Avengers: Jr. Stark (Avengers...

By HaydenSmith3000

32.3K 693 97

This story is told in the POV of Jr. Stark. The 16 yr old daughter of the genius billionaire playboy philanth... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 7

1K 27 6
By HaydenSmith3000

I calmly head upstairs to my room as I hear the hustle and bustle of the compound return. I am pissed but I didn't let my dad know that. Every girl he's been in a relationship with since my mom has either been with him for money or is just a horrible person. They try to come in and after knowing me for 2 seconds and try to boss me around. That never sat well with me. Deep down I hope Pepper is different but I've given up on dad being in a stable relationship. I lay down on my bed and just stare at the ceiling when I hear a knock on my door.
"It's Peter, can I come in?"
"Enter at your own risk."
"Hey J, I was just checking to see if you needed anything. I know how you feel about your dad being in a relationship."
"None of the girls he brings home are good enough for him. He can't replace mom."
Peter walks over to my bed and takes a seat next to me.
"I don't think he's trying to replace her, I think he might be lonely."
"How can he be lonely, he's got me, you, and like the whole rest of the team, he doesn't need a girlfriend. They're all toxic."
"He's not trying to replace your mom, I promise."
"I know." I whisper. "It's just, I don't wanna forget. Yknow. I feel like if he gets another girlfriend mom just gets forgotten and I don't want that to happen."
"She's not going to be forgotten as long as you live. And she gave birth to my absolute best friend so I will never forget her either."
"Thanks Peter. I'm going for a run. Do you wanna come?"
"If you don't mind I'm just going to stay home today. Maybe tomorrow though."
"Okay no problem. If anyone asks I'll be back in an hour probably."

Peter leaves and I quickly change into a running shirt and shorts. I make sure it's a long sleeve shirt. Finally I grab my sneakers, phone and earbuds and head out.

I run for over an hour. I always used to do this to clear my head after a mission gone wrong or if I just needed to let off some steam. Not wanting to return home I keep running. My legs ache and I'm getting lightheaded but I don't care. After running for almost 2 hours I decide to head back to the compound.

"Jr you're home! Where have you been?" Dad asks.
"Oh I uh went running for a little bit."
"J you've been gone almost 2 hours."
"I know."
"You realize you need to ease yourself back into physical activity like that. Not just straight up run for 2 hours after coming off medical."
"Sorry just needed to get out."
"So what do you think of Pepper?" He asks with his eyes lighting up. He really loves this girl.
"Oh she seems great dad. She's super nice from what I've seen. I'm sure she's a wonderful girl."
"Well I'm glad we're both on the same page. Go get cleaned up dinner should be ready soon."

I head to my bathroom and get in the shower. The hot water is burning my skin but I don't bother to change it. I washed up quickly and rewrapped my arms once dry. I threw on a hoodie and some shorts and went down to the kitchen.
"Mmm whoever is making dinner that smells amazing."
"Thank you kiddo." Steve says proud of himself. It took forever for dad to trust Steve in the kitchen. I lost count of how many nights we've went out to dinner because Steve burnt his. Everyone files into the kitchen and sits down at the table. Tonight Sam, Wanda, Pietro and Vision were visiting the compound for dinner.
"Okay so I know most of the team has met her already, but you four, I would like to introduce you to Miss Pepper Potts. She and I have know each other for a while and decided to give a relationship a go. She's a really great person and I hope you all make her feel welcome."
Sam just nods and Wanda gives a warm smile. Pietro on the other hand has a few things to say.
"Well Miss Potts, I give you fair warning. Stark goes through relationships faster than I can run to Malibu."
I choked on my drink due to the unexpected comment.
"Piet be nice." Wanda warns.
I excuse myself from the table to change my now wet hoodie. I return to the table in no time. Everyone is talking and laughing enjoying the pizza Steve made.
"I gotta hand it to you Steve, this isn't that bad." Bucky says smirking.
"Okay let's see you cook a pizza." Steve shouts defensively.
"Well I think it's great Steve."
"Thank you Jr. and you guys wonder why she's my favorite."
Everyone returns to their pizza when out of nowhere we hear the smashing of glass on the floor. I already know who it is and I burst out laughing.
"ANOTHER!" Thor shouts excitedly.
"Point break what did I tell you about smashing my glasses on the floor?" Dad asks furiously.
"You said no smashing glasses on the floor."
"I didn't." Thor says holding up his glass. "I smashed my plate." He says smiling.

Peter and I can't stop laughing as dad just puts his head down in defeat.
"Ok point break no smashing of anything. No plates, glasses, bowls no nothing. Have I made myself clear?"
"For now."

The team finishes dinner and all head to the living room to have a movie night. I help dad with the dishes and Pepper comes over to help too.
"Pep, go enjoy yourself honey. I'll take care of the dishes."
"Are you sure Tony, there are a lot of them and I did contribute to the mess."
"Honey go enjoy yourself."
"Okay. I love you."
"Love you too Pep."
Pepper walks away and starts talking with Nat and Wanda. I hold back tears as she walks away. The last time dad said I love you to another woman and meant it was my mom. She was already being replaced. I try to distract myself with the dishes.
"She's just great isn't she?" Dad asks beaming.
"Yeah she's wonderful."
"Jr go spend time with the team. I'll take care of dishes."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure. Go have fun that's what normal teenagers are supposed to do on Friday nights."
"Well who said anything about me being normal?"
"Well you're not wrong J. Go. Have fun."
"Mk thanks dad."

I head to the living room and watch the movie with the team. Despite my greatest efforts I can't seem to focus. I'm too busy studying Pepper, looking for a flaw or imperfection. But I can't. She's just perfect. I resort to giving her dirty looks every so often which she is completely unaware of. Soon after my dad walks in and snuggles right up to Pepper. I couldn't sit here and watch this anymore. I silently get up and head outside. The cool breeze is calming as I watch the stars.
"Ahh there's my favorite assassin in training." Nat says from behind me.
"Hey Nat."
"What are you doing out here?"
"Just taking a breather. You?"
"Checking up on you because I know you're not okay. When do you ever leave movie night?"
"Well maybe I didn't want to watch a movie. I'm not mandated by law." I say rolling my eyes.
"Hey I'm trying to help you here but if you don't want it I won't waste my time."
"Ok go ahead. Please go watch the movie, I don't want to ruin the night for anyone else."
Nat pauses for a minute before speaking again.
"You know she's not a bad person Jr."
"I know." I say shakily. Nat comes over and sits down next to me wrapping her arm around my shoulder.
"I know it's a hard transition, but Pepper seems like the right girl. Your dad is head over heels for her."
"He said that about mum too." I put my head down and start playing with the grass trying not to cry.
"I know kiddo. I know."
Nat and I sit in comfortable silence for a bit with my head resting on her shoulder.
"Come on its late, let's head to bed kiddo." Nat helps me stand up and we both head inside to our respective rooms. I close my door locking it and head to bed exhausted.

All I could think about was mom and how happy she made our lives. I didn't want her being replaced. I cried until I felt like I couldn't even produce tears anymore and eventually drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

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