Fight For me

By Layla_u_

71.3K 2.6K 1.9K

(Not my story) "So, we're friends?" Louis asked timidly, his blue eyes looking up at Harry through his lashes... More

A/N (sort of)
Home Sweet Home
Deals And Oreos
Rex Parker
Fight Night
Saying Sorry
*Bonus Chapter*
Rainy Days And Hot Chocolate
Cuddly Hary vs. Killer Harry
Back To Square One
Fighting Back
Finding Oliver
A Blast From The Past
Turning Point
The Morning After
Mistakes And Revelations pt.1
Mistakes And Revelations pt.2
Mending Bonds
A New Beginning
Cuddles And Foul Play
Free Time
The Calm Before The Storm
The End pt.1
The End pt.2

Old Mrs. Bennett

2.2K 89 68
By Layla_u_

It wasn't his alarm or the rain thundering down outside that woke Harry up in the morning, but the explosion of pain in his chest that reverberated throughout his body as he had rolled over in his sleep. He yelped loudly as he woke with a start which only stretched his bruise again, sending another lighting of pain all the way out to his fingers.

Not even bothering to hold in his groans of pain, Harry tried to maneuver himself around without it hurting too much so he could get the painkillers he always kept in his bedside drawer. He cursed Smith and his left hook in every language he knew, which wasn't many, but enough for him to not run out until his fingers finally closed around the small white bottle of pills that would eventually put him out of his misery.

There was only one problem; he had never been able to swallow pills dry and water wasn't something that was even remotely close when you couldn't even get out of bed. For a second he thought of calling out for Louis, knowing the kid was a light sleeper, but quickly dismissed the idea. He didn't need help.

Gathering whatever little strength he had, he tried to sit up only to experience another burst of pain, ripping a loud groan from him as he flopped back down on the bed with a defeated huff. He couldn't remember the last time he had hurt this much. And a bruise seemed like nothing compared to what he had gone through, so he was pretty pissed at himself for being such a sissy. Surely he was tougher than that.

Apparently someone had heard his silent prayers because only seconds later, there was a soft knock on the door and a small, sleepy Louis peeking in. "Harry?" he mumbled softly into the dark room. "You okay?"

Harry contemplated saying no but the aching in his chest quickly removed any thoughts of sending Louis away. "Could... could you get me some water?" he finally croaked out. "My chest hurts like a bitch."

Even in the dark, Harry could see Louis' eyes widen and he nodded before quickly scrambling from the room. There was a few rustling noises from what sounded like the kitchen - luckily no glasses breaking - and not long after Louis came scurrying back into the room.

He helped Harry sit up a little so he could swallow the pills without choking and carefully placed his head back on the pillow when he was done. It would be a while before Harry would be able to feel the effects but it was like just the thought of having taken the pills gave some relief.

"Is there anything else you need?" Louis asked, shuffling awkwardly beside the bed. "What time is it?" Harry grumbled, not being able to see the clock from where he was. "A little past five," Louis answered. "Do you think you can fall back asleep?"

Harry just nodded, wanting to roll over and fall right back asleep. Louis seemed to understand and he muttered a quiet 'goodnight' before going back to the living room where Harry could hear him rustling about on the couch for a few seconds before settling down.

Settling down the best he could too, Harry closed his eyes and, after only a few painful moments, fell asleep.

* * *

When Harry woke up again, his chest felt much better and he was able to get out of bed without too much effort. Still hurt like hell, but more bearable. Carefully lifting his shirt up to check his chest, his nose scrunched up. The whole right side of his chest was swelled up and still a nasty red color. No wonder it hurt so bad.

He glanced at the clock, which showed it was now a little past eight, before slowly making his way to the living room, where he found Louis on the couch, eating some kind of cereal. The TV was on mute, showing a random cartoon Harry had never seen before and Louis' pillow and blankets were neatly folded and placed in his corner.

He jumped up when he noticed Harry, a frown on his face, as he hesitantly reached out and placed a hand on Harry's arm. "N-no! You should stay in bed! Liam said you shouldn't strain the bruise too much the first days and just relax. G-go back to bed! Right n-now!"

His pathetic attempt at being bossy nearly made Harry laugh. The kid was as intimidating as a kitten. Apparently Harry didn't hide his amusement very well because Louis' frown deepened and he stuck out his lower lip, pouting offended.

The poor kid looked like he didn't know what else to say, probably because he was unsure if he could boss Harry around without getting him mad. He looked so frustrated with himself, not being able to take care of Harry like Liam most likely told him to do, and Harry chuckled, shaking his head.

"Would it be alright with you if I lay on the couch instead?" he teased before he could stop himself, surprised by how easy it was for him to suddenly change his attitude towards Louis. Maybe the painkillers were fucking with his head. Something about Louis' offended expression just made him want to make fun of him. "I promise I'll behave."

Louis looked surprised at Harry's sudden change in mood too, his mouth practically falling open, and he managed to stutter out a little 'y-yeah', nodding slowly.

