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,,I'll give you war." - A


18 August 

-,,What are we, Enzo?" I ask.

,,What do you want us to be?" He questions. I turn around propping my head on my hand and staring at the boy that  lays in front of me. ,,I just want us to be happy." I reply laying my head on his chest. ,,Me too Sweetheart,  me too."-

I come back to reality my eyes focusing back on my surroundings.  I turn back around to see the trio still talking to the teacher and luckily I didn't have some type of long term flashback or something . I slowly walk over to the last empty sit on the Slytherin side when something a couple of feet  from me catches my sight. I look over to my right to find Jacob pushing Daphne away and whispering something to her. I look at her confused when she smiles at me and walks over to Malfoy's seat. Leaving my only option to sit next to Jacob.

I smile at him while sitting down and getting my books out. The golden trio also find a place to sit and we wait for class to start.

,,There will be no wand fooling in my class. I do not tolerate such behavior." Professor Snape starts. ,,I've  assigned sits and your partner for the rest of the semester." He adds earning groans and complainings from  the students. 

A list appears on the board and I eagerly wait for my name to pop up. Jacob Nawaro... Vincent Crabbe..Pansy Parkinson...Daphne Greengrass. Finally my name pops up . Y/N Nott...Draco Malfoy.. My eyes grow wide and I groan. WHAT THE HELL MERLIN.

I stand up and walk to the back of the class. Malfoy smirking at me. Fuck you . Fuck you. Fuck you. I throw my bag on the table earning a disapproving look from Snape. Oh go wash your hair. He raises an eyebrow at me. Did he just? Did I just? I'm going insane.

Jacob looks over  to me, giving me an apologetic look. I get my books out and slump in my seat. I hate my life.

Snape  starts talking about some stupid defending spells that I've already read about but my focus is on the boy next to me. Or more exactly, his hands that are playing with his rings. The exact same hands  that were around my throat.  Inside of me. Pleasuring me. I shift uncomfortably in my seat and try to focus back on what Snape is saying.

What he did to me. I've never felt- my thoughts get interrupted by Snape's snail like voice "Miss Nott, what spell do you use to knock a person out?" He asks sharply, taking his time with every- single- wooord-. I look up at him before my mind searches the answer. ,,Stunning spell." I reply shortly , mentally patting my back.

,,Correct,  why don't you show us how the spell is done. Perhaps your partner can help you." I smile  up at him and get up from  my seat. Malfoy on the other side stays put. I wait for something,  anything. But his stubborn ass just glares at the Professor.

I take in a deep breath and exhale before I use a different spell on him. Maybe  an Unforgivable...
He finally gets up from his seat after a whole ass staring contest with the Professor.  He shifts his legs into a dueling position and points his wand at me.

Stupefy I mutter lowly but he reflects it with a smirk earning a shocking look from me. I quickly block it and try again.  He blocks my spell every single time making my blood boil. Stupefy,blocks,stupefy,blocks. I groan at him and use a different spell which catches him by surprise.  Rictusempra. The spell hits him square in the chest and he stands there for a moment, waiting  for something to happen, everyone staring at him waiting too. 

He starts laughing. And I can't help but smile. I've never heard him laugh before but it truly suits him. It's giving me this strange feeling in the pit of  my stomach. Everyone else tags along giggling and chuckling at the sight of him. I lift the spell and sit back in my seat.

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