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,,It's always been him. She smiled. Our souls danced the same." -A


My hand gripped the railing leading down to the big oak wooden doors while my other hand was wrapped around the delicate golden mask, I was given by a familiar owl  shortly after Malfoy's  outburst.  The halls were decorated in  glittering gold , guiding to the entry of the Great Hall. The portraits were smiling at students who were chatting happily with their friends.  

Girls, walzing around in beautiful long gowns and their companions in respective formal suits, matching their date. My feet started on their own accord, slowly step by step, walking down the stairs while my eyes scanned over  the group of guys who were waiting for their dates at the end of the spirling stairs. 

And then our eyes locked.

He stood there further away in the back near the oak doors with his hands in his front pockets. He wore matching black trousers and a black jacket with a white dress shirt which fit perfectly on his body, the suit showing off his toned muscles.  The gold cufflings illuminated by the candles on the walls. He stood there smirking, not a single hair out of place. 

A smug smile appeared on my lips when I realized, his own mask was matching with my own.

I was reaching the final last steps, only now finally looking at the other students around me. I was smirking proudly at the looks on some faces. A younger student, most likely a forth year, seemed like he was having a hard time listening to his now irritated date. Keeping my head high, I fixed my eyes back on the mysterious brown ones I desired. 

He was standing less than ten feet away from me when a splash of green almost made me stumble. Recovering from my shock, I looked back up to be met by the astonishing sight of Pansy Parkinson.

,,Y/N! You look gorgeous." She squeeled, wrapping her slender fingers around my arms. I smiled in return, eyeing her in awe. Pansy was wearing a floor length dark-green gown ,  with a small silver pattern around her waist and the ends of her gown. 

,,You look amazing too, the gown fits you perfectly." I replied grinning.

,,Is that so?" She asked playfully, spinning around for extra effect, both of us laughing. Soon the laughter ended and her playful tone turned into an interrogating one. ,,Now who has the honors to accompany you?"

,,I guess you'll have to find out yourself." is all I  could say while I walked around the stunned girl and once again, made my way to my partner in crime. The space between us soon closed. He held his arm out like a gentleman, waiting for my fingers to wrap around his.  

,,You look  beautiful Miss Nott." He whispered lowly while we made our way to the enchanted  ballroom. A small blush creeped up my cheeks. I was suddendly very aware of how close we really were. It should not affect me like this-Merlin we've slept together! But for some reason, every touch-every compliment made my knees weak.

,,And you look very handsome Mr Riddle." I managed to say.

The doors to the Great Hall opened and I couldn't help but gasp. The familiar ceiling which has  always been enchanted to look like the nightsky, was now covered with beautiful crystal chandeliers that spiraled down from the ceiling and illuminated the glimmering golden walls. The floor so polished it looked like an iced-over lake. Students dancing like there's no tomorrow. Quite laughter and chatting could be heard from different corners. It was so beautiful, like a winter wonderland.

,,Can I have this dance?" He suddendly spoke, breaking the trance.

I nodded and smiled as he took my hand and guided us to the center of the room. His hand came around my waist, holding me close to him. We fell in step, letting the rythm control our movements. It was like the perfect puzzle. All the people around us dissolved and it was just him and I, alone.

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