A Little Bit Yours • Park Jim...

By bts_writtenforyou

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Y/n's daily routine was simple - eat, go to school, eat, go to work, sleep, repeat. But what happens when Par... More

Chapter 1: Welcome to Tequila Mockingbird
Chapter 2: Denied Courtesy
Chapter 3: Peachy Keen
Chapter 4: Sick & Tired
Chapter 5: Game On
Chapter 6: Suck it, Jimin
Chapter 8: The Dark Side of the Moon
Chapter 9: No Distractions
Chapter 10: Rock, Meet Bottom
Chapter 11: The End of Hell Week
Chapter 12: Same Diner, Different Thoughts
Chapter 13: Phone Numbers & Kisses on the Cheek
Chapter 14: One Cream, One Sugar
Chapter 15: Big Mistake
Chapter 16: Not a First Date
Chapter 17: No Other Option
Chapter 18: Last Minute Cancellation
Chapter 19: No Rush

Chapter 7: Cool Air & a Bottle of Vodka

226 14 1
By bts_writtenforyou

You left the restaurant in good spirits and you couldn't wait to unwind a bit at this party. Things had been pretty stressful recently - with Jimin being a dink and school being chaotic, and you were really glad that you didn't turn down the invitation.

You knew Jimin would be at the party, but you decided to avoid him like the plague in order to avoid any stress or headaches that he was sure to cause. Besides, he'd probably have his hands full with the server he was flirting with this evening, so you might not even have to worry about it.

Before getting home, you decided to swing by the liquor store and grab the essentials - a 24 case of beer (for the inevitable beer pong tournament), and a 2-6 of vodka for shots. Looking at your haul, you already knew it was going to be a good night.

One of the servers who lived pretty close to you offered to give you a ride, and you were grateful - at least you wouldn't have to spend $30 on an Uber. She already decided that she wasn't going to be drinking much (if at all) because she was working the opening shift the next day, and she also had a ton of homework to finish and she didn't need to be hungover.

You immediately kicked off your shoes the moment you walked through the door of your apartment. The heels you wear to work were fairly comfortable - but only in short amounts and not after being on your feet and constantly walking around for 5 hours. You walked to the kitchen and dropped the bags of liquor on the counter as you checked your phone and saw a text message from your ride.

She had said that she just got home but desperately needed a shower due to the fact that someone had bumped into her and knocked an entire tray of alcohol all over her front. You completely sympathized with her (because you'd be lying if you had said that you never experienced that), so you told her to take her time. You glanced at the time and it was about 9:30 - realistically, people probably wouldn't start showing up to the host's apartment until close to 11 so you had at least a bit of time to get ready.

Your clothes reeked of liquor and stale food (mega gross) so you decided to change immediately. You threw on some jeans (honestly, you were stoked to wear something other than leggings or a skirt to be honest) and a plain white tee. It was nothing fancy by any means, but it still helped you feel like a new person. You touched up your makeup, and doused your hair in dry shampoo (to offset the smell of the restaurant), and you were ready to rock and roll.

Once your friend texted you that they were there, you grabbed the goods (liquor, wallet, phone, etc.) and peaced the heck out of the apartment.

Neither you or the other server had eaten anything yet so you decided to swing by McDonalds because you had learned from experience to never drink on an empty stomach (you'll never be able to drink rum again). You also (to the complete distaste of the poor McDonalds employees) ordered about 25 McDoubles to take to the party. You both smiled sheepishly at the cashier and ate your food as they prepared your obscene amount of burgers.

You got to the hosting server's apartment right when another group showed up at close to 11. It was a pretty swanky place located in the heart of downtown. He paid a disgusting amount of money for rent every month, but you could completely understand why. The view of the city from the balcony alone made the rent worth it.

You got to his front door and you could the music and the voices of the people who arrived before you and it was completely getting you hyped. You just wanted to go in, get drunk, eat some food and forget everything that was ever causing you any stress.

