š‹šØš¬š­ š’šØš®š„š¬ M.R.

By alittlefreak101

975K 16.6K 30.7K

If he was the darkness and she was the light.. why was she the one to destroy everyone including the light ? ... More

Author's Note
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š‘¬š’‘š’Šš’š’š’ˆš’–š’† || part 1
One Last Acknowledgement
š‘¬š’‘š’Šš’š’š’ˆš’–š’† || part 2
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12.7K 223 554
By alittlefreak101

,,Warm embraces never felt so cold." - A

Mattheo's POV

Draco Malfoy is dead.

He died by the hands of his own flesh and blood.

When Dolohov entered the room I hit him with a spell as fast as I could but I would've never thought that when I turn back, I'd see Bellatrix Lestrange, Malfoy's own aunt, hit him with the killing curse. 

There was no way out of this. I couldn't do anything as I watched his body hit the cold marble floor with a loud thud. A silence spread through the room before it was broken by a dreadful gasp. My eyes snapped up as I met hers. 

Bellatrix just stared; watched the dead body of his own nephew. It was like her brain hasn't quite yet realized what she has done just moments ago. She looked like a statue, the only movement her unsteady breaths and the shaky grip around her wand.

I had to act fast, no way I would let this get inbetween my plans. I gripped my wand tight and pointed it at Bellatrix, but before I could do anything , she was already on the ground. I furrowed my brows and watched her body until small dark smoky shadows seeped out of her body and crawled back to their owner.

Our eyes met again and now there was no one to interrupt us. No one to stop me from taking her away from here and leaving as far as possible. At least I could do one good thing in my life.

Everything in my body told me to move towards her, grab her hand and get the hell out before it's too late. Yet the way she looked at me- stared at me so numb and impassive- it made my brain react before my body could. 

And so we stood there- staring.  Like in the end we both realized no matter how much we tried, there was never going to be a future. 

Not with each other.

Her eyes told more than her own words could, and I watched as she moved forward with each step.  Watched as her features stayed the same. Unbothered. Cold-blooded.

There was no getting her out- she didn't want an out. But I wouldn't give up, not yet.

,,We have to go." I demanded , breaking the tension that surrounded us. She stopped in front of me, tilting her head up to gaze into my eyes. There was so much her eyes told that she couldn't. So much anger, so much pain. 

We were made for each other. Even if I was the one to push her towards my own faith. Dragged her into my own darkness and let her be taken from me by her own. Even then, we were still made for one another.

,,I'm not coming."  She whispered in that soft tone of hers. There was no doubt in her words, no spark of regret. 

,,What are you talking about? I'm getting you out of here."

,,I don't want to leave. I made my choice Mattheo." She responded moving her hand to my left cheek.

,,What the hell do you mean you made your choice?" I raised my voice and grabbed her hand, pushing her away from me. ,,You want to stay here and be used? Die for nothing?"

,,I'm not dying for nothing Mattheo- I'm not dying at all. Voldemort made a promise." I couldn't believe her words as she raised her voice at me, all the softness gone.

,,You believe him? You fucking believe him? Are you brainwashed or something!?" I yelled in frustration. There was no time to chat I had to get her out of here. She can't stay here. Her eyes narrowed and her fists clenched.

,,Yes I believe him. He wants me- needs me to win this war. And I will , I'm going to show everyone  what I'm capable  of and you can't stop me."

,,Yes I can- I am stopping you." I countered back. 

,,Why can't you leave me alone? You've done what you had to do- get me on his side, on YOUR side Mattheo- the one you chose to abandone. Why would you care?"

I didn't even try to fight with her anymore but instead I grabbed her arm and pulled her to the door with all my strength. She trashed around yelling at me to leave her alone- 

,,Stop fighting me Nott!"

,,No! Let go- Let me go!" She yelled again. Footsteps could be heard coming down the hall. There was no time left- we had to get out.

,,Mattheo please. Please let me go."

,,I can't do that." I replied, carrying her trashing body out the door and as fast as I could down the hall towards the grand doors. The set of footsteps got louder- coming right after us. We could make it, the doors were right there- almost there. 

It was only a couple of feet away- we are almost out. I looked back to see that the footsteps were aproaching us, a group of death eaters. I couldn't risk fighting them and losing more time. I turned around and started walking faster when the grand doors flew open- more than a handful of death eaters standing  in front of us.

