Villain with a Heart (Todorok...

By Prickle_Prackle

469K 17.5K 15.5K

•Soulmate! and Villain! AU• (Follows manga timeline but I change some things! It also focuses more on Midoryi... More

A New Beginning
All Might's head
A Boy Named Shoto Todoroki
Times Change And So Do People
Journal No.14
Man With the Blue Hair
Burnt Roses
Villain with a Heart
Soulmate Mark
Unexpected Visitor
Class 1-A
"Lord Of The Flies"
Ochako Uraraka
Lunch Buddies
Vulnerable Boy
USJ Incident (1/2)
USJ Incident (2/2)
After the incident
Movie Marathons and Uber Drivers
Boba Tea
A l o n e
The Box
Safe House
-Lullaby For A Newfound Crush-
UA Sports Festival 1/3
UA Sports Festival 2/3
UA Sports Festival 3/3
Teal Eyes
Hero Names
Pro Hero: "Magi"
Hero Killer: "Stain"
Hand Crusher
Toga and Dabi
Glowing Eyes
His Voice
Marbled Students
The Cleaning
Candy Apples And Art
Grand Theft Auto 2.0
Declaration of War
Himiko Toga and Twice
Memory Rooms
I Pass Out Too Much
First Snowfall
Warm Embrace
Chocolate Strawberries
New Room
Too Many Close Calls
Third Hostage
No Time For Grief
Lovers Entwined

Where You Go, I Go

1.9K 111 172
By Prickle_Prackle

Todoroki Shoto worriedly walked to the school campus, hands in his pockets as rain poured down from the sky, soaking his hair and clothes. He brushed the hair stuck to his face away as it was too long lately, and got in his eyes.

He arrived at the dorms, where his classmates sat around the living-room murmuring with solemn looks plastered on their faces. Once he stepped inside, water puddling at his feet, the students turned to face him with saddened expressions.

"Hello." He greeted stoically, looking around the room, not quite understanding their looks nor body languages as he wasn't good with those. Izuku was the one who helped him understand what people meant basing on their tones of voice and such. Without him there to help, he was just seeing his classmates normally.

They remained silent as he just stood there. Taking that as a greeting, he shook his head slightly, letting drops of water fall to the ground. He took his soaked shoes and placed them to the side, making his way to the stair to go to his room

"Todoroki." A gruff voice called from behind.

He spun around with a hum, rather cluelessly. Shoto faced his teacher with a slight bow, awaiting his conversation.

"Where's Eri? Where's Midoriya?" He asked, looking around.

"They left. They'll be back later as usual, I assume." He replied, rather confused.

'Is there a meeting today that I forgot about? Are we in some sort of trouble?' He thought, tilting his head to the side.

"Sit." His teacher ordered. The students all sat in the room; some on the floor and some on the seats. They remained seated, eyes unmoving from Shoto's form as he walked over, taking a seat farther from the students as he was still drenched in water. He lightly activated his fire quirk to dry himself off as much as he could.

Aizawa sighed, leaning against the wall with a rather somber look. "We received news earlier today of the UA traitor being caught— or rather, revealed. Well... it's true..."

The students gasped though they knew it in their hearts to be true.

"If you have any news on the whereabouts of Midoriya Izuku, you must report them to one of the heroes or any authority." The ebony-haired male announced. "That's all..." He said before starting to walk away.






The students finally spoke-up, yelling their questions and refusal to turn in a friend with no proof whatsoever. The dual-haired male sat quietly, drying himself off as he viewed the chaos rather unbothered. He didn't understand anything going on, so he just muted it out as he did most unimportant things in his life.

Another who remained unbothered, was nervously picking at his nails in his seated position, looking up at the raven-haired professor.

Aizawa spun around quite irritated by the comments and questions. He glared at them, hair hovering up and eyes glowing a slight red as his quirk activated, silencing them in fear. "We have the proof. This was all I was told to say. I'm sorry." He turned around once again, opening the door as well as his umbrella. "I can break the rules a bit." He faced them with a sigh before meeting eyes with Bakugo, who caught the look and flinched slightly. "Ask Bakugo. He's the one who knows the most here. I don't even know much other than what I'm telling you all now." He then left.

All eyes turned to the ash-blond in need of answers.

He forced himself to remain cool and unbothered, though they stared him down like a pack of starving wolves look at their prey.

"I'm going to sleep. I'm tired." He grunted, spinning in his heel to walk to his assigned room; but the students were faster and stopped him in his tracks, demanding answers.

"I'm sure you can stay up past your bedtime a little, no Bakubro?" A certain red-haired boy said dangerously, holding the explosive boy down with his quirk.

The ash-blond looked around at fast speeds before somehow shoving his body away from their hands, sprinting up the stairs.

"AFTER HIM!" Mina screamed, declaring war against the blond.

The students charged up the stairs, struggling against the angry boy, who locked himself in the room. The students then managed to break the door down and a whole lotta chaos erupted.

The dual-haired boy sat on the floor, stationed throughout the whole mess, sitting criss-cross-apple-sauce. He then got up, checking the clock. "I should head over to the park soon." He muttered before making his way to his room to grab a fresh change of clothes due to his being so humid.

He changed quickly, but was stopped by the clump of people in the hallway blocking the door of Bakugo's room, and his way to the stairs. He tried to shove past, but no one would budge or would simply push him back.

He bit the inside of his cheek and decided to join the crowd to see what was going on.

Bakugo laid in bed as the students hovered above him accusingly; quirks readied for any sort of stunt the blond could pull at any second to escape the interrogation.

"FINE! I'LL TELL YOU ALL! BUT LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE AFTER!" He yelled. Everyone shook their heads agreeing with his conditions.

He sighed, feeling guilty all over again. He was furious at his teacher for outing him to the class in knowing more. He'd been the one to point Izuku out to the principal, after all.

He explained the story just as he had told Nezu, but didn't show them the recording as the animal-like principal had his phone for safekeeping.

The students, of course, didn't believe him. They came up with many scenarios where Izuku could've been on a call and mentioned the villains and it was all a big misunderstanding, yet deep down they knew something was off all along.

If they didn't think about the small details the freckled boy did, they wouldn't even have the slightest hint of hesitance in denying Bakugo's claim.

They thought about the way he used his quirk and how it was so remarkably similar to that one villain's quirk which the media started to call "Polaris". His quirk was some sort of telekinesis, yet nothing having to do with metals, unlike Izuku.

They also thought of the way he never felt or even looked in any way excited when the number one pro hero: "All Might", came to teach or came anywhere near him. Though he taught at UA and the students saw him daily, not once did they ever stop feeling an overwhelming excitement.

Izuku? He didn't even bat an eye.

The fact that he showed up to UA's Culture Festival, but never came to say hello to his classmates and pretended to be someone else to not be found, never left the minds of his fellow classmates who saw and recognized him. He didn't tell anyone how the League let him go, and went off-the-grid with no explanation.

What's more, is that he saved this enchanting girl and claimed her to be his younger sister. They surely went through hell and back together to create such a bond in such a short amount of time, yet they never bothered to share that with anyone. They weren't even sure he'd shared it with anyone within the class.

To them, Midoryia Izuku was always there with them, but never there at the same time.

It always felt as if they never truly met Midoryia, but rather just the front he put up.

Only Bakugo seemed to have a history with the greenette other than Todoroki who fell head-over-heels for him.

The dark-red-eyed boy ordered the classmates to leave, as his own personal daily-front was starting to crack since the guilt started to become too overwhelming. He knew it was all his fault and he couldn't take it anymore.

Tears brimmed his eyes and a certain pink-haired girl took notice; carefully stepping over to embrace the boy she called her friend. Though they weren't as close as she was with other classmates, she understood what he'd consider as friends and how far he'd go for them, so seeing as she fit those requirements, she easily succumbed to his friendship.

What came to a surprise to all of them was that he managed to break down in her arms.

Tears flowed down his face as he profoundly, yet quietly, apologized.

"Why are you sorry?" She slid her hands through his spiky (and surprisingly soft) hair. "There's nothing to be sad about. If he really is a villain, then you did the right thing to turn him in. You saved many people from another attack."

"Yeah! So don't worry about it!" Kirishima smiled weakly, seeing as his best friend showed any sort of emotion other than his god-complex-like emotions for the first time.

The rest agreed, trying to calm him down, but the explosive boy pushed away from Mina, wiping away the wet streaks on his cheeks. "NO!" He yelled angrily. "IT'S MY FAULT!"

"Don't say that Baku-" Kirishima went to comfort him, but got his hand swatted away.


The room went into a shocked silence as they listened to the crying boy.

He chuckled as he recalled Midoryia's angered protest not that many days ago. "All he ever did..." He sniffled. "Was look up to me... ALL HE EVER FUCKING WANTED WAS TO BE MY FRIEND!!" He hit his chest accusingly.

"I was too blind to see it..." Bakugo admitted. "All I ever saw was another stone in my path, blocking the way to my success. My victory. I was so blind I didn't even see him, just some nobody who looked down on me, when in reality all he did was look up." He pointed as he spoke.

Kirishima bit his lip, unsure of what to say. "At least you realized your mistakes now."

Bakugo remained silent.

They all knew of his rocky relationship with Izuku, but they would've never guessed it was this bad beforehand.

Todoroki angrily listened from the back. Having enough, he shoved the students with all his strength, passing through and into the room. With no hesitation, he punched Katsuki in the face causing the impact to echo in the crowded room.

Gasps soon erupted at the sight of the scene.

Bakugo wiped the blood from his pained nose, looking at it blankly, facing the ceiling and accepting the hit as payback from the universe for his actions.

Todoroki scoffed angrily. He was so pissed off at the words the brute in front of him had confessed, yet he couldn't even do anything than hit him. He wanted to kill Bakugo, but doing so would only throw him down to his pitiful level.

He pointed at the blond accusingly. "I'm gonna go find Izuku. Then," he paused, narrowing his eyes into a glare. "I'll be back and kill you." Shoto then stomped out, getting terrified or  looks of pity from his classmates.

The rain had finally started to fall less compared to a few hours ago. Izuku sat with an umbrella covering himself. The girl who usually followed him around no matter where, was left with her older sister Toga, and uncle Jin, watching some show on the TV last he checked.

He went to Deika City to drop her off, giving the only villains he saw a brief explanation of the events that unfolded not long ago. They understood his exchange, and let him go with the promise for him to come back before the end of the day.

He waited; kicking his legs up and down rhythmically to the tune of the droplets of water falling from the sky. He hummed a little tune as he patiently waited.

'He'll be here soon.' He convinced himself. 'Maybe my clock is slightly a few minutes off.'

A few minutes passed and no sign of Shoto, or anyone for that matter.

Half-an-hour and nothing, still.

Izuku finally gave up hope, knowing Shoto probably found it all out. He probably didn't love him anymore. The greenette sighed; pushing his thoughts and feelings down as usual.

He deserved this after all, no?

He hid like a coward behind false hope; feeling as if the world for once started to rotate around him, but in reality it had never done that. It was all a farce to later-on kick him down once more and make him a laughingstock for the world to see again.

He pressed his bracelet, alerting the League he wanted to go back again. The bracelet, of course, malfunctioned. "You've gotta be shitting me right now..." He hissed under his breath, slapping the device angrily, tears brimming his eyes in frustration.

As he wasn't paying attention, a certain tall boy jogged towards the boy's figure. "IZUKU!" He called out in relief, feeling euphoric at the aight of the boy once more. He was so confused and angry with the world who wanted to take the one thing he cared for in his life, after so long, away.

The world really isn't fair.

Izuku looked up through the foggy and rainy night, he managed to make his boyfriend's figure out. "Sho?" He tilted his head.

Todoroki approached him, holding him in his arms without a second to spare. "I'm so sorry..." He apologized repeatedly, hiding his soaked face in the boy's curly hair.

Izuku gripped the boy's soaked shirt in shock. He really expected him to be a no-show as anyone would be. "You're really here..." He breathed out.

"Why would I not be?" The other said unmoving. After a few seconds they let go of eachother. Izuku covered them both with the umbrella Compress happily lent him.

"Why did you leave?" Asked Shoto.

"I had to. Otherwise, I'd have been caught and thrown in a cell to rot forever."

"Why? Are you... not innocent, then?" The dual-haired boy asked hesitantly, knowing the answer deep down, yet not wanting to believe it. Izuku remained silent, letting Shoto know the answer for his question. "I see..."

The greenette waved his hands around, wanting to explain his actions, but Todoroki simply nodded with a saddened and pensive expression. "I have my reasons!" He defended.

