flower boy || peter parker

By wonhonlycity

116K 4.4K 849

peter parker wants to be normal on a school trip, but being spiderman makes everything a little more complica... More

whom || characters
aesthetics || characters pt. two
im sorry || prologue
aunt id like to - || chapter one
mile high club || chapter two
sorry virgin || chapter three
uh did you just kill thompson || chapter four
wrong time to compliment || chapter five
help me || chapter six
freak storm || chapter seven
your friends have to die || chapter eight
i love led zeppelin || chapter nine
can i make suit || chapter ten
i like you || chapter eleven
he was obsessed || chapter twelve
get angry at me || chapter thirteen
normal couple || chapter fourteen
happy marriage || chapter fifthteen
petesoo || chapter sixteen
say the name || seventeen
hydra shenanigans || eighteen
petey || epilogue
broken || special chapter
that's pretty gay || special chapter
thank you!
pink lemonade || special mini chapter

grim reaper || nineteen

2.1K 99 11
By wonhonlycity

'in comparison to one's longing
farewell goes by so quickly'

- starry night, suho


Peter was in a confused daze, the guy he liked just ran towards men with guns that were solely after him and wanting to take him back to wherever Hydra hid like the prey they were. His brain was in a static state, Happy's voice in his suit was just a vibration that was a slight annoyance while he tried to function. The situation he hoped was a haze, a lie, a cruel joke. He remembers during their time as an unlikely duo, Kyungsoo confided in him, often at times late at night over the phone when Kyungsoo would gasp himself awake from terrors and had no one to confide in so he would call the boy who is usually awake on a roof somewhere. He told Peter a backstory that wasn't fully put together, but the pieces given included what happened each time Hydra found the boy with a smart mouth. The fact that he dumbed down his life story in the tulip field, it wasn't Korean to England to America, they boy took refuge in passing countries, but never felt like anywhere was worthy to bring up as it often lasted six months. His parents still not caring enough to have any insight to the Kyungsoo's powers, just constantly blaming him when they had to move, just constantly shoving the issues on to their oldest son.

He would leave. Kyungsoo would leave this all behind, just like how he was running away from Peter now but the next time he wouldn't be able to turn back with a goofy thumbs up. No choice, no other option. Hydra was always a threat especially with many of the most prized possessions either locked away, on the run or Bucky doing whatever he was doing. Peter didn't want his last memory here to be either one of them potentially dying, or of this fight. He wanted Kyungsoo to look back at his time here with glee rather than it being a chore for his family.

"Happy?" Peter's voice began to show the weakness he felt in this situation. The boy was at his breaking point. Nothing went his way, Tony at first and then the façade of Mysterio using Tony against him and now this; a stress filled fight that meant any outcome, even Doctor Strange would agree, ended with the loss of Peter's new found friend and whatever they labelled each other as at this point. That's another reason Peter wanted him to stay, Peter realised he never gave much time for Kyungsoo and him, he'd focus on Spidey duties while 'dating' Kyungsoo, yet Kyungsoo never had a chance to truly ask him out. Peter couldn't help but blame himself and his stupid suit. 

Both the teenage boys with powers unheard of for most teens were in an unhealthy mindset for their current situation, but both had the mindset of others before themselves, which they both knew that in the end this would be their downfall. 

"How many more are in there? Kyungsoo has them distracted." Peter begun to run towards the building knowing that there was but wanting to know if he could get them all at once to speed up the process before they in hail more toxic gas that was thrown earlier to subdue Spider-Man, Hydra were smart but forgot that Tony Stark's prodigy knew how to make a suit with a built in gas filter.  

"Three more Peter, you're doing great."

"Please don't tell May I ran face first into gas or she will cook for me again."

"She already knows." 

"What?" Before Peter could realise what that meant the connection went flat and he was back in full-time Spidey duties brain, his body contorting to be able to fling himself through a small window, the shots aimed primarily at Kyungsoo being horrific backing music but Peter knew that the innocent people needed him. 

"Uh hi? It's your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man! I can carry you one at time but I promise I'll get you out!" Before any of them could protest Peter just went on with going back and forth, checking each time if they were stable. Peter's exit to safety with the people had his eyes trained back to the taller who was beginning to show exhaustion, plant pieces scattered around him from his attempts to block gunshots.  

Kyungsoo wasn't going to admit that he was faltering with his movements and stability, but being shot at really tires one out. As padded feet landed next to him behind his little plant barrier that he found he could do after flinching from a gunshot to the shoulder that skimmed him, the smallest cuts always hurt the most, he looked up with tired eyes.

"How do you do this? Regularly too? I have a new found awe in your stamina and positive mindset." Peter just looked at him with a head tilt, his emotionless suit eyes squinting as he saw blood on the boys limbs. "Don't worry Petey, you should see them!"

"I did, they look pretty healthy compared to you."

"Shock me." Kyungsoo would moan about Peter's little comment later when he can be bothered to throw the boy around.

"Excuse me?" Peter had no idea if he heard the innocent smile in front of him correctly, but the pure determination in his eyes was enough for him to realise he was being serious, "No thank you."

"Peter do it."

"I said no." Kyungsoo just punched the stubborn boy in the gut, knowing his punch would feel like nothing to the boy with superhuman strength and the ability to heal like a starfish. 

"What the hell Yoo?"

"Shock me bitch."

"Fuck you." And with that Kyungsoo was successful in his attempts, his noted mentally that physicality made Peter succumb to his wild ideas. His idea exactly, absorb the electricity from Peter's suit and hope if he spills some water at their feet he could electrocute them enough for Peter to swing in and use those cool martial art skills he gained somehow with no training. 

"Trust me enough for that Parker?"

"I never trust you." 

"I would never cheat on you, look at you, lil cutie." Peter just sent waves of electricity through the boy again with his shock webs, not wanting to feed the boys endless teasing and rather just shut him up and do whatever absurd plan he said he'd do. 

"Understood. Now web that fire hydrant off please and thank you." Peter poked his head out to see the hydrant, just to be fired at as the the hydra agents found where they were hiding. 

"I think I got it, kind of panicked." As Peter said that the sounds of fast jets of water could be heard, Kyungsoo remembered what he could do at London, though that was by his instincts rather than his actual brain power. 

So he hoped and he had lost a lot of hope recently, but right now every last scratching of hope was pushed towards this goal. It in a way did what he wanted, a little lack-luster so his cheeks went red with embarrassment. Just a slight pour of rain hit the agents that he could see through the vines, and with the last bit of hope he had left he dropped the plant structure of a wall and placed his hands the shallow mass of water that circled at their feet as Peter webbed up away from the shock. 

The agents buzzed with the power of electricity that shook their cells, it didn't last long as Kyungsoo passed out but by the time Peter realised all the agents were knocked out or webbed securely. 

"That was so cool Kyungsoo! We did it! Kyungsoo? Kyungsoo hey stop playing around! Kyungsoo?" Peter's cruel joke of situation was still continuing, he saw a once teasing full of life boy with tired eyes, now suddenly not moving at all, just slow chest movements and a slow heart beat that countered the intense thumping hitting Peter's ribcage as his vision became blurry with fear. His padded feet printed to boy drenched in water, Peter had never seen someone look so dead but have a heartbeat. 

Kyungsoo skin was cold to the touch, pale and his eyes sunken and purple scattered his skin on his hands, evidence that the overuse of electricity to his untrained body was lethal. Peter just picked up the taller in fits of coughs, Peter was in pain but nothing was physical right now, just pain that he lost someone else right in front of him, almost at his fault. He didn't want that count to reach one with his uncle let alone three with Stark and now Kyungsoo. 

Peter's suited free hand, the one that as supporting Kyungsoo's neck, ripped off his mask. His red eyes that were sore from trying to cry were on full display. The same hand reached shakily to remove the sticky  hair from Kyungsoo's face his deepening eyes were even more grim reaper black than what Peter originally thought. Peter's hand continued to shakily cling onto Kyungsoo's slowing life, tracing his favourite details.

"Hey Kyungsoo, I'm here. I promise I won't let you leave, you can't leave. Someone Help me please!" Peter looked towards where all the the enforcements were planted, some in a uniform that was clearly higherup then any governmental police situation. Out of the crowed three familiar faces hurried to where they heard Peter scream.

"Kyungsoo!" Eric and Jae fell immediately to their younger brother who was clutching on to life with a thread that was splitting with tension on both sides.

"Kids. Move we have to get him to the avengers base I told you about. We don't have time to get Shuri in but hopefully her technology alone will help." Neither of the brothers want to let go of the cold, white hand of their brother but knew they must to secure a chance of Kyungsoo staying with them for that little bit longer they wished for. 

Peter's steps were messy as he backed up from the scene, his hearing became nothing but a stinging ring that cut deeply into his thoughts. His name shouted couldn't bring him back so Happy just dragged the tortured boy towards where he haphazardly parked to get to the boys quick enough. 

