š‹šØš¬š­ š’šØš®š„š¬ M.R.

By alittlefreak101

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If he was the darkness and she was the light.. why was she the one to destroy everyone including the light ? ... More

Author's Note
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š‘¬š’‘š’Šš’š’š’ˆš’–š’† || part 1
One Last Acknowledgement
š‘¬š’‘š’Šš’š’š’ˆš’–š’† || part 2
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23.2K 354 1.4K
By alittlefreak101

,,A coin is as dangerous as a sword in the wrong hands." -A


11 days before the incident

The library was emptier than usual. A handful of students were sitting individually,  studying for upcoming OWL's.  The more logical part of me was currently screaming at me to do the same.

And since I'm in the library what could I possibly be doing instead of studying? Disappointing as it is, my task was just to be alone and keep my head  burried in a book until it's late enough for me to leave.

Even though none of the students spared a second glance as I passed,  I still had the strong feeling that being out of sight would be much more better for my own benefit. 

Barely half an hour passed before my mind drifted back to Mattheo.I don't regret what happened between us. It was very clear that we are both physically attracted to one another. But we haven't  discussed what happened between us.

There were moments the past week where I was pushing myself to just ask . It  did aquire to me that if I do ask and we talk about us , it might just end. So I didn't. 

I didn't want it to end when it barely even started.

Despite the amount of times I could've blurted the question out and finally have one tiny problem solved, I couldn't make myself do it.

So we gave in the silent treatment. The meetings stayed the same but there was the smallest of change. I would've thought that after what happened, he would keep his distance and most likely not want to meet me . Afterall he did apparate us back and just turned on his heel and leave without any parting words.

But none of that could overpower the heavy feeling of him being even closer. His little remarks turned more flirtatious yet still a touch of roughness. His hands lingered on my body longer than needed when he showed me how I should be standing.

It was more like an understanding. We had something that neither of us regret but the risk of exploring it would have to be further  minimized for the time being.

No matter how much his expression hardened and how he tried to look neutral , his eyes betrayed him every time.

It  was terrifying how I could feel my own stomach drop just at the thought of giving him up. He is a part of me now.

I've given up on the whole It's wrong,  terribly fucking wrong  phrase. Yes it was bloody wrong but at this point there isn't really a right and wrong anymore , is there?

Two months ago, if anyone told me I'd be having these thoughts about Mattheo freaking Riddle , I'd most likely send them to the first healer in sight . But now- Now I'd be the  one needing a healer.

The smallest noise broke me from my thoughts. Detecting where the noise came from, my eyes drifted over to one of the tables near the restricted section. 

I threw a quick glance around the library to see everyone gone or on their way out. 

Someone snuck in and is most likely waiting for everyone to leave. Tough luck because I'm not going anywhere.

This was the perfect opportunity to practice with my magic. Turns out that , as much as Mattheo hates to say, I'm a natural.

I ducked down out of sight and closed my eyes , focusing on the energy around me. The tingling feeling around my body and mostly hands, grew with every deep breath I took.

This was  different type of interaction. One that aquired a lot of focus and control. Using the darkness as a weapon is one thing but letting them take over oneself is another.  The risks were very high but I was willing to try.

Nothing can go wrong if I try it once, right ?

Only moments until they-


There we go

Venite ludere

Venite ludere

Let's play later shall we?

I let the shadows take over, my subconscious being dragged towards them. Everything went black-

The world felt heavy again.

I didn't have much time before I would slip away and my subconscious won't be able to come back fast enough. It was a dangerous game- one that I should not be playing around with. 

Mattheo's angry gaze was visible form miles away, he hated the idea of me even remotly trying to let my subconscious fall into the darkness and trust them so easily when I haven't even learned to master them.

But he didn't object when I told him that maybe trying won't hurt- yet.  Would he be able to find out if I lied and said I didn't fool around ? I'd rather not know.

I could feel myself drifting from my body and swapping with somewhat nothing. It was cold- so fucking cold.

