Coming back to England (seque...

By prayersimeon

166 101 47

Book two of Queen of My Heart Life after all the trauma of experiencing separation, kidnapping, almost fakin... More

Queen of my heart
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29- The Proposal
Chapter 30
Wedding -part 1
Wedding part 2
Extra bonus chapter

Chapter 10

7 5 3
By prayersimeon

Cohen Point of view

Our drive home to her grandparents house was very relaxing for instance when i was driving one of my hand was on the stirring wheel while the other I uses to hold her hand towards end of course because her safety is important first.

I park the car near the house when getting the car afterwards I would open the side her of the door.
"Well do something more fun"I suggest to her.

I could hear her brain functioning together when I made a suggestion to do something fun today with her to brighten up both of our moods.
"where is this conversation going?"she asks me cluelessly.

She looks at me blankly probably thinking what I am even talking about now but then suddenly she finally gets it.
"When says I jump, you are supposed jump out of the car and into my arms"I instructed her.

I go through the whole step by step plan promising her that I will always catch her when she falls.
"Are we really going to this?"she asks me doubtfully.

She takes some more convincing to do before she nodding her head in agreement with me.
"Yes I am one hundred and ten percent serious that we are going to do this"i said reassuring her about jumping into my arms.

She finally complies with my slightly fun suggestions by getting herself prepared to jump into my arms and I hear giggling before compose herself again.

"Okay, if you say so boss"she sassily to me.

She is sighing upon standing up slightly to jump in to my arms with a little look on her face as if she almost asks me am I happy now.

"Maybe you should call me boss more often"i said suggestively to her with a slyly smirk on face.

We have so much fun together with our banter, laying down on her bed when she is on her computer writing down her own lyrics and throwing our good ideas back forth together.
"If I call you boss then what does that make me?"she asks me curiously.

I could tell that she did not mean for her question to come out slightly more sarcastic than just a mere of curiosity.
"It makes you mine"I whispered softly into my ear almost fanning a side of her face with my breath.

I can tell that she is affected by my presence as I am of hers.
"I think we already have establish boss"She mirror my reaction of me whispered softly into my ears and then she laugh in my face.

I am so proud of my queen of my heart aka my girl Reagan for how far she became instead of letting the past pain keep dragging her down she find the ability to keep moving forward especially with her new growth sassiest that I always know that she has in her.

"You won't be able to laugh once you find out why"I said to her standing dangerously close to her like right in between her legs.

I could literally just start listing all the way I could have her and show her my dominance side.

However, that side of me would not show for now because I will always be patiently waiting until she is ready for it.
"Ooo really?" She ask me challengingly.

I chuckles at her fierceness because I think it is adorable yet I kinda of find it really attractive in her.
"Yes and now jump" I commanded her.

She listens to me without overthinking it everything anymore as she jump straight into my arms and I immediately catch her.
"Omds that was fun although I love the thrill of it all"she gushes with an look of excitement in her eyes until she reminds her that she have to help her grandma Elisa in the kitchen.

I am definitely feeling that there is one more important words that is missing from the middle of her sentence.
"Why do I think that the next words that are probably going to come out of lips is but?"I questioned her.

I feel like she was going to say something that is going to contradicts with the way of what we are doing now.

"Only because you do know me so well"she beamed up into my eyes to me.

I hand her my jacket before we are about to go outside because I do not want my girl Reagan to freeze to death and I thought to myself not on my watch.

"But we do need to go inside because it is getting too cold out here"I finished off the end of her sentence for her.

We walk inside the house waiting for mason to drops Rhea off in front of the house, she walks into the sniffing the air of her grandma Elisa freshly made spaghetti Bolognese with meat balls and garlic bread for the side.

Rhea her best friend then walk through the front door.

Dang her best friend sure have a good timing I think to myself.

Reagan Point of view

"Can I ask you a question"I queried to Rhea.

I am sitting down on a kitchen stools in the middle of the kitchen talking with Rhea about our first impression of our boyfriend even though it definitely got me wondering what is our first impression of each other.

"Sure go ahead"Rhea said nodding her to say yes at the same time.

I stop wringing my hands to peer up to my best friend Rhea to ask her a question based on first impressions on her boyfriend mason.
"What do you first think about mason? When you first saw him"I asked Rhea intriguedly.

I am now taking a small sips of Fanta in my cup after carefully placing my phone down on the counter waiting for my best friend Rhea to reply.
"My first exact thought about mason was damn he is different to the other boys and why ?"Rhea answer my question with another question of her own.

I always think that Mason was not just like all the popular boys in my old schools who only care about them yet I have to make sure that Mason does not hurt my best friend before i break arm my best friend boyfriend arms.

"my first thought about Cohen is dang he is the definition of gorgeous"I said honestly to Rhea fanning my face with my hands.

