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,,Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." -A


I ignored Malfoy for the next week after our little encounter. I couldn't face him. I was embarrassed and mad at myself.

To top it all of , he didn't even make it easy for me.

He would stare at me whenever I looked at him. Never once breaking eye contact. Or he would make snarly comments whenever he got the chance. But I know that if he wanted to talk , he would. It's not like he couldn't just walk up to me or grab me in the halls.

I thought it would be easy to ignore him and just forget about what happened. But it wasn't. Not until two nights ago when he finally cracked.

- I was walking back to my dorm after hanging out with Luna Lovegood.

I met Luna while I was rooming the Hogwarts grounds. She was wearing this crazy looking goggles that probably only looked good on her when I accidentally bumped into her , too distracted by the paintings on the walls.

,,Oh I'm sorry." I apologize.

,,That's okay! I didn't see you either." She sings in a soft voice.

I couldn't help but admire her looks. Her blonde white hair reminding me of- no.

,,Sorry for asking but what's up with the goggles or whatever they are?" I ask curiously.

,,They are helping me see the Nargles." She replies flatly like I'm supposed to know what she's talking about.

I nod and turn around prepared to walk away from this girl when she breaks the silence.

,,Are you new?"

I turn around slowly a small smile on my lips. ,,Yes I transferred."

,,That's weird.." she replies , her mind in her own world. I chuckle , confused and amused

,,Yeah well I didn't really have a choice ."

,,Oh that's awful. But Hogwarts is full of secrets one can only dream of discovering." She whispers.

My curiosity got the best of me.

,,What secrets?" I ask foolishly.

,,Well they wouldn't be secrets if you would know dummy!"

I hold myself from rolling my eyes at her and nod politely, not wanting to endure in this situation any more than I already have.

,,I can show them to you!"

I did the unexpected and agreed.

That's how we ended up hanging out. Do I regret it? No. Will I do it again ? Yes. Is she a lunatic that I like hanging out with? Indeed.

While opening the door to my dorm, the door on the opposite side flew open and out came no one else than Draco fucking Malfoy.

He smirked at the girl he probably just fucked and finally turned around , his smirk whipping off his face.

I rolled my eyes and turned around not wanting to deal with his shit right now , but his next words made me freeze in my tracks.

,,How's my cousin, Nott?"

I turn around and blink at him. ,,Still heartbroken about you leaving him?"

My mouth opens to argue but no words come out.

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