When the door opened, you were welcomed by the smell of cigarettes (almost everyone in the industry smoked - it was disgusting) and you saw a couple of the servers who arrived before you getting a start on drinking. The group that you came up with greeted everyone and you all started setting everything down on tables and getting organized for the night ahead.

When you glanced around the room, your eyes fell to Jimin who was sitting on the couch, arm already around the server from earlier. You rolled your eyes, but it was fine - you were expecting this and considering that Jimin was one of the main reasons of you being so stressed recently, you knew that ignoring him was the best thing you could do right now to truly enjoy your night.

You grabbed a can of beer and popped it open and grabbed the bottle of vodka. You opened it and poured the vodka into your open beer - you've found that this is one of the fastest ways to get a buzz started. You took a huge sip when someone suggested a beer pong tournament, and it was on.

After a couple of rounds of beer pong, and Kings cup, you were certifiably hammered and you felt great. The room wasn't spinning and you didn't feel nauseous and everything was about 10 times more fun than it normally was, so you were in a great place.

You had just won beer pong (again) and decided to take a break to eat some burgers. Honestly, you'd been thinking about them for a solid 40 minutes and have tried to find the best time to get one. You walked to the kitchen, grabbed a burger and a beer, and sat on the counter. The kitchen was adjacent to a hallway that led directly to the master room, and the bathroom.

You were swaying back and forth to the beat of the music that was playing when you heard what seemed to be people arguing from the hallway. You were hella confused because this party is so fun so why were people not having fun? Unacceptable, truly.

Because you were drunk (and frankly, nosy as heck), you pushed yourself off the counter and walked closer to the hallway just to hear a bit of the conversation.

"Tell me honestly Jimin, what's going on between you two?" You almost groaned because why the heck is it always Jimin. Couldn't you be nosy for once and not be eavesdropping on a conversation that revolved around Jimin?

"You're overreacting. There is nothing going on between us." Jimin sounded annoyed (good) but like, who were they talking about?

"If there's nothing going on, then why do you keep staring at her?" "Interesting, it sounds like the girl they're talking about is here." You heard Jimin scoff.

"Oh come on, I am not staring at her." Now, it was her turn to scoff and you were so intrigued.

"Please. You haven't been able to keep your eyes off of her since she showed up." After hearing that, you had to turn around and walk away for two reasons.

One, because you were wanting another McDouble, and two, you were already too curious about what was going on but you didn't want to give it away that you had been eavesdropping. That would be bad, especially because you wouldn't be able to even formulate a response if questioned.


The downside of drinking in an apartment is it gets really warm - fast. You started to feel hot and sweaty soon after and no one was on the patio so you decided to sit down and get some fresh air and cool off a bit. You decided to grab the bottle of vodka outside with you to ensure the buzz stayed a bit longer.

You took a deep breath as soon as you got outside and enjoyed the cool air. You pulled one of the patio chairs close to the railing and sat down. The lights from the city were twinkling and even though you heard car horns blaring and the occasional siren from police cars or ambulances, you were completely at ease. You took a swig of vodka and just appreciated where you were at that moment.

Your moment of peace and quiet was rudely disturbed though by the patio door opening and closing. You turned your head to see who dared disturbed you and were surprised to see Jimin pulling up a patio chair beside you. He was wearing a pair of black jeans with a vintage Pink Floyd concert shirt with a leather jacket over top.

You may have hated him, but all your drunk mind could focus on was how handsome he was and that pissed you off eternally.

Jimin sat down and leaned back on the chair and didn't even spare you a glance yet. His eyes were unfocused and he had a slight blush on his cheeks so you knew he was drunk too. But, was he really drunk enough to sit beside you and not be a complete dick?

"What are you doing out here?" You couldn't help but ask. You took a swig of vodka and realize that you just broke your oath to yourself to not talk to him at all tonight. Dammit.

"Why? Do you own the balcony?" His voice was a bit snippy and that was it. You were done trying to be nice.

"Good night Jimin." You said as you stood up, but before you could go anywhere, Jimin's hand shot out and grabbed your wrist, keeping you in place.

