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“The saddest truth to betrayal is it never comes from enemies.”-A


,,You didn't really think you could get rid of me so easily did you?" He chuckles darkly.

All the relief I felt vanished away, being replaced by  fear and guilt. He tricked me. He used a spell to make me believe I have thrown him off the Astronomy Tower.

My hand shots up again, the next stunning spell on the tip of my tongue ready to defend myself . 


His hand  shots up in defense. The word stopped dead in my mouth, my whole  body freezing on spot. He  patrified  me.
He loweres his hand again, a coy smirk on his face.

,,Relax tiger, I just wanna talk."  He emphasized every single damn word. My heart was beating so fast i thought it might explode right then and there .

He walked over to me cat-like, his eyes never leaving mine. ,,You're not scared are you?" He whispered. His face was inches away from mine. I could feel the coldness vibrate of his body. I wanted to shake my head. Scream at him to leave me alone.
The amount of emotions that flew through me was thankfully oblivious to him. My body started shaking , the attempt of trying to break free was slowly working. I could feel the magic in my veins grow more and more by the second.  If I could just-

His eyes darkened, lip curling upwards.  He made a disapproving sound before pressing his wand against my throat and with a small whisper,  my vision turned black.

I woke up with a gasp. I kept my eyes shut, taking quick breathes. Finally after calming down, I opened my eyes to look around. 

I was still on the Astronomy Tower.

The air felt cold and distant. I stood up on shaky legs and walked over to the railing,  looking up at the night sky. A shuffling sound caught my attention, my hand instantly searching my pockets for my wand. It was gone.

He, on the other hand, wasn't.

I squinted my eyes trying to look in the shadows. Our eyes locked, the air leaving my lunges. I could barely see what he was doing until a small fire from his wand appeared from the shadows. His face barely noticeable. 

A loud inhale followed by him exhaling broke the heavy silence. The blissful smell catching my attention. 

It's like being drunk. When everything is a blur and the world spins like crazy. When you can blame your actions on the poison in your body. When your pain and sorrow is replaced by dizziness and your logic gets pushed down drastically.

My feet carried me over to the raven-haired boy,  sliding down the wall a few feet away from him. I fully on expected him to curse me again. And to be honest, I wouldn't have minded.

Call me crazy but something in me changed the moment I glanced over and saw him take one more drag of his joint before casually passing it to me.

Like we aren't  some sort of enemies.

Like we didn't hex each other just moments ago.

Like he wasn't the Dark Lord's  son and I wasn't scared of him.

My hand stretched out, taking the joint from his fingers. We stayed like that. Passing the joint back and forth without exchanging so much as a glance at each other.

It was when the room felt warm and the air felt thick, he finally spoke in a deep voice that made the hairs from the back of my neck rise.

,,Why the fuck are you still here?"

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