The books didn't lie about how dark this magic is. I could basically feel it eating me from the inside out and scratching the good out of me. It felt utterly horrible yet somehow soothing. 

A heavy breath behind me snapped my eyes open, I turned around my vision blurry, to be met by my own gaze.

It was staring back at me but instead of my normal eye color , my eyes were a pitch black. So this is how I look on the outside.

There was no time to drool over how fascinating this all is. I looked down at myself- it was a never-ending darkness. Everywhere but nowhere. 


I stood there for a moment longer, trying to picture out how my own body was in front of me. Finally, I looked back at my target.

My own mind or well- it wasn't really my body was it- pushed forward, nearing the person. While I was leaving my own body, the person had managed to find their way to the restricted section. 

I moved forward again, watching their back from the distance and almost screamed when the only body part I could see was two hands around a book.

Then a head appeared


It clicked,  he has an invisibility cloak.

What could Potter possibly want in-

There was another voice. Two other voices actually. Narrowing my eyes, I went around the section,  searching for the other two people.

It was hard not to laugh at the sight of them. Weasley was getting scolded by none other than Granger.  And he? He looked bloody terrified.

Moving just the tiniest bit forward, close enough to understand them , I could only roll my eyes at them.

,,We are going to get in trouble just because you can't keep your hands to yourself.  Do you even know what you're-"

Her scowling was interrupted by the dark haired boy, who now looked as pleased as ever.

,,I found the book Slughorn was talking about. Let's get out of here before anyone finds us."

She threw Weasley one more deadly look, which he returned with a terrified one, before grabbing him by the arm and pulling him on their way back out.

Something took over me and I automatically moved after them , my gaze snapping down at the book he was clutching for dear life. What are you hiding  Harry Potter ?

Secrets Of The Darkest Art

Why would you need a book about  Dark artifacts Harry..

The door closed behind them, leaving me alone with my thoughts once more. My eyelids grew heavy. It felt like I haven't slept in ages.

I had to go back now.

I retrieved back to my sitting form , staring at my physical self.


It felt like apparating. The feeling of being sucked and squished into a tube was way too familiar. And then it was black again-

I gasped, fresh air entering my lungs.  My body spasmsed around , now being back in control. I adjusted my sight again, looking up at the big oak clock.

Long passed curfew.

I grabbed the table for support while standing up , knees still weak.

The moment couldn't come any faster- I would see him again.


9 days before the incident

,,You are not listening-"

,,Of course I am listening." He interrupted, his tone amused. Mattheo stood up from where he sat and inched closer to me, looking down at the book in my hands.

,,You've already looked in that book twice now and recited the incantation at least twelve times Nott."

Why did he always have to be so bloody smart about everything.

Today was the day I would ask him about us. Can I even use the word us in a sentence?  He could not possibly mind would he- it's not like there was nothing between us.

I snapped the book shut and looked over at him, my heart skipping a beat when I realized he was already staring. 

What if he's just playing with me. Trying to twist my feelings and fondle with them until I can't take it anymore.  My throat felt dry and I couldn't manage any words out.

He acknowledged the look on my face with a perfectly raised brow. This was harder  than I expected. I opened my mouth again trying to get the words out

,,Where do you go if you're not in class?" I blurted out , completely off my actual intentions.  But the question wasn't one I never intended to ask. It was in fact the curiosity.

He licked his lips in thought. ,,Many places." He answered shortly. The mood shifted again. Every time I asked questions  everything  was so  tense. For a moment I could've sworn he was going to put his shields back up and become distanced but that thought left the moment he smirked down at me and opened his mouth again.

,,Are you interested in my life Nott?"

,,I'm just curious." I replied truthfully. He stared at me for a moment , debating. 

,,Your curiosity is going to get you killed Miss Nott." He leaned towards me, oblivious to his own movements.

My eyes shifted between his, trying to break to the barrier he was still keeping up.

,,Maybe a little risk won't hurt." I whispered,  leaning closer. His eyes darkened,  lips parting. 