"Shit, I'm sorry Y/n. I'm just frustrated right now. Please don't leave." You don't know what made you sit back down. Maybe it was the tone in his voice or even that you were too drunk to actually want to go back inside. Either way, you decided that you would entertain Jimin a bit longer.

"Why are you frustrated?" Your voice was quiet, and you took a swig of vodka and held the bottle out for Jimin to take. He obliged and took a massive swig from the bottle.

He shrugged his shoulders and said, "Girl problems is all." You nodded because what else were you gonna say? 'Yeah, I know. I heard your argument earlier'? As if. You'd sooner choose death.

Jimin stretched out and you don't know how it happened but suddenly his arm was around you and you weren't moving it and neither was he. You were blaming your lack of movement on the fact that you were drunk, but Jimin literally was talking shit about you earlier today so what was his excuse?

You didn't really know what to say because all you could focus on was 'his arm is around me what the fuck do I do,' but luckily, Jimin cleared his throat and broke the silence.

"What does it mean when you can't stop thinking about someone?" He asked and took another swig of vodka. He passed the bottle to you and you drank a hefty amount from it because something was telling you, you were going to need it.

"I don't know. I guess it means either you like the person or you hate them." He laughed loudly as if he was so entertained by what you just said and you were confused. Like, you weren't even trying to be funny there, did you miss something?

"You think about someone when you hate them?" "Well, obviously. I can't seem to stop thinking about you." You thought, but you couldn't say that because Jimin is arrogant, and would 100% take it the wrong way.

"Yeah, lots actually." You opted in saying instead, trying to avoid admitting anything that would make you look like you thought about Jimin in any other way other than total disdain.

"Well, I definitely don't hate this person so I guess I might like them." Okay, cool but why is he telling you this?

"Well, I congratulate you on discovering your true feelings then. I drink to you, sir." You responded by lifting the bottle in mock cheers, and drank from it again. You pouted when you realized the bottle was less and less full (obviously) and you didn't want to get up to get something else to drink. Jimin seemed to notice the pout on your face and chuckled lightly before reaching into the pocket of his jacket and removing a mickey of tequila.

You gaped at him in shock before hitting in on the chest. He groaned in pain and the arm that wasn't around you went to massage the impact point.

"What the fuck was that for?" He seemed a little surprised that you actually hit him but really, you've been looking for a reason to hit him for the last few weeks so was it really that hard to believe?

"You had a mickey the entire time and you've just decided to hold out on me and drink all my vodka?" Man, you absolutely hated this guy.

"I was going to share with you! Jeez, can you not jump to conclusions so damn fast?" He still sounded to be in slight shock but you could tell from his voice that he wasn't actually mad at you. "You drive me absolutely crazy."

"Well, wouldja look at that?" You responded. "Looks like we have something in com-"

Your sentence was cut short when you felt a soft kiss being pressed to your forehead and just like that, you were warm all over again.

Jimin subtly pulled away and you didn't like the look he was giving you right now. His eyes were soft and his cheeks were a bit more red than they were before and all you could of was:

"What the actual fuck just happened?"

You looked like a fish and you knew it. Your eyes were wide and your mouth kept opening and closing by itself because at this moment, you were effectively braindead. All you knew is Jimin was looking at you like he wanted to kiss you, for real this time and you were just sitting still. Why were you sitting still?

"Why did he kiss me? Why am I not slapping him? What is wrong with me?" You had a billion questions running through your head and all you could focus on was how hard your heart was pounding. "Was it always doing that?" God, you're way too drunk for this.

You watched Jimin bite his lower lip while he smiled, and suddenly the trance was broken.

Why the heck was he kissing your forehead when he was literally making you look desperate to another server not 8 hours ago and now he's looking at you like you hung the moon? He needed to stop and take some time to figure out what the heck he wanted.

Perfect timing, your DD popped her head outside and told you she was going to be heading home and was wondering if you needed a ride back. You eagerly agreed and stood up, needing to get out of this space right now, needing to get away from Jimin.

He looked hurt but you couldn't give two shits because your head was spinning and you were so confused.

What is this dude's actual problem?

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