A feeling of panic and dreath cluched at my chest as I held on her hand as tight as I could and turned towards her desperatly. There has to be another way- the stairs could lead to a different way out. I could feel my pulse raising with every wasted second. 

I grabbed her again and went for the stairs-  the Death Eaters on our tail, fiering hexes left and right. I went into the first unlocked door and pushed both of us inside- using multiple spells to lock the door. 

I turned back to her and looked around the room, searching for anything that could help us get out. I couldn't aparate out of here- not without Malfoy. Male voices could be heard down the hall- there was no time.

I turned angrily back to her and smashed my hand against the wardrobe next to me- punching a hole through the wood. Blood trippled down my knuckles as I tried to get my brain to come up with something.


I shot my head back to her as she opened her mouth to speak again ,,You have to get out of here."

,,I'm not leaving without you." I refuse to leave her.

,,Yes you are! You have to leave before they kill you. Voldemort disowned you, there's a matter of time until they barge in and hex you."

,,They won't kill me , I know my own father, he wants to be the one to kill me."

,,Where's the difference ? You'll get captured and then it's over, you'll die anyway!"

,,Like I said I'm not fucking going."

,,Why? Why do you have to be so fucking stubborn. I don't want to leave, I can't leave! This is where I belong!" She shouted in frustration. 

,,You know that's not true, that was never true. You're fucking better than this." I shouted back. She threw her arms up desperate before tucking one of her hands into her back pocket and pulling a napking out wrapped around something.

,,What the hell is that?" I asked stepping forward.

,,It's  a portkey." It felt like I could finally breath again-  there is a way out.

,;Yes we need to get out-" I started, walking towards her. She stepped back, holding the napking behind her back. ,,I'm not leaving, you are."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, this is pointless. Banging could be heard as they all tried to get in.

,,Mattheo please! Why do you care so much about getting me out, it's pointless."

,,It's not pointless."

,,Then why do you care?!" She raised her voice again, every ounce of patience she had left was gone.

,,Because I do!" I yelled back and tried to get the portkey from behind her back. The banging at the door was more loudly now.  More clearly.





The words left my mouth before I could take it back- rethink my answer and come up with one that didn't make me look like a fool. Couldn't be used against me. She let her hand fall down as she stared at me with wide open eyes. Her mouth dropped ever so slightly as she looked at me for any sort of regret.

,, Fuck that's not what I-" I started but failed to finish as she threw her arms around me and smashed her lips with mine. She kissed me so desperatly. 

I kissed her back, my hands around her waist. Voices could be heard and then silence. We pulled away and stared at the door. Suddendly a loud explosion happened- the guards were too strong for them to take down so they blew up the wall instead. 

Both of us hit the ground- her on top of me. She pulled away groaning- before I could react, she sat up and grabbed my hand. I was too weak from the inpact to do anything against it.

, I'm sorry." She mumbled quickly as she opened my hand and let the item wrapped in the napking- a spoon- fall into my hand. 

All I saw before everything twisted and started spinning , was her body being dragged up by the Death Eaters behind her. 

When everything stopped spinning, I stood up and looked around. I was in her old dorm- the room she used to sleep in before she.. she moved in the Malfoy Manor.

It took seconds before the confusion and disorientation was drowned by the anger and irritation took over. I felt betrayed in every way possible. She is mine- she should have come with me not there. The grabbed her like she was nothing. Like she meant nothing.

I'm not fucking giving up now, if I have to I'll wait until the opportunity comes and I can grab her and leave- Leave before anyone gets hurt.


March 3rd 1998


Seven failed attemts on getting her back. 

Not once was I even close to getting her out. But at least I could take out some filthy Death Eaters instead. 

Years ago, on a mission, I met a witch named Allora. I was supposed to kill every last one of her family members. The Carrows were with me. When we entered the house, they striked down the parents and older sister while I was looking for her. 

She hid in a closet upstairs and was holding  a younger child in her arms- her brother . I should have killed her on the spot but I realized that she could be so much more helpful than I thought she would be. If I saved her, she could help me in the future.

And so I did.

It was the first and last life I spared.

When I needed her she helped me- thanked me for sparing her and her brother's life. She helped me track down Y/N's and find out when she leaves the Manor. From what I knew, she would go on missions alone but now- most likely after my visit- she would always be accompanied  by death eaters.