Luckily it didn't hurt as much to walk over and lie down as it had getting up. Before he could say or do anything else Louis hurried out of the room, leaving Harry confused. The fact that he hadn't heard the sound of a door indicated that he had gone to the kitchen, but he was suspiciously quiet in there. But Harry couldn't do much else but stay on the couch and watch the cartoon Louis had been watching as the remote was out of reach and Harry didn't fancy trying to get up again.

It was only when Louis placed something on the small coffee table and moved the table, with some difficulty, closer to Harry so he could reach whatever was on it, Harry noticed Louis had returned from the kitchen.

Again he left, this time letting himself into Harry's room without a second thought and Harry looked after him surprised but didn't say anything, instead looking back at what Louis had brought him.

Two pieces of toast with strawberry jam - the only kind Harry had - and a glass of milk. Not the greatest culinary feat but it was something, and Harry couldn't help but smile for a second before wiping his face free of emotions again.

Louis came in again, carrying Harry's duvet and a pillow and held them out for Harry to see with a hesitant smile. "I-in case you get cold," he mumbled shyly, folding it up at Harry's feet, ready to be pulled up over him without much effort.

"Thank you," Harry said honestly. He may not be sick or dying but it was actually nice to have someone care for him like that. Louis didn't owe him anything and still he was being nice. He even cleaned up around the flat from time to time, something Harry rarely had the energy to do.

Nodding with a red dusting his cheeks, Louis sat down on the shorter side of the couch, curling up under his own blanket and continued watching TV without paying much attention to Harry.

A surprisingly comfortable silence surrounded them and Harry slowly ate his breakfast, while also watching the TV, actually finding himself relaxing for the first time in a while.

It didn't take long before Louis started dozing off, his eyes slowly slipping shut before opening only to slip shut again as he tried to keep himself awake. Just as he had laid down, pulled the blanket closer and gotten comfortable however, there was a knock on the door. Louis shot into a sitting position, eyes wide as he looked at Harry. "Y-you didn't say someone was coming over?" he squeaked out.

"That's because I'm not expecting anyone," Harry frowned. The lads always told him if they were coming over so Harry couldn't ignore them, and he didn't really know anyone else who would visit. Little alarm bells were going off in the back of his mind. Had someone found out Louis was with him? Louis seemed to notice Harry's suspicion and nervously moved closer. "Should I open?" he asked in a small voice, looking at Harry with eyes that clearly wanted him to say no.

Shaking his head, Harry groaned as he tried to sit up. "I'll go look. It's probably nothing."

Louis quickly got up to help him stand but stayed behind as Harry shuffled his way to the hall, trying to make as little noise as possible. Good thing he had a peephole.

His eyes widened as he recognized the person on the other side and he unlocked and opened the door. "Mrs. Bennett?"

The old woman smiled warmly up at Harry, reaching up to give his cheek a small pat before letting herself in. The top of her grey perm barely reached Harry's shoulders and a mild scent of floral perfume followed her wake.

"Hello, Harry dear, I heard you've been hurt on the job and thought I would step by and see if I could help around your flat. Speaking of hurt, should you even be out of bed?"

Harry sighed inaudibly and helped her with her coat. Either Liam had told her at some point or she had heard him complaining when trying to get out of bed. The walls weren't that thick and Harry felt a little guilty over the things she has had to listen to throughout the years.

As for the job part, she didn't know what Harry actually did, just that he often got hurt. Although he had a feeling she knew more than she showed.

"I'm fine Mrs. Bennett," Harry said, forcing a smile. "Just a little bruise. I've had worse." She didn't say anything and continued into the living room, and it was only then he noticed the

plastic container in her hands. She had probably been baking again.

As he entered the living room too, he found Louis and Mrs. Bennett looking at each other surprised, Louis glancing up at Harry with a slightly worried expression.

"Oh, and who are you?" Mrs. Bennett asked sweetly.

"I-I'm Louis?" Louis squeaked out, looking adorably confused. Or, just confused. Definitely not adorable. Why he was so nervous about an old woman, Harry didn't know. Mrs. Bennett looked anything but dangerous.

Deciding to help Louis out a little, Harry walked over beside him. "Louis, this is my neighbor Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Bennett, this is... this is Louis." Harry wasn't exactly sure what to call Louis, so he decided to play it safe and just stick with Louis.

Mrs. Bennett laughed and shook her head. "Harry, I've told you many times you don't have to be so formal. Louis dear, you can just call me Aubrey."

Louis seemed to finally relax and he smiled shyly, giving a little nod.

A sudden twinge of pain made Harry wince and bend over a little. His bruise was not liking all that standing up. Louis was by his side immediately with a worried frown and he helped Harry over to the couch in a lying position again. Then he tugged the duvet over Harry's legs.

"I'll go make some tea. A little early for cake maybe, but I won't tell anyone. Louis dear, will you help me find my way around the kitchen?" Before Louis could say anything she had walked into the kitchen, taking the used plates and glasses from the coffee table with her. Looking at Harry for help, Louis was back to looking a little confused. Harry just smiled a little and nodded towards the kitchen. When Mrs. Bennett got something in her head, nothing could stop her so it was better to just go along with it.

