Fight For me

By Layla_u_

71.4K 2.6K 1.9K

(Not my story) "So, we're friends?" Louis asked timidly, his blue eyes looking up at Harry through his lashes... More

A/N (sort of)
Home Sweet Home
Deals And Oreos
Rex Parker
Fight Night
Saying Sorry
*Bonus Chapter*
Rainy Days And Hot Chocolate
Cuddly Hary vs. Killer Harry
Back To Square One
Old Mrs. Bennett
Fighting Back
Finding Oliver
A Blast From The Past
Turning Point
The Morning After
Mistakes And Revelations pt.1
Mending Bonds
A New Beginning
Cuddles And Foul Play
Free Time
The Calm Before The Storm
The End pt.1
The End pt.2

Mistakes And Revelations pt.2

1.9K 84 20
By Layla_u_

Louis had been wiping off the same table for several minutes now, but the boy looked so lost in his thoughts that no one wanted to disturb him.

Paul's words from earlier that day were running around his head, making it incredibly hard for him to focus. He still couldn't believe he had suggested for Louis to just leave. Didn't he care what happened to Harry? Of course Harry could probably take care of himself, but the multiple stories about Simon made Louis worry.

And that was something Louis didn't understand either. Just why did he worry so much about Harry? Even Paul said he didn't get it, and Louis knew the man was actually quite fond of Harry like he was with all the other boys. A stand-in father.

Even if Harry had helped him, Louis reminded himself that most of it had been very reluctantly. He reminded himself how mean Harry had been to him and how he had most likely nearly killed him.

Why in the world would he worry about someone like that?

He already knew the answer though. Harry may not have been the nicest all the time, but he had still helped Louis. And Louis remembered Harry telling him a bit about why he was still working for Simon, and what Niall also said was the reason for Harry letting that Grimshaw in - he owed him.

That, and Harry had actually been somewhat nice. He had made sure Louis was well fed, he let him use the TV as he pleased and he even let Louis keep Oliver. Not just anybody would have done that. Certainly not any of the other fighters anyway.

In fact, Harry had been the nicest person Louis had ever lived with - not counting living with his parents before they found out he was gay. That time may have been happier, but with Harry he was at least getting some kind of attention. And now he even had friends who didn't mind who he was and who he liked.

Louis sighed and finally moved away from the table, only now noticing how many people were actually around him. The lunch rush was starting early. He quickly moved to get the rest of the tables ready, which allowed him to think of something else for a while.

While he was setting over a new wash, Niall came down from their flat where he had been sleeping out his hangover.

It had actually been Louis' idea for Niall to join Zayn and Liam when they went to cheer on Harry. He had felt somewhat bad about not going himself now that Harry was still fighting for him, but he really couldn't face him just yet. So he sent a penny with Niall instead, hoping it would speak for him.

Honestly Harry still scared Louis, no matter how much Louis wished he could forget. That, and he wanted Harry to work for it. If he really regretted everything as much as the lads said he did, he could come apologize himself.

Just thinking about it nearly made Louis snort out a laugh. Yeah, like that was going to happen. Then again, he had apologized before, so maybe he could do it again.

"Mornin'," Niall grumbled and grabbed a carton of orange juice out of the employee's fridge, taking a long gulp right from the carton.

It was clear the hangover was still lingering and Louis giggled at Niall's sour mood, his face looking like he hadn't slept in days. Moments like these made Louis appreciate his decision of not drinking alcohol.

"Good morning," he chirped happily, all his previous worries momentarily forgotten. Even if grumpy, Niall had that effect on people.

They worked around each other in silence for a few minutes, Louis tidying up a little while Niall worked on his breakfast. Why he didn't do it in their own kitchen Louis didn't know, but it was probably to keep Louis company, which he was grateful for. And with each bite, Niall's mood improved and it didn't take long before he was excitedly telling Louis about Harry's fight.

He told Louis he had a video he wanted to show him of Harry fighting, but that he wanted to wait until Zayn and Liam came over. Louis had a pretty good idea of what happened though, as Niall couldn't help but telling Louis everything in great detail.