The back seats were occupied by two glum brothers that seem to almost be in mourning as Kyungsoo's head rested in Jae's lap, salty tears littering Kyungsoo's cheeks that fell from the always brave faced Jae that finally shattered his amour because of his lifeless seeming brother. Jae always thought he'd be the one to kill his brother from his cooking attempts as Eric was the one that could cook, but here he was wishing it was a late night ramen case with crappy reality shows playing in the back as Jae bored Kyungsoo with his work stories, he wished Kyungsoo's eyes were shut for that, not for this.

 Eric's face remained not looking at his brother, his eyes trained on the passing lights that become motion lines and blurry from his unfocused gaze. He thought that if he didn't acknowledge Kyungsoo he'd be able to put on a strong face, but the lack of fidgeting and huffs of air from his brother were the only things his brain would pick up on. His hand moved to rest on Kyungsoo's shin, just absentmindedly stroking it like he was the sleepless ten year old again that he'd have to tuck and smother to sleep at early mornings. He wished he was falling asleep in his arms, not this. 

"Get him in the elevator up to the quinjet, the faster the better." Happy was the only one holding it together, though Peter's soulless gaze was making him want Tony Stark to support the kid he took on as a son almost.

"Peter come on, we're almost there kid." 

"He will be okay yeah?"

"Right now we just need to be fast."


"If that beeping doesn't shut the fuck up I'm pulling the plug on his life." Eric's moaning was the only thing that made Kyungsoo wish he didn't wake up. 

"Do it please, anything to not hear you." 

"Alright, bet." Eric's feeble strength was nothing compared to the oldest brother who yanked the middle child back into his seat, a hard glare adorning his face making Eric shrink into his seat like a puppy being scolded. 

"You should have let him. God my body hurts so much that ending it would be bliss."

"Shut up with the death talk please, can't believe you wake up from a 4 month dead state and you immediately ask to be put back." The brothers weren't ignorant to the situation, they simple weren't handling it well, and what's the best way to try and pass the tense air of nearly losing a brother? Make jokes about unplugging his life support. 

"You fed him out of date yogurt." 

"Oh shut up Eric please, that was not my fault how many times do I have to tell you!"

"See anything with you and food shouldn't exist."

"And you think extra spicy tteokbokki is a valid dish to feed a guy that was legit dead for 10 minutes?"

"Spicy makes your senses go into overdrive, he would be at full health with my food rather than poisoned."

"Has Peter come recently?" The two arguing boys span to the boy who was getting a migraine from the constant back and forth from the two imbeciles not too far away.

"No. I'm sorry Kyungsoo, May loves you but she wanted Peter to be distracted with school and his mates. He kept blaming himself." Kyungsoo nodded, he was low key glad Peter wasn't coming to visit. Distracting himself was the best idea and he didn't want the kid to be constantly thinking Kyungsoo's going to be dead in the next minute. 

"He's an idiot, top of the class but a top class idiot too. Itch my head please Eric." Eric got up with no second and thought and sat at the edge of the bed and patted his baby brother before scratching.

"Shuri flew in when he was here, and he went into overdrive thinking if she's here he's gotta be on his deathbed." Jae just whipped out his phone like a proud mother and snapped a picture of his baby brothers acting so preciously rather than threatening to cut one up.

"Damn I was dead why the Princess of Wakanda granted a visit, unplug me before I die from regret. Not there Eric, a little to the righ-ah perfect. But yeah couldn't you have given me a little shake to wake me up."

"Oh yes sorry we didn't think about doing that. Dead and we didn't think of shaking you like you missed you r school alarms." Kyungsoo just smiled at his brother's sarcasm as the door slammed open a little too loud for Kyungsoo's state.

"What? Who did that? Get them out." Kyungsoo's eyes stayed shut from the noise being overwhelming. 

"You're alive... You actually made it. Why wasn't I told sooner?" Kyungsoo didn't answer as his brain hadn't recognised the voice so Eric answered for him.

"They thought he'd you know, die again, so we thought that would be a bit cruel to get your hopes up!" Peter just looked at the brother in astonishment of his words.

"He was dead?"

"Shit oops, gotta run, love that out of date yogurt."

"Hello Peter, sorry you have just found out, I was hoping you still didn't know as he still has a chance of not surviving. Like Eric said, it would be cruel to put more people, especially you, through that false hope that he is back just yet." Jae stood with his arm on the boys shoulder.

"He- He might not make it still?"

