon. Now it was just a matter of time. But he wasn't gonna pressure her to do it, he didn't mind being her little secret. To his surprise his phone vibrated. He didn't realize he had been dozing off for a good twenty minutes here.

Hey is Jae with you??
I kinda lost her and she's not answering
Also sorry if I uh interrupted anything
If you catch my drift

No need to apologize she's not with me
Where did you last see her?

Dance floor

And she's not back at the table??

Nah we're all here
Except for you jae and Lucas
So I assumed she'd be with you

I'll go look for her

Yuta had an idea of where she might possibly be. He made his way down to the first floor bar that was away from the dance floor. He just had a gut feeling she would be there and luck was on his side.

Hyunjae groaned not wanting to deal with this, "Dude I told you I'm not interested. I have an almost boyfriend."

The guy standing next to her at the bar scoffed, "Almost boyfriend? Did you just make that up?"

Hyunjae nodded seriously, "I'm dating someone but he's not my boyfriend yet. Almost though I can feel it!" Her words slurred towards the end, "And yeah I did make that word up right now."

"You don't have to lie," he pressed further, "What's it gonna take?"

Yuta spotted Hyunjae at the bar from the bottom of the stairs. He made his way over to her wondering if she was okay. As he got closer she turned to see him. Her eyes immediately lit up.


He was taken back by the sudden burst. Although it did make him feel good to see her happy to see him.

"Hey. You okay?" He asked concerned.

She nodded hugging him. All that was going through Yuta's head is that this is what Kunhang meant when he said she's a clingy drunk. Reminded him of Yukhei.

"See I told you! This is my almost boyfriend," she said sticking her tongue out at the guy.

Almost boyfriend That was new? His cheeks began to heat up at her words. Almost boyfriend. Damn maybe he should officially ask her. But what if it was the alcohol talking? The guy looked unimpressed, he simply rolled his eyes and turned back to his drink.

"Your friends are looking for you. We should go," He said putting an arm around her.

"Okay," she smiled standing up.

"Also," Yuta turned back to the dude with a glare "If someone says no, it means no, douche."

The guy rolled his eyes as Hyunjae gave him the finger. Yuta had to restrain himself from punching him, but he was sure Hyunjae was about to crash any second now and she was more important. He helped her walk back towards their friends.

"Why'd you leave Kunhang?" He asked confused.

"I didn't mean to," she pouted, "i was dancing with Yeri and Irene and when I came back to the bar he was gone so I just waited, but then that guy showed up and wouldn't leave me alone."

"Why didn't you comeback?" He asked her moving the hair out of her face with a chuckle.

"Hm because it's crowded. He could have followed me and grabbed me or something. Nobody would have noticed since it's so crowded," She pointed out, "I would have called but I told him I didn't have a phone when he asked for my number so yeah. He was honestly dumb for believing that though. Like who doesn't own a phone in this day and age?"

Yuta was surprised. Despite being on the brink of blacked out drunk Hyunjae was smart. She was able to read the situation well and in a calm manner at that. Props to her if he was being honest.

"Well I'm glad you're okay. How are you feeling?" He asked her.

"I don't wanna answer that," she sighed letting out a yawn.

"That yawn tells me enough," he said with a small smile.

They were approaching the stairs which meant their friends were close. It was gonna be a struggle to get Hyunjae up the stairs especially since she was half asleep. How was he gonna do this?

"I can walk, kinda." She spoke up with a giggle.

He kept a firm hold on her as they went up the stairs. He was gonna pick her up and carry her Bridal style but because of her outfit that would not have been the best idea. As he approached the table all their friends looked up. Kunhang and Sicheng both very amused.

"Um I found your friend down there. She doesn't look so good," Yuta said.

Hyunjae gave them a thumbs up. He knew she wasn't acting at this point. She was gone, In only a matter of seconds too, that was crazy to see.

"Oh no, not again," Yeri sighed, "don't worry too much about it this happens a lot. She can sit here to cool off."

She scooted over and helped him set Hyunjae down carefully in the booth. Yeri did her best to sit her up and fix her hair as best as she could.

"She doesn't take drinking lightly," Taeyong commented looking at his friend's state.

"I see that," Yuta chuckled.

"I'm fineeeee," Hyunjae mumbled as she laid her head on the table.

"Oh here you can sit Yuta," Yeri said pulling Hyunjae a bit to make some room.

Thankfully Hyunjae obliged and scooted over for Yuta to sit next to her.

"thanks for helping our friend," Irene added, "some people aren't so nice. Although I swear she was right behind us on our way to the bathroom. "

Yuta sat down nodding, "No problem. I'm just happy to help since Kunhang was worried."

Everyone looked at Kunhang as he got slightly red. He always worried about Hyunjae a lot more than he should.