Most importantly was the fact that Harry was still fighting for him, and that he didn't seem to be holding back. Niall said that he even seemed to be somewhat excited to fight after getting the penny, hopefully meaning he would also soon be apologizing to Louis.

It was unlikely, but a boy could hope.

"So, how was the after party?" Louis asked cheekily, grinning as Niall's unusual pale face and purple bags under the eyes. Niall had told him the day before that they would probably stay out later than usual whether Harry won or not. They needed to resolve some of all that tension between them.

Niall grinned widely, wincing a little at his headache. "It was sick! Can't remember a thing!"

Laughing, Louis shook his head. He didn't really understand the appeal but Niall seemed happy so he just pretended to be as excited to please him. And Niall did seem pleased with Louis enthusiasm as he dove into another detailed description of what he did remember from the night before. Which wasn't all that much actually, but he managed to keep talking until Zayn and Liam showed up.

By now, Louis should probably have been back to work, but Paul hadn't been back to get him yet so he figured Paul was giving him some time to recover after their talk earlier.

Compared to Niall, Zayn and Liam didn't seem to be in a good mood and looked almost confused at Niall's happy smile. They kept sending Louis these looks he couldn't quite understand, but he didn't comment on it, not really wanting to know what was troubling them. Maybe Paul had already talked to them?

Niall pulled out his phone to finally show Louis the video he had been talking about. Louis watched, partly fascinated and partly anxious, as Harry and the other guy stepped into the ring.

Harry's hair was in his usual training bun and he was shirtless - something Louis still hadn't gotten quite used to seeing yet. Even if Harry was pretty much off limits, Louis could still appreciate perfection when he saw it... which was merely an observation, nothing else. There were absolutely not butterflies fluttering about in Louis' stomach.

He quickly shook his head and focused back on the video where the two had not started dancing around each other. Harry was smirking so Louis figured he was pretty confident.

Despite already knowing what was coming, Louis still winced when Harry's opponent punched his ribs right where his bruise was still healing. It was clear on Harry's face that he had been surprised by it and he momentarily lost his focus before he was back to smirking again.

After that things suddenly sped up and if Louis had blinked, he would have missed how Harry had almost gracefully knocked his opponent out in seconds.

Louis might not like violence, but it was pretty impressive. And kind of terrifying. Just what could Harry have done to him if he had actually caught him? The thought sent a chill down Louis' spine and he quickly shook it off. He didn't get him, that was the important part. No 'what if's.

As Niall started praising Harry's win, Liam and Zayn looked at him weirdly. What in the world had happened last night?

"Niall..." Liam finally spoke up quietly. "Do you... how much do you remember from last night?"

The smile on Niall's face turned into confusion as Liam's tone and he frowned, "Not much. Why, somethin' happen?"

Liam and Zayn exchanged looks, having a silent conversation, and Liam sighed, apparently having been chosen to tell whatever it was. "We're pretty sure that..." he glanced at Louis with a worried expression. "We saw Harry leave with someone. A girl. When I stopped by this morning he still wasn't home."

It felt like someone had dumped a bucket of ice cold water on Louis, all the air getting sucked from his lungs.

"What?" he squeaked, his voice shaky.

Niall's eyes were wide as he obviously hadn't remembered that part and he ran a hand through his hair, mumbling something under his breath, sounding frustrated.

Staring at his hands, Louis didn't know what to think. His heart felt like it was simultaneously hammering away and skipping every other beat. A cold feeling spread from his stomach.

"I'm sorry, Louis," Zayn said sadly, placing a hand on Louis' shoulder and Louis looked at him weirdly, suddenly confused about why he - and they - were even reacting like that.

Him and Harry had just made it to being somewhat like friends - nowhere near being a place where the other could get jealous. And it wasn't even like Louis liked Harry like that... He could do better than someone like Harry. Someone who wasn't wrapped up in a fucked up life with seeming no desire to get out.