"Potentially, but if you are here I have a feeling they trust his state is more stable than before." Jae's head turned to the boy who groaned after opening his eyes, the light attacking him like the door slam but he willed them to stay open as he stared at a frantic Peter Parker who held his school backpack like this place was a walk from their school (it was not, it was a 2 hour quinjet flight this he was transferred to higher tech).

"Is that Flash you told me about?" Peter's eyes dropped in colour and lightness as he looked at Jae who simply walked of with his last words "That's plain mean Kyungsoo."

Peter rotated on the spot.

"Hey there Petey, remember me? No? I'm here to collect your aunt's facebook page." Peter's eyes opened the damns and tears flooded onto his face. His body crashing into Kyungsoo.

"That hurt, but it's you, I'll let you off. You look pretty, did you dress up for me?" Peter just laughed through his sobs, his facing leaving the crook of Kyungsoo's neck as he gestured to his clothes.

"This old thing? My ex-girlfriend got it for me."

"Right, get out. Knew I should have stayed unconscious." 

The two boys were interrupted by a knock and Jae's head peaking in, Peter remained clutching like a koala, the situation he was caught in didn't matter, he was just overwhelmed by hearing Kyungsoo's raspy voice.

"Sorry Peter, have to steal him for an hour, we have a meeting. I'll bring him back in tip-top shape for you."

Peter helped the very weak older into a wheel chair and pushed him towards his brother. Peter's hand ran through the knotted locks trying to get rid of the disturbances.

"is it a bad meeting."

"Nothing to worry your pretty little head about Petey, I'll be back."


Kyungsoo knew. Jae knew. Eric knew. Peter knew, But all hoped for the meeting to have a different outcome.

"You got everything?" 

"I don't have you packed, think you can fit in a suitcase Peter, you are flexible, I would know." Kyungsoo winked at the poor boy who turned red as he was pulled in by the waist. "God, I wish I could shove you in my luggage and never let you leave my sight. You know that right?" 

"Firstly, gross. Secondly, you know I wish I could handcuff you to me right here, right now so you wouldn't leave?" Peter's words didn't hit in time for him to take it back and for Kyungsoo to point out the innuendo.

"Kinky, Peter. Want to fulfil that fantasy before I leave? To be honest handcuffs seem fun after I made you watch 365 days."

"I hated it."

"Are you lo-" Peter covered the laughing boys mouth, cringing at the though of the film, the sex maybe but he simply though it was utter crap as a whole. A wet streak hit his hand as Kyungsoo licked it to get him to release but it just made the boy push harder into his face making Kyungsoo stagger backwards.

"Brad gave me a kiss goodbye, and my own man doesn't." Kyungsoo went towards his luggage that laid bare in his once full of life room that held memories he wish he could keep in his pocket. His grab for his bag was interrupted by a tug on the back of his shirt. Before he could huff out a response in mock anguish Peter grabbed the boys neck and attacked him the most love he could put into a kiss. Tender but Kyungsoo could feel the passion as Peter was holding onto him so tightly like he would slip through the youngers hands like grains of sand.

The two remained kissing like it was the end of the world for as long as they could, nothing in that moment was more important than just feeling one another for the near last time. Tears began to mould themselves into the passion before Peter decided to pull away and just cling to the boys waist. 

"You know, I never asked you be official Petey. So before I go can I say I officially dated Spiider-Man? Even if we only officially lasted for the trip to the airport."

"You could ask me more romantically rather than for my title, Yoo." The boys even at their last moments together continued to tease one each other as if all was okay.

Kyungsoo took this teasing with a grain of salt and got one knee. "Right I know I said one of my steps was to get May's permission on the ring but right now she's not here and I only have this necklace with a tulip from  the field, yes sappy I know and yes it's in resin so it stays in shape and yes I made it because I'm a lovesick fool. So Peter Benjamin Parker, will you do the honours of lowering your standards to let little old me be your boyfriend for the next 4 hours?" Peter just stared at loving at the boy.

"MJ would kill to make you never forget this embarrassing moment. But for the sake of the moment I'll follow your antics. Yes Yoo Kyungsoo, you can I guess be seen with me."

"Jae did you hear he said yes!" Kyungsoo lifted the boy up before immediately dropping him as body was still feeble.

"Idiots. Yes you too Peter. Ready to head off Kyungsoo?"

"I think we are Hyung, come on Petey." But Peter made no move towards the door, just went back to hugging the taller with choked tears wetting his shirt, the sounds and sight making Kyungsoo let slip his own tears. "If this is you now, how are you going to act at the airport?"

Peter fiddled with the necklace around his neck.

"My flowerboy."


i shall reread tomorrow to make sure shes in good shape.

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