Say you won't let go [BOOK 1]

By GAY_H03

13.7K 349 359

Catra and Adora meet for the first time as roommates, but they start to catch feelings. Somethings get in the... More

Adora's intro
Catra's intro
The Party
The Beach (slight nsfw)
Just Friends? (nsfw)
You win..
I missed you..
Visit #3
Im not the only one.
The Escape
The Kiss
I never hated you
The Festival
Glimmer's Problem
Its a lie
Im sorry


613 16 11
By GAY_H03

Hey guys here's another chap for u.

After a few moments I heard an alarm go off.

"What's that?" I asked looking down at Catra.

"Oh, I made that so we could get ready for the dinner." She didn't move her head to look up at me.

I hugged her tight and got up.

"Well let's go we don't want to be late."

"Yeah." She got up and went to her room.

I walked to my room and got dressed. I looked in the mirror and then got out and saw Adora.

"Let's go." We both walked out of the dorm and headed off campus and started walking.

When we got to the restaurant we walked inside and found Crop top and Sparkles at a booth table in the corner of the restaurant so we walked over and sat down.

"Hey guys!" Crop top greeted us.

"Hey, thanks for inviting us here, it's really nice." Adora looked around.

We ordered our food and talked for awhile. When the food came we started eating.

"So did you guys do anything fun recently?" Bow asked eating some rice.

"Yeah, we went to the beach yesterday." I looked at Adora.

"Oh really, that's fun do you guys wanna share some details?" Glimmer asked giving me and Adora the 'look'.

"I mean nothing really happened, we just got there, ate our sandwiches and watched the sunset." I said looking at my food.

"Yeah." Adora said.

"Ok..." Glimmer said in a disappointed tone.

When we finished eating Bow insisted on paying the check. The four of us got up and walked out of the restaurant, we all walked back to campus and talked. When we got to back to campus we parted ways and me and Adora went upstairs and back to our dorm. I closed the door and locked it. I walked up to Adora and got some water.

"That was fun." Adora said from behind me.

"Yeah." I took a sip and looked at her with a small grin.

"What?" She looked at me.

"Oh nothing." I took another sip and looked away.

"Hey I'm gonna go change into something more comfortable." I walked in my room.

I changed into some black shorts and a grey and blue hoodie. I walked out of my room and jumped on the couch and put on the Steve Wilkos show.

After a while Adora came out of her room and sat next to me. She was wearing a white and yellow sweater with black sweats. She put her head on my shoulder. And we watched a few episodes.

After a few episodes past I was a little tired so I turned off the TV.

"It's getting late we should probably go to bed, plus I'm kinda tired." I said

"Ok." We got up from the couch and since Adora looked really tired I carried her bridal style to her bed. I put the blanket on her and started walking away. I felt a tug on the back of my hoodie, so I turned around.

"Stay.....please..." She said quietly.

"O-Ok." I got in the bed and layed down next to her. She shuffled closer to me and I kissed her forehead. Then I fell asleep.


I woke up to the bright sunshine beaming on my face I sat up and closed the curtain then went looked next to me and didn't see Catra. I got up and saw her in the kitchen making breakfast sandwiches. I walked over to her and looked at the food it looked amazing.

"I thought you said you couldn't cook." I smiled at her.

"Well I can make easy things like this." She pointed to the food.

"Oh ok." I said still looking at her. "Oh I forgot I have Spanish today."

"Oh really, can you say something in Spanish." She said.

"Oh um I don't really pay attention in that class." I looked away.

"Oh well that's to bad, I guess I can say stuff in Spanish and you won't know what I'm saying." She put the food on the table and we ate.

After we ate I quickly put my dish in the sink and headed out for my class. "Bye!"

I got to Spanish and sat down. The class was long but I payed attention to class and learned a lot in just one class. When the teacher dismissed us I walked back up to the dorm with a smile. I got to the dorm and unlocked it. I got in and closed the door behind me. I looked around for Catra but didn't see her.

"Catra! I'm back!" I yelled, still no response. I went to my room and practiced Spanish waiting for Catra to come back to the dorm.


After Adora left the dorm I decided I was going to go sign up for the soccer team hopefully It's not to late in the semester to change to soccer I thought running down the stairs and to the field. I got to the field and saw a girl playing soccer with a blonde guy, I walked up to them.


"Hi, my names Kyle!" The blonde boy walked up to me.

"Oh, hey my names Lonnie." The girl said.

"Hey, The names Catra. Do you know where the soccer coach is?" I asked.

"Oh yeah she probably in her office, just go to the lockers, there's a hall just walk all the way to the end and you'll see her." The girl smiled.

"Ok, thanks guys!" I ran to the lockers and to her office. I knocked on the door and heard a muffled "come in" I walked inside and saw a girl with white and kinda blue hair.

"Hey what do you need?" She didn't look up from the paper work that she was doing.

"Hi, I was just wondering if I could join there soccer team." I closed the door slightly.

She looked up from her work and looked at me. Then a smile formed on her face. "Sure just meet me outside after school and we'll see how well you play and what positions we have."

"Ok thanks, see you after school." I walked out of the office and closed the door. I started walking back inside the school and upstairs to our dorm.

Hey guys, I'm going to end it here because there might be something going on in the next chap. Sorry for taking a while to update, I was actually questioning if I should continue or just give up on this story because I feel like it is kinda rushed.

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