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,,The things you say about others, says a lot about you.-A"


And then he kissed me.

And I kissed him back. But it was never more than a kiss when the door to his dorm opened. And in walks Blaise.

,,Hey guys P-" Blaise starts ,,Oh fuck my bad." He turns around when he sees us. We jump apart and a blush creeps up my neck. Damn you Blaise Zabini.

,,Did I interrupt anything?" He asks with his back turned to us. His hand playing with the doorknob. ,,No." We both say in unison. Blaise chuckles.

,,What do you want Blaise?" Jacob asks while getting up . ,,Uh oh yeah. Pansy was looking for Y/N , she wanted to let you know that your room is free." He clarifies. ,,Oh um thank you." I reply quickly. I get up and pick my clothes that I left on a stool. I turn back to Jacob and tell him thank him for letting me stay then bid my goodbye to the both of them.

I make my way down the boy's halls and to my dorm. When I open the door I let out a terrified scream. ,,What the fuck!?" The voice in my bed yells. I turn the lights on and draw my wand out. I squint my eyes in disbelieve.

,,Theo what the fuck? You scared me. What are you still doing in my bed?,, realization hits me. ,, DID YOU SLEEP WITH PANSY IN MY BED?" I ask shouting. Behind me a girl with purple hair opens the door. ,,Can you stop shouting for fuck's sake?" . I flip her off and turn back to my half naked brother.

,,Get out." I say while stepping aside for him to leave my room.
He tries to get up but fails miserly. ,,I hate you so much right now." I groan while closing the door and making my way to his side of the bed and beckon for him to lay back down. I draw a sobbering potion out of my drawer and throw it at him. He surprisingly catches it with ease and chugs it down. I roll my eyes at his stupid behavior. And he said he'll be the responsible one.

,,Do you mind if I just sleep here? I don't feel like making my way back to th-" . ,,Yeah, yeah just shut up and stay on your bed side."

It's nothing special really, Theo and I slept next to each other lots of times when we were younger. And let's say, lots of times we would fight too.

-Theo and I were having our weekly sleepovers where we would watch so called movies on the muggle invention and make fun of the stupid acting. It was in the middle of the night when..

,,Theo you stupid bin you stole my blanket again." I whisper-shout. This is the 3rd time tonight and I'm sick of it. ,,Yours is comfy tho."

,,You have your own you arse!" I retort. ,,Give it back before I hex you." I snarl. ,, You aren't allowed to use your wand." He replies back. ,,Who said something about using a wand?" I smirk and that makes him shut up and give me my blanket back.-

I chuckle at the memory and jump on the other side of the bed pulling the covers on top of me. I look at Theo who's looking at my blanket. ,,Don't you fucking dare." I warn before falling into a deep sleep.

The next morning I'm woken up by my stupid brother who decided to throw me off the fucking bed. ,,Get up sleeping beauty, we got classes." He sings while making his way to the door. I curse under my breath and push myself up to go take a shower.

I turn the shower on and get undressed. After my so needed shower I get back into my room only to be met by Pansy sitting comfortably on my bed.

,,Do people here not know how to knock?" I ask while making my way to my closet. I pull out a black leather skirt and two different tops out. A green top and a black one. ,,Definitely the green one." Pansy says while rolling over to watch me better. She starts talking about last night while I search for my chains. (Outfit at the end of the chapter). She talks about what happened between this weird couple and her time with Theo which made me gag. I head over to the bathroom and get dressed while she talks more.

𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 M.R.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt