The Replaced Bride(Completed)

By FlowerVine98

1.7M 57.9K 8.6K

She is Bubbly, He is Arrogant She is the ray of sunshine, He is full of darkness. This story about an plus s... More

Author's Note
Character Info
Chapter 1 - Her
Chapter 2 - Him
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Author's Note

Chapter 10

23.6K 730 34
By FlowerVine98

Malarvizhi pov:

Me and krithi got wokeup around 4'o clock and get bathed. After that I get dressed in saree. Mmmm I know that I don't look good in saree, but I want to try it..... Heee

Me and krithi took the somewhat same saree. Friendship goals. Heeee..... After that priya did some makeover to me. When I seen myself in mirror. I look good. Superb. I waited my girl to get ready.

After what seems like an hour we both ready it's around 5.30.... We both came out of the room. We moved to the priyas room if she need any help. As krithi can help her right. There I see my mom and dad just standing their with a low head in front of groom parents I think soo. What happened now why all are presenting in the bride room. Oh god. Is the groom side needed any money now. Oh god.

Thinking it has to be like that issues I reached dad and asked him what happened nu... 'Your sister runaway' is that what iam heard from my dad. Why she is happy right... Then why the heck... I said to him 'someone must have kiddnaped her' . That's is the only thing striked on my mind. He just give me some paper. It was priya handwriting only. There she mentioned, that she is having an secret lover, and she is going to get married to him nu. Then why the heck she said okay to tha marriage just to broke tha heart of some one. Oh god how hard it will to him to digest this much things....

She is not even an human being am saying guys..... I hate her to core now... Ufffff

I then see the lady, uncle and one boy who is around some 19 year who looked soo glomy. He might be the grooms brother.... I don't know to what to say...

Lady whom I assumed groom's mom asked dad "Did you pressurise your daughter. Why you did it.... See because of all, my son is going to get humiliated"

"No we don't, she is happy about the marriage. She didn't said anything with us. Iam sorry" dad said to them.....

"You have another daughter right, we can make them get married then" said another lady I think who is happened to be groom's mom relative I think soo....

My dad looked shocked is he concerned for me.... I don't want to get married as just an replacement of my sister.... I want to married to one whom I love. Not as an replacement.... Krithi just hold my hand tightly..... Oh god why they are in need of doing this marriage. If it stop na then stop.... Why they are doing like this....

"No how it will happen, I mean.... If its okay for you Iam too okay with this" my dad too agreed suddenly. As he got some other better idea something like that....

"Who is your second daughter" asked that lady who gave the option.....

My dad showed me I stood there blankly. As I don't know how to react in this situation.... Aaditya mom too came towards me and asked me "will you marry my son" as she took my hand lovingly......

" Aunty how can I, you see I don't even know him. I don't want to be an replacement to someone. Please try to understand me aunty" I said to her my view....

She looked sad but for that I can't give my life right.....i tried to escape from there. But couldn't as mom glaring at me.... What????

Then want me to get married ha. Never that won't ever happen....

"just accept girl, no one will ever want to marry you. Did you ever seen yourself in mirror. You see our Aaditya boy has everything good looking, money, fame etc..., you yourself as too think lucky.... But you ignoring. Girls like you don't even an option..... Just accept this we know you won't ever get married right. We don't have any girl in our relative side. If it's so why we' are going to ask you for marriage "said that relative lady....

"Amudha shut up, is this is the way to talk to a girl" Aaditya mom said..... I mean she didn't even disgusted by me by my appearance and did asked my hand for the marriage... That is a big deal for an plus size woman in India you know.....

"Beta if you don't want Na. Then don't da ma.... Its okay leave it.... Forget that I asked you okay" saying this she left the room along with their family. I just admire her.....

My dad asked krithi to wait outside. What is now going to happen... Uffff

"just say okay for this marriage" asked my dad... I said sternly "I won't.... "

He just slap me.. Why the heck now he is slapping.... What did I do.....
"you ugly bitch, you are arguing with me haaaaa!" said my dad.. What's with this ugly words.... I just giving the respect for his age. Orelse he will taste his own medicine.... I said again "I won't marry anyone as an replacement....."

"you are going to get married that's it, and get out of our house. After marriage you either die or live. I don't care. Don't come to the house ever..... If you even have any ounce of respect do this favour and get married as we all know that you are not going to get married if you leave this option now...."said dad.....

" Say yes Or else you will see the consequences.... You see you know right we have many connections. I know you are fond of orphanage which is the child's save right... I will use my influence and get those orphanage to close and make the children's to get into the road do you want that to happen..... " he threatened me..... What those poor child... What they do. Why they have to suffer because of me... I know my dad had many bad influences too. Who is money hungry minded person nu...... I don't have any choices rather than accepting to the marriage. That is how I said yes to my future hell life.....

Third person pov:

After malarvizhi gone out, her mom asked sundaram "Why you want malar to get married to the rich man. Then she will become rich right. She will be happy then.... "

Sundaram just smiled and said "That is the master plan. You see I just instantly got an idea like if we get her married. We can get rid of that ugly girl and also never in his life Aaditya is not going to love the unlucky and ugly girl for her shape and her size... So she is not going to get an happy life. So its like an win win situation, as Aaditya will not accept her like us. Again she is going to lead the lonely life. Hahaaa We want her to suffer very much to make our life unlucky because of her presence itself..... Fat girl.. Ufffff..... We can get rid of her!!!!!
And above this all we can be good guys before the moorthy and his family so if we need any money we can get through malar right.... "

" How did you know she is serving for orphanage "asked her mom...

" She always used to go out at particular Sunday. One day I just followed her and get to know about this simple.... I am not even having the intention to use those orphanage against anything. But I don't get any idea other than this, if she didn't agree means I will definitely do that" said sundaram...

"Will she took money from Aaditya account if we need anything, as far as I know she won't took right"

"Again we will use the orphanage matter that's it" cunningly said her dad.....

"Okay okay come on now we have to inform this to moorthy family come on....." Saying this they all got out of the room. Unaware of the fact that their son Nakul heard it all. He just couldn't believe what his dad and mom capable of..... He just going to miss his malar sister... How much he insulted her.. But he didn't know when he get wrong in his behaviour.... He just started to cry thinking his sister life.....

Sundaram and his wife stopped before the moorthy is room. Before he going to knock. He heard their speaking as they didn't close the door properly.

"What we are going to do now, eventhough we have only small audience. All of them were our company clients. This will make the company shares to down. I don't know what will happen ....above this We are going to get humiliated in front of all. How we are going to say that the marriage is going to call off.... They will all surely mock us back.... Our Aaditya is going to suffer, everyone will mock in his back. Saying that he can't even able to get married, maybe he have some problem in physical sense that is why the marriage is not happened and its call off at the mandap. Like these talks will happen.... What we are going to do now"says moorthy..

"We will find a way don't worry, you already look pale. Here take this tablet now" says his wife.....

Hearing this, sundaram and his family get happy.... They feeling like they achieved some things. So they just waited and hear few mins of their crying......

Sundaram then knocked the room door. Hearing this knocking moorthy thought it might be the Aaditya as its already 6 clock. He might want to know what are the rituals he has to do nu they thought. And said "come Aaditya"

Moorthy and his wife entered there. "What you both wanted now" moorthy asked them

"We are really sorry, I think we wronged in the upbringing of priya. Because of us you are facing the humiliation. We truly sorry for that. But I want to convey that Malarvizhi accepted to the marriage" moorthy and his wife looked shocked hearing this....

Ragini gets happy and asked she wants to meet her.... Sundaram took the coupe towards the malar room.....

When they all moved to the malar room, Ragini asked the sobbing malar "Did you said okay to the marriage ha beta" asked her

Malar just said "yes aunty" as she can see that his dad saying to say yes or else she knows what happen. So she said yes!

Again Ragini asked "you are not saying yes because of anyone pressurise right" Malar thought of saying it to them. But sundara shows the phone to her. So she stopped herself from spilling the beans. Because before sundaram meets the moorthy and his wife he came to the malar room and asked the krithi to wait outside as he don't want to have any fault in his plan. Because he knows if Moorthy or his wife ask anything to malar, she will definitely leak his plan, then he will land to be in jail. So for safer side he came here and warned that he already asked some local goons, who happened them to know his company boss , where he is working as an manager now. So he asked his boss help and make the goons to stand before the orphanage. He said these details to malar and also said, if she ever wants to say that she is doing this marriage under the pressure, then the goons will enter the orphanage and started to beat the children's with just an one phone call. He even show the video before hand to her.... He even asked if she spill these details to anyone of them including krithi then she will have to face the consequences nu....

So malar knows, that she dont have a say in it.... And again said "no aunty" to Aaditya mom..... She looks so happy, seeing her happy Malarvizhi to get smile on her face.... She don't know why, but she felt atleast in a life she will be happy by saying yes... Because the old lady in front of her looks so happy.... Atleast once in a life she thought of getting the happy family after seeing this lady reaction.... Maybe maybe she will get the love which she is yearning to have.... Aaditya's mom just kissed her forehead lovingly and said to get ready. Saying this she left.....

Malarvizhi pov:

Malar just looked dumbfolded. Becaus that is ever first kiss in her forehead. As no one kissed her there that too with this much love.... She literally had tears in her eyes. After that sundaram and his wife goes out....

Krithi asked her "why you said yes babe is your parents done anything to you or if they blackmailing you for anything ha"....

"No krithi not like like that" Malar don't know how to make krithi believe....

So she said like " Mom and dad asked me more or like begged me to get married. They even somewhat looked sorry for me. As they don't have any other choices. As now am their only daughter they asked me. I don't know what to say krithi. And did you see now Aaditya's mom behaved. Maybe it's my destination babe "I consoled more or like I consoled myself... I don't want to lie to krithi. But its an life matter of children.... I couldn't bare the loss. If anyone loss their life or if any thing happened to anyone. I won't ever able to live my life. I will die in guilt. Only things which am having in my mind is the orphanage children should be safe!. I can't even call the police. As my dad boss have many influences. I don't want to risk my children's life..... I can able to sacrifice my life, rather than taking risk with children's life!!!!. I don't know my dad is this much capable. That too threatening the small child's life just to get rid of me from them. If they want to happy they will..... I don't even want to say others that these creatures are my parents.

Krithi didn't look like convinced. So I thought of diverting the matter. I asked her "krithi I want your mom and dad to attend my wedding da...."

Krithi said "Mom and dad gone to Kerala da, as one of our close relative had cancer and she don't have any other member in her family. Mom is gone to take care of her and to be with her in her whole treatment.... Dad will be with them for 1 more weeks and then he will come here as he had to go to the office. But mom will stay beside my aunty for 3 months like that. I don't know exactly. Its all depends on the medication "

Oh god. Take care of that aunty please. I asked her" Did you inform them ha" she said yes " she badly wanted to come to your wedding, but she can't as my aunty's health is deteriorating so much. She in need for her. They are currently in hospital. It is rural area so the Network will also down or else atleast I will show your marriage in live..... But alas there is nothing we can do....she said that wherever she is, always her blessings will be with you she asked me to convey this babe. Don't worry okay ha. Am there for you. If its happened anything. Just come to our home which is always open for you. You know that right"...

I just nodded, I got overwhelmed I just hugged her dearly and started to cry..... After our huggy and crying session, we both settled down.

As in cue maa too came. She thought the marriage is for priya. But after seeing me. She too cried. I said the same things which I said to krithi. But alas she too didn't believe me even a bit. Am I that much bad in lieing... Ufffff.....

Already the time is now 7, Aaditya mom came along with makeup artist and saree even with blouse she came. I don't know how she prepare in just 1 hour nu.... Ummm am not in the mood for thinking it now.... For half an hour the artist done something... Ufff... Krithi too helped me... She quickly helped me to get ready atleast....

Aaditya pov :

After calling private investigator, I just sat silently. Aarav and gaurava seen me. They asked wat happened, I said everything which happened till now. They both looked sad. Who will not.

Aarav said "I already doubted that this family looks somewhat artificial like they were acting. Uff that's why I don't get the good vibes from them.... Such a cunning family... Don't worry Aaditya you will get an good girl.... Priya always used to speak with someone in phone for more than hours, now I know it was that sushant.... Leave those morons. Don't feel okay.... I don't know how to console you and all" gaurava too nodded. We shared the group hug.....
I asked them to not share any of these information to mom and dad and mainly their betrayals to them. Because mom and dad got old now. I don't want them to pressurise themselves. Am not going to say these information to dad or mom. But I will take care of that old hag by myself....

As I don't want my mom and dad to think like they itself do blunder for my life.... We all decided to wait for the news to get spread then we will get out of the hall...

At 6.30 mom came "beta we have news to you, but first we are sorry da"

"Mom and dad why are you saying sorry," I asked her.... As if I don't know anythings which is happening right now....

"Because priya ranaway from the marriage as she already having some lover.".....

"you are even persistent in not getting married but because of us now you happened to be humiliated" said dad.....

"But we have other choices, as your aunty asked the Malarvizhi hand for you. You know that priya sister... At first she didn't accept. Then now only she said okay to get married to you. Can you please agree for this marriage. As you know if the marriage is call off, it will reflect on business too and many members will call you many names behind your back. We don't want that to happen.. "

Vikram to entered the room and said" Dad he can't get married to another girl right in instance . This is not some movie where the boy and girl get married just for the sake of society right. This is life mom "

" Yeah mom I too don't agree with this "even Aarav and gaurava too supported. But mom started to cry." Beta I want to see your marriage. If it not happened now, then you will not able to get married to another three to four years think this. I don't know whether I will be present for that long or not. I want to see atleast one child to get settled with his family. For me that girl look like an good one only. I don't know why, say it an motherly instinct or anything. For me she looks perfect for you"she said in a sobbing state... We all know she having medical condition.. If she continued sobbing Na then she will surely get fainted which leads to other medical conditions... I don't know what to do.....

But in a panicking state I said "yes mom I will agree to get married" my friends look like I disappointed them . But they all know why accepted nu. Because I can't see my dad and mom in crying state for long.... Even both suffered a lot in their life just to support us. Now I want to make them happy. So i just accepted it.... They both even having medical conditions.... I can say no now, and if anything happens to them in future, I don't want to regret myself then. So it's better if I accept the marriage right. So it's an yes.... Maybe maybe me and that girl can be perfect couple who knows. But as soon as I got this idea I just cringed at that thought.. That cunning family don't even have any good soul that's for sure.... My mom and dad don't know their bad deeds. If only they are healthy I would have said everything's to them. Then there will no marriage will happen now.. But alas I don't have choice right....

Its just an yes. I won't ever look at that girl.... Her cunning family itself said that she is disrespectful child. Then what can I expect from them.. Am not going to introduce her as my wife. Only in paper she will be an wife not in my life. That's for sure....

Cunning family, maybe this marriage thing is also plotted for money something right what I will expect from the Money minded bitches.... Ufff..... Just for money they will do anything....

Then mom asked me to get ready as its already getting late. We all are started to get ready. As in tamil style, the groom used to wear the veshatti and shirt. We all got readied.... Mom asked me to come to the manamaedai(where the bride and groom to sit in front of the holy fire).... I don't even an ounce of interest to get marry now!... Uffff....

I gone and sat for around 10 mins. The Iyaar asked me to say the slogan after him for marriage and all. I too said everything without any interest.... Then the Iyaar asked the Malar mom to get her daughter here!.....

I don't know why, my heartbeat starts to beat very fastly, I just turn around and seen a girl who is in saree coming. She don't even look good. Oh god why it's happening to me... I am going to get married to fatty!... My life is going to be doomed. She is not even looking fair.... Height is too short. Overall I don't even have ounce of liking towards her... I know one thing for sure.... My life is doomed. Even my friends too looked shocked. My brother didn't looked shocked I think he knows it.... My mom knows that I like my life partner to be beauty with brain not some ugly duckling.....

(Just the saree pic.... Remember she is not lean one)

She reached the manamaedai and sat next to me.... She looks sad. Why she looking sad. She needs to be happy as she got me as her husband right who is having everything.... Such an drama. As if she is sacrificing her life... She started to sob there itself... I couldn't control my self more. So I just bend down as she is sitting in my rightside, I said

"Stop fucking crying" these are first words which flawlessly flown from my mouth.... This marriage will be an hell for both. For her am going to show because of her cunning family and for me, I need to be with her. That is hell right!

I am sure that I won't going to like her for sure.... With this thought I just sat there and dumbly saying the slogan after that Iyaar....

Then one girl come and took forward the plate with Thaali(nuptial chain which is an yellow thread is the sign for an married woman) to all those who are sitting at the mandap, it is an rituals....

Within few mins am going to get married to this ugly duckling.... Ufff.....
She too came and give it to the Iyaar. I just saw that mom and dad having tears in their eyes. Even my friends too had. But it is for different reason. My parents are happy but my friends are sad for me.... Uffff.....

Iyaar took the thaali in his hand and showed towards the crowd and asked the drums to give the sound of marriage....

He gave it to me and asked me to tie it around her with three knots.... I just took it from him.... My life is gone saying this, I just tie the thaali around her neck!

That's it am now an married man.... We are married couple!!!.... An husband and wife......

And then iyaar asked to put the toe ring to her ufff... These much amount of rituals haaa......

(👆just for the reference)

Authors note:

Please vote, comment and share... Thank you all. I got so many responses today. Which overwhelmed me....

I like to dedicate the chapter to new readers of mine DivyaManikandan6

And special thanks to vikasiniv711 for promoting my book and your constant support.. Thank you dear!
Thank you so much again....

Atlast the most awaiting marriage is happened🥰🙈😍....

Will try to entertain you more!!!!

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