Louis disappeared into the kitchen too and Harry could hear them looking through the cupboards. Even if he had indirectly banned Louis from the kitchen, he still knew where everything was. And it wasn't like he wasn't allowed in there, he was just not allowed to use anything that involved fire or electricity - unless it was using the electric kettle to make tea.

They small-talked a bit but it was too quiet for Harry to hear what they were saying. He just hoped Louis was smart enough not to tell her what was really going on. She was better off not knowing.

When they returned Louis was smiling brightly, giggling at something Mrs. Bennett had said, Harry catching something about a cat. And yeah, she was one of those old ladies who had a whole bunch of cats. Or, three to be exact.

Mrs. Bennett sat on the couch and Louis on the floor beside Harry, placing a tray with a teapot and three cups on the table.

"I made some scones and a little strawberry shortcake and thought I'd share it with someone. I didn't know you would have company but there should be plenty so don't be afraid to dig in. Could use some meat on your bones both of you," Mrs. Bennett explained, frowning displeased at the last part, as she took the cakes out of the container.

Louis looked like he had seen heaven and immediately began stuffing his face with a scone - a little bit like the first day when Harry had given him some bread. Mrs. Bennett didn't seem to mind his lack of table manners and simply smiled, probably just happy he enjoyed her baking. As Louis went in for another bite, it was as if he remembered something as stood up again, turning to Harry.

"D-do you want some help sitting up?" he asked unsurely. "You can't really eat anything like that..."

To be honest Harry hadn't thought that far, only how good it felt to get back on the couch. The pastry really did look good though and it had been a long time since he has had anything like that. Even when he went to Paul's with the others, he usually never ate anything.

"I think I can get up by myself..." His chest complained loudly in little bursts of pain as he slowly fought his way into a sitting position and he started reconsidering his choice. Cake wasn't that good anyway. But he got up and Louis placed a pillow behind him for support. Then Louis handed him his tea and a plate with a little piece of the strawberry shortcake before sitting back down on the floor to continue eating his own.

Mrs. Bennett was smiling widely, looking between the two of them as they ate, and Harry felt a little uncomfortable under her stare. Like Louis, it was like she was looking right through his walls.

Since being kicked out by his parents, Mrs. Bennett has been the only woman to care for him a bit like a mother would. Every once in a while she would come and clean, bring over some food or just come over for tea. She was one of the few constants in Harry's life that wasn't contaminated by darkness and while he may often think of her as annoying, it was nice to know someone actually cared.

"I never thought I'd see the day you would settle down Harry, I'm so happy for you. Louis seems life a fine young man, I think you make a great couple."

As the words left her mouth, Louis started choking on his tea and Harry nearly choked on his own tongue. Wheezing, he tried to catch his breath again, the pain in his chest only making it harder. He had not seen that coming. Sure, he and Louis may look a little too domestic for his liking, but that is just what happens when you live together for a while. Did they really look like a couple though?

"No! w-we're not..." Louis spluttered, his face flushed red. Mrs. Bennett frowned confused as he kept stuttering out incoherent sentences in trying to explain. He was talking to fast he nearly forgot to breathe.

"We're not together. He's just staying here for a while until he finds something else," Harry lied smoothly after finally catching his breath. And it wasn't like it was a total lie.

Mrs. Bennett didn't look convinced and just smiled to herself as she sipped her tea as if she knew something they didn't. And Harry really didn't like those people. It made his skin crawl at the thought of someone thinking they knew him better than himself. It was the same feeling he got when Louis looked at him with his piercing blue eyes. But it was hard to stay mad at someone like Mrs. Bennett.

Fortunately she didn't say anything else about it and they fell into a silence, only the sounds of the TV and Louis' occasional giggle breaking it.

Her cake was absolutely delicious and if Harry got Louis to cut him another piece, Liam didn't have to know. It wasn't often he got stuff like this and he wanted to enjoy it now he had the chance. Louis seemed to really enjoy it too, having eaten at least two pieces of each, now working on his third scone. It wasn't like he didn't get cakes or whatever Niall had made whenever they went to Paul's, but Harry guessed Louis just wanted to spoil himself while he could.

Harry didn't blame him. If he didn't get better fast, Louis' chances would be very small. And he

probably knew it. So when Louis downed the rest of his tea and reached for another piece, Harry didn't say anything.

* * *

Louis' stomach was starting to hurt a little from eating so much but he couldn't help it. It was unlike anything he had ever tasted before and he wanted to get as much as possible before it was gone.

At first Mrs. Bennett scared him a little. He had never met an old person who had been nice to him. His grandparents had always thought of him as a failure - he suspected they had known about him being gay even before he told anyone - and some of the older workers at the orphanage were really strict and just plain out hated him.

But Mrs. Bennett was really nice and Louis felt like she actually cared about him even if they had just met. He hoped Harry would let him visit her sometimes after this. It wasn't like he was tired of being with the lads, but they just kind of reminded him of his situation and it would be nice to be around someone who wasn't involved. And he really wanted to meet her cats too. He had always wanted a cat.

He didn't really get how she would think him and Harry were together though. They were so different and Louis was pretty sure Harry hated him, only being nice because Liam said so.

Glancing up at Harry, who was quietly watching TV, he felt his face getting warm, a little flutter in his stomach.

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