The sound of footsteps broke the spell. Mattheo's eyes narrowed looking unhappy with the intruder.

On instinct , I grabbed his hand and pulled him off the couch, pushing him against the wall. He stared down at me bewildered.

No, he'll be spotted because of his height. Without a second thought , I grabbed his face and pulled him into a kiss. He froze, unsure of what I was doing. My thumb was tracing soothing patterns on his cheek and he immediately melted against my lips.

,,Evadere " I mumbled into the kiss, the shadows immediately taking over and shielding us from the human's eye.

The footsteps grew closer,  the person stopping at the end of the stairs.  I couldn't see who it was and trying to look with my shadows was way too risky.

I was focusing on the sounds but the silence was unbearable. Soon enough,  the person started walking again to what I can only imagine was the railing. Maybe they just wanted to look at the sky from up here. My eyes snapped opened as the sound of quiet sobbing filled my ears.

Slowly, I pulled away from the kiss , still keeping his face a breath away from mine and tilted my head more to the side, my lips still on Mattheo's.

I pressed my thumb against his cheek and like on queue,  he opened his eyes and looked at me blankly before staring as best as he could at the person behind us.

His eyes widened in surprise before narrowing again.

The quiet sobbing held a total of seven minutes and twenty-three seconds before the person turned on their heel and left.

I pulled away from him murmuring a quiet revertere  and the shadows seeped back into my skin.

,,Who was that?"

Mattheo's eyes snapped back to mine, his face guarded.


7 days  before the incident

Everyone kept talking about the Masquerade Ball since it was only less than three weeks away. There were girls practically jumping up and down as they ranted to their friends about who invited them to the ball.

And I still didn't have a date. But I really couldn't care more about the stupid Ball.

When I've told Pansy  that I've had multiple guys ask me out but I kindly rejected all of them since I really didn't plan on going  she started going on about how boring I am and ruined my whole mood for the remaining day.

Boring ? I was certainly not boring. Yes maybe my intentions from two months ago changed but whos wouldn't when you find out about these secret powers that you have!

My foul mood didn't go  unnoticed by Mattheo who decided that since I've been practically living with my head in books,  I might as well practice a little more.

When the shadows from my left hand almost strangled him to death like the first time , he finally snapped.

,,What the hell is going on with you Nott?"

I let the shadows seeped back into my hand and sighted. 

,,Pansy has quite literally told me I'm the most boring person ever and an idiot for not wanting to go to the upcoming ball in december."

His annoyed look turned into an amused one. ,,Is it because nobody asked you out?"

,,Of course not! Plenty of guys asked me out, I just rejected them all because I don't want to go to a stupid Ball!" I snapped at him dramatically.  His jaw clenched and his eyes narrowed.

,,And why does it bother you so much?"

,,Because now I feel like if I don't go she'll be annoying me and calling me boring for the rest of my Hogwarts years."

,,Then go to the ball." His voice grew annoyed again. What was with this man and his lack of patience. 

,,Yes but I can't since I rejected everyone that asked me and I'm very certain that nobody will try again since Cedric Diggory let probably every guy out there know that I'm not planning on going."

,,I'll be your date."


He rolled his eyes before repeating himself.

,,But why would you want to go to a Ball?"

He put a hand over his heart and played hurt ,,Ouch, do I really seem so passion less  to you?"

My jaw  that was currently on the floor, closed again . Defensiveness kicking in.

,,Not at all you just- you don't look like a person that would have fun walzing around with students everywhere in sight."

,,You underestimate me. I have plenty of fun laughing at how pathetic some people are on their feet."

I stared at him blankly. Was Mattheo Riddle asking to be my date? Surely he only asked because he's not one to leave the opportunity of proving a person wrong.

,,Are you sure?" I had to ask , maybe it was all just an imagination. My own mind playing tricks on me.

,,It's a masquerade ball, I'll be wearing a mask and nobody will know that it's me who's taking you." He said casually .

