Apartment 306

By oliviamj_

46.2K 2.7K 4.3K

|Completed | A crossover w/ @_ntsha (go to her profile for her version!) Four strangers from diverse walks of... More

Apartment 306
1. "Go to hell"
2. "Saving myself for marriage"
3. "No new friends.."
4. "Let vacation begin"
5. "Love is an open door"
6. "You should smile more"
7. "Sour puss"
8. "Our lives are in danger"
9. "Can you swim?"
10. "Golden girls"
11. "Blue balls"
12. "My fresh start"
13. "What the fuck"
14. "I want to show you something"
15. "I don't like liars"
16. "I fell off my bike"
17. "Beep beep bitch"
18. "Fantasy Island"
19. "Death machine"
20. "The poet & photographer"
21. "GF"
22. "Because I got high"
23. "Does weed make you horny"
24. "Immortal"
25. "Women are fucking crazy"
26. "Two kids on an adventure"
27. "Third times a charm"
28. "Urgent meeting"
29. "A whole new world"
30. "Ride along"
31. "Lying is a sin"
32. "I've had enough"
33. "Johnny Castle"
34. "Giving in"
35. "The old Cassie"
36. "Mr. Right Now"
37. "Hit gone wrong"
38. "Silence is key"
39. "Distraction"
40. "Consent"
41. "RIP plans"
42. "Let shit go and move the fuck on"
43. "Gibby"
44. "Caregiver"
45. "Four fools in the woods"
46. "The now"
47. "Unexplainable new feelings"
48. "What's the price?"
49. "Boyfriends"
50. "A night in the hills"
51. "Treatment"
52. "The litte things"
53. "Never too late"
54. "I hope you want me"
55. "You're not going anywhere"
56. "The truth hurts"
57. "Only you"
58. P.O.V
59. "Breaking point"
60. "Trouble in paradise"
61. "The 's' word"
62. "I feel like a woman"
63. "I'm still breathing"
64. "It's always Cassie"
65. "I'm all in"
66. "You're mine"
67. "Blanks"
68. "The unexpected"
69. "How it began"
70. "Live for the thrill"
71. "Just say the words"
72. "Glowing"
73. "Under the weather"
74. "Downhill"
75. "Shit hit the fan"
76. "153"
77. "Netflix & chill"
78. "Mothers know best"
79. "The messenger"
80. "Insomnia"
81. "Holiday spirit"
82. "Promises"
84. "Men in black"
85. "Dead end"
86. "Got damn mood swings"
87. "End of story"

83. "I met the devil"

324 22 58
By oliviamj_

Part one

"Let's go again," I said, heavily breathing, wiping the sweat dripping from my hairline. I jumped in place, stretching out my neck before pounding my boxing gloves together in front of me. I had so much frustration and rage pent up inside of me, and I needed a release. I couldn't use sex as a scapegoat because Cassie needed space, and I would never cheat on her.

"Do you not get tired?" Frank asked, standing in the corner of the ring, preparing to block my punches. "We just did four rounds."

It was the day after Christmas, and I woke up early to box with Frank. I don't do it often, and his boxing gym isn't open as much because he's always at the gym. But he also took time off not only to be here but to spend time with his family.

Christmas was cool. Half my entire family spent the day at my mom's chilling, opening gifts, and dinner. She had a normal-sized real tree that sat in the corner with ornaments from my childhood and ones she's collected over the years—stockings for all the kids, wreaths, pictures. The moral of the story, she went all out, but that's normal for her. If she didn't, we'd be worried.

I laughed, standing in front of Frank, who was taller than me by a few inches, and said, "I'm tired as fuck, but one more."

"Uppercut, left jab," Frank coached, making sound effects. "Right cross, and end with a left hook." We did a light round of the combination, making sure I followed as he switched it up.

Once I nodded, we sped up as I followed the routine, hitting his pads with force. Frank adjusted his stance, holding his balance to the ground so that he wouldn't jerk back from my blows.

With each jab, Frank blocked it. I took control of my breathing, finishing the set of three. Once I stopped, Frank walked around me, laying his pad on my shoulder.

Out of breath, I sat down with my legs cocked open. I puffed out my cheeks, grabbed my water bottle, and finished it. It was a lowkey spot; only a few people knew about it. Well, the ones that Frank was training.