Without a second to spare Hyunjae randomly linked her arm with yuta's. He did his best not to react so suddenly but it honestly took him by surprise.
"Niceeee," she mumbled.

"There she goes," Kunhang sighed, "Sorry dude she's a clingy drunk."

"She sounds a lot like Yukhei," Jaehyun added, "He's a super clingy drunk too. He'll grab whoever's around him."

"Maybe our friend group is more alike than we thought," Taeyong chuckled.

"You have no idea," Sicheng piped in.

Nobody paid mind to his comment except Kunhang who was thinking the same thing.

"Don't worry about Hyunjae I'll watch her you can go mingle," Taeyong reassured Yuta.

Since the night was still young he thought it wouldn't be fair for him to be tied down to Hyunjae all night. (Ironic isn't it).

"It's okay, I feel bad moving. Shes kinda sleeping on me at this point," He chuckled looking over at her.

"I've got this," Kunhang spoke up, "I'm basically the designated baby sitter. Taeyong you go have fun with Jaehyun I'll watch Hyunjae. I don't think she'll be moving for a good hour or so."

"Are you sure?" He asked Kunhang.

Kunhang nodded standing up to let him and Jaehyun leave, "Go don't be a bore. It's still pretty early."

To his surprise Yeri and Irene left as well. Even sicheng left to go find their friends Lucas.

Everyone was gone except Hyunjae, Yuta, and Kunhang.

Yuta looked up at Kunhang with a smile, "Thanks for the save. I'm scared of what she's gonna do next."

"You're welcome but I am gonna stay. Don't get the wrong idea you're great and all but Hyunjae is questionable at best when drunk. And I have to remember that you're still.... a man... no matter how nice you are," He said seriously.

Kunhang was sure Yuta didn't have any bad intentions, but hyunjae was unpredictable when drunk. It was better to be safe than sorry.

Yuta blinked unsure of how to react, "right. I swear it's not like that though. But it's understandable. Soooo what now?"

"Honestly not sure," Kunhang laughed, "want a drink?"

He shook his head, "I'm okay. Kind of over drinking for the night. I'll let jae do the drinking."

"Which jae?" Kunhang asked jokingly.

Yuta chuckled, "This one." He looked down at Hyunjae and held the necklace he had recently given her. The little star pendant fits perfectly in his ring. He really liked it. It was unique. He was thankful that she didn't find it cheesy or stupid. He had a couple of girlfriends in the past but most of them were either super materialistic or things just didn't work out. Hyunjae was the opposite of boring that was for sure. She had lots of admirable traits.

"My man you are such a simp," Kunhang chuckled noticing him looking at the necklace.

He thought it was cute. It wasn't a noticeable couple's item unless you really paid attention to the two people wearing it. It was funny cause Hyunjae was never big on couple's items, but maybe cause it wasn't tacky or obvious. He remembered that she would clown couples who wore the matching outfits when it was obvious. Like when they both wore the same top and shoes or stuff like that. She preferred the lowkey stuff, but that didn't mean she was against all couple items.

"Dude how can I not be? Look at her, she's so i don't know perfect? Not even just look wise I'm talking personality. Plus we have lots in common, she's super talented and doesn't back down from a challenge every. I can seriously go on and on," He gleamed just thinking about it. "And She designs her own clothes. You can't get anymore badass than that."

Yes Yuta was whipped but so was Hyunjae. Kunhang recalled the various times she would gleam about how good he is at soccer and how any hairstyle suited him. Recently she was gawking over how nice he was with kids.

"Yeah she definitely has that effect on people." Kunhang agreed with a laugh, "so are you gonna tell people about you two?"

He nodded, "Yeah I think soon. Hyunjae's been talking about how she doesn't like hiding it from her friends. At first she didn't want to because she wasn't sure if it was gonna work out or not but I think she wants to now."

Kunhang nodded, "Thats good but I wish she'd stop worrying about us so much. This is her happiness not ours. She should reveal it cause she wants to and when she wants to you know. Not because she feels bad."

Yuta nodded, "Yeah I talked to her about that. She said it's fine since she's happy, but who knows what's going on in that brain of hers."

"Yeah I wonder that too."

The pair (technically trio with hyunjae still knocked out) talked amongst each other for a while. Kunhang shared quite a few embarrassing stories about Hyunjae that Yuta promised to not tell her about. Nothing too bad though, just stuff like how she almost fell in a trash can and how she would often chase stray cats until it would let her pet it. Yuta enjoyed the stories Kunhang was sharing he was thankful that he wasn't drunk and that sicheng wasn't telling any embarrassing stories. He had a lot of dirt on Yuta.