Sure, Harry had taken good care of him. Given him total freedom in the flat. Was willing to get hurt to save Louis. Had hugged him tight when Louis had been grabbed a while back...

Louis knew Harry was a good person despite his temper, but that didn't mean... it couldn't mean... They were too different.

Louis shook his head not wanting to explore those thoughts any further for now. It would only leave him even more hurt, as Harry obviously couldn't care less about him that way.

The others stayed quiet as if knowing Louis' mind was working overdrive. This was too much for him in one day. First Paul's plan and now this?

And Louis wasn't stupid, he knew staying for the sake of Harry was irrational, but he did care about Harry. More than he wanted to and he knew that if he eventually moved back in with Harry he would only get worse. For some reason there was just something about him that made him all flustered when thinking about him. But he knew that he would only get hurt in the end, so there was no use trying to explore what that meant.

He had to face it now though.

Did he even want to go back to Harry's after this? The small flicker of hope that Harry might care about him as Louis was starting to care for him had been suffocated. If Harry truly did like him, he wouldn't go pull some girl, right?

Maybe Louis had just been holding him back from going out like that.

Maybe Louis should just run away...

He took a deep, shaky breath. Might as well tell the other about the plan. They would hopefully know what to do.

"I don't even care..." he mumbled sadly and unconvincingly, ignoring the sad looks he got.

"And there's something I actually wanted to talk to you about."

As he told them about Paul's idea, he watched how their faces went from curiosity to shock. They obviously hadn't seen it coming either.

"Louis you... are you seriously considering that?" Liam asked carefully, voice almost a whisper and eyes wide.

Shrugging sadly Louis looked down at his hands. "Yes... no... I don't know. I mean," he took another deep breath. "It would make things easier wouldn't it? For everyone. Harry wouldn't have to fight anymore and can finally do what he wants. You guys don't have to worry about me anymore. I would be safe. Makes sense doesn't it?"

Saying it out loud actually convinced Louis even more that it would be the right thing to do. Whatever feelings that had been holding him back weren't a problem anymore.

The silence was almost deafening as they all stared at him like he was crazy, jaws dropped to the floor. He was pretty shocked himself too, but he also felt almost... relieved. He could get a normal life.

Niall shook his head," Lou no! This is because of Harry isn't it? Please don't let his mistake chase ye away! He cares, I promise. He just..." he trailed off, not knowing what to say.

But Louis had heard that one before, and see what happened. If he stayed, all he was going to end up with was a broken heart.

"We'll talk to him, Zayn said after a few more seconds of silence. "It was probably just because he was drunk. I'm sure it meant nothing Louis, they never did. Just, please don't do anything rash. Running away won't solve the problem."

Louis glared at him, crossing his arms defiantly. But that was just what the plan actually did - solve all their problems. And if they didn't support him, him and Paul would just have to do it alone. "Well I'm getting tired of his mistakes!" he snapped, surprising even himself with the fierceness in his voice. "If Harry cared like you say he does, he would have done something by now! But he hasn't, and I'm not gonna sit around and wait!"

The others seemed too stunned by his outburst to say anything, but Louis was on a roll and for once he felt almost powerful. "My life sucks and as it is, my future doesn't seem any better. You can't promise me that Harry won't suddenly back out, and I can't risk that. This could be my chance for a new start and if you're not going to help me, then..." his voice had reached an almost hysterical tone and he stopped to take a breath as his voice cracked. "Then maybe we're not as good friends as I thought."

He knew it was a low blow, but frankly he was fed up with letting other people decide how his life should be. For once he wanted to take charge and make the decisions.

And damn it felt good. The looks of pure shock on their faces almost make him want to laugh. He could get used to this feeling.

"Louis, I see what you mean. I really do, and of course we'll support you in whatever you chose," Liam started, then hesitated as if not knowing how to continue with what he was saying.

"We just don't want t' see either of ye hurt," Niall supplied with a soft voice, giving Louis' shoulder a gentle squeeze, and Louis felt some of the adrenaline leave his body. "The two of ye could be really good, y'know. You balance each other out and all that shit - whether it's romantic or not. There's a reason ye're missin' him."

