𝑬𝒑𝒊𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒖𝒆 || part 2

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,,Not all stories of love are love stories." -A


three years later

,,Good morning Miss Nott."

,,Morning."  I replied, making my way through the crowded hall just next to my office. Everyone around me was whispering.

Was there new fancy pages to the Daily Prophet?

As soon as the door to my office came into view, I stepped through welcomed by the smell of  fresh coffee.  Closing the door behind me, I noticed the person sitting on the chair opposite my desk.

,,Flair." I greeted, side stepping him and sat down at my own desk. The papers I had to finish until friday layed down on the left side while a cup of coffee stood on the right side. 

,,Nott." He greeted back, clearing his throat and shuffling in his chair. I crossed my hands, leaning forward on my elbows.

,,What happened Flair?" I asked, trying to read his expression. But almost over two years now and I still couldn't read this man.

Flair is a very attractive man, he has sharp features and a body many wizards would die for. 

,,You should read this yourself." He spoke, handing me the Daily Prophet.  I hadn't had the chance to read it myself over a cup of tea today since I ran out late.

I turned the cover around black and white ink staring back at me.

Mattheo Riddle son of the Dark Lord who has been defeated in the Battle of Hogwarts  has been let out of Azkaban by anonymous sources

more on page 7 and 8

I read the same headline over and over again. Switching from the writing to the picture they have taken of him. He still looked so incredibly young at twenty four.

He was let out.

Guilt and sadness from years ago bubbled up. I let the papers fall back on my desk and stood up, knocking the cup of coffee down on accident.

,,Flair please give me a moment." I told him before turning towards the window behind me. As soon as the door clicked shut, the first tears began to fall.

I was too selfish to go after him. Tell him how much love I had for him, how everything will be alright and I'll try my best to get him out of there.

Was he still in love with me?

The answer was yes and no. Yes he might still love me but no he couldn't still be in love with me.

The crackling fire place made a sound of distress.  I turned around walking towards it and opening the floo.

In stepped Harry Potter.

As soon as he saw me, his face fell and his eyes looked pitiful. Without a word he allowed himself to put his hands around my body and hold me while I tried ro comprehend my fate.

Time passed and we decided to go down to the nearest coffee shop and grab a cup of tea.

As I sat on a chair at the small coffee shop in the muggle world, Harry went to order our tea.

My finger grazed the wood table. Would he want to see me again? Maybe he's moved  on . Surely he might even hate me for what I did.

Harry came back with two cups of green tea. When I started working for the Ministry I soon realized that green tea helped me keep myself together before I snapped at useless workers.

Everyone went different paths after school. Hermione Granger went back to finish her 8th year and soon had her own place at the ministry for Magical Creatures. Ron and Adrian both decided Quiditch was the carrier path they wanted. Harry on the other side liked the idea of being an Auror just like me. But the difference  was that he was actively gone while I liked spending more time in the office. Nevertheless we discovered that we were very good partners together. Blaise and Pansy got married three months ago and went on a trip to Blaise's home country in Italy.

,,I understand if you don't want to talk about it." Harry finally spoke, taking a sip of his tea.

,,There's not much to talk about Harry." I replied, taking a sip of my own tea ,,I was too hurt by my brother's death to focus on me and him. I didn't even have the guts to visit him in Azkaban."

Saying it out loud made it sound so much worse ,,God he probably hates me."

,,Don't say that. He might be hurt yes but he wouldn't hate you. You guys went through hell together." 

I sat back on my chair, staring out the small window. A girl was running past the shop, a young boy the same age as her behind her.  He caught her and they stopped right in front of the shop.  They were both smiling and giggling like young teenagers that are in love. The boy pressed a kiss to her forehead, then her cheeks and lastly her lips. She let her head fall back and laugh– both of them vibrating the love they had for each other.

I needed to look away,  too many memories on the verge of coming back up.

It could've been us.

,,Ginny is coming back from Ireland with Ron and Adrian, Blaise and Pansy couldn't come but Hermione will surely come around for drinks later tonight if you're up to."

Drinks sounded nice..

,,You don't have to of course, everyone understand and if not I'll make sure of-" He added seeing the doubt in my face.

,,No Harry , you don't have to worry about me I'll gladly come."

,,That's great , everyone will be happy to see you."

The both of us drank our teas and talked about different topics , purposely leaving out the sensitive one. Mattheo .

After work I headed back to my apartment I bought a year ago. It was on the diagon alley. Surprisingly the apartment on the other side– the muggle world, was also free so I bought both  and took the wall inbetween down.

I picked a dress , not too formal but not too boring either.  Perfect for drinks with old friends.

As soon as I entered the small pub, a group of people waved over. I smiled at them and made my way to the table. Everyone greeted me with hugs and we all sat down to chat.

,,Who's getting drinks?" Ron asked eagerly, I decided that I could use a drink immediately so I offered to get them.

I stood up and made my way towards the bar. A handsome man came to my assistance.

,,Six fire whiskey please." I ordered.

,,And a bottle of Dragon Barrel Brandy." The man next to me spoke. The familiar voice shot daggers into my back.

I turned around eyes wide,  suddenly a new feeling of ecstasy  took over. It felt like I was drunk .

,,Mattheo." I breathed out.

,,I thought I recognized that voice of yours. Long time no see Nott."

His eyes looked at me the same way as they did all these years ago.  Everything about him was the same. The same smug smile he had while talking,  the same body posture and definitely the same sarcasm.

In that moment I knew, I would rather be heartbroken all over again than not know how it feels like to be his once more.

And that’s where it ends. Two people, two different fates and two strangers crossing paths again.


Thank you for reading !

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