"Also she's a whole weeb. I don't know if you could tell but most of her darker and experimental clothing is inspired or replicated to look like Misa's from death note. Although she never wears them or shows them off."

"Wait seriously? I knew about the anime thing but I didn't know she made some clothes based off characters."

"Yeah she doesn't think they're good enough though," Kunhang pouted slightly. "Even though they look like an exact replica."

"That's insane. I'm definitely gonna start asking for the backstory to all of her fashion pieces."

"You really should," Kunhang agreed.

The only reason Kunhang knew this is because he too is a weeb. He often thought that her clothing pieces looked familiar and when he asked she really couldn't lie her way out of it. Hyunjae explained to him that she gets a lot of inspo from some characters, but doesn't like to show it off.

"Oh shit how long was i out?" Hyunjae said.

She focused seeing Kunhang across from her. Her eyes widened as she realized who she was cuddling.

"Did you sleep well?" Yuta asked with a genuine smile.

She let go of him with a laugh, "Sorry. I'm so confused right now. But yeah I guess I slept well. Where is everyone?"

"Drinking dancing who knows," Kunhang chuckled, "You kind of blacked out."

"I noticed. Sorry did I keep you here?" She asked Yuta.

"No I'm honestly not in the partying mood," He chuckled reassuring her, "Plus it was kinda cute. You're so clingy it's cute."

Hyunjae looked up at him with a pout, "Bet you were enjoying it huh."

"A little."

"A lot," Kunhang laughed exposing him, "You should have seen him simping."

She smiled linking her arm with his once more, "Ohhh you like me," she teased him with a laugh.

He sighed, "Yeah. By the way, I think my friends like you. At least Lucas does. He was talking about you earlier."

Hyunjae's eyes widened in surprise, "Seriously?"

He nodded with a chuckle, "He asked why I haven't made a move on you yet."

Kunhang snorted, "If only he knew."

Hyunjae let go of Yuta's arm to playfully punch Kunhang from across the table. They all laughed in amusement.

"Interesting. Your friends are very nice. Seem a lot calmer than you if I'm being honest," she pointed out.

"They are sometimes," Yuta said defending himself, "Also a little birdie told me some interesting stuff about the clothes you make."

Kunhang looked away whistling as if to say don't look at me. Hyunjae narrowed her eyes at Kunhang before speaking.

"Oh yeah? What did he say?"

But before he could answer Jaehyun and Taeyong approached the table. Jaehyun was almost carrying Taeyong to their table.

"Hey, you're awake!" Taeyong slurred.

Oh yeah, he was drunk. Worse than Hyunjae too.

"And you're getting along with Jaehyun's friend! Yay!" He cheered happily.

"I guess he overdid it huh," Jaehyun said with a sympathetic smile.

"Don't feel too bad it's about time he lets loose," Kunhang commented scooting over all the way next to Hyunjae so Jaehyun could sit Taeyong down.

Hyunjae chuckled at Taeyong, he was barely able to sit up. He talked a lot when he'd get drunk. Mostly random babbles and useless facts that he remembered for some reason. Nevertheless, it seemed like he had a good time.

"I think we should be heading home now," Kunhang said looking at his phone.

The time read 3:55 am. Yikes, it was late. A lot later than they were used to staying. The night was amazing which made the time fly by but everyone's energy was starting to drain.

Bad witches

Headed home with Yeri
She's not doing too hot
We took a cab
Sorry 😓

Jae z
All good
Be safe!
Text me when you get home


Hyunjae locked her phone to tell Kunhang what happened. Funny enough Kunhang had received a text from Johnny to not wait up for him. He was gonna go grab some food with Ten.

"It's just us three then. We'll take Taeyong from here if you'd like," Kunhang suggested.

Jaehyun shook his head, "No worries. I called a cab for us already, though I only booked it for us two sorry."

Hyunjae shook her head, "It's fine could you just text me when he's in bed."

She unlocked her phone to have Jaehyun input his number. Hyunjae worried for all her friends. It's not that she didn't trust Taeyong or Yeri or Irene or even Jaehyun, she just wanted to make sure they made it to someone's bed safely.

"Will do," Jaehyun smiled putting Hyunjae at ease, "Oh and Yuta, Xuxi left with a girl so I don't think you have to worry about him either. Sicheng should be here soon he was in the bathroom."

Yuta gave him a thumbs up. The trio watched Jaehyun carefully take Taeyong downstairs so they could go wait for their cab.

"Well, I'm drained. Let's go?" Hyunjae asked stretching.

"Yeah I'm ready to crash too," Kunhang admitted, "I'll go outside and call a cab for four."

Hyunjae nodded giving him a thumbs up. He made his way downstairs leaving Hyunjae and Yuta alone.

