Heroes of Chaos

By FandomishlyWritten

66.5K 1.2K 563

Piper McLean and Perseus Jackson were betrayed by those closest to them. Then murdered by those same people... More

Heroes of Chaos Part 1
Heroes of Chaos Part 2
Heroes of Chaos Part 3
Heroes of Chaos Part 5
Heroes of Chaos Part 6
Heroes of Chaos Part 7
Heroes of Chaos Part 8
Heroes of Chaos Part 9

Heroes of Chaos Part 4

7.2K 130 15
By FandomishlyWritten

Annabeth’s POV


I locked myself in Percy’s old cabin. I missed him so much. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I thought of my old boyfriend. We had been possesed. Drew had forced the Eidolons out, but nothing could erase the damage they had done. Jason and I had never EVER liked each other that way. It was the Eidolons speaking. Percy was never a tool to me, I wouldn’t have survived Tartarus without my Seaweed Brain. Athena hadn’t spoken to me in the five years they had been gone. I couldn’t go to the beach without Poseidon trying to drown me. Aphrodite had cursed my love life, and I couldn’t find anybody to move on with. I still remembered screaming in the back of my mind as ‘I’ had thrown the sword at my boyfriend, but then again, I screamed a lot these days. When we had gotten back from war, Percy and I had slept together, to ward off the nightmares. Now I couldn’t get a good night’s sleep. I always woke up, drenched in sweat, and terrified. Nobody went on to the beach where it had happened . They were all afraid that it might be cursed. I heard a knock on the door.

“Annabeth, are you okay?” I heard the soft voice of Hazel drift under the door.
“I-I’m fine Hazel, I’ll be out later.”

“Okay, just remember, I’m here for you if you ever want to talk.” I closed my eyes. Hazel was so sweet, but I didn’t want to be around anybody today. It was the fifth anniversary of his death. Murder. And it was all our fault.

Jason had been just as cursed as me, except instead of Athena ignoring him, Jupiter did. Jason had a hard time using his powers, and they drained him more than ever. My cap had ‘accidentally’ been blown into the bonfire awhile back. I hadn’t reacted and nobody had noticed. After everyone had gone to bed, I crept back to see if it had miraculously survived. All I found was a charred scrap. It was gone. Out of the shadows I saw Nico emerge. He didn’t bother to knock, he knew I wouldn’t answer.

“Come on, two new people are here, Chiron wants you to meet them.” He didn’t look me in the eyes. He’s still pissed that I killed Percy, and that Jason killed Piper. I’m still pissed too.

“No, I’m not going.” He shrugged and pushed me into the shadows. We emerged by Thalia’s tree. I turned around to slap him, but he was already walking away. I swore and ran after him. I was about to catch him when he stopped and turned. He was facing the new people. They were one male and one female. The male was about half a foot taller. They both had long glossy black wings that rested on their backs. The woman’s were curved, but then fanned out. The man on the other hand had wings that were curved, like you would expect an angel’s to be. The tips looked as sharp as knives. Besides the wings, they wore hoods that covered their heads. It wasn’t so creepy that you just looked at an empty black space where there face should be, the hoods were just long enough to drape so that you couldn’t see the face. But that wasn’t the only thing that was different about them. The aura of power that surrounded them was powerful. It was ten thousand times more powerful than Tartarus, or even Gaea. It was like looking at the world. I could feel instinctively that if they so desired, they could snap their fingers and I would be dead. The man spoke and I took a step back,

“Hello, Annabeth.” His voice wasn’t the deep resonance I expected. In fact it sounded the same as a teenage boy’s would. Still, what startled me was the sound of pure hatred that laced his words. Jason ran up to see who the newcomers were. He was the might of the camp, like Percy had been. The woman looked up as he approached.

“You are not welcome here Jason Grace.” Her voice was just as venomous, if not more so. Jason stumbled back and his face made him look like somebody had just hit him with a sledge hammer. I could tell why, her voice almost reminded me of Pipers. I got a crazy idea and because of it took an eager step forward. It was a mistake. The tension increased dramatically, even I could feel it. The air pulsed with hatred and I could tell I was about two inches from death.

“Mind those who are more powerful than you daughter of Athena.” The man said. I automatically went back to my previous stance.

“I’m sorry, its just, in your travels, have you ever come upon one named Percy Jackson, or Piper McLean?” They both chuckled throatily.

“Why yes we have,” the woman said, dangerously sweet. “You know what they told us?” The man finished for her,

“They told us that they had been betrayed. They also mentioned a certain child of Athena. AND a child of Jupiter. What a coincidence!” The man faked surprise. “And they also said, that they would NEVER forgive those who had turned against them.” And with his cruel words echoing in my head. They walked away.

A/N: Hey! So I had time and I wrote up another part. Hopefully these last few chapters are a bit longer. I hope you guys are liking the story!

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