Louis felt his face get warm and he knew he was blushing. How was it Niall seemed to know everything? It was like he knew what Louis was feeling before he knew it himself.

"We'll talk to him again, okay?" and if he's still bein' stubborn I promise we'll start thinkin' 'bout the other option."

Making a noise of agreement, Zayn took Louis' hand and squeezed it reassuringly. He then pulled Louis in fir a hug, surprising Louis until he heard Zayn whisper: "Found someone who might know 'bout your family. Stay for a couple more days and I'll see what they know, 'kay?"

He pulled back and winked as Louis gasped. He had actually remembered! Zayn smirked as Niall asked what that was all about and Louis just beamed at them, nodding at Zayn in confirmation. It wouldn't kill him to give it a couple more days.

* * *

Liam had managed to sneak out while the others were trying to convince Louis to stay, and he silently closed the door, seeing Zayn going in for a hug right before it closed. Hopefully that meant they succeeded - or at least that Louis wouldn't disappear anytime soon.

He let himself into Paul's office, knowing Paul was working by the register that day, and pulled out his phone. Harry needed to know. And if that wasn't enough to get him to do something, Liam would have no problem going over there to knock some sense into him.

One way or another, Harry needed to be reminded what he had right in front of him - and what he could have if he pulled himself together.

Admittedly, Liam had been apprehensive about it all in the beginning, only waiting for the inevitable train wreck to happen, but after spending time with them... it could turn into something good.

The only reason he kept drilling Harry about getting attached and then tell him to let Louis move back in, was to try and make him realize his feelings. Liam wasn't sure how strong they were yet, but he knew they were there. He had never seen Harry like that before.

"Yes?" was Harry's only response when he picked up, his voice tired.

"Tell me you didn't do what we think you did!" Liam blurted out instead of going with his original plan to ease into it. Even though he already knew the answer, he did hope for a miracle.

The silence that followed though was all the confirmation he needed and he sighed, "Oh Harry..."

"What do you want Liam?" Harry just snapped.

"Louis knows," Liam said softly, and Harry breathed in sharply.

"You told him?!"

Harry sounded angry and accusing and Liam frowned. What had he expected? "Of course we did, but that's not why I'm calling. Paul apparently talked to Louis this morning about some plan he's come up with - he wants Louis to run away. Move out to some cousin of Paul's or something like that in a few towns over and live there."

There was silent for a few seconds before Harry spoke up. "And?" his tone was indifferent but Liam could hear him holding his breath. He didn't want Louis to go.

"He wasn't going to go... until he hear about what you did. He's convinced you're going to bail and leave him with Simon. He doesn't think you care anymore."

Already knowing what Harry was going to say, Liam spoke again before he had the chance to, "And I know you care, so don't start! Talk to him goddammit Harry, fix this!"

Again Harry was silent, the only sounds from Harry's side his heavy breathing and Liam knew his mind was running a mile a minute. The boxer wasn't used to dealing with feelings like this and it understandably made him feel frustrated and lost. He just hoped that Harry would make the right decision.

He made a pained noise that almost broke Liam's heart, and he felt bad for the younger boy. "We're trying to talk him into staying for a couple more days, so you can take some time to think. But you need to do something, Harry. And I know you know it as well. Don't let him get away."

"You think he'll forgive me...?" Harry suddenly asked, his voice sounding too small for someone like him, and Liam's heart broke a little more. He had never heard Harry sound like that.

"I think, that no matter what he tries to tell himself, he cares. A lot. And if you do it right. If you treat him right, he'll stay. I don't understand what is going on between the two of you, and I don't think you do either, but just think about what it could be. I just want you to be happy. The both of you."

Harry exhaled shakily. "I don't know if I can Liam... I'm no good at this."

"You won't know until you try, Harry," Liam encouraged, hope blooming in his chest. Finally he was getting somewhere with Harry.

"Okay, I'll try." This time Harry sounded determined and Liam smiled widely. He knew Harry would figure something out.

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