"So what did I say while I was drunk?" She asked him.

He laughed standing up, "Nothing memorable, although you did call me your almost-boyfriend."

"Almost what?!" She asked taken back.

Yuta nodded, "Yeah almost-boyfriend."

She stood up unsure of what to say. Curse drunk Hyunjae. Why was she always so embarrassing?

"Sorry I was drunk you know. Plus it's not like I don't want you as my boyfriend but don't feel pressured to act on my word vomit when I'm drunk."

She didn't want her saying that to change anything. She enjoyed the pace they were going at, she didn't want her words to phase him.

"Relax pretty girl. I thought it was really cute," He chuckled ruffling her hair.

Her jaw dropped. Pretty girl? That was new. She didn't even care that he had ruffled her hair, which was also new. He put his hand down to do something on his phone.

"For someone who's so cool and collected most of the time you sure are a different person around me," He chuckled teasing her, "Wannabe."

She narrowed her eyes at him, "I hate men."

"Ditto, now let's go, they're waiting," he chuckled taking her hand in his.

She sighed but gave in. She still couldn't get him saying pretty girl out of her head. Yeah, that had happened. How could a single sentence put her in such a trance? He was just like any other guy right? She looked up at him as he smiled back at her as they got to the bottom of the steps. Yeah no. He's not like every other guy, he's not like the guys she had dated in the past. He was genuine and warm-hearted. Something the others weren't, Yuta was definitely a keeper.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked as they got to Kunhang and Sicheng.

She immediately snapped out of it, "sorry yeah. The tiredness is getting to me."

"You sure?" He asked seriously.

She nodded, "Yeah don't worry about me Nayu."

He chuckled listening to her, "Okay if you say so."

Their cab ride back to campus was quiet, mostly cause everyone was dozing off or using their phone to try and stay awake. Hyunjae received a message from both Jaehyun and Irene that they had arrived safely. All was well. The car arrived on campus.

"Today was fun we should do this again," Sicheng commented.

"I agree," Kunhang nodded, "It was definitely an experience."

The couple nodded in agreement. Sicheng and Kunhang took off first to leave to two and not cock block. Though Sicheng waited inside the building for Hyunjae since they were going the same way anyway. Better to be safe than sorry.

"Did you have fun?" Yuta asked her.

"Yeah it was fun but it would have been better if I didn't blackout halfway through," She admitted with a laugh.

Yuta nodded agreeing, "Yeah but it showed me a new side to you so I think it's a win."

She groaned thinking about what he told her earlier. She couldn't believe she called him her almost-boyfriend. That was definitely gonna haunt her.

"But seriously next time I don't think we'll have to play pretend," she smiled leaving a hint.

Yuta nodded, "I'd like that, but don't feel pressured to tell them if you're not ready."

"Don't worry I know me better than anyone," she reassured him.

"Alright then. Have a Goodnight wannabe," He teased.

"Goodnight almost-boyfriend," She shot back.

Well if she said it she might as well use it to her advantage. Yuta looked at her shocked.

He quickly regained his thoughts, "Wow you hate losing huh. Okay then see you later pretty girl!"

He waved as he headed towards the direction of his dorm room. She waved back smiling not even trying to hide the fact that she was blushing. She made her way into the building as Sicheng waited by the elevator.

"Don't say anything," Hyunjae spoke as soon as he smirked at her.

"I won't but at least to stop smiling."

The elevator ride was quiet until she got a notification on her phone. She looked down at her screen wondering who it was.

Hyunjae resisted the urge to scream as she saw the little notification bubble.

"Sicheng look!" She gleamed showing him the notification.

"Fucking finally," he groaned, "You've been dating for like three months already."

"This is a win for me," she gleamed immediately following back.

Sicheng thought Yuta and Hyunjae's dynamic was actually really wholesome. He pretended to be annoyed but he thought it was funny that they would be so infatuated by the little things they did. He hoped they would last long.


Liked by nayutas, baeirene, and 883 others
Hyunjaes don't remember most of tonight but the parts I do remember were amazing. BEST NIGHT EVER
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Notkunhang haha definitely a night to remember that's for sure
Loselose ^ lmao for real
Txyong I'm glad everyone got along
Baeirene it was so much fun we even made new friends ! Hopefully we do this more often


Liked by valentineboy, Loselose, Hyunjaes and 882 others
Nayutas the vibes were immaculate tonight
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Loselose you're telling me
Valentineboy I'm so glad everything worked out well
Huangxuxi same! I could tell you really like him Jae! Also Yuta you should have shot your shot 😞
Nayutas next time bro
Notkunhang buy me a drink next time Yuta
Nayutas BET

Needless to say, it was easy for Hyunjae to fall asleep that night.

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