It was difficult, trying not to get hit and also getting to her. But I never did, she was always gone before I could reach her.  

I stay in her dorm because it's the safest place I can be. They are tracking me too since Voldemort found out I'm attempting on taking away his weapon.

There should be a new mission soon. It's been too long- three whole weeks and still nothing. I was walking through the Hogwarts Halls , disguised as a student here.

The polyjuice I made wasn't gonna last long, I had to get back.

I turned around a hall and was met by a small group of people including the new headmistress and the weird potion professor. Five other students were standing next to them, two I couldn't recognize.

The other three somehow, It wasn't hard to recognize them as Harry Potter and his little gryffindor group. It was a surprise, seeing them as everyone thought they were still on the run.

That's what I could pick up from other death eaters. But they're back so that can only mean one thing. Something big is going to happen. Voldemort is going to strike.

And if he's coming here, so is she.

The professors walked towards me in a rush while I stood there slightly panicked. Did the polyjuice come off?

,,Mr Pavinsal you cannot be here, you have to go to your common room and stay put." Mcgonagall said in a fast tone.  She looked over at the potion professor and whispered ,,It's time. The war is really happening here at Hogwarts."

He nodded and took off. After 'I'm on my way right now Headmistress" she finally took off too. I stood there and watched as the group of gryffindors ran to the opposite side.

A loud crash came from outside the castle followed by many more. Screams and yells could be heard in a matter of minutes. Students started running from hall to hall.

It was really happening- the battle was happening and I had to find Y/N.

When did I become so fucking stupid and reckless. This was never me. She did this to me.

I ran as fast as I could , dodging hexes from every goddamn side and trying to stay the hell alive. The death eaters came in and they were not mercyfull. I threw as many spells as I could, taking down more death eaters than I could count. Saving too many lifes for my own liking.

The courtyard was even worse. The place looked like it was burning down. Everywhere wizards and witches fighting against the death eaters. There were giants, throwing rocks at people.  Enchanted armour hitting death eaters left and right.

It was all chaos among us. But where the hell was she?

And then I saw her, she had her hands high up, shadows surrounding them. She forcefully pushed her hands forward and the two centaurs that stood in her way screamed in agony before falling limp in the grasp of her shadows. 

Spells were being shot her way but they all fired back instead of hitting her. She looked like a killing machine in action. No mercy , no regret, no going back. Unhuman.

She turned to someone on her left. I followed her gaze and saw none other than Bellatrix Lestrange. Alive and well. Not for long..

Stundents ran past me, spells shot past me, death eaters came across me but nothing could hold me back from edging closer to her. I had to get her.

,,Well well." A familiar voice spoke. I turned around and was met by Dolohov, the man I hexed in the Manor that night.

He looked like shit ,,Dolohov." I spoke

He held his wand pointed at me while talking ,,I never thought I'd meet such a familiar face."

,,Can't say the same, I expected you to be here following my father like a dog on a leash." We cyrcled each other, eyes focused. I was not going down.

,,I was anticipating the moment the Dark Lord realized what a weak son he has."

,,And somehow you still manage to piss him off more than I do." I countered back pointing at his leg. He had a limp, and if I didn't know him all these years I would've thought it was from the battle. But from seeing him at Y/N's missions, it was clear to me that he has been tortured.

You learn to know the effect a person has after being tortured. His, are his leg .

,,You stupid child." He hissed before firing a spell at me. I blocked it and did the same to him.

In the corner of my eye, I could see her using her magic to break a magic shield and destroy the enchanted statues. Besides her, Bellatrix cackling.

Where could father be..

Spell after spell was fired but he still stood strong, so did I. I needed to take advantage of his limp. I shot a accid curse towards him which caught him off guard. The thanks goes to you Allora. He jumped away in fear and landed on the floor.

I shot a dark spell at him, a black snake crawing towards him and wrapping around him. He held his hand tight but I kicked it away, watching as his face grew into one of horror.

,,It's over for you Dolohov." I announced with a smirk. He started coughing, trying to breath.

,,I'll see you in hell." I whispered before hitting him with the accid curse again. His ribcage was descomposing and he was wailing in pain, screaming and weeping. I looked back up to search for her again, Dolohov's screaming caught her attention . 

