Aurora | ✓

By itslina2356

1.3M 29K 14.1K

Cover made by: @_navyblueee_ I'm living in a house made of glass. I'm scared to move, to breathe, to think. I... More

✨ Characters ✨
The island
1| Darkness
2| Done
3| Hope
4| Reunited
5| Sorellina
6| Revelations
7| Safe
8| Nightmares
9| Truth
10| Heartbroken
11| I love you
12| Pregnancy
13| Danger
14| Time for the show
15| Clever
16| Heartbeat
17| Grandfather?
18| The devil herself
19| Janine
20| A visit from the past..again
21| Surprise
22| I know you
23| No longer afraid
24| Comfort
25| Sister
26| Screams
27| They came for us
28| Rescued
29| Finally home
31| Joy
32| The calm before the storm
33| The eye of the storm
34| Family
35| Epilogue
Bonus I: Aurora
Bonus II: Quinn
Bonus III: Matheo
Bonus IV: Atlas

30| Unexpected

20.8K 477 85
By itslina2356

A/N Please please Go read my other story 'River Rose'! It's better than Aurora I believe❣️


"Rora! Hey? You okay?" Quinn asks from beside me, Carter has the same haunted look I have. I know he's thinking of the same day I am.

"Yeah...just a memory" I say. Everyone is now looking at me. Phoenix comes over and wipes the tears I hadn't even noticed had spilled.

He kisses my forehead and hugs me to his chest. I'm shaking.

"Do you both want to talk about it?" He asks Carter and me. We look at each other and nod. We all sit on the dining table, Phoenix holding my hand while Carter tells the story.

We all have tears in our eyes now, I don't know how Carter was able to talk. I have a knot in my throat.

The boys are all heartbroken but they make sure to make us feel their love and support. They're always there to support me

And I know they'll be here no matter what...

A few weeks later I start putting away all the baby's clothes since there's a huge storm outside.

We are on lockdown because there a hurricane alert, we don't think it'll pass through here but the wind and rain has already taken down so many trees, even a couple of houses.

Phoenix is helping me and it's so cute to watch him, he smiles at every outfit and tells me how our baby is gonna look so damn cute in it.

I talked to him a little about everything that happened these couple of months and he helped me understand that that woman's death was not my fault, neither was Chris and Mainor's.

It wasn't my choice to hurt people, Sergei made me do it and I have to learn that it's awful but completely out of my hands. It still weighs heavy in my heart though, I wish I didn't have to hurt them like I did.

I love rain, it brings me such a sense of tranquility but this storm right now? I have to say it makes me scared.

I'm less than a month away from the c-section and it worries me to be locked down without my way to get to the hospital.

Little did I know my fears were about to come true...

I then remember we didn't really catch Sergei, did he...explode along with the prison?

"Hey baby?" I call Phoenix

"Hmm?" He answers too focused on playing with a pair of baby converse, putting them on his fingers and 'walking' he's such a dork.

"Did you guys by any chance catch Sergei?"

"The piece of shit who tortured you both?" He asks. I nod. His expression suddenly turns dark and he rises from the floor getting out of the room and tagging me long with him.

"Alessandro!" He yells for my brother once we're in the living room and everyone comes running. How are they so fast?

"Damn did you have to yell? I was taking a nap" Sandro groans rubbing his eyes. How is he sleeping with this storm?

I'd wake up every time thunder strikes. I can barely hear what they're saying.

"This is important what was the name of the prisoner you were telling us about? The one you felt suspicious of?" Phoenix says in a rush

"Oh the one who looked too well cared for to be a prisoner? He said his name w.." Alessandro trails off and his gaze turns murderous.

"Fuck!" He yells and punches the wall scaring Eli, Atlas takes him away to calm him down and hand him to a nanny.

"Alec! No punching the walls tell us what's wrong" dad orders

"I let him go. Sergei... I let him fucking go!" He says and I feel my heart stop. He's out there somewhere.

I look towards Carter who is now sitting on the couch as if his legs failed to support him.

"What do you mean you let him go?" I ask, voice shaking. Alessandro shakes his head and motions for Quinn to tell me.

"We were freeing prisoners, he was in the cell beside yours so Sandro unchained him thinking he was another prisoner. He said his name was Sergei but we didn't know yet he was Andreyev's second hand" Quinn explains for Alec since he's currently on the phone giving orders.

In a matter of seconds everyone is one the phone or calling for guards to strengthen our security.

I'm in shock, I think Carter is too. He is doing something on his computer, probably hacking Sergei's accounts.

