Being Good Enough

By Chrisismyfav

242K 14.5K 5.5K

The older you get you the more you realize that in relationships things like looks, and background aren't as... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 6

6.4K 434 68
By Chrisismyfav

My smile was so big, it started to hurt my face. I could tell my Grandma was nosey as too why I was so elated.

"What happened at school today? You seem awfully excited," she said. I didn't want to tell her that I'm talking about Chris because I already know she would tell Mary's mom who would tell Mary, which wouldn't be good.

"I think a boy at school likes me!"

"Really? Whats he like?" I was sensing her overprotectiveness.

"Well, he's really nice, and um cute," As I was speaking, I sort of realized how much I didn't know about Chris. I know nothing about what he did for fun, little facts about like favorite food or color, or even how he treated other people.

"Khadijah, be careful. Teenage boys are in it for one thing, and one thing only."

"He's not like that! He's a good person!" I felt an urge to defend Chris despite the fact that I didn't even know if he was a good person or not. I just like to assume the best of people.

"They all seem like good people. You're a smart girl, though. I trust that you'll make the right decisions with this boy. "


My phone rang catching me off guard, since nobody ever calls me. Mary was on line sounded distressed.


"Oh my god, stop yelling. I was busy doing stuff!"

"What were you doing, liar?"

"Napping, eating, watching tv, pretty important stuff."

"You're such a fucking loser! Look at my texts! Do you like the outfit?"

I hung up on her, to go check the text messages. I had 8 from Mary! That girl is crazy! All the messages were selfies of her in different outfits asking which one should she wear. I choose to text her back instead of calling her.

Are you still going to his house? All these outfits are too dressy-Khadijah

no were goin on a date now, not his house-Mary

Too where?-Khadijah

idk he didnt say-Mary

Wear the third outfit, its the cutest-Khadijah

K thanks, ill give u the deats tomorrow-Mary

The third outfit was a white shirt with black stripes, that was tucked into a high-waisted black skirt. On Mary's legs were plain black stockings and black knee-high boots. For accessories she wore a brown belt and a black infinity scarf. Mary looked great in the clothes! It showed off her tiny waist and big boobs. I hope the date is good. While, a tiny part of me wanted Chris to look me, I still wanted Mary to be happy.


I rushed into the car, wanting to hear the details of the date. Mary didn't look to happy. "Tell me everything!" I demanded.

"Remember how you said you were sure he would like me? Yeah well he doesn't! He took me too a carnival which was cute, but I don't think he wanted to be there. After first he was talking alot but after a while he started to give me like 2 word answers! I was talking when he pulled out his phone like what the fuck? Thats rude as hell! I didn't say anything at first but then he started to not give me any attention! Like when I would ask him a question, he never listen and I had to keep repeating myself. So, I finally told him that he was being a dick. Then, he got mad and called me a bitch. I tried to walk home but he caught up to me and drove me home. No sorry for ignoring you on OUR date, no goodnight, nothing. Fuck him, he's a bitch ass nigga"

My eyes widened a bit as she finished her story. Chris did get a mean streak sometimes but I didn't see him as the type of guy too say something like that to a girl.

"Ew, there's other guys, you can do better," I stated.

I know its wrong but I felt a little. . . happy that her date didn't go well. Not that he called her a b-word because thats totally uncalled for but mostly because I think she doesn't like him anymore. Which means that I don't have to feel bad about liking him since she doesn't. And I wasn't lying when I said she can do better. She has like 80 guys crushing on her, I'm sure she can find another guy.

Inside the school was chaos as usual. But one person stood out from the rest, Chris. His tall frame towered over others and I know for a fact that he saw me. Once again though, he made no effort to recognize me! Is Chris serious? Why does he keep doing that? He almost tried to like finger me in his car just yesterday, but now he doesn't know who I am? Wow, Mary was right about him.

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