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hearts on fire, we're no liars. [ ricky bowen x original character ] [ book two in the goddess series ] [ par... Xem ThΓͺm

finally free
author's note


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chapter twenty-four:
second chances !


AS IF IT couldn't be more of a relief, East High's production of Beauty and the Beast was finally over. Athena finally felt most of the nerves fade away and the weight was suddenly lifted off of her shoulders. Ricky's transformation had honestly gone pretty well despite not having his harness, and as the two of them locked eyes underneath the lights during curtain call, Athena had never been happier. She had just completed her first show as a lead and her relationship with Ricky was basically mended again. What more could she ask for?

She was now back in her regular clothes. Some of the stage makeup was still on, but she didn't mind. Kourtney was now dragging her and Ricky along to the bomb shelter where the rest of the cast was gathered. They were in the middle of trying to remove all of Ricky's Beast makeup, but Kourtney insisted that they should tell everyone how the transformation went.

"O my God, y'all," Kourtney announced, scurrying into the room with Ricky and Athena right behind her. "Ricky's transformation."

"Wait, how'd it look?" Lauryn, one of the dancers, asked.

"Honestly?" Kourtney glanced over at Ricky and Athena. "Passable."

The whole room cheered. Ricky quickly squeezed Athena's arm and went to go put down the mannequin head that had his Beast mask on it.

Nini's gaze then solely focused on Athena. "Hey, give it up for our star!"

They cheered again. Athena smiled gratefully at all of them, practically glowing. She completely missed the way Ricky was staring at her like she was the only girl in the whole room. However, her heart slightly sank upon noticing that Violetta was nowhere to be seen.

"Aw, thank you guys," Athena voiced. "Really, it means a lot. Especially after I felt like I was going to throw up . . . multiple times."

"Speaking of that, uh, has anyone seen my boyfriend?" Ashlyn questioned. "It feels like I've been missing him all night."

"I think he pushed himself a little hard," Carlos admitted.

"But I'm pretty sure he left a letter at your locker," Ricky added.

"Uh, couple letters, actually," EJ stated.

"Oh, okay, wow," Ashlyn replied. "That's — that's sweet. Um, maybe I'll read them on the way to Slices. Good show, everyone."

They all watched as Ashlyn slowly left the room, her mood seemingly deflated at the thought of Big Red not waiting for her after the show. Her hand brushed against the flowers in the huge basket she had gotten for Big Red before leaving completely. Everyone else shared knowing looks. They all knew what Big Red was actually putting together for Ashlyn, which is why he had been kind of avoiding her during the show.

Athena — quickly and quietly — ran excitedly up to the door. She held out her hand to Ricky and he took it, allowing her to drag him out to see everything unfold. They stopped in the doorway, their fingers interlocked and bright smiles on their faces as they watched Big Red show Ashlyn his gift. Everyone else then peeked their heads out to watch as well.

"Biggie?" Ashlyn began, her voice quiet and kind of choked up since she had started to cry.

"Oh, uh . . ." Big Red stood up from kneeling on the floor and held up a Broadway-looking sign that read ASHLYN. "I've always seen your name in lights." Her name then lit up on the sign.

Ashlyn stepped closer to him, sniffling slightly. "This is what you were doing in between scenes all night?"

"Yeah. No. Sometimes I was actually puking. You were amazing out there tonight. I was really proud."

"Come here, you evil genius," Ashlyn demanded, crying harder — but not of sadness this time.

They went to embrace, but the sign was in the way. Big Red moved it to the side of him before indulging in Ashlyn's hug. With a quick reassurance that getting paint on her was okay, Ashlyn took Big Red's face in her hands and kissed him sweetly. Athena's heart warmed and she slightly squeezed Ricky's hand.

However, a frown appeared on her face upon remembering who wasn't here. The curly hair of her best friend was nowhere to be seen. She let go of Ricky's hand and re-entered the bomb shelter.

"Hey, have any of you seen Violetta?" Athena inquired. She turned to the boy sitting down. "EJ?"

He shrugged, looking a little worried. "She ran off after curtain call. I tried to go after her, but she told me she just needed some time alone."

Nini then took Athena's arm and leaned her head close to hers, lowering her voice. "I saw her in the dressing room. She seemed to be crying, and I asked her if she was all right, but she told me she was fine and to leave her alone. I didn't want to intrude . . ."