It is going to get really hot in here just thinking about Cohen so much that he even fog up my brain the other half of the time.

"Well in that case when I first saw you I thought you were an angel"he chuckles making his way inside of the kitchen.

I am swooning so hard right now that I do not even know if that is possible but with him I guess anything is possible.

"Erm correction please she is an angel"Rhea corrected him.

The television suddenly turned on in the living room at first I thought it was Percy the cat jumping on to the couch and landed on the remote control.

"That is odd because I could have of sworn that the television was off" I recall from before when I left the house I must have switch off the television.

I am getting the strangest feeling in bones that chaos is about to start ruining this day.
"Hmm erm oh no not again"he whispered quietly to us not to expose where we are.

I just want a break from it all is that too much too ask for? Who ever this imposter is I am going to make them pay for destroying every single ounces of peace I have left in my life have now went up into shambles.

"Why do am I getting this feel like I am in a horror movie?"ask Rhea suspiciously.

We all sneakily tipped toe towards the kitchen to see grandma Elisa is standing there cooking dinner without being in harms way when the intruder is invading my grandparents living room.

"Well welcome to my world"I sighing tiredly to Rhea.

I do not want Rhea to go through the similar ordeal that happened to face but, Rhea being here me  give me the best type of moral support there is in life.

"Shh before we start raising any further suspicions"he said seriously to us.

Cohen silence Rhea and I conversation to not alert the unknown person who is inside of my grandparents house.

"We need really must find a way to get my grandma Elisa outside of the house"I said thinking out loud to myself.

There is no way! I am going to let my sweet, loving and caring grandma Elisa gets hurt because hurting anyone who I love is already worse than hurting me.

"What about your grandpa Stanley?" Rhea ask me concerning about my grandpa Stanley safety right now.
I wish I could magically find a way for my grandma to be with my grandpa Stanley at his golf club instead of being in this unfortunate situation.

"Grandpa Stanley is safely away from this house while he is attending his golf clubs" I answer Rhea question.

In this life or death moment I do not want nothing more other than my family and friends to be safe as I am silently praying a silence prayer for peace to rains in my life.
"Do not make a move okay"he instructed us.

Oh I am more the merrier to stay stuck rooted in my spot right now with no questions asked but,that is the thing time does not wait for anyone. I would much rather have everyone that care about safe away from garbage hole of a mess.

"In time like these I would usually be the first person to run away from here"Rhea said jokingly to us to lighten the atmosphere.

I am usually trying to do just that yet life just seems to be against me at this point whether I can this bucket loads of bad luck in life or I can choose to fight back.
"Then why are you still here then?" He asks Rhea bluntly.

Obviously Rhea is trapped in this situation with us because I bet the intruder could hear our loud voice especially Rhea and Cohen slightly bickering. All that really matters is making an escape plan in my head mentally now.
"Because I will never ever leave one man  behind aka that is you Reagan"replied Rhea.

I am fed up with my unfair life situation, Rhea have decided to try figure this situation out by staying put and Cohen is now texting mason to get his help on one of Cohen carefully well thought out plans to get my grandma Elisa to safety outside.
"Well looks on the bright side at least we are all here together"a similar voice said who turned out to be mason.

I facepalm myself, there are no brighter side at all of us.All being unless it uppers our changes of getting out of here alive due to there being a huge deal of witness.
"There is no bright side"he whispered yelled at Mason.

I understand how frustrated or worried everyone is feeling like they just want to get out of here.
"Mason, you can help by getting my grandma out of here safely and in one piece?"I ask mason Rhea boyfriend to her save my grandma Elisa.

I give mason his first order to do to drive my grandma away to safety ensuring she is safe.
"What about me?"He asks me curiously.

I am giving everyone of us orders in this house, I feel like we might need some more backups help just in case we are out numbers again by the enemy then I would a suggestion that everyone carry an weapons of their choices with them.

"Cohen can you please ring up the rest of your squad who is still here in London to tell them to come here for back up"I instructed him.

He does exactly just that by calling them in a group chat with a low tone of voice so that whoever in our living room would not be able to hear our plan. Oh

"Last but is not least Rhea I think that we should both slowly back from this house-"

"Actually I was thinking that we should make a secret code just in case"suggest Rhea.

I like Rhea idea much more better than my own because it is way sneaky and smart to prevent us from being captured.
"How rude is that lowlife to break into someone else house without an invitation"my grandma Elisa quietly rants to all us.

Mason informed grandma Elisa of the current danger we were in when he was taking her to safety far away from my grandparents house that for sure.
"No offence grandma but can you please be a little bit more quiet?"I ask my grandma Elisa hoping that she would not get offended by me.

I watched my grandma Elisa silently nodding her head understandingly with a sad smile that I her granddaughter is stuck into another horrible situation like the first one.

"No offence taken"my grandma Elisa assured me that I did not even offended her in any way , size , shape or form.

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