Ask Jack Frost

By JackOverlanderFrost

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Ask any question and your favorite guardian, from yours truly, will answer ;). BUT I SHALL ONLY ANSWER TO BEL... More

Ask Jack Frost
Question from WeasleyTwinsRok:
Question from Fangirlfromthenorth
Question from WeaslyTwinsRok:
Question from i-was-in-azkaban
Question from SummersEve:
Question from Auquablue:
Question from SummersEve's Little Sister, Rac :
Question from Iaanwo:
Question from ImHungrey00:
Question from SummersEve:
Question from i-was-in-azkaban:
Question from SummersEve's um Brother? :
Question from SummersEve little brother, Ro :
Question from HunterOfArtemis90
Question from EverlastingExplosion :
Romancely Stuff xD
More Odd Question From My Oddly Amazing Snowflakes
Guess who's back ??!! :D
Questions Answered by your's truly (;
And Then In That Moment, I Discovered tumblr...Oh Dear Lord.

Change of Plans

569 7 10
By JackOverlanderFrost

Asked by Weaslytwinsrok I'm now planning on putting multiple Q & A's in each one of these new ones.

Question From EverlastingExplosion asks: You're from Norse mythology originally and typically a fey too.... So yeah.... How do you feel about that?"

A.) Well I guess this just proves yet again that myself and Loki are related, besides that fact that we both control the same elements and are from the same type of mythology...wait hold one...mythology....myth ? I am no myth thank you very much , i'm as real as the moon and sun -_-".

Question From DancingWithAngels  asks: "Would you date a snowflake? XP I'm sooo weird aren't I? XD"

Would i Date any of my snowflakes?  1.) Because i don't want to hurt you and 2.) I would freeze you from the inside out if we were to get serious..xD

Question from FrozenMagic asks: "I have a question: What would you do if you were Bunnymund, Tooth, Sandman or North for one day? :)"

Hmmm ...

Bunnymund: I would sabotage all of Bunny's Tooth fanboy stuff. Yeah he's obsessed with her but he's good at hiding it. I always wanted to egg someone's house and it so happens Bunny has a whole army of tiny colourful scary !

Tooth: It would weird ta first because i would be a girl, but after i would get over that i would go and retrieve kids teeth and besides leaving them a one coin i would leave them so many coins Mario (from the videogame) would be jealous. It's a videogame nerd joke for all of those who don't get it.

Sandy: I would see if i could talk. I mean I've never EVER heard Sandman as anything .I would play around with the dream sand, Most likely i would end up on the beach putting sand in all of your bathing suit. ITCHY IRRITATING SAND WHAHAHAHAHA !!!

North: I would create Jack Frost action figure (NOT DOLLS) ...I think it would be cool to talk with the yetis.  I would totally drive the sleigh ! Ah that would be so cool !

But being all of them, i could go to hotter places with out Nature (Mother Nature) Kicking me out because she always says this "Snow isn't supposed to be in hot weathered places Jack, you'll have the mortal's mundane science messed up."

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