"No, it's fine," Athena responded, worry filling her insides for Violetta. "I'll go check on her." She then walked up to Ricky. "Hey, something's wrong with Vi. Nini said she saw her crying and I can't leave her like that—"

"Go," Ricky encouraged. "I'll get some more makeup off and we'll head to Slices together, okay?"

"Okay," Athena repeated softly. "I'll be back."

"'Thena," EJ cut in, making her stop in her tracks. "Please . . . let me know if she's okay."

Athena nodded. "Will do."

Finally, she left the room. Athena made her way down the hall to the dressing room. She slowed down once she got closer, hearing muffled cries and sobs. Sure enough, sitting at one of the tables with tissues surrounding her was Violetta. Her face was buried in her hands, but by the curls spilling around her shoulders and the familiar cries, Athena knew it was her.

"Vi?" Athena asked in concern quietly. Violetta picked her face up out of her hands, and Athena instantly frowned at her red eyes and tear-stained cheeks. "Oh, Violetta, what's wrong?"

Violetta hastily wiped some tears off of her cheeks as Athena approached her. "Nothing, it's stupid."

"It's not stupid if you're crying about it." Athena sat down in the chair next to the table and placed her hand on her best friend's shoulder. "Come on, Vi. You can talk to me. You've told me numerous times not to bottle up my feelings. It's my turn now to tell you the exact same thing."

She sniffled for a moment. "It's EJ."

"Did you get into a fight?"

"No, no, it's none of that," Violetta reassured her, continuously wiping more tears away that managed to fall. "We're actually doing really well. It's just . . . tonight, I really, really realized that it's his last show. I always knew, but it just hit me hard. He's leaving for college in a couple months, and I . . ." Her bottom lip quivered. "I'm not one for sappy stuff like this, but 'Thena . . . I don't think I'm ready to let him go."

"And you're not going to let him go," Athena stated. "Wherever he goes, the both of are going to make it work. If anyone can do it, it's you two. Come on, you're Violetta and EJ. Vi, we've been best friends since we were practically born. I have never seen you like a guy this much. And when you want a relationship to grow strong, you have to fight for it." She raised an eyebrow. "And Violetta Chase is no quitter."

"I should go to you for advice more often," Violetta told her.

Athena laughed a little. "No, Vi. You should be taking your own. Most of what I just said were things that you've said to me in the past." She took Violetta's hand. "You're the strongest person I know. It's okay to let yourself be afraid of things once in a while. You and EJ have only been dating for a couple months, but you guys work well." Athena squeezed Violetta's hand comfortingly. "I think you should talk to him about it. It's always good to communicate feelings in a relationship."

Violetta offered her a small smile. "Thank you, 'Thena."

"Any time, Vi." She then stood up, pulling Violetta up as well. "EJ's also worried about you. He's back in the bomb shelter with the others, so . . ."

"I'll go find him." Violetta grabbed her backpack and slung it over her shoulder. "See you at Slices, yeah?"


Violetta then left the room. Athena watched as she did so, and Ricky suddenly appeared in the doorway with both of their backpacks. She grinned widely at him as he held out her backpack for her. Athena took it and put one strap over her shoulder.

"She okay?" Ricky questioned.

Athena nodded. "I think so. Just . . . some talking needs to happen between her and EJ, is all."

"I actually have to go talk to Miss Jenn before we head out," Ricky revealed. "That cool with you?"

"Yeah, that's fine. Let's go."

They walked to Miss Jenn's office in silence, both of them deciding to look for her there first in case she hadn't left for Slices yet. It wasn't awkward or anything — just, right now, after the night they had, maybe it was better to talk later. They finally reached it, and the two of them found Miss Jenn anxiously sorting through some things on her desk.

"Oh, good," Ricky stated.

Miss Jenn looked towards him. "Hmm?"

"I wasn't sure if you'd already be at the pizza place," Ricky continued, walking into the room a little while Athena stayed in the doorway.

"I'm waiting for the Menkies judge. He is going to deliver the verdict and let me know what we got nominated for . . . or didn't. I'm in a great place mentally."

Ricky nodded. "I believe you."

Miss Jenn's obviously fake smile fell off her face. "I told you to jump off something high, Ricky."

"Yeah, I landed on my feet, so . . ."

