Aurora | ✓

By itslina2356

1.2M 26.8K 13.4K

Cover made by: @_navyblueee_ I'm living in a house made of glass. I'm scared to move, to breathe, to think. I... More

✨ Characters ✨
The island
1| Darkness
2| Done
3| Hope
4| Reunited
5| Sorellina
6| Revelations
7| Safe
8| Nightmares
9| Truth
10| Heartbroken
11| I love you
12| Pregnancy
13| Danger
14| Time for the show
15| Clever
16| Heartbeat
17| Grandfather?
18| The devil herself
19| Janine
20| A visit from the past..again
21| Surprise
22| I know you
23| No longer afraid
24| Comfort
25| Sister
26| Screams
27| They came for us
28| Rescued
29| Finally home
30| Unexpected
32| The calm before the storm
33| The eye of the storm
34| Family
35| Epilogue
Bonus I: Aurora
Bonus II: Quinn
Bonus III: Matheo
Bonus IV: Atlas

31| Joy

18.6K 437 191
By itslina2356

Sooo as you must know this is when the labor part comes. If you want to skip it you can scroll down, I put a * when it ends. Enjoy!


Another heartbreaking scream pierces through the air. I've never experienced a pain so great than the one of watching my girl in so much fucking agony.

I wish I could take her place, I wish it were me and not her. It's been 5 hours of this hell and she's still not dilated enough, the doctor said it'll take at least another five more hours.

I rub Rora's back as she grips my hand hard. She's softly whimpering. I wipe her forehead with a damp cloth, Max brings another one and places it on the table.

"How are you doing sweet pea?" He gently asks Rora as he strokes her hair and hugs her to his chest. My girl just shakes her head and cries into his chest, still gripping my hand.

He holds her for a little while so I can eat something, never leaving her side. Not even when she screams in pain. The guys come in once in a while to check in on her.

They all leave after about an hour and Rora tries to get some sleep but the contractions are so much closer between each other now.

"No no no I can't do it I can't Phoenix please help me" Rory sobs as I cradle her wet cheeks.

"Hey, hey look at me baby. You can and you will, you've survived so much. This is the last effort you'll have to make, in a few more hours the little man will be here with us. You are so strong baby" I kiss her forehead


I can't do this anymore. It hurts so fucking bad, 14 fucking hours. 14 and I still have more to go. I've never been in so much motherfucking pain.

I scream as the worst contraction I've yet had hits me. Phoenix is crying now, tears falling down his cheeks. I scream my lungs out as he tries to comfort me but news flash rubbing my back doesn't take away the pain fucker!

"Why are you crying!?" I snap but he's used to it by now. I've been yelling at him for hours now, he sometimes even dares to laugh.

"I'm sorry baby" he whispers and hugs me to him, I feel bad for snapping at my boy now. I stand up and start pacing around the room crying hysterically.

I can't do this anymore. Fucking Riggo for getting me pregnant. Fucking world and fucking everything and everyone.

I just want this to be over now...

Max (dad)

We're all sitting on the couch, waiting. Another scream snaps me from my thoughts. This is torture, I was present in all of my kid's births. Janine always got an epidural and the best healthcare there is.

I hate that my daughter can't have that. Fucking thunderstorm and fucking hurricanes.

"Are you sure there's nothing you can do?" I ask doctor Patricia

"Nothing but wait and make sure she's comfortable, I'm sorry" she says, her usual bubbly personality gone. I start pacing around the room, my baby girl screams again. I decide to go check in on her.

I get into the room, the room is dark. The only light is a lamp beside the bed and the lightning every few minutes.

Rora is sitting on the bed panting, all sorts of cables attached to her. Nix is holding her hand and rubbing her back and shoulders.

The doctor comes in and starts checking in on everything. I go over to Rory's other side and she gives me a little smile. I sit on the bed facing her, I kiss her forehead and hug her to me again.

I've been doing this every once in a while. It kills that it's the only comfort I can give and it's not enough to take away her pain.

"It hurts so much" she whispers

"I know baby girl, I know. I'm so sorry nothing is going as we planned" I say

Rora then tenses and starts breathing heavily. Another contraction. She starts shaking her head and lays back down on the bed whimpering.

"No no not another one I just had one" she cries. It breaks my fucking heart, Phoenix tries to comfort her but it's no use. We both hold her hands as she pants and cries through it, she then screams into the pillow. I look over to Patricia in desperation.

"Okay Aurora I'm gonna check if we can start pushing now alright sweetie?" She tells Rora

"Just fucking do it and take this baby out me now!" My daughter snaps and then winces at her own harshness.

"Okay sweetie it's time to push now"

Phoenix wipes Rora's forehead as she starts to freak out. I kiss my baby girl's head, telling her how strong she is and how much I love her and get out of the room wishing I could take my daughter's place so she doesn't have to go through the pain she's about to experience.

Aurora's time to push now. Those are the words doctor Patricia said but they don't register in my mind. I'm scared like I've never been in my life.

She spreads my legs and one of our maids starts preparing everything. Phoenix looks nervous as hell too.

The doctor instructs him to help hold on of my legs open while he holds my hand with his free one.