"I understand." He faced the green-haired boy, looking at his entrancing freckles with the need to trace them once again. He scanned his face, drawing conclusions of his own before shutting his eyes.


"I know you have your reasons." He blankly said as usual, grabbing Izuku's hands and holding them in his own. "I'll go with you."

Izuku scrunch his face up in confusion, not sure what he meant. "What?"

"Wherever you go, I'll go." He caressed his lover's hands gently. "I don't care if it's true that you're the traitor, I still love you for you."

Midoryia stared into the gleaming heterochromic eyes of the boy, finding truth embedded into them. "What are you talking about? Do you not hate me? Don't you want to go back and tell them all about me just like someone did? Turn me in to the heroes like anyone else would?" He suggested.

The boy shook his head, a small, yet rare, smile spreading to his lips. Izuku's eyes widened as he looked at him, completely falling in love with him once more.

The moon shone at the perfect angle, accentuating his features lightly; and the smile just felt so natural that he didn't know how to react but admire.

"Izuku, you are the best thing that's happened to me in a long time..." His smile got smaller as his lip quivered slightly. "I don't wanna lose you." He hugged the smaller boy tightly.

Izuku was left speechless, unsure what to do but hug back.

"I'm going to another city. On our way there, I'll explain it all."

The other nodded, agreeing with the boy's plan.

"Are you sure you want to come with me? Your life from now on will never be the same." He warned, not wanting to cause any more pain to the scarred boy.

"It doesn't matter. The life I'm living is not the one I ever wanted. It was handed to me from the moment I got my quirk, so living a life next to the person I love rather than something I never wanted, seems like a good thing, don't you think?"

Midoryia blushed, looking away from Todoroki to hide his reddened face. "Y...Yeah..."

"Just don't hide things from me anymore. I overheard one of the girls in our class say that if people hide secrets in a relationship, it won't work out."

Izuku bit his lip, trying to contain his laugh. "L-Let's go? If we wait any longer, the heroes will come after us soon enough." He adjusted the plan around his lover, now having a new addition to the League of Villains.

Shoto nodded, ready to follow the freckled teen even to the depths of hell.

Izuku pressed his bracelet a good three times causing a beeping red light to emit from it.

A car pulled-up to the side of the road not long after. The window rolled down revealing a capped gentleman. "Ready to leave?"

"Yeah. Take us back to Deika City."

The man nodded before noticing the taller boy besides the other. "Who's that?"

"New member I managed to recruit. Very important to our plan." He lied.

"Very well."

The doors to the cab opened and the duo stepped inside comfortably.

A dark window stood as a wall between the passenger and driver seat areas, giving them privacy.

Izuku sighed, starting to explain everything to the white-and-red haired teen. From the moment Katsuki told him to take a swan-dive off a building, to when All Might made him jump, when everyone ignored his existence, and his affiliation with the League.

Todoroki, not once, judged him as he spoke. "So what exactly is the plan?" He asked.

"It keeps getting minor setbacks, but I have every side possible covered so not much gets fixed."

"Ah..." He thought, absorbing all the information.

"Although... I'm not sure what the League will think of you." Izuku sighed. "They're gonna be very untrusting around you considering your affiliation with the heroes. Hell, they might use you as bait or a hostage!" He smiled, thinking of what the members might do individually with their odd methods. "But don't worry." He placed his hand reassuringly on the other's shoulder. "I won't let them. Pinky swear." He extended his free hand's pinky.

Todoroki looked at it confused before wrapping his pinky slowly around the other. "Pinky...swear...?"

"Good enough." Midoriya smiled.

They silently waited to arrive at the city; the slow pattering of the rain on the hood of the car, lulling them to sleep. The silent, yet comfortable, atmosphere not helping them stay awake. Eventually their eyes grew heavy and they ended up falling asleep on eachother.

Before they knew it, they arrived. The man announced their arrival, causing them to jump awake. They straightened themselves out before stepping onto the city.

Toga, who was being clung-onto by a curly-haired child, and Jin stood happily awaiting the short villain. Izuku stepped out and waved excitedly, hugging the duo.

Behind him stood Todoroki awkwardly. Toga noticed him and quickly jumped back, taking out one of her blades and pointing it at him threateningly. "You were followed?!" She exclaimed.

"No! No!" Izuku waved his hands around franticallyz "Well... yes? But no!"