She stared at him with a fainth smirk before her gaze slowly locked with mine.



He stood there, next to Dolohov- blood covered his shirt and dirt was on his face. He looked the same way he did a all this time ago. His hair grew out the tiniest bit, letting it curl behind his ear. 

It felt so right to see him again, like everything didn't matter anymore. He was there- for me. The moment he confessed I knew I felt the same. For a long time.

Nails dug into my skin and I whimpered in pain ,,I didn't teach you how to occlude for nothing." Bellatrix hissed, her breath faning my cheek.

She was right, I had a task on hand. 

I turned around and made my way towards helpless death eaters, fighting as many people that stood in my way as I could.

A low whisper filled my mind. It grew louder and louder.


I tried blocking him out, it was messing with my magic. I fell to my knees with a groan.

...Give me Harry Potter....you will be rewarded....

Everything was a blur after that. I knew someone dragged me up and then we apparated. I felt sick- turned around and vomited in one of the bushes.


The Forbidden Forest.

I looked around and saw all the remaining death eaters here including Voldemort. They stood there patiently. In the corner, I could see a big person- Hagrid. Poor Hagrid..

Muffling voices could be heard before I saw dark again. It was like I was there- but I wasn't.

You're not letting us fully in. You have to let us in

No there is no way I would risk them taking control again. It's too much. 

,,Avada Kedavra!"

I looked up, vision blurry and saw a body fall to the floor.  Harry- Harry is- I stepped forward just to get a curious gaze from Bellatrix.  What am I doing?

Let us in 


We were walking again.. I don't remember how. There are people in front of us, standing there. The students. On my left , Harry is being carried by Hagrid. Harry is dead..

Where is Mattheo..

Voldemort is speaking again. Screams- I can hear them scream. Terrified of Harry's death.

,,Harry Potter is dead and you've lost!" Death eaters cheering..

We won- It's over we won.

I looked through the crowd and saw him. He stood there- walking towards me.

No no what are you doing Mattheo

Let us in


,,Well well. Who do we have here.." 

I watched as Voldemort cautious steps towards him. No Mattheo go away- run..

,,My own son decided to show up , on the wrong side."

,,I'm not on the wrong side , you are." He spoke , glaring at his father with the same disgust and anger.

,,Poeple of Hogwarts, I shall show you what happens when you chose the wrong side."

,,No-" I spoke ,,NO!"

,,Avada Kedavra!" they both shouted together.

The spells were trying to fight each other but Voldemort was too strong.  I watched as the spell hit him square in the chest. A scream ripped itself from my chest as I ran across the courtyard and fell to the ground next to him. I grabbed his body and burried my face in the crook of his neck , sobs escaping me.

This couldn't happen

Let us in

This shouldn't have happened

Let us in , do it

He should be with me- 

,,I never got to say it back." I whispered to no one ,, I love you and I never got to say it back." 

I couldn't stop sobbing.. everything  was too much.  The world was crushing me. The love of my life was gone- we were meant to be together. I love him he can't be gone I can't let him be gone.

I looked up at Voldemort who only stared at me expectently.

Let us in

He's dead.. he's dead. I could feel the way I stopped holding them back from coming in. I felt as they came in .. took over.

He's dead


He's never coming back


You're the reason he's dead

,,NO!" I yelled , a shattering scream leaving my body. I could feel all my power emerging. Growing together and building up. 

More and more.. it felt like I would explode.. 

It was like a wave of cold wind came from everywhere, the ground shaking like an earth quake. Then , all at once the building felt as if  it blew up.  An then there was silence. Pure silence. I looked up, eyes blood shut with tears. 

No one was there- everyone was gone. Did they all leave? There are still things on the ground. Piles.. many small piles. My hands felt cold.. I looked down and realiyed Mattheo was gone too.

I stood up confused and hurt. What happened where is everyone? Did I do something? The piles on the floor.. I took a closer look and realized they are clothes. But.. where is everyone else?

A small flash of black caught my attention. Something on the grounds next to a pile of clothing. I walked towards it , tears still streaming down my face.

I gasped at the item in front of me. With shaky hands , I picked it up. A small little grey stone.

No , not any stone.. the resurrection stone.


Hii dear friends, here we are back again. What do we think happens next? Don't forget 4 chapters left :)

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