I was sweating like fuck, only wearing black Nike running shorts with a single stripe and matching shoes. I didn't bother wearing a shirt, knowing it would be soaked. Shit, my hair felt like I just got out of the shower.

"Good job," Frank said, sipping from his Gatorade bottle. "How was your Christmas?" he asked, wiping his face with a towel, making conversation.

I leaned back, bringing my hands behind my head. "It was good. Can't complain. You?"

"It was nice," he shrugged with a faint laugh. "It's kind of nice having a teenager. All she wanted was money, and my little one is easy."

I faded out whatever he was saying, thinking about this baby. I didn't want to mention that I knew, but it's eating me up. I can't believe I'm going to be just like fucking Frank, always talking about his kids. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact I'm going to be a father. I never thought about kids, but whenever I did, I figured I'd start around thirty. But life doesn't work the way you want it. Don't get me wrong; I wouldn't want to be in this situation with anyone but Cassie. I would love for my kid to be like her because she's smart as hell, caring, and wouldn't hurt a fucking fly. And if it's a girl, I'd probably kill these boys, knowing she'd be beautiful.

"You hear me fucking talking to you," Frank shouted, breaking me from my trance. "Am I boring you? Shit."

I laughed, pushing from my lying position. "Nah, you're not. My bad."

"You get anything nice?" He asked, sitting down beside me.

"Gift cards, speaker system, money, random shit from my mom and dad, and Cassie got me this camera that I wanted but kept pushing off," I replied, still shocked by her gift. I couldn't wait to test it out and keep adding to my collection. Well, almost a collection. This will be my third camera, my first being the one I bought when I first started photography.

As far as my dad, he was supposed to get married this month but pushed the date because it's more than they expected. Elizabeth has been losing her mind, trying to make sure everything was perfect because her last marriage was a sham.

"Must be nice. I got a gift card for a steakhouse, socks, and cards," Frank lightly nudged me. "Got a keeper, eh?"

Under my breath, I said, "I do."


"—Yes, I gave her the fucking ring, Charlie," I joked, getting off my bike with my phone pressed against my ear. I left after chilling with Frank to shower and figure out the rest of my day until later tonight. Noah and I still held up on our plan to teach Zane a lesson for what the fuck he did. Even if Noah weren't with me, I'd still do it alone, but he always had my back. But I'm done with Zane, and I'm done with The Playroom. That part of my life is over, and I'm fucking done. He doesn't have a say in my life, and he doesn't put his fucking hands on my girl.

She hummed. "And did it work?"

I walked through the community center. "Somewhat. I mean, she finally talked to me without yelling."

"I accept all forms of payment," Charlie blew into the phone. "Except cash because I always lose it."

"For what?"

She clicked her teeth. "Because I helped you."

"You just gave me an idea, and I went with it," I laughed, pissing her off. "You gave me a boost."

"I could sue you."

"But you're not," I jogged up the steps. "Yo, I'll call you later, though. I just got home and about to shower." Once she said bye, I hung up the phone, heading toward the third level.

When I finally made it upstairs, I looked up and saw Cassie and Amy leaving her apartment. When she saw me, she stopped talking as we had an awkward stare down. She had on a silky tank top half-tucked into fitted jeans and straight hair under a hat, matching the color of her eyes.

"Oh, Gael," Amy said, walking toward me. Cassie followed. "I'm so happy I got to see you before I left, young man." Unlike Cassie, her hair was wavy, and she had on a long dress that almost covered her feet.

"Good timing," I laughed through my nose, throwing my bag over my shoulder. "I would hug you, but I'm sweaty."

"I don't mind a little bit of sweat, honey," she opened her arms, signaling her fingers for me to come to her. "Bring it in. This was such a treat, and I can't thank you enough for making this happen." I towered over her, throwing my arms around her for a hug. I warned her that it wasn't going to smell nice.

Amy made a face at Cassie. "Did you ladies have fun?" I asked.

When we were in Catalina Island, I had the idea of bringing Amy down here for Christmas. I got her number when Cassie fell asleep but didn't text her till recently. Since we weren't talking and she didn't want to go with me to my mom's, it worked out.

"Yeah," Cassie bit down on her smile. "We did." She kept looking at me, but when I caught her, she'd look away. And she was still wearing the ring, rubbing it with her index finger.