The nurse that came in with doctor Patricia holds my other leg and instructs me on how to push.

"Okay so on the next contraction I'm gonna need you to push as hard as you can okay sweetie? It'll be okay you'll see" she says with a huge smile. I want to punch it out of her face.

Torture. It's been pure fucking torture for the last hour. I scream while I push, I feel like my insides are being torn apart. I can't stop sobbing and screaming. Phoenix looks so pale I believe he'll pass out.

"Just one more honey" the doctor says

"You've said that on the last five!" I sob and she just laughs.

I push with all my strength even though my body feels limp and Phoenix has to hold my head up and my back when I push.

"Head's out!" The doctor says and Phoenix's eyes widen as he takes a look. Now he really seems like he'll pass out.

"Told you not to look" I say

"Okay mommy we're almost there, you've got this now push"

I scream again as I feel the shoulders pop out. I feel like I'm burning inside, my vagina seriously feels on fire.

"One more Aurora one more..."

"I can't" I sob into Phoenix's chest "I'm so tired I can't do it anymore" I keep crying

"You can and you will baby just one more push, one more. I know you are tired baby, come on we can do this" he says

I'm pretty sure I'm bursting everyone's eardrums right now but I don't fucking care because it hurts so fucking much.

My limbs tremble as I push harder and harder until...


"He's out!" The nurse says and Phoenix and I look at each other in awe. Nix cuts the cord and his expression turns sad and desperate when the nurse takes him to the table where everything's set up before we can hold him.

I start panicking.

"Why isn't he crying? He should be crying why isn't he?!" I yell panicking. My chest rising and falling as fast as my breathing. Sweat drips down my forehead.

"Give it a second sweetie" doctor Patricia says as she starts stitching me up.

Just then a small cry comes. He then starts crying at a volume I never thought I'd hear from such a tiny little thing.

The nurse comes over with my son wrapped in a light blue blanket. We both smile so wide you'd think our jaws will pop out.

She places my little baby on my chest. He's so tiny and beautiful.

He's a red bundle of warmth, I start crying but for the first time in the long hours of labor it's in joy. I forget all my pain and suffering and just stare at the most precious being in my life.

I look over at Phoenix, he's staring with so much happiness as tears fall down his face too. He kisses my head and sits on the bed beside me.

"You did so good baby, so so good" he tells me

Our son grabs Nix's finger in his tiny hand and his soft cries make me smile. He's so damn cute. I imagined he'd have little to no hair but his head is full with a thin layer of brown hair.

His little head moves all around my chest and I kiss it. I can't believe he's finally here.

I don't want to let him go but I want Phoenix to hold him and I know he's dying to.

"Here" I say as I place our baby into his arms, Phoenix can't take his eyes away from him. We haven't yet told our family what his name will be, it's meaningful to us and to how we met. We'll tell them when they all come meet him.

"Hey little man, you're such a tiny thing. I love you so much" my boy whispers and kisses our son's tiny head.

I had forgotten there was more people in the room until the nurse, Linda tells me she'll guide me through the breastfeeding since it's my first time.

My little boy latches on immediately and it's an amazing feeling. About an hour later doctor Patricia asks if it'd be okay for my brothers and dad to come in now. I immediately nod.

The baby is sleeping in my arms, I managed to braid my hair and clean up a little so I'm not such a mess. Phoenix took a shower and he's now sitting on the bed beside me.

Just then I hear the unmistakable sound of my brothers fighting for who will hold my son first.

I laugh when I hear a few smacks and it doesn't take a genius to guess it was dad shushing them.

The room is big enough so everyone comes in, they settle around on the couches after hugging me and congratulating us, never taking their eyes off the baby in my arms.

Dad comes over first and I'll never forget the look of pure love and adoration as he holds his grandson in his arms. He smiles so widely as tears fall from his face.

"Will you tell us the name now?" Quinn asks excitedly and Phoenix and I look at each other nodding.

"Samuel, his name is Samuel"


I can't describe what I'm feeling right now, I have a nephew. Samuel, he's so damn cute. I kiss his little head as I rock him softly while standing beside Rora.

"You and I are gonna be best friends buddy, we're gonna wreak havoc and drive your mother crazy" I tell him

"Shut up idiot" Rora laughs. Everyone held Sam already, I decided to be last because I'm smart and I'll get to hold him for longer because no one is waiting to go next.

My sister is so damn strong, we all heard her scream for hours and yet here she is pretending not to be tired as fuck so we can all stay for a little longer.

I seriously admire women so much.

I want to rip Phoenix's head off every time he kisses her but I'm glad they have each other. He's my best friend now and I know he deserves to be with Rora as much as she does.

I kiss Sammy's head and mentally fist bump him when I remember how he cried when it was Alessandro's turn to hold him. The look of pure panic that crossed his face is priceless. We even have pictures.

"Alright, everyone out. Mommy needs rest so we can take her and the baby to the hospital first thing in the morning" doctor Patricia kicks us out. I hand my nephew to Nix and hug my sister

"I'm so proud of you sis, I love you" I say and she smiles at me.

I look back right before closing the door and smile at the sight, they're both laughing and cooing over the baby. I'd give anything to see my baby sister this happy forever.

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