,,Thank you."

,,Don't mention it."


6 days before the incident

,,Are you ready Miss Know It All?" He asked  teasingly.

,,I'm not a know it all! I just like to be prepared." I responded defensively while tugging at the strap on my bra. The thought of being half naked while kneeling on the floor with Mattheo a couple of feet away from me made the room feel hot.

,,No you're just a know it all who likes to memorize three chapters of a book because you want to 'be prepared'." He mocked leaning against the wall in front of me.

I glared at him before looking down at the circle of black salt around me. I stretched my hand out and waited for him to pass me the dagger.

,,Don't cut too deep."

,,I know what I have to do."

He shook his head murmuring something under his breath and walked over to the desk, looking down at the parchment he gave me last time he was in here.

I took the dagger and sliced my palm deep enough to fill up a small jar. On queue, Mattheo walked back stopping in front of the circle, passing me a brush.

,,Are you-"


He stared at me suddenly anxious. No I wasn't ready, I was terrified and my hands were shaking. He sighted and stepped in the circle.

,,What are you doing you can't step inside!" I sat up trying to push him back.

,,Relax , you don't have the runes on your body yet so I won't be affected by the ritual."

I sighted in relief,  sitting back down. He bend down to my level and held his hand out.

,,Let me help you."

I nodded and handed him over the jar with the fresh blood. He dipped his fingers and brought them to my left shoulder first, drawing the runes from the parchment. His fingers traveled down my arms, to my collarbone and chest. If he was bothered by the lack of clothing , he didn't budge. 

Stepping back, he looked me up and down once more before nodding and walking to the chair he so kindly placed next to the circle so he could make sure everything goes well.

I looked up from my painted arms and locked eyes with him, the feeling of comfort erasing the previous ones. If he's here then I'll be fine.

,,Don't leave until I'm back." I whispered loud enough for him o hear.

,,Never even thought about it."

I closed my eyes and let myself sink in the feeling of nothingness.  That's how I mostly felt when I was sad, angry and scared.  It didn't feel like me because they took over.

miseritque manum im vobis

miseritque manum im vobis

miseritque manum im vobis

I could feel the painted runes burning into my skin. Growing hot by the second. My head became heavy and my arms felt lose.

Suddenly the feeling of dropping, falling on end took over. I gasped opening my eyes.

It was dark, not one bit of light around me.  I stood up slowly, looking around me for any sign of life. What exactly am I supposed to do or find ?

,,Hello?" I yelled unsure.


Silence was the only answer I got. My feet started carrying me into the darkness,  deeper and deeper until I wasn't sure if there was a way out anymore.

Maybe my subconscious was stuck. Something must have gone wrong with the ritual. A rune was incorrect? The wrong pronunciation of the words?

A small noise broke my thoughts. I stopped dead in my tracks, looking everywhere for anything unusual hiding in the dark. The noise was faint but it was there.

It grew louder,  becoming a distant whisper.

,,Hello?" I repeated now more confidently.

She's  here...

We've been waiting..

Is it really her..

The whispers were roaring, panic rising in my chest. They we're talking so loudly,  every syllable was scratching at my ears.

,,Stop!"  I bellowed,  the silence closing in again. That's better.

,,How many are there?"


Too many...


This was going to be more difficult than expected. How was I going to have a conversation with hundred of voices?

,,Can I please talk to one of you?"

The whispering stopped and for a second I  thought that maybe I did something wrong and offended them when a deeper voice rose.

Y/N Nott, what a pleasure to meet you

,,You know my name?"

The voice started laughing, a shiver covering my body.

Of course we know your name. You're the one possessing us.

I stood there in silence , carefully choosing my next words.

,,I came in contact with you because I want to know more about this magic."

The voice made a sound of disagreement. 

My my , you've been playing so much with us yet you don't know much about how powerful we are in your hands.

,,What's that supposed to mean? Who had my powers before me?"

You haven't figured yourself? Why don't you let us show you.