"I don't even want to leave," Amy smiled, deep creases on her face. She rubbed her hand down Cassie's back. "But it's a start. Maybe next time everything will be open, and we can do more—together. Including you, Gael."

Jokingly, I said, "If that's okay with her." I pointed my head toward Cassie, waiting for her to smile. She didn't have any makeup on and still looked amazing despite her trying to hide her face. I noticed she took the bandages off, making it less noticeable, but there was still light bruising.

"I'll think about it," she teased, trying to hold off, not showing emotion, but I knew she wanted to laugh. "And that's not a yes," she pushed.

"It's not a no either," I spat.

Amy picked up her bag and said, "It's a yes for me, and two votes overpower one," she playfully laughed. "Sorry, honey."

"Sure," Cassie sarcastically said, checking the time on her phone.

"I guess it probably is that time, huh?" Amy frowned before looking at me. "Thank you again, Gael. Please don't be a stranger. I expect an entire tour when I come back. I'll meet you downstairs, Cass," she stepped forward after cupping my shoulder with a smile.

Once I said a final goodbye to her, she pressed the elevator button and waited until it came. When she stepped on, the hallway went silent.

She swayed in place, looking everywhere but at me. "I know you want to smile. So, just do it," I said, shrugging.

"What makes you think I want to, huh?" She looked up at me, crossing her arms to her chest.

"Call it a hunch," I tapped the bridge of her hat. "And you don't want your mom missing her flight, do you?"

Cassie rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Which means I should probably go."

I could've held her up until she smiled, but I really didn't want to make Amy miss her flight.

"Okay," I stood there for a second before softly pulling her into my chest. She rested her forehead on me as I kissed the top of her hat. I held her close, not wanting to let her go, but I knew she had to leave. This has been a rough two weeks with all the fighting, but I'll give her as long as she needs. No matter what the fuck she decides, she'll always be my girl.

When she pulled away, she looked into my eyes and laid her hand into my chest. "Okay," she nodded.

I watched her walk away before she glanced over her shoulder. "I miss you, you know?"

"I do now," I smirked, watching her turn around and proceed to take her mom to the airport.


"I want you," I looked over my shoulder, seeing a woman the same height as me latch onto my bicep. Zane invited Noah and me to this crazy-ass hotel suite day party with models—about a dozen of them. Ever since Courtney introduced me to Zane, Noah and I have been living a fast life—money, lots of women, and anything we could ask for. I don't know why he's doing all of this for us, but I'm not complaining. "I'm Carmen."

I met Courtney on spring break, and we hooked up the entire weekend until she introduced me to her boss, Zane. Since then, life is good. Well, besides Courtney thinking we're together when I don't date. But Zane has been treating us as our rich uncle, doing whatever we had asked. I joked, mentioning models, and here we are. My fucking boy.

I smirked, getting out of my head. "Oh, do you?" She was fucking sexy, brown skin, long straight black hair with a jeweled bikini on her thin body. After I roamed over her perfect body, I met her brown eyes she stepped closer. "And I'm Gael."

We were in one of the nicest hotels in LA in the presidential suite, like eight hotels connected. There was even a pool in the room with floor-to-ceiling windows, showing the city view of downtown. Outside of Noah, Zane, and me, there were two other guys here—Vince and Ronnie.

To my knowledge, they were Zane's best friends, following him everywhere they went. They somewhat reminded me of Noah and me because we're so close and have been since we were teenagers.

Carmen nodded, continuously telling me how she thought all my tattoos were sexy. Then she licked down my ear and whispered, "Does that prove it, Gael?"

Damn. This is only a taste of what Zane brought into our lives. I mean, I don't have a problem hooking up with a model, but he made this happen. Not to mention, he helped when I fucked up my bike; he paid for it. I kept telling him he didn't need to do that shit, but it felt like he filled a fatherly void because my dad and I been rocky as fuck lately.

I wet my lips, knowing exactly what she wanted. And I wanted the same thing. Fuck the party. "What else can you show me?" I asked, not wanting to waste any more time. Noah was surrounded by topless models, passing around a bottle and smoking. Zane talked to Ronnie and Vince before he sent a wink my way, applauding me like he was a happy father.

"Oh, you have no idea," she grabbed my hand, guiding me toward the nearest bedroom. I watched her strut in front of me and listened to her heels click against the marble floor.