"You always do," Miss Jenn replied, closing her director's binder of Beauty and the Beast. "But, uh . . . I'm not sure that I didn't push you kids too hard this semester. Did you want something?"

"Um . . ." Ricky trailed off. "I saw you with my dad before the show. All the giggling."

"I do that when I'm nervous."

"I was talking about him," Ricky admitted. "Uh, my dad, um . . . he's been through a lot this year, and I'm sure you have, too. And I'm starting to realize, no one should be able to tell anyone who they can or can't take a chance on."

"Where is this going?" Miss Jenn asked.

"You have my blessing if you want to date him again."

Athena's eyes slightly widened in shock. She definitely didn't see that coming, but her heart swelled with pride. A couple of months ago, Ricky was so distraught over the fact that Mike and Miss Jenn wanted to date. It was just another thing that was changing in his life. But now . . . he had really matured a lot.

"I mean, he's a crank and he can't make chicken, but . . . and you make him happy," Ricky revealed. "What else is there?"

"Are you happy?" Miss Jenn questioned worryingly.

"Uh . . . you know, I — uh, walked into the first day of school this year a skate rat. And now, after two opening nights, I'm not really sure what I am." Ricky glanced back over at Athena, who smiled softly at him — a gesture that definitely didn't go unnoticed by Miss Jenn. "But I think I've found the person that makes me better and has been there since the very beginning. So yeah, I'm happy."

"Well, you deserve to be," Miss Jenn told him.

"So do you," Ricky responded, gently punching Miss Jenn's shoulder, making the two of them laugh. Athena laughed a little with them. "All right. Here's to second chances, huh? See you at Slices?"

Miss Jenn nodded. "Yeah."

Ricky looked back to Athena. He nodded his head out into the hallway. Athena gave a fleeting grin to Miss Jenn before following him out. The two of them walked towards the exit of the school for about a minute until Athena spoke up.

"I'm proud of you," she voiced. "Giving your dad a second chance with Miss Jenn."

"Speaking of second chances . . ." Ricky trailed off.

Ricky stopped in the hallway. Athena stared at him curiously as he reached into his pocket. He then pulled out a familiar necklace with three charms — the same very one he had given her last opening night. She tilted her head at it. After that night in the treehouse, she had stored that and his bracelet in her room.

"I had Artemis bring it," Ricky explained. "I don't think I deserve a second chance, but that's up—"

Athena cut him off by kissing him. It was short and sweet, but it definitely got the point across. She pulled away to see him blinking down at her. Athena chuckled a little bit from his reaction.

"Put it on me?" she inquired.

Ricky nodded. She turned around and moved her hair out of the way. Ricky clasped it around her neck and let it settle. Athena grinned at the very familiar feeling as she reached up and fingered the charms a little. For the past couple of weeks, her neck had felt very empty without it. It felt so natural, so right.

Athena then faced Ricky again. He had apparently also gotten his bracelet as well from Artemis and was in the middle of putting it on. Once it was tightened, he put his arm around Athena's shoulders and pressed a kiss to her temple. Together, the two of them continued down the hallway.

And as Athena walked down the hallway of East High with Ricky's arm around her, she suddenly got a flashback. She was wearing a pair of dark-washed ripped jeans, a baby pink crop top, and her white Converse with pink laces — the very outfit she had worn on the first day of school. Ricky's arm was slung around her shoulders — in a friendly way, since they had said they were friends (but obviously playing pretend) at the time — as the two of them entered the school with Big Red and Violetta. He was in the middle of telling her that he was going to talk to Nini after asking for a break in the summer, and Athena was trying to tell him that Nini had only responded to his text because she was trying to be nice.

Little did first day of school Athena know how much her life was about to chance. In a whirlwind of two musicals, a couple heartbreaks, and many stolen kisses, Athena now walked down the hallway in a jean skirt, a red sweater, and black combat boots. A necklace with three charms that highlighted her relationship now hung from around her neck, and Ricky's arm was slung around her shoulders in a couple way. The two of them were giggling quietly with each other as they exited the school, feeling giddy at the thought of being back together.

Ricky and Athena had finally figured out what made the tide turn and what made the fire burn, and they were going to hold onto it, no matter what it took.

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but if rini wasn't endgame then rathena might as well fucking be. can't break my heart like that again

also this episode was like so short and basically nothing happened so I'm just trying to make stuff up

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