,,How-", I cleared my throat suddenly very anxious ,,How are you going to show me?" If there would be a person here, they  would most likely be smirking .

Let me help you. Let me take over for a while.

I shook my head rapidly. No I can't do that, I can't trust them.

I know you don't trust me yet but with time , I can show you how much you need me. For now , I can take over whenever you can't.

They are a part of me and in the end , I'm their master. I will be able to control them in no time and be able to let them take over without being utterly used.

,,Alright. Show me what I need to see." I answered.

You need to take my hand

My eyebrows furrowed at their statement.  But there was no one there , just me. ,,How?" 

Turn around  the voice whispered right behind me. My throat bobbed and my hands started shaking ever so slightly, suddenly very aware that there was indeed someone else with me. I slowly turned around and if it weren't for the surprised side in me, I would've screamed. 

There , in front of me stood- me. Well, a version of me. A dark one that was engulfed by shadows, twirling around my skin. My eyes completely black , like the time I let my subconscious be guided by the shadows.

I stretched my hand out and the other me took it without hesitation.   The sensation of coldness seeped through my hand. A shock wave passed me , my eyes growing wide before rolling up in my head.

There were familiar voices talking.  I opened my eyes and stared up at a ceiling.    Over me was a gold covered chandelier.  My chandelier from my room at home. What was I doing in my room at the Nott's manor? The voices were suddenly next to me , I shifted my eyes to the right.

Confusion entered my senses. There, towering over me was a concerned Dumbledore listening very carefully to my mother. She looked younger , the small lines of stress that have been building with the years at the corner of her eyes were gone.

,,She was  never going to make it Albus, I did what I had to do."

,,Evelynn you are a powerful witch but what you did is unspeakable.  If anyone were to find out , you will end up in Azkaban." Dumbledore suddenly said.

,,She's a new born! She won't do anything,  nobody has to know."

,,Yet. She won't do anything yet. Evelynn you made a big mistake contacting him. It should not even be possible for a witch or wizard to do so."  He confessed.

,,I know I'm not supposed to contact Merlin Albus! But I had no choice. I couldn't lose her. "

Dumbledore looked even paler now,  he nodded thoughtfully and opened his mouth but closed it again at a loss of words.


My mother contacted Merlin? How is that possible,  it's not supposed to be possible. I shouldn't even exist. What did she do.

,,We will have to wait until know, Merlin is a man with very unusual powers. Now if the ritual was a success  and Merlin's blood is in her veins , it's just a matter of time until her powers come to light."

,,Will you help me then? Help me find a way to stop it?"

,,I will do my best, nobody can know about this Evelynn, not even your husband."

She nodded,  her face flushed in shame. What have you done mother?


The image before me blurred together,  forming into a new one. This time , I could feel my past self panicking. My heart was beating so hard it felt like it might just burst out of my chest. The memory formed itself- with a gasp, I realized that I was under the water , the shape of a person towering over me.

Someone was trying to drown me. I was being held under the water. A loud voice broke the silence , father.  A second shape came into view, pulling the first one out of sight before grabbing me out of the water.

I let a breath out , I didn't know I was holding. My father saved me from-

,,Evelynn what in Merlin's name were you thinking." He screamed in angerlooking at me with concern.

My own flesh and blood tried to drown me. The same person that risked being throw in Azkaban to save me. Anger started growing inside of me.

,,She's a monster. We can't- we have to get rid of her before she becomes unstoppable." She gasped out sobbing.

The anger I was feeling only intensified. If it wasn't for my father I would be dead now. My own mother  wanted me dead.

My  anger turned into a need. A dark desire. The need of revenge.  I wanted revenge.

,,Take me back." I whispered angrily. The other me obeyed, pulling me back out.

They eraised your memories. Betrayed you and us.

,,I know." I replied staring evenly back at me.

You want revenge

,,I do."

So be it  the other me whispered, a smug smirk mirroring my own. I closed my eyes again, promising to myself that I will come back before leading my subconscious back to my body.