Once she closed the door, Carmen took control and pushed me back into the California-sized bed. I fell back on my elbows, watching her throw her legs over me before her lips met with mine. I roughly gripped behind her neck as I pushed myself up, picking up the pace of the kiss. It was fast and sloppy as she dug her nails down my shoulder.

I cupped my arm around her waist, impatiently flipping her over until she laid flat on her back. I fell between her legs, listening to her laugh against my lips. She leaned up just enough to grab my dick before pulling on my lip.

Right before I could take any of her fucking clothes off, the door opened. I sighed, rolling my neck before I got up to see who it was. It was Ronnie, standing there like he wanted to see something.

"You need something?" I asked Ronnie as Carmen moved to the edge of the bed.

"Zane needs to speak with you," he said to me before looking at her. "Carmen, he'll be right back." Fuck.

I rubbed my hand down my chest, glancing back at Carmen before following Ronnie out the door.

Making conversation as we walked to the other side of the penthouse, I asked, "The hell I got to do to live like this every day?" Maybe I need to hold off on photography and own a fucking club or something.

"You're about to find out," Ronnie subtly answered. Once we entered the room, I saw Vince and Noah joining them as Ronnie closed the door.

Slightly buzzed and high, I blurted. "Damn, you couldn't give me like thirty more minutes." I should've locked the damn door, but I didn't think no one would bother me. Noah laughed at my comment, slapping hands with me.

Zane blew a puff of smoke in my direction, removing his arm from around the waist of the pretty ass girl next to him. "Baby, let the men here talk in private." She glanced at me before stepping in front of Zane, waiting for him to smack her ass before she left.

Once Ronnie and Vince let her out the door, he gave us his full attention. "You boys been with me for two months now, and I take it as if you like this lifestyle. Am I wrong?" Isn't it obvious?

Noah shook his head, his curls following. "This is cool. Thank you."

I agreed. "Hell yeah."

Who could complain? We fucking have everything.

"I did more than enough for you both, and now it's your turn to prove yourself to me. Show me you're capable of this lifestyle," Zane added. "Which includes working for me."

I caught a glimpse of Noah, who looked around, his pupils dilated from being high. "Are you kidding? I'd do anything for you; what is it?" I agreed, not having to respond.

"I'm going to let you in on a little secret of my life, and everything in this room better stay between us because I'll know," Zane stepped back to put out his cigar. "I have a business, running and cleaning money in my club. No questions asked, you're going to work for me, but I need you to get rid of someone trying to cross me. Vince and Ronnie were in your shoes a couple of years ago, but they made the right choice. I hope you do too."

I gulped loud as hell, looking at Noah again before I busted out laughing. I mean, I rolled my neck back, unable to stop.

"Something funny, son?" Zane asked as the room fell silent.

I snickered. "That wasn't a joke?"

When I realized he had a straight face, I realized he wasn't joking. What the fuck is this? He wants us to get rid of someone? Why can't he do it himself?

"Fuck that, what is this, a spy movie? I got two girls waiting for me in the other room. You're funny, Zane," Noah laughed, trying to walk out, but Vince stopped him.

"Does it look like a joke? I've been straight up with both of you since you walked in my club, so cut the drunk shit. You're going to do as I ask and continue getting the benefits. Am I clear?" Zane said.

"You're asking us to get rid of someone," I lost my cool. "The fuck do we look like? Hitmen? Nah, I'm good." Gael said, crossing my arms to my chest. There's no way he could be serious. I do dumb shit and had my little run-ins with the law, but I'm not into that shit.

Noah clenched his jaw. "Yeah, I'm out."

Zane raised his voice, alerting me. "You're not going anywhere. Unless you can pay me for everything that I've done and bought for you, can you?" He gestured his eyes between my best friend and me, and at that moment, I knew we fucked up. And I said that because Ronnie and Vince flashed the guns under the buckles, shooting me a fucked up glare.

"You know we can't," Noah barked, answering for the both of us.

"Is this what this was?" I swung my arms open. "You buy us shit that we didn't ask for, taking us places for us to work for you and get rid of people," I mocked, clicking my teeth.

"So, it looks like you both don't have a choice. Starting today, you'll be working for me until I say your debt is paid. You'll do as I ask, when I ask, and if you don't, there will be consequences. I assume you boys value your lives?" Zane said as I breathed out with rage. Fucking Courtney. 

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