Phoenix is talking to them but I can't hear him. I can't hear anyone, I just see them moving in a frenzy. I see their mouths moving but I can't hear anything but the loud beating of my heart.

I can't even hear the thunder, the rain or the wind blowing outside. It's getting dark, thunder lighting the room every now and then.

"Aurora! Rora! Aurora breathe!" Someone yells at me

Breathe? I'm breathing...just too fast to be normal. I'm having a panic attack. Someone sits me down but I close my eyes to try to calm down. I black out then.


I can't fucking believe that piece of shit scumbag is out there somewhere. My girl is sleeping on the couch, we all made sure to get tracking teams to catch Sergei and we doubled security everywhere.

I have a feeling something will go wrong though. Something's not okay I can feel it.

Rora is frowning in her sleep as is she's in pain, she's curled up in a ball with about five blankets covering her small frame. 

The rest of us are watching a James Bond movie, the thunder still rumbling outside. Rora says she could never sleep with the storm but look at her...sleeping like a baby while guns fire on the movie and the wind shakes the palm trees outside.

I can't resist being away from her even a little so I pull her head to my lap and grab her hand, she instantly latches on to mine.

I smile, she's the cutest thing you'll ever see. I swear pregnancy makes her glow even more...except in the mornings when the usual ray of sunshine she is, turns into a rainbow of cuss words and violence if you say one thing wrong.

Also when she can't sleep, or when her body just makes her wake up early, or when the baby is kicking too hard and when her back hurts...oh! And when her boobs hurt and hormones make her horny...okay alright maybe pregnancy doesn't make her the nicest person but she's still my not-so-nice beautiful girl.

She flinches a little in her sleep when thunder strikes and hugs her bunny tighter. Fucking thunderstorms, I want it to end so my baby can have her sleep. Both her and my son need it.

Son. I can't believe I'm having a son, Rora's and mine relationship has grown so much over the past months.

I look back to how my life before her was and it's as if I was looking at two different books. Everything was grey and now it's full of color.

I wouldn't change it for the universe...

I look over to the guys as Alessandro grabs Atlas' pants and drops a full glass of soda into them. Atlas gasps and gets up from the couch.

"What the hell man!" Atlas whisper-yells at Alec, who is currently trying to laugh his ass off without being noisy. The sound of the rain would cover it though.

"You deserved it for yesterday's stunt" Alessandro answers. The others are red from laughing, I laugh too. Yesterday Atlas put some laxatives in Alec's coffee.

"Oh no! Attie peed himself! Dada take his pants off and help him get it off!" Eli gasps and tells a laughing Zach, obviously not understanding the joke and it makes us laugh even harder.

"Yeah Zach, take Attie's pants off" Carter jokes and Quinn wheezes, spilling his popcorn on the floor...what a crime!

"Yeah dada, his pipi is all wet now!" Eli says in his sweet innocent voice. Poor thing doesn't understand why we can't stop laughing.

"I'm gonna kill you all and feed you to the sharks" my princess grumbles, eyes still closed as we all turn to look at her. She frowns and opens them when we keep laughing.

"You're all lucky I love you" she says and pecks my lips, she smiles up at me with such a happy look on her face

"Argh get a room"


"Stop kissing my daughter in front of me you douche"


"Uncle Phi stop kissing auntie Roar!" That kid. We laugh...I don't even know why he's still awake and watching this movie with us. He's standing there with his arms crossed and a frown over his face. So fucking cute.

"Alright buddy. Time for bed" Zach says and Eli pouts.

"But only if Attie tucks me in" my nephew says smiling with a smug look on his face.

"Oh you bet I will" Atlas says as he picks up Eli over his shoulder and runs upstairs, kid laughing all the way.

"I can't wait until our baby is big enough to play will Eli" Rory says, her voice still laced with sleep

"They'll both drive us all crazy that's for sure" Rora's dad grumbles

"I bet they will" I say with a smile

"At least we c..." Rora trails off and she sits up furrowing her brows. We immediately start asking what's wrong, I caress her cheek and she closes her eyes.

"Baby what's wrong?" I gently ask as her breathing turns a little harsher for a bit and then she relaxes.

"I just feel a little dizzy that's all" she says with a fake close lipped smile.

"Rora you sure? Is there any pain anywhere? You're close to term now it could be contractions" Alessandro, who just finished nursing school asks.

"Yeah I'm fine, this baby isn't coming tonight or tomorrow or anytime before the storm passes" she says, I'm not too convinced she's telling the truth. Something is bothering her.