I opened my eyes groaning, feeling very tired. I rubbed my eyes and looked around slowly, the chair only less than what felt like an hour ago was empty.

I stood up  abruptly my limbs feeling very  numb- my own legs giving up. A pair of arms caught me before I could hit the floor again. I looked up to be met by warm brown eyes.

,,You're still here." I whispered, taking in his features. His hair was ruffled and he looked more tired than usual.

,,I never left." He whispered back.

It's then when I realized how close we actually were. I licked my lower lip, his gaze following the movement. 

He pulled me up, holding me by the waist. I threw my hands around his shoulders and pulled him down into a kiss.

It was a needy kiss. All the passion from almost two weeks ago coming back.  My hands traveled down his shirt, unbuttoning the first two buttons when his hands grabbed my wrist to stop me. He pulled back , looking at me with unsure eyes.

,,What?" I asked now very insecure about my choice.

,,As much as I'd like to have this with you, there's something you should know about."

His voice was guarded, a very bad feeling grew in my chest. ,,What is it?" I asked trying to sound as  unaffected as possible.

,,While your subconscious was bonding with your darkness, an owl came by. I wasn't sure how long it would take you to come back so I opened it."

,,What did it say?"


Him addressing me by my name was enough to make me panic.

,,What did it say Mattheo?"

,,Your brother is in a coma."

Confusion struck me. That's not possible.

,,No why would he be in a coma , I saw him right before we got ready to perform the ritual and he looked fine."

His gaze shifted into one that seemed disturbed. This wasn't his place to talk and he knew it.

,,How long do you think that was?"

,,It can't be more than an hour can it?"

He took my wrists in his hands more firmly now, pulling me down on the bed with him.

,,That was two days ago."


One day before the incident

His expression was calm again. The whole night he seemed like he was in pain. Madam Pomfrey checked up on him every hour now.

It's been three days since Mattheo dropped the news. I couldn't believe it, my  brother- the boy I looked up to was in his what seemed like death bed.

He wasn't dead Y/N I reminded myself. But  what else could I possibly call him ? Madam Pomfrey might as well just get it on with it and tell me that he's as good as dead.

She lied though,  told me that he's in a coma because he needed as much rest as possible since his injury only got worse.

It was complete bullshit, I could feel the dark magic around us. It was spreading,  whatever caused it to open again was not going to stop until he was dead. It was like a virus, eating him from the inside out.

That's why he was really put into a coma. Because he was too weak to stay conscious through the pain . The pain I've  caused him.

I was seething through my teeth. Yesterday I sent an owl to my mother after telling Mattheo about what happened and informed her that I would really like to see her and talk to her about something while also informing her that Theo was not doing well.

And she so kindly rejected my time of need but sent love to Theo. This was all bullshit.

The memory unlocked a feeling I've always tried to burry away throughout my childhood.  The feeling of not being loved enough by my own mother.

Now thinking about it,  I could see it in her eyes. There was no love like there was for Theo or Enzo or Father. Her eyes were guarded, prepared for anything bad to happen. 

The thought only made my blood boil. She denied my request? Oh mother dear, that doesn't mean I won't show up at your front door.

Surprising enough, Mattheo agreed to coming with me and confront my mother once and for all.

I quietly left the armchair next to my brother's bed and made my way back to my dorm.

Not long after my arrival, a knock came from my door. I opened it, brown eyes staring down into mine. He walked in and sat himself down on the armchair in the corner of my room while I sat down on the bed.

I took a bottle of firewhiskey I stole from Theo's room and filled up two glasses, passing one to him. Drowning the drink down, I couldn't help but smirk excitedly.

Mother won't even know what's coming.


Mattheo's POV

It was long after classes and it became a routine to visit her dorm. Our meetings are still taking place at the Astronomy Tower but outside the meetings , I find myself rooming around her dorm quite a lot for my own liking.

It was pointless to even deny what happened between us. We're attracted to one another and the sex is fucking amazing, there's no lie in that .