"Now I'm confused." She lowered her stance, sweatdropping.

"Sho-Chan! You came!!" Eri gasped, running excitedly towards Shoto, who happily lifted her up and pulled her into a hug but didn't show it.

Toga tried to stop her, but when she saw how close they were she gave Izuku a questioning look.

A sudden look of realization then crossed her face and she blushed excitedly. "He's your boyfriend isn't he?!! So cute!!"

Izuku turned a dark shade of red, shaking his head up-and-down.

"NO WAY!! Congrats!" She pulled him into a bone-crunching hug.

"Ouch...." He said, not feeling his lower arm any longer.

She eventually let go, beaming smile plastered on her face. "Let's go inside. Dabi has some info that might be of use." She offered.

They entered deeper into the city, getting odd looks from people who recognized the curly-haired villain from times before, unsure of who the awkward boy next to him was.

"You okay Sho?" Midoryia asked, getting a simple nod from the other. "If you say so..."

They arrived at the main building where the Liberation Army had its main headquarters, now shared with the League.

Todoroki glanced around, taking in his surroundings.

Twice talked with Midoryia while Toga gushed and asked questions to the dual haired boy. He felt indifferent around them, sure, a bit weary after being attacked by the group in the past, but other than that he didn't have any feeling towards them.

"Midoriya Izuku!" Called a voice from a distance, catching the greenette's attention. The voice belonged to a certain masked male. He ran and engulfed the teen in a quick hug, examining his features. "You're back!"

"Compress, greetings." He dramatically bowed.

"Oh? Who's this guy? Isn't he..." He paused, looking Shoto over. "WAIT! HE'S ONE OF THOSE UA KIDS!!"

"Yeah... TA-DA!" Midoryia said wearily with jazz-hands. "He'll be joining us."

The rest of the time, the three villains stopped being as weary of the teen, and started to embrace him after Midoryia explained the situation.

"Oh!" Toga suddenly exclaimed. "Here!" She reached into her pocket, pulling out a phone. "Yours blew up, so Jin and I saved up for a new one!"

Izuku stared at the gift for a second before taking it. "Thanks guys!"


Todoroki sat on a seat eating sushi with the group of villains, only missing two members. Midoryia caught up completely with them as his lover payed attention, trying to get to know them better.

The TV played Cartoon Network, distracting a few of the villains into watching its content.

"So y-we are now called the 'Vanguard Action Squad'?" Izuku asked, stuffing some of his sushi into his mouth.

Spinner hummed with a smirk. "Cool name, huh?"

"I actually picked it." A tall, raven-haired male stood, leaning against the doorframe behind the group with a close-eyed smirk.

"Tou-Chan!" Eri gasped excitedly at the sight of her 'uncle'. She would've jumped to hug him, but her hands were full of rice and sticky sauces from the food. It had never been an issue, but she was too entranced by the show currently playing on the television screen. "Adventure Time", it was called. It quickly became one of her favorites as she watched it with Toga routinely.

The time away from her 'big-sister', she only watched re-runs with Midoryia to get him into the show, which worked.

"Hey kiddo." He greeted the girl again, as he had seen her here earlier after Izuku dropped her off. He walked over to eat until he spotted a certain scarred boy sitting in the corner, quietly eating. His steps slowed down, as he was making sure that who he saw was the right person.

Todoroki felt eyes on him, so he looked up, spotting an unfamiliar face. He lifted his hand up in an awkward waving motion. "Hello." He greeted.

"Oh! Tou-chan! Meet Sho-chan!" Eri smiled, introducing the two innocently.

"I kno-" He stopped himself, clearing his throat. He extended his hand out bluntly towards the teen. "Hey... I'm Dabi."

The other took it casually. "Todoroki, Shoto." He introduced himself.


Hey! I updated again woo!! And in a short time!

The fluff before the storm~ 💜✨

This was mostly a filler chapter so I apologize. I've been a bit busy and have writers block, but I finally set-up a timeline for this ending.

There are gonna be around ten more chapters left.

That's all I can say (other than a certain somebody who knows a certain little detail that's gonna happen as I commented on it to them lol)

Remember that if you need anything, my DMs are open (even if it's to ask a question or say hi! I love talking to all of you!)

Please rest! Take care of yourselves, and happy spring break!

—Resting Author 😌

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