I watch Rora closely for the next half hour, so do her brothers and dad. She leans her head on the back of the couch, gripping the blanket and closing her eyes.

She's in pain. Fuck. I think Rory may be having contractions. I look over at our family as we all come to the same realization.

"Rora.." Quinn starts but she cuts him off

"Don't" Rora warns looking over at us, a thin coat of sweat glistening on her forehead. Her eyes filled with unspilled tears.

"Baby girl...tell us what hurts" Max encourages her kneeling in front of her. Rora just shakes her head repeatedly. The tears are falling now, she can't be going into labor now can she?

"I-I can't. It can't be. I'm not r-ready we're in the middle of a storm no one can come right now" Aurora cries. I hug her to my side and her dad grabs her hands.

"RoRo please talk to us, what are you feeling?" Atlas asks

"We could call doctor Patricia, I'm sure someone from our guards can escort her here" Carter says and Rora frantically nods but then she closes her eyes again for a few seconds, now gripping her father's hands.

"I f-feel pressure, it hurts. The pain has been increasing for a while now, since before I fell asleep it just felt uncomfortable but now they hurt. The pain comes in waves and I-I think I'm in labor I feel weird" Aurora says in a rush

Sandro comes over and starts applying a little pressure her abdomen, feeling around.

"The baby is in position Ro, I'm pretty certain you are about to go into labor" Alec confirms, my world seems to pause for a second. No no no, this can't be it.

My girl deserves to give birth as she planned, with meds and an epidural and fucking doctors.

The shock and fear makes us stop and panic for a few seconds but then Carter calls doctor Patricia and some escorts to bring her here, Rora starts breathing fast and she stands up so we all do too.

"I'm not ready. I can't d-do this now I'm not ready. It's too soon I can't give birth now my baby is supposed to be born in a fucking hospital not now!" She sobs

"Rora no matter what happens were all here for you. You're strong enough, both you and the baby will be okay. Think on the positive side, in a few hours our baby could be here" I say as I hug her to my chest.

"Baby girl, it will be okay. Maybe it's not as you planned but the doctor will be here soon and she'll make sure to get the baby out safely" Max encourages her but then...

"She won't be here for another hour at least" Quinn says as he hangs up the phone with the escorts. Carter confirms it but he still has the phone to his ear.

"She'll give us instructions on how to proceed and what to prepare. She says Rora shouldn't be more than a few centimeters dilated so we still have some more hours to spare" he explains. Rory starts shaking so I hug her tighter.

Everyone gets to work as Rora lays down on the couch, the pain slightly increasing every 20-25 minutes. We're timing it now.

"Phoenix I'm scared" she says looking at me. I wipe some tears from her cheeks and kiss her soft hand, I give her a small smile.

"I know baby, if I could trade places with you I would. I'm here for you, I won't leave your side I promise. I'll be here right with you every step of the way" I say and kiss her forehead.

Another contraction hits and I cradle her head to my chest as she whimpers softly and holds on to me for dear life.

I fucking hate that my girl is in pain...


I wait for the pain to pass, it is bearable but still painful. I wait and wait for what feels like hours but it's only about a minute.

The pain comes crashing into me like a growing wave to then be washed away slowly.

I hold on to Phoenix trying to breathe in and out as I grip him tighter, curling into myself hoping it'll lessen the pain.

This is not what I planned, I wanted a c-section and a hospital so I know my baby is in good care in case something happens.

"Another one?" I hear dad softly ask Phoenix and I feel him nod. The pain is lessening now, I just hope another one doesn't come for a long time.

Phoenix rubs my back and I lay back down when it's over. Everything in me feels weird, this is not how I imagined it would all feel, I thought I'd be in an OR by the time contractions were about to start and I wouldn't feel it because of the epidural.

"Can I talk to doctor Patricia?" I ask dad, he nods and goes for the phone. She's still on speaker ordering the guys around to set everything up.

They are doing it on the room next to the living room where we are at. They set up the hospital bed they had stored for emergencies in case one of them got shot or hurt during a job.

Patricia instructed them to set up water, towels,sheets and lots of stuff she'll be needing. I'm getting more and more nervous by the minute.

"Baby girl she's here" dad says, I guess I don't have to use the phone now.

"Honey how are you feeling!?" She asks, bubbly as always as she comes to my side.

"Scared and in pain" I say

They help me up and into the improvised labor  and delivery room, everything else goes in a rush after that.

The pain becomes more and more excruciating by the hour and my contractions closer to each other now. I don't know how much longer I'll hold on.

I just hope my baby is okay...

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