But whatever we have should stay on the low for now. I still have the tiniest of hope that she might have bewitched me and the moment she admits it I can hex her into oblivion.

For now , I had to keep my shit together and my occlumency walls stable. If the wrong people  found out what was   between us, there would be blood.

No, nobody will fucking touch her. And nobody will come in between us ever. If father had a problem with my relationship with her I'd gladly lie and tell him it's just to keep her on our side.

I couldn't give a single shit about anyone else. She's mine now , even if there hasn't been any official words about it.

The door to her dorm opened , revealing a bird nesting in her bed. No- that is actually her.  She groaned on her pillow and mumbled nonesense.

,,Why are you in bed?" I asked only to receive more mumbling.  ,,I asked you a question." I hissed , perhaps too harshly.

,,I had a bloody headache and passed out." She breathed out , her face in her pillow. She slowly rolled  on her side ,  squinting her eyes at the brightness.

Sighting, I held my hand out to the blinds, closing them. I walked towards her bed and put my hand on her forehead.  She was fucking boiling.

,,You have a  fever, you should get some rest."

,,No!" She practically yelled jumping up straight.

This woman and her stubbornness. 

,,I'm not letting a stupid fever ruin my plans." She added with a pleading look.

,,Your plans can wait for at least a day."

,,Not happening." She stood up and walked over to her closet , pulling out clothes to wear. I could only shake my head at her stubbornness. 

She started taking off her clothes while I fumbled with my back pocket , pulling out what I planned on giving her since I came in here. Fully dressed,  she turned around and looked at me curiously.

,,Why are you just standing there?"

,,I made these," I started, opening my hand and showing her the matching ring bands in my hand ,,I've recently read a book about tracking spells. I thought adding a tracking spell to an object that you could wear might make it easier for me to find each other."

She stared at me shocked before blinking as if her brain just stopped functioning for a second.  She walked towards me and took the smaller ring , sliding it down her ring finger. The ring shrunk to the perfect size around her finger.

,,I also added a spell that would make it be invisible for others except for the ones looking and since most likely  no one would think about looking out for a ring around your finger,  the option was good enough." I added when she still looked uncertain.

,,That's a really good idea , thank you." She finally replied after staring like a frog. ,,Now, would you be so kind and apparate us out of here?"

,,If you pass out I'm leaving you right there." I smirked down at her before taking her hand and apparating us in front of the Manor's gates.

I looked down at her, her face visibly paler.   She looked like a ghost. I opened my mouth to make a remark when her hand gripped mine tightly.

,,Do you think she'll try to do anything?" She whispered, her voice quivering.

,,No one will hurt you while I'm around." That seemed reassuring enough for her to step forward and walk towards the main door.

The door opened , revealing a filthy elf wearing a blue small child like skirt.

,,Miss why are you here?" The elf asked, eyes widening. 

,,I'm here to see my mother." She replied before pushing past the scared looking elf and dragging me along with her.

The place seemed as big from the inside as from the outside. The main hall was divided in three smaller halls , one of them leading to the west stairs, one to the south and then east. I followed her up the west stairs, turning around a corner in front of two big oak white doors. She put her hands on the handles and looked back at me for reassurance.  I nodded at her slowly while she took a deep breath and threw the doors open.

The room was a big office, bookshelf covering almost every wall. In the middle of the room was a large tidied desk, behind it the older looking version of Y/N herself. Her mother sat patiently on her chair, a cup of tea in her left hand and a parchment in her right.

She looked up from her reading and looked completely gobsmacked at the sight of her daughter next to me. Her mouth opened and closed again like a fish.

,,Well hello mother dear." the girl in front of me spoke.

,,Y/N.", the older woman greeted ,,Why are you out of school?"

She made a disapproving sound and guarded her face with a cruel smirk . For a moment,  she could pass as the queen of hell itself.

,,Since you declined my request of visiting you, I had to show up like this." She answered coolly. 

The older woman sat up from her chair, mirroring  her daughter's expression.

,,And who might this be?" She spared me a glance before turning her eyes back on her daughter.

,,This is Mattheo Riddle , you know , Voldemort's son."

The woman's eyes grew wide at the statement. Hell, even mine slightly did at how casually she could say that.

,,Why would you bring that man's son in my own house and why are you here Y/N?" Her mother grew visibly annoyed. It wasn't my time to get angry at her for being a disrespectful little hag.

Her eyes darkened at her mother's rude tone. Her left hand started shaking ever so slightly. She was boiling with anger and it was a matter of time until she snapped. Would she regret her own actions? Am I supposed to stop her?

She has every right to despise her mother for trying to take her gift away. There was nothing I should be doing except for watching, making sure she doesn't go too far. 

,,Now, why don't I ask the questions instead. Let's start with a simple one." She stepped forward,  her index finger twitching with anticipation. ,,Has Dumbledore informed you of my little outburst a couple of weeks ago?"

The older woman looked unsure of what to do and instead of speaking , she nodded.

,,Then you must know that this little outburst wasn't normal either." Another nod.

,,You know." She whispered , putting the pieces together.

,,Of course I know , and you know why? Because you were stupid enough to send me to Hogwarts were the potion that you've put in my tea for years , stopped working." Her tone was vibrating with anger now.

,,One day you think you're a normal teenage girl and the next you have powers.  And guess what ? Not only powers but one of Merlin's own fucking power!" She yelled angrily. Her mother pailed and shrunk back in her seat.

,,How do you know that?" She asked, her breath hitching.

,,Well thanks to Mattheo here, who so kindly told me about my powers before I even knew I had them, which leads to the question why he would be the one to tell me and not from my own parents, is the reason I know so much about them."

It was silent before she started laughing, a high pitched laugh that raised the hairs on my body. This was a moment to remember.

,,Turns out you and I are not far apart mother. You've made a ritual to keep me alive and I've made one to contact the darkness inside of me for them to reveal to me that you've tried to kill me. How ironic isn't it ?"

Her mother's eyes looked like they might pop out of her sockets before narrowing. She opened her mouth to speak again but her daughter caught her off again, now more calmly.

,,Don't worry mother dear,  you see , I didn't come here to hear you tell me how much of a disgrace I am. Quite the opposite really, since you've created this monster , why don't you let her show you how good she really is at what she's doing? Perhaps you would like being the test subject now."

She raised her hand and let her shadows finally escape , her eyes were a almost black now.

Her mother stood up,  knocking her chair in the process. She walked backwards her face panicked.  The shadows wrapped themselves around her, pulling her towards her own daughter.

,,I'm sorry!" Her mother said over and over again. But she didn't budge , instead she slowly closed her hand into a fist,  a wicked smile on her face. Something was very wrong. The shadows closed up on her, squeezing her to death.

The woman tried breaking free with no use. She was trashing around and gasping for air. Looking back at her younger self, her face morphed into one of regret before vanishing behind her anger. The darkness was multiplying her anger, toying with her.

,,I should have locked that bathroom door." The woman choked out. Y/N's eyes turned completely black now.

,,Now now , as much as squeezing you to death sounds like a good idea since you obviously planned on drowning me.. I still have some human dignity in me."

And with that said,  she pulled her wand out and the killing curse left her lips, hitting her mother straight in the chest. Her eyes were still wide before they fell close , her body going limp in the grasp of her shadows.

Staring at her mother's dead body, she let the shadows seep back into her body and turned on her heel without a second glance.

Something was wrong but I couldn't figure it out yet. The only thing that mattered is to make sure she wouldn't have a tantrum over her own actions.


Hey there! Sorry for the long waiting but I've been quite stressed lately. Here's the new update,  what are your opinions about it ?uhhh so we finally find out what Y/N did.. but what could Mattheo possibly mean ? Also one questions- do you guys like the long chapters or do you prefer shorter ones? Let me know pls:)

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